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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. Everything fine on my side too, maybe he resolved it himself, if it wasn't the server problem I think he played with the .htaccess files or maybe with CPanel mime types or apache handlers, who knows.
  2. I agree with mitchellmckain, when I saw the topic title, I thought what a ridiculous topic, and the example with English dictionary is very good through.. I personally read the bible, but when I was 10 years old, never read it again, except some parts on the religion lessons.. I learned a lot about history to gather some knowledge and saw some good and bad documentary and movies about it, read a lot about it on forums and talked with some religious people and even was listening to people in the church and also read some third party books which includes some parts of religion, but still I don't call myself a religious person, but I live in a catholic country, I am christen, I passed the first communion (or how you call it in English), I celebrate Christmas and Eastern, I even go to the Church sometimes.. so I think I am a Christian, I can't call myself a Muslim.. In fact, I don't really call myself a catholic or etc., but when someone asks me what religion I am, I reply that I am a Christian, a Catholic.Reading the book won't make you a catholic or religious, it's all in you and yourself, you can go to the church everyday and what will that change if you yourself don't want anything. The worst case in my opinion is when people, for example religious people talk about it to much, well, when it is annoying, when they say that only their opinion is the right one, same with the non religious people, who think that only they are right and talk to much..
  3. You don't really need to resort your html code to echo or print if you program in a "good' way, here is an example how you can do it: <?phpfunction print_header($array = NULL) {?><html>...This is my HEADER!<?php } # parse my Headerprint_header();?> Furthermore, about the remote including, as Xisto is running on PHP5 now, there is a new option in the settings which doesn't exist on PHP4, even though allow_url_fopen is On by default on Xisto, the new setting allow_url_include is Off, and this is logical, a lot of people needs to open remote files and they don't want to have the inclusion for remote files, also this setting adds more security, due to there are a lot of novice php programmers, which lets their site include remote files through the get method, with this setting this will be impossible to do, they will get an error and no php code could be executed! It is recommended only to read the remote files and not to include anything.
  4. Could you tell us what kind of features? I am a bit curious, due to in a quick search didn't find anything specific..
  5. Yeah, everybody knows that you can do your three column layouts with the width: 30%; etc. but on these kind of layouts, when the text doesn't break and goes straight with white-space: nowrap, the layout doesn't move, because it has a strict width to be 30%; For example, on your site Valkyria, when I will edit your source and change NEWS, to NEWSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, the text will go over into the middle bar, with html tables or "my hack" it wouldn't.
  6. In addition, it is a bad practice to not declare a doctype for your site or any site and only use html head /head body /body /html due to some things by the browser may be displayed differently, for example when you don't declare a doctype, on IE7 browser, the css :hover only works with anchor links and not on other elements.
  7. For some alternatives, I think I can add Quintessential Player, as it is very similar to WinAmp, just in some cases has much better features, is lighter and also has lots of skins from which you can choose in a very easy mode, you don't have to use your browser and it is also free.. Just that a lot of whom doesn't try it, due to they don't like the default skin.. I don't like that default skin of Winamp, but I know Winamp is quite a good player. I suggest You to get the development version from: http://www.quinnware.com/
  8. When IE7 was installed on my Windows installation, I always wanted to test my pages on IE6, didn't know how to do it, but recently I found this tool, called Multiple_IE, it is a "program" which has a simple installer and you can install different Internet Explorer versions on one system.. before I didn't know about this, I was reading about using virtual machine stuff.. The "program" installs the required files on your computer, it is best to use it if you have IE7 installed! with it you can test your pages in IE7,IE6,IE5,IE4 and even IE3 which as I know doesn't support CSS.. get the program here: http://tredosoft.com/Multiple_IE I can add, that with time a lot of mistakes/bugs were fixed and now minor things like cookies, png image support the right way as on original say IE5.. This is really cool! and comfortable.. personally I only test my pages in IE6 and IE5, don't care about people who use IE4 or lower, just looked to see for curiosity!
