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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. I did a lot of calculations myself on this subject and all I can say that people who smoke a lot with time starts to buy cheaper cigarettes which costs not 5 USD $ but for example 1,2 USD $ Anyway, I also were counting on average, how much a guy/family could save money on petrol by going by bus, trolleybus, trolley-car, train and metro rather than with a car and make traffic jams and pollute the environment, the numbers were quite more significant than with cigarettes, I don't remember now, due to all this "fun" stuff was in school. Actually, people can save a lot of money almost everywhere, a lot of whom waste them there and there without any reason, just for luxury, even though they are not as rich to do that. Even poor students who get a small stipend wastes it on beer, clubs, pool and bowling and buys chips and other useless food from places like MC Donald's.. I don't see anything special about it, imagine if everyone would be saving their money and only would buy what they really need - boring. ;)Smoking is a bad habit, almost every smoker wants to quit smoking, but they don't really want to do as much as they desire.. if you really, I mean really want to stop smoking, you will and even though you will stop smoking, I don't think that you will see the money you saved by not buying any cigarettes.. This is all just theoretically, what if.. what if I wouldn't eat as much as I do now and wouldn't be spending so much money on food? after 5 years I could buy a new car! I think, you would spend the money somewhere else, because 1-100$ isn't much money, saving those kind of money - you need to really want something if you can economize such money, it is much easier to do so when you get much bigger sums of money.
  2. Yes, I also recommend to start learning from xhtml and not from html4 as the code usually is more cleaner and usually valid and due to that you have more chances that on different browsers your webpage will appear in the way you want to, but xhtml isn't new html, it was created for purpose with xml data storage and needed to be strict that it would work correctly, the html4 replacement will be html5 which as I understand is available or almost available, but isn't announced as some kind of a standard and besides if it will be announced as a standard by the w3.org, I still won't be using it, as many browsers will need time to upgrade their engines, which usually takes over two years, but as things are going faster these days, it can be faster, but as other object of discussion, xhtml2 will also appear in the market or call it whatever you want and I don't even know what could be used at all, a lot of who thinks that hml4 doesn't have any future and that text/html doesn't have it too, but if talking from the practical side, xhtml with css and js stuff are quite good and usually works, the only problem is the ajax, which could have somekind of a standard to to adopt to all the browsers in the same way and could be coded easier. In fact, html doesn't matter so much today, but that is just my opinion, due to we have CSS, which needs to move forward, we use html just to created somekind of a body of the page to be usable with CSS, all we need is div and p, br, a and ul,li etc. some people doesn't even use such tags as img.. but anyway, knowing how works html4 Today is a good practice to, especially for web designers, who might need to edit something and etc.
  3. Wow, I never thought that a Free Hosting Company could have a forum without ads, due to usually it is part of the income. I am glad to hear that other services are running smoothly, Congratulations Now, I really see Quality, due to usually, websites without Ads are Quality sites, so this step is very good in my opinion. Even though, I never mind to see an advertisement of somekind here!
  4. The version of Windows Vista Starter really made me laugh, but to laugh sadly, what a *BLEEP* is this? it only lets you run three applications at a time and does not have many features that a computer should have! Hahahaha, now this is stupid, I rather install windows 1 and save 512 MB of RAM.. Anyway, I don't know why they need all those versions, but for me, the only difference is more or less software and services installed, they could just make one CD with different installations, even though that would mean people could much more easily use the best version of Vista Ultimate when people start to play with reverse software engineering, but they would have one nice CD! Those versions are pointless and even more annoying.. the only thing I understand, that the cost of each is different for example Windows XP Home is about two times cheaper than Windows XP Professional..
  5. In addition, I think that the wikipedia search is really a great idea and might move everything to a different side.. Wikipedia has grown with information, valid and good quality information, that it is as I know the biggest information resource Today.. In fact, I started to search wikipedia much more often, due to when I use google search for something I usually see a link to wikipedia and I don't look at other links and push it and get what I want.. So by wasting time to use Google search, I could just use Wikipedia search.. but of course.. Google has much more information, but you need to search for it with better keywords and stuff and also Wikipedia doesn't have ALL the info, but still! I think that Wikipedia is one of the things which changed the Internet to a better side.. By reading one Wikipedia article or whatever you call it, you go through the links and noticed that you were reading for three hours and now know much more, it is better in my opinion than just sitting and reading some jokes on some joke site.
  6. Well, I would want to know what kind of hardware he was using to install Windows Vista ;D But, the time, when he was putting the Vista CD into his other machine, was really funny, especially his comments.
  7. Well, a little notice here about this, yeah no one will see the Xisto, but if anyone will make a whois lookup and will see where the nameservers are pointing to, they will see that you're actually using free web hosting, but anyway, who cares about that, Xisto is really a pro web hosting service.
