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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. Yeah, I saw some cool programs which can convert images, for example 3D images into text documents, so it will look something like ascii art, it really is cool, for example it can even do animations, so in practice, you can play a game in such a mode imagine some action game like Quake with graphics made out of letters, numbers and symbols Even though it wouldn't be cool, but it would look something you can't see everyday..So I guess the term 3D text games is something like that? with ascii art which looks like 3D even though really is 2D just isometric and you control everything with your keyboard, but it could be an adventure game or strategy like in the old days, due to quake can't be played like that
  2. Yeah, in most cases it is much easier to do it with PHP and MySQL database, when working with Microsoft Access I remember I had difficulties, due to I am used to a little bit different SQL, of course with time it gets easier, but.. A login script can be available for free written in PHP and MySQL or I even think you can find one which is using a database directory and is storing everything into simple text files, it's not a bad idea if you don't have any access to MySQL database, nevertheless, it's very easy to get MySQL database these days.. You just need to google for it and install it or embed into your scripts/files ;DAnother alternative is to use password protected directories, with lots of users for it, it can be done with PHP by sending and checking the headers or with CPanel which does this by adding/modifying .htaccess files in that directory, but I don't like this way, usually there are problems logging off and it doesn't look as "cool" as done with a scripting/programming language and a database or a text file.
  3. Well, I used to do more sporting in the past ;D But still my favourite sport is Football, the one in USA is usually called Soccer though, I think ;D It's really a great game, but requires a lot of players if you want to play some game with friends.. Sometimes I play Basketball ;] but my I think I am to short for it, so I don't really care if I loose or win ;D Eventually I like inside games for my pleasure on weekends or similar, that includes Pool, Bowling..Oh, by the way, for over three years I was exercising in Gym, this is in some way can be called sporting But when you need to study and work and do other things - sporting gets out of your way..
  4. Seems this is a serious bug or something, or someone has hacked something.. Or it could have just been a clean up of stupid accounts
  5. I just noticed, that my account on Xisto has been suspended, but as I know, I did have enough credits and still have, I thought, ok maybe it is due to I moved the domain to another server because sometime ago my account didn't work here for sometime and I didn't have time to move it back, but I also noticed that I can't connect to my ftp account and I have some files I want to have before I can leave the hosting or something, and I can't even access cpanel, I would want to access it to take my mysql stuff and raw files and similar stuff, but then again as I know nobody change or block my password if an account gets suspended, it just redirects to an suspended account url with htaccess.. So was I hacked or something? or I really got suspended???
  6. I don't really see anything different, when i push on that link in the first post, it just gets me to gmail and I just browse as a normal user, nothing new, nothing what changed and seems everything work as it used to..?
  7. As I know in the future we will be using crystal disks, which can store lots of information and as I read about them, they have been in testing progress since 1995, the only problem with them in the year 2001 was that they are very unstable, I mean information disappears somewhere after a little while or similar stuff, I don't know the current progress of it though, didn't read anything or heard any news that here come crystal disk.. In fact a crystal can store enormous bytes of information, if it ever is going to be a stable place to store it for reading and writing binary data, then I think with time all those flash disks, hard disk will disappear, of course it will cost lots of money, but when more and more people will be using them, it will go cheap, so I don't think in the future we will have a lot of problems with storing something.. I don't know what kind if speed I can get by reading or writing into a crystal disk, but theoretically it should be very fast.. I mean really really fast.. I just did a simple search on google and I think crystal storage is called Holographic Storage, you can read about it here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holographic_storage
  8. Yeah, Google is really a good source of information, but what I can add that sometimes searching for information, I just make a search on Wikipedia, because it is really a good source of information too and it has good links in the bottom about that topic to other websites, so you don't really need to search google so much as you used to before, especially for me.. In addition, I noticed that when searching google with some popular tags, first websites aren't very relevant, they just have a good page rank with that word somewhere or something like that and more occasionally in the first search page you can see a link to Wikipedia, it depends on what you're searching though ;]If it isn't on Wikipedia, why not write it there? by doing some gathering of information and similar stuff ;]However, I noticed that even though Internet users are expanding, due to more and more people use it frequently, but problem with traffic still is a problem, due to a lot of people just browse their favourite 4-8 portals/websites or similar sites they are active on and only sometimes browses the net and I think you know what I want to say, for example I, I browse several forums/portals, Wikipedia, google, last.fm and some tutorial sites occasionally, but I remember earlier I browsed much more and these days people are stuck browsing in places like myspace, orkut and similar dating/friends sites, devian art and etc. etc. etc. clicking on photos of unknown/known people and chatting/writing with/to them and stuff
  9. Also, in addition I noticed that you won't be using it for gaming, video editing, so you won't need the best performance available, but of course, Vista needs much more resources, so you can get a bit older gfx card and not the best one in the market ;]
  10. It depends on the email client or webmail, some email clients doesn't allow images, html tags, javascript, css, it's all usually can be control by some Preferences of the Email Software you're using.. For example, Thunderbird can easily support CSS in HTML emails, I can't find an idea why it doesn't work, how are you using the CSS? in style tags or style="color: red"? Also, don't know how you're using them, it may need a right CSS header if you're linking to a CSS file on the web or things like that, as I remember it is: "(anti-spam-content-type:) text/css", if you're linking to it you could use PHP to send that header like this: <?php header("(anti-spam-content-type:) text/css");?>Nevertheless, it could be your Email client or Webmail which doesn't support CSS or CSS is disabled.
