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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. I don't see any point of blocking a proxy connection, due to I myself sometimes use a proxy and it is usually not bad and there are reasons, of course, some anonymous proxies might be used to hack your site and that you wouldn't be able to find them, but usually if you will want to be hacked by some good guru/hardcore hacker, a php script which won't let a connection with a proxy won't help you a lot, in fact I doubt it will help.. anyway, here is my script I wrote some years ago to determine the right ip address of the user: function getStats() { global $s; // $s &= $_SERVER; /* Get Info about User */ $stats['proxy'] = ''; $stats['info'] = $s['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $stats['page'] = $s['REQUEST_URI']; $stats['method'] = $s['REQUEST_METHOD']; /* Check Server Name */ if (!isset($s['SERVER_NAME'])) { if (isset($s['HOSTNAME'])) { $stats['server'] = $s['HOSTNAME']; } elseif (isset($s['HTTP_HOST'])) { $stats['server'] = $s['HTTP_HOST']; } elseif (isset($s['SERVER_ADDR'])) { $stats = $s['SERVER_ADDR']; } else { $stats['server'] = 'localhost'; } } else { $stats['server'] = $s['SERVER_NAME']; } /* Check http Proxy and IP Address */ if (isset($s['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) { if (isset($s['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) { $stats['proxy'] = $s['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; } else { $stats['proxy'] = $s['REMOTE_ADDR']; } $stats['ip'] = $s['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; } elseif (isset($s['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) { $stats['ip'] = $s['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; } else { $stats['ip'] = $s['REMOTE_ADDR']; } # Return the Array return $stats;} and the usage of this is something like $stats = getStats(); and you'll get an array, to see what it has you can just do a print_r($stats); and thats all, this script was written years ago, maybe some headers appeared or something better, so a google search or a search in the manual might also help to improve it.
  2. I first started using Gaim on Linux years ago, it was really cool, because I never used the original msn,yahoo,aim and etc. messengers before, but heard about people using them, at that time I was on IRC, but after registering and using Gaim, I started to sit on instant messaging servers, even though in my country it wasn't as popular as IRC and it still isn't, most of people use Skype, which is now full of "viruses" Even on the TV news it was talked about and newspapers wrote about it.. Anyway, Gaim was always stable for me, but later I found out that Windows also has Gaim, so the only problems on windows I had was errors caused usually by GTK.. I also used Gaim 2.0 Beta6 and had no problem, now of course, I am using Pidgin and don't really see any difference from Beta6, some new user interface and images, the functions are the same, but I believe it is very stable and the changelog is full of changes..Some time ago, I tried original msn, yahoo, aim messengers and they really sucked, I uninstalled them as soon as I got time, so basically for me using Pidgin today is much better, more comfortable and resource friendly, you don't need to have so many programs running to be online on IM.. I also don't use Pidgin to connect to IRC, XChat is much better for things like that, on Linux though I prefer other IRC clients, due to I am using KDE, on Windows XChat is quite slow with SilvereX compilation, because of GTK, but I have a compilation which is using MiniGTK and I am quite satisfied with it. When you think about it, there is really lots of places people can talk today using the Internet I remember I was chatting with some friends on Worms World Party or some other Worms version online server chat
  3. I agree with you, this sounds quite stupid, the only thing I can think of that could be 20 years old in his upgraded computer is the floppy disk drive, which is a really useless thing nowadays, I don't think anything else can be that old, due to if it runs Vista, it has to have a new CPU, lots of RAM, a better graphics card than 20 years before and all that needs a new motherboard to work, so.. it is a new computer with a 20 years old floppy disk drive if it exists, but anyway who cares.. I have an old computer, which is expanded, but it certainly can't run Vista, very good suited for Dos Games
  4. Hubble has opened our eyes to the universe, it really did a good job and gather a lot of information, useful information and now if this new telescope which will replace Hubble will be as effective as Hubble, then I will say do it! It really is great how science is moving forward so fast, even though I think it could move even faster, but I don't think that being in rush is good too, 2013 is quite fine, another 6 years to wait and another year to get some useful handled information