  8. Well, personally I would call PHP6 not a major new release with a lot of new features, but mainly a very big and needed clean up for the stuff which were always bothering most of people and were causing problems, especially if you don't have access to php.ini or moreover to .htaccess features.. and of course a lot of existing stuff improved, but well, the thing that PHP6 is not released yet isn't anything as bad, because not a lot of web servers would switch to it.. A lot of servers still run PHP4 and MySQL4, but as I noticed for some time now Xisto is running on PHP5 with MySQL5, so this is cool, but this made me to continue my scripting without looking into that it would work on PHP4 or not!For example, Unicode was for most people a very awaited thing in PHP, now (on PHP6) by default the unicode is on and you can turn it off as I know only in php.ini, it really sometimes made scripts to not run properly.. At last they removed register globals on/off but that means that php3 scripts won't run, who needs them anyway? and of course the magic_quotes and safe_mode functions, which was hell for most programmers, especially making new php applications, because when they are bigger/more advanced the problems are overcome, but still with extra unneeded code.. the only bad thing I see in PHP6 is that a lot of what will be needed to be rewritten, but thats good, we will have much better PHP applications and let the old code die and see its funeral
  9. To tell the truth I like the traditional way of brushing my teeth at least once a day, but better to do it twice, but as most of us, sometimes I can be lazy enough to do it or don't have the time or the worst case, I am not at home and don't have a tooth brush.. thats why it is good to have one of those chewing gums ;)But as traditions are usually changing, the idea that nanobots could brush your teeth is quite good, you don't need to do it yourself and I believe that in the future something like that will happen, but as been said, for the start it will be expensive, but maybe later, everyone will be using it regularly and it will be as cheap ash toothpastes today.. and everyone will be with very white teeth? I don't really like very white teeth Today when I see people, they look very artificial to me, that smile is artificial too, but this is maybe only my view about very white teeth! And the problems which were mentioned in this topic are quite serious, but I think that with time and experiments they will be easily solved that they could be used without any side effects.. Remember the times when people used Heroin in hospitals (I don't remember though) but with time it was banned, due to the side effects and other drugs which we don't use anymore, but these days we make analysis, but I still like to avoid different chemistry, because most of the medicine is about ~10 or similar years old, so how the hell do we know how it will effect us and our children and our children's children.. same with nanobots brushing our teeth..
  10. I don't really know, but I think yes, you can use movable type and can add or park o top level domain using Xisto namservers, because you get the famous and amazing CPanel.. Apache is loaded with the module mod_fastcgi.. In fact, here is the info: Hope this helps
  11. The solution is easy, you need to make the & into & and for your situation I find it very easy to use htaccess files and I recommend to put that file into your account root dir, you need to change the php.ini settings, overdrive them. #=====================================\# ARG SEPERATOR OUTPUT value (String) +#=====================================/php_value arg_separator.output "&" So this should work, if I understood correctly that the & is created by the server and I also recommend to program in a way, that to avoid the PHPSESSID in the GET.
  12. I once wanted to use it, but it never worked on my system, I downloaded gmail drive, extracted it and ran setup.exe, but nothing happened and no drives appeared.. I thought this might be, because I already have G: as a partition, but that would be stupid.. Anyway, I don't really need it, so forgot about it and as I understand, it isn't even supported by Google Mail?
  13. Those search engines seems to be on some kind of "war" but the main fact remains, even though Google is as simple as possible to show the results, it is still winning, due to most of the users are just used to use it and knows that it is a good search engine.. I am telling this information, based on statistics, for example I get 300 users from google, and only about 25 from yahoo and 12 from msn, but msn search engine is very often indexing my site, much more times then any other engine.. Also, some sites which is offering to view their statistics and it is usually AwStats shows the same thing, that to their site from google came 92 000 users and much much less through others.
  14. Well, if commenting about the book, Bible, then I can add that most of the things in the bible are true and proved to be real things/accidents/actions and of course most, doesn't mean all, because a lot of what is proved to be false and a lot of what cannot be proved at all at this time, but those things are written in a way, well you know, metaphor and other things we learned in school.. The book itself took lots of information and stuff from the Mesopotamia stuff and stuff. I don't really remember and don't really care, because as I said, it is a Man written book, even the fact that they rewrote it with some translating mistakes from the old Sumerian language, because the same word meant several things and even to Today we still use that word, but I don't really remember which one, in Sumerian it is "tik" or something from the letter t.. proves that it is a Man written book.. So Bible or Koran and any other book is written by Man to "make" some contact with God or that it is the God words, laws which we all should fallow.. I can write my own book and fallow it, because I will believe that I am the right one and you all are wrong.. I don't believe in God which is in the Church where everyone donates to the church 2,5,10 Euro and priests buy new Audi or any other car from part of those donations, everything what I don't know for me is God and when I will get the knowledge, I will know it and it won't be God for me anymore.
  15. I didn't use CCleaner, I see that it is free, so will download it an try it. I for some time now am using CleanUp! and also am satisfied with it, in my opinion it does almost the same thing.
