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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. In addition, usually cheats are in game manuals, when you buy a game and not download it like a pirate, you usually get a manual and support, usually cheats are included in the manual for a certain game, you also can buy books full of cheats for different games and usually a lot of official sites has cheats in their content.. Some play with cheats, some doesn't.. Another thing, you don't usually need a certain cheat, like earlier, when I used to be a kid and didn't have a will to finish the game without cheats, I used a program called Cheater, which in searching the memory and changing values could find the value for money, for example a lot of whom knows a game UFO or in USA called X-Com, when in world view you could get money, I just needed to use that program, I was inserting the value say 50000 if I had this kind of sum of money, so it needed to be somewhere in the RAM, then I just needed to change the value, like buy something, the value would be 49500, so I inserted this value and it only left the values in memory which changed since then, after several times like this, I had the address to this value and could change it to 5000000$, another thing is that it could be search in byte memory, long byte and long long byte, can't really remember, but this is how it is done.. I don't know if this kind of things could be done even on new games, due to they use lots and lots of memory, not only 2MB like UFO used to, but it is really possible to change values in your memory, even though sometimes I changed on other games other values, so a game can go on guru meditation
  2. Starting with Basic is quite a good idea, even starting with Pascal can be quite normal, I think that usually learning any language can be quite good, firstly you need to understand the basic things in programming and how everything works, due to usually people don't understand who doesn't know programming how everything can work with only True and False, 1 and 0.. I started with aRexx, Pascal and got into PHP later on and I really can tell you that it is quite easy to adopt to any language, all I need is to learn the syntax, so usually I just need a tutorial to start with and later some manual or any other documentation or even a reference.
  3. This one here I think is fully made with AJAX technology, I mean the shoutbox on Xisto forums.. and it is really a bit more advanced than this simple shoutbox.. I never really liked iframes or any frames, it is really better to use something else these days, especially than using AJAX you can do really a lot of good stuff, a lot can be done using a browser these days it doesn't show only html anymore like it did in the old days
  4. Well, most of free software is my favourite, due to I use it then I need it, but if talking about what I am using daily, then it would be Opera browser for browsing the web, Skype and XChat and of course Pidgin for talking with my friends, Winamp for listening to music and VLC for watching movies and other video files.. Filezilla as my FTP Client and more tools for programming or doing something more serious
  5. Yeah, rarhosting seem to be very interesting, even though some people don't have unrar or rar compatibilities on their OS, but it is very easy to install them, almost everyone know Winrar or some other archivers which can unrar the downloaded files.. The main thing for most of the people is the files moderation, if it is under very high moderation, when a lot of files can't be uploaded and usually a lot of people don't need so much space for files for legal use.. it is usually their own music, videos, their programs and etc. but usually people are sharing something. Personally I think that sharing something through http is quite stupid today for illegal files or etc. due to there are other protocols for sharing, torrent files and dc++ and all the other p2p stuff, but it is good that these kind of services is online for free, I wish they would exist 7 years ago..
  6. I remember, when I was using Amiga, even though I still have it and it works, I rarely turn it on, I used to have it installed, but I wasn't into programming with such languages to much and wasn't interested doing something with it as its apps wasn't fast and didn't have the right knowledge to so something myself, before that I only played with Blitz Basic on an older Amiga, as I remember it was A500+ and simple C on Amiga 1200. I never even tried it on Linux or Windows.
  7. It can be done in several ways, but as for your problem, I think you could just use a regular expression, even though I like to avoid them, I never got into regular expressions, just found them or asked for them on IRC channels, you would need to use preg_replace(); read on it on the php manual
  8. Yeah, really great news, even though I don't really need that kind of speed yet, but the only thing I want, that a cpu would be fast, would use low power and the main thing, would be very silent, I mean wouldn't need a cooler, thats why I like some CPU's usually PPC which doesn't use a lot of power and doesn't need a cooler, but those kind of CPU's usually are 400-800Mhz, enough speed for me to run Linux though or to use it as a powerful router, which could be controlled by a connected PC so it could share Internet, also it could be used as apache/php/mysql etc. server and for file storage and many more, but as the CPU isn't very fast, it is better to use it for a small network or just for yourself
  9. I really like the new logo, it fits your layout very well, everything is as good as it can be, I don't think I would change something, the font is good, the colours are just fine.. moreover, on the coming soon website, I really like the background pattern. Well done
  10. I don't think that notepad is any useful, Notepad2 or Notepad++ is the better way to go.. Anyway I am using PHP Designer 2007 and I find it very convenient, it is mainly for PHP, but you can easily do HTML things and with time I think you'll move from only using HTML to something like PHP, Ruby, ASP for your websites and etc.
