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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. I don't know why people keep creating more browsers, with the same engines, heh, as I remember it only takes 5 minutes to create a browser with C# using the IE engine, same is with creating your own media player :)Why can't they create an email client or an irc client for windows instead.. a normal one and not another useless client
  2. For some time I searched for some way to prevent users to browse directories, if those directories are subdomains, I searched the web and only found some rewrite condition with rewrite engine, most of them didn't work the way I wanted, but accidentally Yesterday I found a simple solution, which seems to work quite nice, the only bad thing that it's a redirect, but I guess it is the best available method to rely on or maybe you know any better? So imagine you have a subdomain: subdomain.example.com/myblog/my/entry/ but sometimes, someone can go and browse the directory and not the subdomain, you ask why don't let them? Well one thing is, that statistics in CPanel are different, it logs for example.com net as I understand and not for that subdomain, some scripts my not work, even PHP, due to you set some URL value, another issue is that when browsing a subdomain, you have different DOCUMENT ROOT's, different $_SERVER; tag values SERVER NAME, HTTP HOST and etc. sometimes it can break something and I guess there are more problems.. so when they enter: example.com/subdomain/myblog/my/entry/ It might work, if you program in a good, why, usually it can break, why would you need some extra errors in the error log? My solution is to use .htaccess file with this code: redirect permanent /subdomain http://subdomain.example.com Because it's permanent, most search engines will continue to browse the subdomain and will leave hitting the directory, besides you won't get any extra logs, because it's a htaccess redirection, the nice thing is that even though you entered: example.com/subdomain/myblog/my/entry/ it will redirect to a normal url: subdomain.example.com/myblog/my/entry/ So this is really good, if you have old links somewhere pointing to the directory url and even search engines will re index, of course some older or more less intelligent crawlers might not like the redirect, but most of them should understand the redirect. In addition, you can use apache {HTTP_HOST} and etc. to make the same "script" work without needing to rewrite it, but I left it in that mode, because imagine this kind of situation, that you have a subdomain.astahost.com and you're using an example.com as an Addon domain, which in fact is just a parked domain over example.subdomain.astahost.com that’s why your condition wouldn't work with HTTP HOST if somebody would enter an url: subdomain.astahost.com/example/ Because the HTTP HOST would be subdomain.astahost.com, but you want him to point to example.com or even to another-subdomain.example.net which, that’s why the code can't have HTTP HOST and needs to be written like: redirect permanent /example http://example.com To conclude, be careful where you put that .htaccess that you wouldn't get a never ending redirection, the best place is in the folder/directory from which you want to redirect. Moreover, it think it's a much better solution when doing it with PHP or Meta tags or JS, much faster.
  3. MySQL is easy, for simple stuff, it is very easy even to understand what it does, but when you're getting more advanced with mysql, you see that things can get complicated, especially when you have a fancy database, with joins, dependencies and etc. when writing sql querys is quite hard, but then again.. when you get a lot of knowledge with sql, mysql can get even more easier @ Jimmy89Yeah, HTML in the early days seemed quite interesting, so much things to do, but now when you open some source, it's quite readable, if it's written normally, with tabs and etc. Some guys I know, opens the source and says "oh, it seems so complicated, so much tags and characters, this is really a pro work" and when I look at it, it's just simple html, some css and some javascript I am talking about friends in University, who doesn't do any web stuff and similar.
  4. Some of my friends said, that they reinstalled Vista and included SP1 for Vista and said that it is much better, as I said I didn't try it, but what now? Lets wait for SP2 for Windows Vista
  5. But whats the point of doing that? wouldn't you rather go to a nice picturesque and enjoy it? or drink some beer instead and leave the stupid computer which only understand 0 and 1 alone?