  16. Looking at the screenshots of the game I found, the game itself doesn't look really amazing or something different from other games in that style, also I found some reviews, which doesn't say that the game is very good, but fun.. What is great for me, that it is a codemasters game. You can download the Demo and other stuff like videos from their site at the download section: http://www.codemasters.com/
  17. Well, I also don't think it will run on Xisto, but also I think that it is good that it cannot execute. Anyway, I just wanted to say that it is possible to execute ASP or ASP.NET on a Linux Server using Apache web server software, but as I remember there are some issues, so rather leave it for Windows. ;D I also say that PHP and MySQL for programming is enough, but automatically using those you need to know html, css, js and maybe xml and ajax in the future. Text games are fun, not so long ago, for university I needed to create something using REXX language, the Regina-Rexx and I created a text adventure game in the style of monkey island, but everything was running in console/shell. It was quite fun, especially to play with ascii art and programming. The hardest thing for me was to to write into the text files all the dialogs, conversations, actions, information about available things and the worst case, when you write: use bottle with what? picture bed drawer picture I think that is a stupid idea and my "engine" was written in a such way that I needed to create a text for every such action available.. ohh.. but it is written only in my mother-tongue, Lithuanian.
  18. I never really had problems with Linux and all were stable for me, except one time I had a problem with KDE session and most of the time it was me playing with configuration files and testing, but I solved/resolved it.. I always was using Gentoo and now for some time moved to Arch Linux, which I really think suits me the way I want to.. Of course I have used such distros as Kubuntu and Ubuntu, SuSe, but they don't really suit me, it is not what I need
  19. @ yuhuu I read the Bible a long time ago to know what it contains, if I didn't I would be silent, because I don't like to talk about something I don't have an idea on and long time ago in school on religion lessons teacher even talked about a lot of stuff and what I found by reading it, that it is a man written book, books are written by Man.. and besides, the bible as I remember was rewritten every time with a little bit different facts to make it a 'better' book or something like that.. So I still am on my statement and continue to agree with Chesso, that a book which is over 2000 years old is really old and not all facts come together and I always think that if even one fact out of millions of facts is proved to be wrong, when everything is false.. Some topics on this forum made me to write an article about God, so you can read it by the bottom link and if you want to get the idea, I think you need to read it all. (English is my third language, so it isn't very fluent, I lack English words) http://me.quatrux.net/browse.php/does-god-exist.html
  20. A very good tutorial, when I tried to learn XML, the first days were quite horrible, because reading different tutorials I always thought, why the hell I need this 'XML', what is the purpose of it, I really can live without it.. so I quite, but eventually after some time I went back to and only when I tried to do something with it myself and use it, only then I found how good it can be and what can you do with it and what is the 'best' that the syntax is like HTML which is very simple. :)Nice job on the tutorial, keep up the good work and yeah, the tut on XPath would be awesome
  21. Photoshop is much more powerful program, but because it isn't free, as Gimp is free, open-source, it is quite simple and also quite powerful. I started with Gimp and to get used to it was quite hard, but with some time using it practically I really started to like to use it, later I got Photoshop and it was how to say it in short "to complicated" so I didn't use it, but also with time and tutorials learned to use it, even though I am not a graphics designer rather a coder/programmer, but I need to work with graphics sometimes :)Gimp in some way is much faster and less resources hungry, but with current computer hardware I don't think that is a very big problem. Photoshop can't eat everything, at least, it doesn't use all my resources and I don't have a to powerful hardware myself.
  22. Agreed, things are changing and traditional "laws" (lifestyle/world view) how to live doesn't work anymore, it is outdated just like using frames, some people still use them though we have new laws, laws of our countries and etc. We live differently now and totally different I mean, the order bible and church created years ago might of scared people to live in a "good" way (even though, studying history quite well, I found much more bad things Church made than good), but we also live in a "good" way in a way, if we think it is good, but anyway, I am not saying that religion is *BLEEP*, I believe in God, but not into the one which is in the Church, the Church was created in my opinion simply by people like we, who had much less knowledge about the environment we are living in and how that "environment" works, just study how GOD changed since 4000 BC to 1000 ADOn some documentary movie I saw one professor who said something like this: if Jesus was real, he was born in a place and time where he was very lucky that people believed in him and etc. If you would ever wonder, we have a lot of people "pretending" to be the Son of God these days, most of whom say that they are just mad, you can't fool people so easy by doing some trick these days, scientists even proofed theoretically, why Jesus went through the sea and the Egyptian Chariots couldn't, in short, because of some Volcano or something, or Earthquake which created a tsunami or similar and water level for some time there was very low anyway, a lot of discussions can be made and a lot of facts can be told, if you believe in it - good, if you don't also good, the main thing is that you would be a "good" person/character!
  23. As been said, this doesn't require any special software, just your brother on his computer needs to share the music with you and you just can listen directly it from his computer.. thats what I do, my brother shares everything for me and I directly watch movies, listen to music from his hard drives and there are no problems, especially if both computers are running Windows, they have Samba by default, but as I am running Windows XP and Linux mostly, I have some issues.. my brothers computer is always running Linux, so he needs to install and turn on Samba service on his system that I could listen to music from his computer, but this is just because I could not make NFS work on my computer, when running Linux, this is even more simple and less resources hungry, because both computers on the Lan are just using NFS and can mount whatever you want in the fstab :)The only issue, is to configure everything if there is more computers on the Lan and you don't want to share the stuff with them, this requires some more knowledge and not only several mouse clicks
  24. Yep, I also wanted to ask that when reading this post, this is History with which I agree and don't even know what to debate on.
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