  11. There are more browsers which are using the IE engine, as we know it, it is called Trident layout engine for IE.. Even non browser software can use it, as it is easy to integrate it, same as most of the layout engines.. Anyway, I also tried Avant browser and Maxthon (known as MyIE2) but as I never browsed with IE, I just tried them to see it with my own eyes, so if your site works with IE, it will work on those browsers too..
  12. or another thing, that he wants the last result of the array, if so then you rather go and learn what is an array and just do some practical work, I am quite confused.
  13. I don't see any logic here, if you want to get the SUM of some-kind mysql field, then you need to get it into a variable or array and use it.
  14. Well, personally, I also wasn't to happy about Safari for Windows, in fact I don't like most software for windows from apple, mainly for their GUI, secondly for speed, but I don't find it bad that it exists, people can check and try apple software, they might decide to get a Mac and use their OS.. or people who use Macs, when somewhere away, they can use macos software on Windows and etc. even though, if you would browse google, you would find some hate for apple software on windows by windows users and even by mac users, there are plenty people who hate Quick Time. :PBut anyway, as I had said in other topic about Safari, I would like to see Webkit rendering engine for windows not in a beta stage, but a very fast stable version, and not a browser using .NET like Swift, not even the GTK, but a browser with QT, which looks good for Windows and is very fast for browsing, full of features, that would be something.. In fact, I would like that somehow Opera could switch between two rendering engines, their own Presto and Webkit which is continued to be ported and is open-source, why not?
  15. Yeah, usually I also turn off/disable or turn on/enable something on an OS to get some performance, due to I hate when my computer works very slow, some days ago I bought a new graphics card, but don't see a lot of speed, will need to do some more tests after my exams.. For sometime when using Windows, I used different skins for it by third party software, it didn't run slower or something, but for sometime now I am using the default windows xp blue skin, except I changed my pointer and bootskin just for fun, but to tell the truth I am bored from it and will think that will change it if I find some nice skin.. By the way, for tweaking xp, I always disable the windows sounds, as for me they are irritating!
  16. Well, the layout is quite nice, I can't understand the language, but I guess it is your mother-tongue.. Anyway, if you want 5000 visitors a day, you'll need much more than that. Good luck
  17. Apple is using KHTML for their Safari web browser, but they remade it a bit and called it Webkit, anyway, don't know if anyone knows yet, but I just saw that Safari is ported to Windows, you can get the public beta by going to apple dot com downloads and downloading it.. Well, it is good that they are porting it, but I never liked using MacOS GUI on Windows, that is way I hate Quick Time on Windows and etc. I installed the public beta of Safari for windows and I didn't have any problems, it is quite fast and sometimes slow, what do you want it is in a beta stage. Download Safari web browser for Windows In my opinion, I would rather see Swift as Webkit browser for Windows, even though it is using .NET, nor do I like it, but for me it is better than MacOS GUI on Windows and as I know on Vista .NET applications run much faster.. The best thing which could happen in my opinion, is creating a browser for Windows using the windows port of Webkit and creating a GUI with C++ and QT, even though that is much harder to accomplish and takes more time, but it is much better, due to those browsers won't go to far on Windows and IE, FF and Opera will be the main browsers for Windows users, we will see, but seems to me there are to many browsers somebody better create a better IRC client for Windows using C++ and QT, due to XChat is slow, mIRC sucks and others I tried also sucks
  18. Seems quite nice IDE, but then I was searching for a Free IDE for C and C++, I didn't really even find Ultimate++, but got quite satisfied with using Dev-C++, but anyway, it has some annoying things for me as most of C++ IDE's, looking at Ultimate++ screenshots, it doesn't seem to be any better than Dev-C++, but reading the features, it has them more, if I am not wrong, but for compiling it is using gcc, minigw, same as Dev-C++, some people hate it, I don't hate it, but I don't like it to much too.. Is it just me, but when you install MS Windows Visual Studio, you don't need to do anything, I mean to buy it or similar? it doesn't expire and etc. but as I know it isn't freeware In the University we need to use Visual Studio C++, as I heard in other University, they moved to open source and freeware, is using Open Office, gcc and etc.