  6. I needed to create a printable version of a html application form with PHP, due to printing the html from a browser was quite lame, so I thought to use PDF generation and really found a great class which doesn't require any extra libs like in the tutorial and it works with PHP4 and PHP5, there are two different versions for support for both of them.. the class is called TCPDF, you'll find it through google, as I know a lot of PHP apps are using it to generate PDF files and it's really powerful, there are ~22 examples in the package how would you need to create them, at first it was quite hard for me, but in a couple of hours I got myself a PHP script to generate PDF files I wanted.. before that I tried fpdf, I think tcpdf is written the way fpdf is, but tcpdf has much more features and the main thing it has UTF-8 support, fpdf doesn't support UTF-8, thats why I had problems with some Lithuanian letters and found TCPDF, really a great class! FPDF: http://www.fpdf.org/ TCPDF: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  7. Quatrux

    Vlc Media Player

    I am using VLC media player for watching Video, sometimes for playing Music or an Audio CD which I don't want to be scrobbled by last.fm when using Winamp :)But when VLC can't show the file normally or doesn't have sound or etc. I just play it through Quick Time Alternative, it usually works on most video and music files out there and if it doesn't, I try Windows Media Player, but usually I don't and just delete the file :)To tell the truth, as I know VLC isn't just a media player, it is really very powerful when you see the features list, it can stream and you can even do things I think with IPTV or Internet movie translating through LAN or etc. Don't really know.. same as the popular image viewer Irfanview, it's not just an image viewer, it almost can do everything and still is light.
  8. Quatrux

    Nero Burning Rom

    I remember I was using Nero, mainly for the Nero Burning Rom, to burn CD's and etc. But the Nero package got bigger and bigger, it had a lot of different software to, play video and etc. I and I think most of people main objective from Nero is to burn a CD, DVD or etc. even though Today CD's are getting not as popular as they used to be, most of cars are equipped with an audio system which is able to play from a flash usb key and there is no need to burn mp3 or audio CD's anymore, you can just put the music into your Flash disk, Today even when you loose your usb key, most of people don't get sad, due to they got so cheap Even audio systems at home or music centers and etc, are able to read flash disks, I mean usb keys.. I don't even burn DVD's with my collections of downloaded music or movies, due to those CD's/DVD's when you have over 100 of them, just takes space in your room and usually you don't need them and you just need to clean dust from them, ~monthly? If somebody things that Nero is to expensive or to big and all they want is to burn CD's, try CD Burner XP: https://cdburnerxp.se/
  9. Yeah, I watch Mythbusters whenever I get to see them on TV, I remember I used to start watching them on Discovery channel, later they were shown on other of my country channels with translation, but I rather watched them with the original English language..The show is really great and I agree that you can learn many things from them, I remember when I was in school and if somebody asked a question or something and I remember that in mythbusters, that question was busted, I could tell "No, because mythbusters proved that it can't be" and it gave me a laugh, in fact, those guys in mythbusters are funny too and can give you a laugh I sometimes didn't get one thing.. are they really so smart and good physics, mechanics or they get a lot of help before the show and from other people which we don't see in the camera..??? ;)I also saw Brainiac, but I am not a fan of that show, seems that they aren't serious, they show something, you get interested and they start to blow things, where those half nude babes come and blow something up or similar or they show some fact like why some bananas flows on water an other drowns, they show it so fast, that I can't understand even why and they don't repeat, but they repeat those half naked babes a lot of times whats the point? And usually in Brainiac, they prove different facts not so seriously, I mean they do it very fast, and may be even wrong.. But I guess it's that kind of a show, mythbusters are more serious..
  10. Well, I do believe that something might be out there, because I think there's quite a really big possibility that something is out there, the universe is quite big ("quite") there are really many many stars in many many galaxies in a who knows how big universe, I think that aliens might exist, but another question would be, who do you call an alien? when Columbus came to America, he was an alien to Indians..So I think, that even though, it would be a little organism or a stupid living creature or a very civilized thing, it would be an alien. Aliens might even be more advanced than we or less advanced than we or even as smart as a dog.. I guess if they would be less advanced than we would be Gods to them if "somehow" we would appear in the place/planet they live in.. It depends on how do you define a God..Sometimes I believe, that even we might have been started by Aliens, more advanced than we still are, anyone can think of anything Today or believe in almost anything.. I don't really believe in the Bible, that God created us in 6 days, due to I am quite smart Today to see that it was written by somebody, but I can believe in Evolution, but I still don't understand Evolution, because: "Why only Humans are so smart?" "Why only Humans/Earthlings got so advanced" and not other organisms/mammals/etc, I think a lot of smart people debated on this question and got different theories, personally I even believe that this could have been an experiment by some Aliens or something, who found a young planet earth, with some animals and did some tests on them, played with DNR for in their opinion the most advanced animals on Earth, in that time a primitive monkey primate or something.. They did something with their DNR and maybe left and in a lot of thousand years this was the reason we got so advanced and evolved much further than and ordinary monkey..Well, imagine one thing, if those aliens, would see that a dolphin was the most advanced/intelligent on Earth, what if they would do the DNR change with a Dolphin? In my opinion, a dolphin could become really smart, and imagine a smart evolved dolphin? or a reptile and etc. I want to say that having such a technology with which you would be able to modify DNR for years ahead, any organism type could become as smart as we and even continue to become smart, the biggest question is which type of an animal has the biggest LIMIT to evolve into something really smart, with a LIMIT it couldn't get smarter than it already is, I believe that most of people are using only a little "power" of their full body.. ;)I mean, do you really think that without any DNR modification Dogs or Horses or Birds could get as smart/intelligent as we are? I doubt it.. I am not mad about these kind of things, I know that my life is quite short to know such things, but it's an idea, moreover they show a lot of sci-fi movies these Days, where you can gather some thoughts.. :)Sorry for my bad English, due to it's my third language.
