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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. Well, not really, some people celebrate Christmas on the old date, for example the calendar of the Orthodox, as we know most of us use the Gregorian calendar, which moved back 10 days or something, so this is why countries like Russia celebrate Christmas after the New Year.. ;D But I personally don't think it is any good, due to after New Year a lot of people usually continue to work again and etc. after all the celebrating ;D
  2. Yeah, I wanted to say that an upgrade isn't necessary, Apache 1.3.x is a very good httpd server, usually the server has more problems using Apache 2.x.x do to different modules and stuff.By the way, apache 1.3 isn't so ancient, even though it was released a long time ago, but Apache 1.3.39 was released in 2007 September 7, so it was ~4 months ago.. the main thing it works as it needs to work.
  3. Well, in addition, I can quote a little part from the README file from the official Linux kernel: And as it was said, Linux is just a kernel, the distribution includes everything else, GUI and stuff.. and Linux can run on an x86 architecture, the old unix as I know requires a mainframe.. For example, were was Unix like systems and DOS like systems, from them we have one of the most popular unix based system Linux and from DOS we have Windows, even though Windows weren't an OS till NT, it was considered a DOS with a GUI till Windows 2000 appeared.. of course we also had different architectures operating systems like Amiga OS and Risc OS, even though they are still used, but not as much as other mentioned above, somewhere I would need to include Apple too, but I never read to much about the past of Macintosh. A more simple question would be what is the difference between DOS and Linux, it would be easier to answer
  4. Well, I can say that NASA and space exploration is really wasting a lot of funds, some people say for nothing, why waste so much money? why not spend it for people? that everyone wouldn't be hungry and everyone would have normal water and wouldn't die from getting cold and etc. But I can say that, even though it might seem useless exploring the space, but I think people always were curious, they discovered America by going nowhere and I think they are still curious about Space Exploration and knowing as much as possible about it, so I am not against it, I myself am curious, but of course not to much, that I would use all my time for that topic.
  5. Quatrux

    C++ Compiler

    I used to use Dev-C++ and it was quite a normal compiler, but one day it just stopped working normally, I read that it was a bug, even though it wasn't updated for quite a while, but I guess something other did update on Windows side, that once a program is compiled, I couldn't compile it again, due to it was in use, even though it closed it, even after that I couldn't delete the exe file from the debug, I needed to reboot and delete it or again to compile it, due to it could overwrite, but again, the same thing happened..After that I tried to use Eclipse C++, but I didn't like couple of things and didn't understand couple of things, so just moved to Visual Studio 2005 C++, even though I didn't like it, but with time I got used to it and in the University they usually use it, so I can't say anything bad, even though I would like a better simple free C/C++ Compiler, for free or even open source..
  6. Well, on my side now, everything seems to work, cpanel, phpmyadmin and the http sites and I browsed around yesterday too and don't remember to have any problems.. Service status also seems to be alright and besides SiteUpTime didn't send me any email alerts..
  7. Well, writing maths with a computer, I personally think that writing it with your hand is much better, writing a lot with your hand is much better, if everyone will forget how to write a simple letter or simple stuff, that will be stupid in some way.. For example, having a computer when you write something can be quite handy, for example you can write something and use Maple (a really great math software) to find something you need, it saves time and etc. Well, it depends, I guess some even younger people won't play games, but will take it serious and I guess there really going to be a lot of older ones who will play a lot and and will laugh and get distracted from the class..
  8. I can note that some sites for example aren't hosted on the main domain they got here, some of them use addon domains, subdomains for their sites. :-D
  9. As I know the best way to get listed to Google is to use the add url service and even better, the Google Sitemaps, just create yourself a Sitemap and use it.. Nevertheless, you need to wait for the index of your site to update, sometimes it takes a day, sometimes a month, you just need to have patience.. I recommend to not worry about that, also try adding the site to other search engines, google isn't the only one, even though it seems to be the most popular.. Just continue to work on the site, that it wouldn't be another useless site, the Internet is full of them.