  5. In fact, using include, include_once and require - they aren't the same and they have a purpose for that, for example, if you have a file full of classes and functions, it is very good to include_once, due to if in some way the file will be included again, you'll get errors, due to you included the same function names and etc. also sometimes you need in another place by another value to include the same file again with a different value and that files has an include to functions, so if it is included the second time, you'll get errors, but by using include_once, everything will execute great.. require is good too, especially with very important files, if without them the script might give away something what you don't want to give away and you want to stop the execution.. But for small sites, in my opinion include just is good, but when you'll start programming big projects, over at least 100kb of code you'll understand where and why and what you want to use, it would be stupid to have all those functions (include, require, include_once, require_once) if they didn't do anything special or we could live without them (we can live without them, but eh..) I myself, now include files like this, for example: if (FALSE === (include "siteTemplate" . substr(strtoupper($theSite['url']['protocol']), 1). ".php")) { echo 'Site Template for <b>' . $theSite['url']['protocol'] . '</b> Protocol could Not be Found on the Server';} and I don't need to check if the file exists or not and even sometimes, if it exists, the file can't be included, besides, checking every file if it exists is a waste of resources, especially if you have lots of things/files in your script to use.. require, include_once, require_once can be used to check for === FALSE too
  6. This is really a very good post, I haven't seen anything like that, almost, at any other boards yet, I myself was removed from several search engines, by playing with hidden/invisible text and some keywords to get some more traffic, I really did, but after two months, my site didn't list in google or any other site as it used to.. After I understood it, I was at that time 15-16 years old, I removed everything, changed the title a bit and the domain, but not the main content, I still didn't get listed, only got listed again, after I got a top level domain..So I advice you to not cheat, due to you can lose more, you can cheat if you want temporary result, which on the web is usually nothing, moreover, don't try to spam your site by adding it to sites which ads your url to 2000 guestbooks and 2000 free for all links, due to those search engines, isn't as stupid as they were 7 years ago.. rather try to do everything manually with patience and time and you'll get a really good result after 1 year if your site/online service/or something is useful or interesting/informative.
  7. the only thing I don't understand is the center tag used in the Good Code examples, the </center>, but I don't see the start of it, and anyway, it is a bad idea to use center nowadays, so this is a new age html coding but with some (some, I saw one?) stone age elements. To say something funny, p tag isn't popular anymore or tables/tr/td/th everyone likes to use div, even though I don't believe in this, due to sometimes I need to use <p> to avoid using extra break lines <br />
  8. Well, I only can bet that Windows Vienna won't be out on 2009 as they announced it and if it will be, then it still will be unstable.. I am still waiting, even though not to much, for Vista to get better and moreover, thinking of upgrading my hardware, but I am not in rush.. ;]
  9. In my opinion, the sleep function isn't good for such things, due to when sleep is being used, the server doesn't do anything, if I understand what he wants, I would say to him to rather use AJAX technology for this kind of things and 512 seconds is really a lot, it is over 8 minutes, so having ajax do it is also not the best idea.. In fact, having such a delay, I think it isn't needed, you can store the timestamp in a database and check it..
  10. If you're talking about PhpMyAdmin, of course not, to run cron jobs, you can use CPanel Cron Jobs, the unix style or standard, whatever you want, you'll need to have a file which does the operation you want and the right fields and tables to do it.
  11. Furthermore, learning mysql is not the main thing, firstly he needs to understand databases, how they work, what is a primary key, how to store data and how to use relationships between tables, how to normalize them to be useful how to control the auto increment and id's of rows, but of course, as it was said, for a simple site, sometimes one table with one field is enough, but with time the project grows and he needs more stuff..Learn to use PhpMyAdmin or whatever software, I guess you'll be using PHP as the scripting/programming language for your project and after those tutorials, you can always browse the mysql documentation/manual, even though it is complicated for beginners, at least it was for me, but now when I browsed it and read and know how to use it, it isn't as complicated as I thought it is..
  12. I don't see anything awesome about it yet, that youtube link and what can be done with Windows Vista, all that cool stuff is almost useless, but yeah cool, I think I was doing that kind of things, moving the screen and using a 3D desktop a year or more ago on Linux with KDE environment, furthermore, not everything works as it has to, if I was a windows only user, I would still use XP and would wait at least for a Vista Service Pack 1 or even 2 and only then use it as a "stable" operating system, approximately after ~2 years, at that time I think more users will have much more better hardware and will be equipped with at least 1GB of RAM and better Gfx cards, CPU's and etc. So the resources hungry Vista will be usable and etc. Software, which in my opinion is the most important thing will be optimized for Vista after that time too, so I don't see any point of rushing and changing Vista to be your main OS.