  9. I just made a search for a KHTML based browser on Windows OS and found one project which wasn't updated since 2004 to port KHTML to Windows, but through Wikipedia I found Swift, the current version is 0.2, I just downloaded it and tested and was amazed, that it shows the pages very well, even sometimes they break and the GUI itself needs to be updated, what you want, it is version 0.2! For all the web designers and people using Windows it is a good practice to see how their pages look in Safari and Konqueror, due to Swift is based on Webkit, Safari on MacOS and Webkit is based on KHTML, Konqueror, OmniWeb etc. So I guess we will going to have another browser in our stock for Windows.. the installation is nice and simple, the GUI looks very similar, almost the same, as on PHP Designer! you can get Swift here: http://redirect.main-hosting.com/error_account_unavailable.php
  10. Well, I read about it some time ago and I think I found the same explanation, that the <b></b> tag is a style, which needs to be done with CSS, font-weight: bold; When I think of it, I don't use b tag, only sometimes ;D But strong tag was there long before xhtml and the effect was almost the same as with b tag.
  11. Read all of my posts mik what was the issue, display: inline; doesn't help, unless you have content, but if it is empty or you will only center an image, the middle bar will be small floating to the left or if you will just give a size to, I mean width, the middle bar will break on different zoomings, or custom fonts or different fonts etc. This is a 3 column CSS layout where divs are used and there is no widths at all, it is shrinking and stretching like with the old good tables, but IE sucks, and there is two versions of it! for IE and for others. Well, even though it is using Javascript, people who browse with javascrpt off needs to understand that the web doesn't work the same and besides, when the javascript is turned off, people will just see the same middle bar, just it won't stretch to the end of the right sidebar! Here is the online version for demonstration, those links are temporary! quatrux.net/index_css.html - for Firefox, Opera and probably for Safari and Konqueror. quatrux.net/index_css_ie.html - for IE5, IE6, IE7 only, shouldn't break on IE8 unless IE8 won't support expressions anymore.. The secret is if the left or right bar will stretch, the middle one will shrink.. how can they stretch? by adding a long word without breaking a line with a br, due to the left and right bars are using nowrap;
  12. Is it me, or it is for everyone? I used to use the CPanel theme without the Images, the blue one, that it would load much faster, due to I know there everything almost in my memory, so they were useless for me, as I don't want to waste time to see the pictures loading.. Anyway, when I change the Theme through CPanel and after I logout and close the browser, open it again, the default theme is used again? Is it my cookies, or is it something with CPanel setting a bad cookie or maybe it saves in some hidden file on the server what theme I am using? I don't really know, but this started when all the members of Xisto got the superb upgrade of extra space and bandwidth! :? This is a bit annoying, but of course, I can live with it as I am still happy!
  13. I just made the layout work as I want with display: table; display: table-row; and display: table-cell; just as you said, but I haven't seen that you posted here, wanted to tell it for everyone and came back here.. Yeah, I know it doesn't work on IE, nor on 6th and 7th versions.. But still, I will use it, as the layout now is really flexible and easy to output and for IE, I will just check, if it is Internet Explorer, then I will just output the html version of tables, until IE8 might improve its CSS stuff.. but this is just double work, I might just use the old html tables way for every browser *EDIT* I found a way, that it would work on IE and on other browsers, the way I want to.. The idea is easy, for Opera, Firefox, Safari and Konqueror I am using one stylesheet, which is using display: table; display: table-row; and three display:table-cell for left, right and middle bars, no width in pixels, no nothing, everything is stretching the way you want to.. Everyone, knew this, but they all had problems with IE, the stupid browser, which is a big headache! So another stylesheet is for IE, it isn't using the display: table, as IE5, IE6 and IE7 doesn't support it the right way, maybe IE8 will support it? Who cares, the way I have done is like this, I used float: left for the left bar, float: right for the right bar and also for the middle I used float: left, I didn't use any width stuff, except for all the body 774px in which all those divs exist, so now comes the main part: div#content { float: left; width: expression((774 - (document.getElementById('menu').clientWidth + document.getElementById('sidebar').clientWidth)) + "px");} It works only in IE, I make the middle bar to use all the left empty space in the middle, due to I made the both sidebars white-space: nowrap; and when they get wider, the middle bar gets shrinker, the idea is using the expression, I sum the width of two sidebars (left and right) and I minus 774px from the sum, so the result is the middle space! It works very well on IE5, IE6 and IE7, but doesn't work on other browsers and I don't know if it works if javascript is off.. I browsed a lot of sites, everyone had the same problem and I found a solution and I am really happy with this little hack!!!