  10. Well Sten, it was your mistake to put your email address there You have to be careful
  11. Laptop is also very comfortable in University, to show your stuff and what you have done, for example in programming lectures you can directly write the code to the Laptop and etc. Sometimes when something works on your end, for example a compiled program and doesn't work on the University computers due to DirectX version or .NET - when it really sucks. When you bring your Laptop, you can feel relaxed, because you know it will work the way it should ;DAnd due to usually in all the University you get wireless access to the Internet, you can browse or do anything you want while you have free time, of course it scares me a bit, due to people will get much more reserved and won't talk to much with their group mates if more and more people will get a Laptop
  12. If you have lots of traffic and people/visitors who are coming back when you can get a lot of money from AdSense, if you got 30$ a month, so I guess you had ~300 clicks and you have only about 5000 visits a month, even though that can sound a lot for some people, but you get 30$ for these kind of numbers.. Imagine you would get 5000 visits a day, so in a month you would have ~155000 visits, so it can be about 9300 clicks, so thats about 930$ also it depends on the cents you get for a click, if the content is really good with good keywords, you can get 40 cents a click, I took an average of 10 cents per click.. It all depends in fact.Well, I rather go to work and get more money in a standard way :rolleyes:However, some sites really lie, for example websites which say that they have millions from AdSense and get 1000$ a day, in some way they lie, because they say buy a book how to use AdSense, how to become a millionaire and similar, because you felt for it and bought that darn book, thats how they got the money, by selling books or anything else, thats the secret in those kind of sites, besides people who browse sites about AdSense, AdWords content, people who are using AdSense usually click much more Ads than a normal user who doesn't care and is using IE.
  13. Yeah, my bandwidth has also updated and I can view all the months now, really great job that the problem were solved. ;]
  14. What do you mean by you can't use include or require after you outputted something with print and echo?
  15. No it isn't, it is basically Amiga OS 3.x on an x86 processor and Today a bit more, it is a different Operating System, the real classic Amiga OS were running on Motorola, m68k and later on PPC boards, Amiga OS requires a special board with custom chips, such as AGA or ECS, OCS for graphics, even though it can be equipped with a graphics card, such as Voodoo and etc. But AROS is almost the same OS which is able to run on x86 architecture, as I know it is still developed, I tried it, it really looked cool, but it lacks lots of very good software if you want to move to it as the main OS.. you can find much more on http://aros.sourceforge.net/
  16. Well, I guess you can do it with fsockopen() read about it on the PHP Manual.. also you can do it with file_get_contents() if the settings will let you opening urls.. If you want to on your Website-1 to include something from Website-2 just create a php or whatever file on Website-2 with the content you require for Website-1 then from the Website-1 get the content with that function by linking to that file, so you'll get an variable with that content and you can do anything you want with it on your Website-1.. ? I don't really understand the thing you want to do..For example if you don't have access to Website-2 and only can read the parsed data by Website-2 then you'll get the content.. Even though if on Website-2 you have access you can rename the file from .php to .incl for example and the server won't parse it as a PHP script, it will show the code, then you can include that url with that code from Website-2 to Website-1 !!!Why not just use everything locally
  17. if speaking about google, then I guess it is better to use Google Sitemaps and of course most of the bots don't like that content changes, imagine yourself as a bot.. When crawling the same link, every time getting a different title, description and content isn't to good, you write content and leave it there until you write content for another link, of course if you find something or want to update, add things when go and update.. The more dynamic the page content is the less you'll get indexed normally on most of the crawling bots. However, if you won't update every second day, I guess it's nothing bad.. So I guess this means that frequent editing of the same url is bad.. For example, why google likes Blogs, you write an article or something and it stays like that.. I can give a tip, like showing a lot of statistics in some sidebar of your site, you're 45312 user, you're 123 user today, you'll 791 user this week, today is Sunday, it is spring and more such of things is pointless if you put everything in one place, even though it might look cool, you can do that, but not on every page I guess.. I am not saying to not use such things, but I think some of you got the idea.. For counters to displays visitors it is a good idea to show images, the bot won't see a difference in the content, but the user will see another number.. ;]
  18. Google analytics is very good if for example your server doesn't have somekind of a stats software or you use only html and don't know anything about server side scripting, even though I agree that using statistics on your website takes much of webspace, then I was logging everyone into the database, after 12 months you can really have lots of data, from that time I prefer to use simple text files for logging a user page view and just using different names, from all that data you can make and see whatever you want with little bit of coding, of course if you don't log every visit, but just make the counters count and store the ip addresses or something, then I guess a mysql is the right choice or if you like that your mysql database gets over 50 MB or even much more then it's also good, I guess databases are meant to do that, but I still prefer to use text files database for this purpose.