  19. I never even used the Notepad from Microsoft, it really sucks, they might done a better simple text editor... I made Notepad2 to be my default text editor, just for editing/creating .txt files, also am using Notepad++, it is more powerful than Notepad2, but I only used it for creating .bat, .rex, .cmd files, but for php html I still continue to use PHP Designer.
  20. It's really nice that the developer (one of the developers) cleared all the facts B)I like how the developer writes about gecko engine and mozzila fanboys, wanted to say that usually on most topics where firefox is discussed, but I really got tired.
  21. I only were using trial versions of Photoshop and before that I used different image editors and all I can say that if you just need to manipulate simple graphics and you won't get a lot of money from your work with Photoshop, I doubt you need to pay over 100 dollars for such a software if you're not even planning to use all the features of the software.. I then found Gimp, free, open-source image editor on Linux, later I found that it is also available for Windows, the user interface really was annoying, I used it and closed it, didn't like it, but with time using Gimp I got used to the simple interface, but there were much more tutorials and similar things on the web for Photoshop, but now, there are plenty of tutorials how to do that and that, how to get some-kind of result and there are plenty of people using Gimp who can help you and give you some support on IRC #gimp channels, on different forums.. So I am staying with Gimp, but if I had the money I could also buy Photoshop, but maybe not, due to I think I wouldn't even use it.. As I know to Gimpshop is available, which has an interface similar to Photoshop for easier migrating to GIMP and Gimp has an extra animation package with which you can easily create animations, besides if you know some scripting languages like python, Perl you can write yourself anything you like, if you ever played with Autocad, then it would be something similar to scripting with LISP for Autocad, as I remember it is called AutoLisp and you can write yourself a lot, Gimp has Script-fu from which you can call external programs and etc. If you would ever plan to do something professional with Gimp it really gives enormous capabilities, I bet Photoshop has a lot of features too and can do even more, but GIMP is simple and doesn't take much space or resources and is developed/maintained by a community by simple and smart people, which doesn't want to get millions out of their work.Another example would be Blender and/or 3DsMax? One free and open-source and much lighter, another costs lots of money and uses lots of space and resources, even though if you want to professionally use Blender then you need a lot of extra things too, but this is another topic.
  22. Quite nice service, the made by sign usually can be easily removed with a simple image editor or any software which can manipulate images, but still, it is really much better to do something, a logo or banner with Gimp or any other similar software, this service is good for people who doesn't know anything about graphics, doesn't even understand what is computer graphics A really fast way to create an ugly logo for your ugly website
  23. If you only want to allow A-Z,a-z,0-9 in the username, when you can make a check using regular expression, you really will find examples on php net comments of such functions like preg_replace() and preg_match(), another way to do it is by using ctype here: http://lt.php.net/ctype just check what you want to filter.
  24. Well, I have a music collection of over 120 GB, good quality mp3, so that means that usually one song of 5 minutes takes about 10MB, one album takes a bit over 100MB and usually it is more, due to when I had an mp3 player with 512 MB, I could only upload about 4 albums, sometimes 5 albums, seemed a lot, but I got annoyed to deleting and uploading again, due to usually when I go to university, go back home I listed to music, if I can.. and listening to the same stuff over and over again! uploading and stuff, really boring stuff, now when I am listening to music through my mobile phone, it is quite better, 2 GB SD memory card, seems 4 times more albums, yeah cool, but now I want a 8 GB SD card, due to but I think my mobile limit is 2 GB sd memory cards.. But to tell the truth, 2 GB is quite enough, you won't be bored for all day, sometimes you need to delete one or another mp3 file, due to if you take lots of images which is usually about ~800kb JPG files can take some space too. It is usually everyone need, if you don't need an 8 GB memory card, don't buy, someone else will buy it, if you're satisfied with 64MB memory cards, good for you
  25. I have used bravehost when I was 13-14 years old, the web services it offered, never used webhosting though, but those guestbooks and other stuff.. at that time, it was one of "those" cool services, even though their mailists and announcements were already filtered as SPAM It sucked with all those ads and similar stuff, so I decided to use other people written scripts, they usually sucked too, due to they were free, so after that I thought to write my own guestbooks and counters, this is how I moved to PHP programming and tech. web programming.
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