  14. But as I remember when you emerge on Linux something, it usually installs the dependencies, I don't think it could be a hassle, but anyway, if you want to use a PHP script on Windows, you also need to Install Apache and PHP.. Or if some application like XChat requires TCL, you need to install TCL, I don't think that is that hard, people are used to click next next next finish, or sometimes to random a live? back and cancel.. I don't think that Linux needs to look like Windows, due to they are not as comfortable as they could be, so it is better to use something more comfortable on the GUI side.. I never really like the close button on the right side, by me it should be on the left side and only one button, the rest on the right!
  15. Yeah, when I read the first post, I also understood that it is impossible if noone could send me email to @gmail.com with my username, it would in fact be something terrible, all the accounts wouldn't work.. If google is so rich, I don't think that it couldn't do anything about a domain. As I remember this is only problems with say gmail.co.uk or gmail.de? and not the domain with .com! This is only an issue for people wanting their country domain, as I understood this, but I read about it years ago..
  16. This is something, like a donate some money for me, the more the better, at least I see it like that.. Quite fun if you have some extra cash for a laugh ;D But also, a bit sad, that you can get useless stuff at ebay
  17. As I previously said, I am using Gaim, it is even better for me than Kopete.. But on windows, Gaim didn't work for me properly for some time and I thought that it is my accounts, but everything worked with Trillian and Miranda.. But when I installed those, I really didn't like them, Gaim is simple and powerful and gives me all I need.. And I don't really understand people, maybe this is just me, people who are using the "real" MSN messenger or Yahoo or Aim and etc. When I tried them, I was amazed how they suck, but maybe it is just me, a guy who started with Gaim.
  18. and if you want to use somekind of an laternative to those boards, you can use phorum.. you'll might have some more knowledge to use it, but they give a lot of support.. Phorum has lots of extra stuff and is very fast and almost as powerfull as other boards.. You can read about it here: http://www.phorum.org/
  19. This would be quite cool, but of course, for the first days it would be quite expensive, but with time I think that designing 3D objects with your computer at home will become cheap and almost everyone will be able to do it ;D Or the printer could even be able to use some kind of material like plastic or silicon or some gel and etc. For example, the future software such as Autocad, of course it is designed for a bit other things, but if a 3D model could be printed.. Personally for me, this feature isn't very needed, but still..
  20. Sorry for the double post, but I have been told by a CSS master, that this is impossible to do with CSS and that CSS isn't tables, so I found one thing, which is bad about CSS divs and that tables are better, but I can live with it and to avoid it, I won't have a word in the left menu bar longer than 'Free-for-all-links' and will be using fixed width for the middle bar/column
  21. I agree with you, I don't like the smell too, I don't like to breath it, I don't like how my hands smell after smoking a cigarette and especially in a pub or any place where you can get a pizza and beer, a lot of people smoke and sometimes because of that smoke, your eyes hurt.. but in my country, it is banned now, I mean you can't smoke now in a pub, bar, bowling alley and etc. Many of those places aren't ready to have a special place for smokers, so they just go outside and smoke, I am really happy with that, but to think about it: it is winter now and it is much more dangerous to smoke in a cold weather than in summer, your lungs are suffering much more when it is -10 by Celsius and you're without your coat or jacket, due to it is in the bar.. it is much easier to get a cold like this or even a disease like bronchitis.. So if they banned to smoke in a pub, there has to be a law to let the smokers smoke somewhere else in good conditions, due to this is not "right" for people who are addicted to smoking, even though they smoke, they also are people.. Also, in my opinion, if a guy didn't start to smoke since he got 15,16 years.. I encourage he wouldn't start if he got 25 years, due to his body isn't used to the smoke and all the awful consequences it gives, he is in much more danger to get a cancer or any of those heart diseases, due to when we are in our teens and start smoke (not to much) we get "somekind" of immunity and our body can fightback much easier, the same is with alcohol, if you start to drink beer or something else and stronger only in the year 28, you might even die or get somekind of a disease much faster, due to your body isn't used to this "poison". Personally, I was smoking for about 5 years, but know I do it very rarely, one or two cigarettes in a month, but only under the influence of beer Moreover, it isn't as popular and "cool" to smoke these days as it used to before, at least in my country.. now much less students smoke and what is strange that female students started to smoke much more and they have a bigger risk to get those diseases and besides, they will need to give a birth to "new" people, that is why I don't really accept smoking women, and if they "stink" with cigarette smoke, that is a bit disgusting, but anyway, maybe it is just me. In addition, I agree and I see it that this is real, people who smoke are usually having friends who smoke too and people who don't smoke, usually have friends like that too.. I never noticed that, until I thought of it one day.. even in my class, I was hanging out with my friends and people who also started to hang out with us with time started to smoke, due to as it was said, it is very hard to not smoke when your friends do it.. because it is easier to quit smoking or don't smoke at all when all your friends doesn't! Say, you're in a birthday party or in a new year party and you don't occasionally smoke, but there are people who smoke in that birthday party and when you get under the influence of alcohol a bit, people goes and goes to that darn balcony to smoke and talk about interesting things, so usually you also go there and try to smoke, but if you don't continue to smoke further, I don't think that is is a big problem.