  11. I have a similar problem, I got a screen-saver from the Internet and thought to use it by default, due to before I just had a simple rotating text, so thought to have something new, but when I set it and do an apply, after I close the proprieties and open them again, I see that my screen-saver is set to None and not to that screen-saver I wanted.. I tried it again and again after restart, but didn't help, so I guess it just ignores it and doesn't let to use it, even though I can use the XP default ones, any ideas?
  12. Really good news, especially for people who like Real Time Strategy and moreover, Command & Conquer series, I used to play it, but as I think my computer isn't for gaming anymore, especially new games like that and due to lack of time, I don't play as much as I used to in the past.. The graphics always gets better and better, vehicles, tanks, buildings are getting better and more interesting too and even more "strange".. I feel some nostalgia too, due to most of the things didn't change since Dune 2, the objective is very similar
  13. I my gosh, I terminated the account I had through the manage panel as you said and I had the credits and now I see that all my hosting credits are gone and I am back to 0 (zero) credits and I need to make the 30 credits for the better package.. I don't think that I will make it so fast, so that means that everything will be offline, my domains and etc. :| Are there any exceptions for this one? :)Uh, and it's strange that even though I am posting on Xisto forum, in most places I see that Welcome to Xisto.. What should I do? I need to continue posting and make 30 credits and only when I need to get accepted by an Administrator and only when I could create my hosting account through the manage panel? I think that will take some time, till I get approve and someone will see this message.. Darn.. :)EDIT: Oh my gosh, I did it and made 30 credits in several hours Need to write a hosting request!
  14. Well, by doing a little validation and even programming in a "good" way, these kind of problems won't happen, of course, I know one thing: when you do something for yourself or you're still learning and quite well, you try to do different things, but when you're working and doing for somebody else, not always you have time to do it in a very "perfect" way, the main thing for most clients are that it would work, usually they don't care about the code, or what language it is or how it's possible and for that reason, I really can say that there are lots of "bad" scripts/programs written out there, to get money and to make it work..I saw some really bad scripts, especially written in php, the main things as I said that they would work, and they do! When things like frameworks appeared, it's a little safer for people who write their applications in Zend framework or any other good framework, it is more secure, it saves time too and you have a better application, the bad thing about it in my opinion, that there are thousands of copies in some library directory of for example zend frameworks they are there, even though only 4% of them are used..To conclude, for example I remember I always wanted to write "the best way" in my sites or cms and I even do Today, but when I started doing something not for myself I understood that the main thing is to make it work, I still prefer to make a good application though, but time is money, but with experience I think still most of them are quite good, even written fast I remember I thought to write for others, you need to comment and write it that other people who might try to edit them or something, that it would be as easier as possible for them, but in most cases, if you wrote the application, bigger chances are that they or he/she will ask support from you again and not from any other guy for support, so you can write it your style or by how you like it
  15. I never heard about Process Lasso or software like that on windows, it brought my attention.. I'll try to use it and maybe I'll feel that it isn't one of those programs which aren't relevant for anything, except is using space on my hdd.
  16. the /public_html/ directory is not a problem, the problem is the things and files in home/user/, I mean parent folder to public_html and what shows up in the CPanel, well I wonder what will happen if I terminate the account and create it again But as I don't know how it works, don't want to do that.