  13. It is good that more and more planets are found and that more and more information is gathered about space, universe, galaxies and etc. Even though, we can't imagine that we can go and explore those planets and other space objects today, well maybe we can imagine, but I guess our current technology can't do such things as it is to far at the distances we are thinking today. But all this information, which for some people may seem pointless is really valuable for future people, the more we gather, the more we research, the more info we will have, the better later and it doesn't matter that a lot of theories won't be right, or the result won't be the same as desired. For several or more years, I have been reading about new planets discovered outside our system and similar topics, the first ones, or some of them really are articles just to bring people reading them, as there are to much words, which might amaze them, but as I seen some TV shows/documentary about how they are discovering those planets, there is nothing to special about it, only the first steps of the first steps
  14. You can only include files, so the query string isn't needed, it is a bit stupid to use it in my opinion, you just need to include the file and check the $value there, you have an array which you can use in that file, so if you remove the query string, everything will work as you want, even thought this method is a bit "stupid" to do what you want to do.
  15. I would say 8-9/10, if talking about google, the search engine and not its over services, I really like the simplicity and that it is working on most/all browsers the same, except for some browsers without css.. I would really be unhappy if they would make their search "cooler" by getting a new design or something and even though I see the same colour scheme for a lot of years, I didn't really get bored, you can create and customizable google search for yourself and change to the colours you want, but I think that there is no better scheme than the white, black, blue
  16. I wanted to say the same thing about this issue, even though when I started playing with databases, I also thought that I want the numbers to generate from 1 2 3 and after deletion of 2 to include 2 later, that it would look better.. but with time I understood that it is pointless to look at your auto increment ID and I recommend to keep your eyes away form it and ignore the number, who cares about the number, usually the number, the unique id isn't supposed to be shown, the main thing in the database is the data, but an AutoNumber ID is really good to find and select, update etc. your data, so to conclude, don't care about it, this is the way it needs to work.
  17. I also thought if this is possible to do, because some of those videos are really awesome, but as I didn't even google, so didn't know, but what kind of format is those videos? for sometime I thought that those videos are converted to flash, but I guess flash player only plays those video/movie files? ;]
  18. It is an old idea, there are a lot/some people who don't like 3D games, but prefer 2D gaming and there is some really nice and really nice 2D Games in the market, they might look like 3D, but they aren't, I myself prefer 2D and thought about this a long time ago, but creating a 2D console - I don't know if it could get a big market share, due to most could play it on windows or similar.. But if it would be optimized only for 2D, then it would be cheap, small, low power costing and etc. Bu still, you would need to get a big LCD TV which is quite expensive. ;]
  19. Yeah, nothing new, but the new thing I noticed some time ago, that somehow the user logging changed on blogger, I needed to "re-register" with somekind kind of a google account, so maybe something changed, but of course this is old news. ;]
  20. I am getting the same errors while trying to check my mail on Xisto through pop3.. I didn't change any passwords or stuff.
  21. What you mean? you're talking about Swift on Linux? I think it is a Windows native browser.. but the "latest" news that it will use Mono and some talks about it, as I see their webpage got a little update and a new layout, but a lot of what doesn't work. Anyway of course it might be buggy as the engine isn't even fully ported yet and the software is in alpha stage. ;]
  22. Well, I didn't have any problem installing Swift, yeah it is using Webkit rendering engine, which is a "better"/rewritten KHTML engine.. Anyway, as reading more about Swift, it seems that the development for it is quite slow and there weren't any updates for some time, so don't be bothered to use it as your browser as it is in alpha or whatever version, but it is quite good to test with it your pages, but if you have VMware, I recommend still to but up Linux and check it with Konqueror and ask your friends how it looks on Safari, who has MacOS.
  23. I had these kind of issues too, if they are the same, from my country I couldn't view the domains I added or pointed to my Xisto account for several hours it was just 404 for everything, but with time it worked again, I firstly thought that is the problem with the server, but seems that for foreign countries it worked, so this is some kind of a problem with DNS I never understood, sometimes it doesn't work for India country too, as I have some friends there, but when checking with some proxy it works, so the server is running, but DNS doesn't resolve or something in some parts of the world in different hours.. So this is somekind of issues with ISP and similar, so I stopped worrying about it, it usually works again after 6-12-24 hours.
  24. About the Fantastico, it isn't really needed, you can do the same by downloading the script from the net and installing it manually, which isn't hard in my opinion, those kind of software in my opinion like Fantastico, makes the users more stupid Now the script installers usually are one step and makes everything automatically, the only steps you need to do is to create a mysql database with a user and password, which also is very easy with CPanel and usually you need to chmod with ftp or file manager somekind of a file or directory to be writable..Of course some scripts have configuration files, but usually Today they have panels with which you can change everything, so I don't know if it can get easier..
  25. I addition, usually those sites which doesn't work with Opera, isn't useful or it is those sites which is using a lot of ajax and are just checking the user agent to redirect, so spoofing as IE or Mozilla is the way to go, usually everything works.
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