  22. Personally, I don't have any problems connecting to the CPanel, if you don't want to connect with a ssl connection, just type any of your domain hosted with Xisto account and use the port :2082 and if you want to use ssl, use the port 2083 but with https <- type the s letter for ssl.. it will pop an authorization box where you need to type your username and password, do it correctly and you will be accessing your CPanel!
  23. Wow, I can't believe it.. this upgrade really is superb, even though I didn't use all my space, but as I had only 150MB, I was using it with caution that I couldn't get to the limit of the 150MB. I am really happy with the services Xisto is offering, well done, you're doing really great
  24. Well, the examples in the url shows what I want, to clarify: I want that the left sidebar would be able to stretch to the right side and the right sidebar could stretch to the left side ("I did this and it does that, but the problem is!") the problem is that I need that when any of those sidebars ("left and/or right") stretches, the center bar could get smaller to give the sidebars enough place.. when using tables, here is the normal layout: quatrux.net/index_tables.html and here is how I want it to work: quatrux.net/index_tablesx.html - on the tablesx page, see the difference, how the left sidebar got wider due to I made the word 'Free-for-all-Links' longer by adding several letters sss to it and the center/content bar or the middle bar just got smaller in width.. I want to have this kind of an effect using CSS divs.. Here is what I have done with CSS without tables: quatrux.net/index_css.html it is without tables and when I make the same on it with adding several letters to the word on the left sidebar 'Free-for-all-Links', the middle bar just breaks like this: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and I want it to NOT break and work the same as with the tables layout! Am I clear enough? [quick edit] if I am using float: left for the left sidebar and float: right; for the right sidebar, I want to do something like this for the middle bar: float: between left and right sidebars and be flexible if they will push you, you just shrink and listen to them and don't break;
  25. To make a CSS layout with two columns isn't a problem, but when making a 3 column layout without tables, I encountered some things where I find tables to be better for designing layouts.. so here is my problem: I have a menu bar at the left, a sidebar at the right and the content/center bar at the center of the page and of course a header and a footer with which I didn't have any problems, the problem is with the content/center bar, here is what I have: (all links won't be anchors, due to those pages are only temporary) quatrux.net/index_css.html but my pages aren't strict with fixed width, so here is the problem: quatrux.net/index_cssx.html - when the left menu bar gets longer in width, all the layout breaks, the effect which I want to get is here: quatrux.net/index_tables.html - this is made with pure old tables, from which I am trying to run away and you can see here: quatrux.net/index_tablesx.html - the center/content bar doesn't break when the left menu bar gets longer as this is with made with tables and everywhere I am using nowrap except for the content/center bar. So I want to do it with divs and without tables, but have the same effect like with tables.. I don't want my three columns to be strict with: 200px or something, I want that the left and right bars could be white-space: nowrap; and could get wider if some menu link will be longer or any text without breaking a line with a br tag.. so somehow I need the content/center bar to get between the left and right bar and be there, the same like a table.. and if the left and right sidebars gets wider/longer in width, the content/center bar would get smaller as it won't be using nowrap option.. I hope I was understood and didn't confuse anyone to much.. I really want this to be solved, I tried a lot of things Today and even #css support channels on freenode, but this is something what needs to be looked at a bit longer than one minute, so I really would be grateful if anyone could help me., as I am more a programmer, than a designer and don't have an idea what to do further.
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