  19. Yeah, if you include from url, you'll get the parsed version of the file if it was a php file, I don't think that using an include function like that is logical, well I remember I used to do it, but from my own server, after some time I realized that I can use absolute path and even use ./ ../ current, parent directories..if you're running on php5, there is a setting allow_url_fopen and it is true false for fopen and similar files, which can't do anything with the code without eval() thats why for include function another setting was introduced allow_url_include, if it is turned of you can't use the include function like that and note that even though allow_url_include is set to on, but if allow_url_fopen is false, then you can't even include..I remember I used to play with opening things remotely into a string or array and used to str_replace things the way I wanted I felt the speed differencies..
  20. If you're hosted with Xisto and have a subdomain dot Xisto.com when that means you have a CPanel. You can change the uni.cc domain browny.uni.cc to point to Xisto namservers which are ns1.astahost.com and ns2.astahost.com Then it depends what you want, you can Park the domain or Addon the domain..If you will Park the domain, it will be the same as your root domain, I mean browny.uni.cc will point to your-subdomain dot Xisto.com !!!If you will Addon the domain, it will point to your desired directory in your root domain, I mean browny.uni.cc can point to browny.your-subdomain dot Xisto.com or to your-subdomain dot Xisto.com/browny/ !!!The part with jbitkill.astahost.com and what is the problem you're having, I am not sure I understood either..
  21. Yeah, it can be done with CSS, even though the technique is a bit different then in the first post, take this example: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - it is css only as I understand. if you just change the width and height, you'll get a bigger picture or a smaller, depends on the dimensions you chosen ;]
  22. Yeah, the same thing for me, even though Awstats don't update, I can push the update button manually to get the latest information, but when watching bandwidth in the control panel.. it didn't update since August 2007 and doesn't show anything further and there doesn't seem to be any update button, this makes me wonder if we have unmetered bandwidth and not 10gb a month? ;] due to for so much months it is always 0/10 GB ;D
  23. This is really a surprise, I just hope that it will be a success, I am not to much of a gamer, but I know the games these companies made and published, not much comments really, just we need to wait and see
  24. Well, there can be some ways to do it, the enlargement can really be done with Opera for example by pressing + key, it will zoom and if you only want to zoom the image and not the content, just use Open image and then use the zoom key Also, you can do it with javascript by having two pictures, a thumbnail and a normal picture, but here you can zoom one picture, I mean by using this script, if you want the enlargement to be better quality, you just need the image dimensions to be the same as the enlarged image and then the image is small, it is scaled by the browser to a small size The bad thing is that if there are a lot of images, they will take more to load, due to big image filesize, so it is a waste of bandwidth if nobody will enlarge them.. and also I never liked how browsers scale images to smaller dimensions.. I always prefer to use two images, a thumbnail and a normal image for this kind of things, even though it can be done with imagemagick or gd library every time, but why waste the resources of a server? it will need to scale it every time, unless it will do some checking, will save the thumbnails and if they exist, it won't scale, but show it, this wouldn't be the most logic decision.
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