  17. I searched the forum, but didn't really find anything.. is it possible to reset my account, or even better to terminate it and get a new one with the same name? that everything would be dropped to default, statistics and etc, I sometimes even can see subdomains, which are deleted and doesn't even exist and other files, as I rewrote most of my stuff, I would like to make a fresh start as well after so much years my domain name is qzone Xisto dot com I know about the https://support.xisto.com/ feature, but I don't know if I can terminate it and create it again, and how much credits that will cost? Maybe someone could tell me what should I do? I have everything backed up on my side, so if anyone wants to do it, do it and reply here, or if I need to do it through the manage panel, when tell me and I'll do it I know it isn't so relevant to reset my account, but somehow I want to reset it..
  18. yeah, i don't see the point to harm your computer like that, unless it's some old computer and you don't have anything better to do, but as I know, it's bad to reboot a lot of times, I even hate when windows needs to be restarted because something has happened, I ask myself sometimes wtf? I know usually the purpose why it needs to be restarted, but windows could change their kernel a bit to avoid that (or they would need to write a new os? haha)turning on and off the computer, the main thing is that it's bad for your hard disk drive.. I know a lot of people who do that, they come home they turn it on, they go to yard for one hour they turn it off, they come back they turn it on and etc. I mainly try to turn it off for time, I know that will be longer, like at least for the night.. and I think it's even better to leave your computer on, rather than keeping it off for several years.A long time ago, with my old Amiga, I didn't turn it on for quite a while, but when I found some time, I turned it on, but it didn't work anymore, I think it's fixable, but some stuff happened with the battery, it was spoiled all around it.. Anyway, when I turned on my other Amiga 1200 computer (anyone remembers those?) not so long ago, the clock still showed the time it's now, so it was quite of fun I needed to turn it on to get some data files I didn't have.. and it worked in a perfect order.
  19. Yeah, sometimes when different sites are being blocked in school or university, it can be a headache if you "really" want to enter it, sometimes I think how do they know it's a proxy site, if some proxies are totally anonymous, somebody just gathers a blacklist? for example if I create my own proxy site on the server, for myself and won't use word a proxy and etc. in it, I guess there's a very very little chance or even none that I could get blacklisted..Maybe even a better way is having your personal proxy with a password or that web robots wouldn't index and crawl that site by setting some headers/meta stuff in that way other people won't use it, your personal proxy will be quite resources friendly if only you and maybe your friends in school or university will be using it.
  20. Well, I use:1. OS: Windows XP2. Web Server: WAMP while localhost, LAMP if on a Linux server3. Database: MySQL database4. Dynamic page language: PHP5. Page designer: PHP Designer, Zend Studio.6. Graphic Designer: GIMP
  21. Good, at last SP1 for Vista was released, now I even can think of trying Vista myself soon, as I get my new Laptop, I didn't use Vista yet on my computer and didn't even installed it on a virtual machine, why bother? I used it on my friends computer and didn't see anything very special :)A lot of different forums are writing about the same topic, noticed just Tonight.
  22. I also don't believe that time travel to past is possible, it would require so much energy that it's just impossible, even though I heard about different theories, but I don't really believe them, so for Today I think it's impossible.
  23. I read about the IE8 before and what the plans are for it, well I like the plans, if it's not only talks, but I am not even thinking of downloading it.. and installing.. why bother, just saw some screenshots and thats enough for me, I have IE7 and didn't use it all, except for testing some webpages, css and javascript stuff if it works and no errors accrue.. :)I just hope it will be more standard compliant as it should be, due to most of the users use IE, because it comes by default, if better browser comes by default, most of people will use it, because they don't really care if it's IE or Opera, Firefox, Safari, they just want to login to check their mail or go to some news site and read a bit..
  24. If you really want to protect your php files, include it from a directory where there is a .htaccess file with "deny from all", php still will be able to include it and execute, moreover, that directory could be outside public_html or www directory whatever, I mean somewhere, before public_html/ that it wouldn't be directly accessible to users, but php will still be able to include them.
  25. Well yeah, it also depends for me, but I just checked and it seems that there are 44 running processes, so I guess it can go sometimes over 50, but I don't have a lot of things turned on, so don't really know why most of you have less, I didn't restart my computer for over two days..
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