  11. Well, it is quite dark for a wallpaper, it looks more like a pattern some kind for a background, I wouldn't use it as a Wallpaper, I like more solid and much more smooth Wallpapers. Still the graphic looks nice and the colours are fine too, but as Sten said, I also wouldn't use it as a background, maybe somewhere else, I remember old days, when such or similar backgrounds were very popular, now a lot of people just puts a Photo
  12. Welcome back to the forums Jipman
  13. For my understanding, hmm, the only thing needed is the html output with some things removed to make it smaller and an explanation of the result you want to get in that html output, all the further coding how to achieve that in your php or whatever source code is another issue, but maybe it is just me and I don't get.
  14. For example, I don't have this kind of problems and didn't notice anything in these two days..
  15. to repeat myself again, I really don't think you'll get the correct answer asking us to guess what can be wrong, show as the html code and we will look into it, add some comments to it what is wrong with it and what you're trying to do and what result you want, that will be easy. Just host a separate file of it or something, or use services like pastebin.com or something
  16. To add more, Joomla will work on Xisto without problems, the error you got was that eval()' function was a disabled function in the PHP config, at Xisto eval() is an allowed function, as mHelmy said, just see the php info for disabled functions or any other settings.
  17. Show the way you're doing it, I mean, why should a table tag break your entire layout, you're just doing something wrong in my opinion, I never really had problems with tables, the only thing about them is that you need to write a lot of tables, tds, and trs in the html with their attributes as well.
  18. I am using Opera for a long time as my main browser, but for testing purposes I have other browsers installed too, we have good browsers for Windows, Mac OS and Linux, I don't know a good email client or irc client for Windows though, then I say good, it means GOOD..
  19. All I can say by reading that and browsing that site, that it is really stupid! I don't see the point to do that and never did, blocking any browser is stupid, if the site isn't working with Opera as it should and it works only on IE, why block it, it is really easy to spoof as another browser, or if my browser is old, well I may have an old computer and only that browser which you don't have in your list, haha, I still can see text, sometimes it is good to browse with a text browser like Links, he knows that his browser is old or something and that he can't see something like other people.. Anyway!
  20. Well, you could give as an example of what you're doing, if you're doing it with tables, then everything needs to be alright, if you're doing it with CSS only and with div tags, then you may have problems understanding something, but I don't understand what kind of an answer you want, for example how to do a layout in a CSS you can easily find lots of examples on google and even tutorials and also I remember I posted a topic about 3 column layouts, it is a way to make it work in IE and other browsers normally, a layout which is flexible, fluid and can stretch, it can easily be done with CSS on a normal browser, but with IE: it doesn't support display: table-cell; as it should, there is a hack for that where javascript is involved though. :rolleyes:So if you want to learn to use CSS divs to create a layout, when just google for CSS layouts, CSS 3 column layouts and etc.
  21. I say just use Gmail and you won't have problems. You'll have an email which you could use, also you can register with yahoo for an email and use it in places where they need your email to register, due to SPAM on the Internet, you can get it in less usable yahoo account
  22. As for myself, I say and agree that the Best CMS is the one you wrote yourself, you know what it does, you know how it works, you can simply expand it and add things to it, but yeah, that requires some good knowledge and time, especially time. A lot of whom doesn't have time these days, so choosing some CMS is quite a good alternative, I personally think that Drupal is a great peace of software, I looked into it's code, use it a little, a lot of whom tell me that Joomla is the best, but to tell the truth, it offers to much, most of people using Joomla doesn't need 70% of what it can do Never really used any other CMS, but saw some in action, most of them are good if you know how it works and where what needs to be changed to suit your needs.
  23. Well, this script just did some funny stuff with the window, it doesn't work in Opera, even though I thought I will turn some javascript things on which I have turned off, due to I don't need them, like allow moving of windows and yeah, doesn't work in Firefox too, at least for me maybe I also have some settings turned off, I don't see any of point to use this script on a website, unless it is a game or something and seems to work only on Internet Explorer, so its for Explorers
  24. Hmm, I was taking this test in the start of the topic, so I thought to try again and got quite different results, these were my previous results, as I remember I was quite interested to answer them normally, but this time I tried to do it fast and didn't think to much, I wonder if I tried to do it later in a similar way, would they differ so much too or I just changed a little? My previous results: My current results: Paranoid: High Schizoid: High Schizotypal: Moderate Antisocial: High Borderline: Low Histrionic: Moderate Narcissistic: Low Avoidant: Low Dependent: Low Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate
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