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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. I never tried using AceHTML, just saw some screenshots of it, well not bad.. I personally use as in most topics I said, PHP Designer and when I tried the latest version, it really got better and faster with more features, which really are good.. For simple viewing I try to use Notepad2 as it's very light and fast, I also have Notepad++ on Windows, which seems to have a lot of text editor features!
  2. This is really an easy task to accomplish, if you know mathematics, when to get this result you only need to get 0 or 1, so for example we get 0 when the number is even or the other way around and we get 1 when it's odd or the other way around, this could be done in a loop or any other way by using modulus %, just read about it what it does, on some other languages it's just mod, for example: // Even_odd.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//#include "stdafx.h"#include <iostream>using namespace std;int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]){ for (int i=0; i<20; i++) cout << i%2 << ","; cout << "\n\n"; return 0;} The result will be something like this: 0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1, Hope this helped
  3. I am using Gimp, but for a while didn't do anything special, due to I didn't have the need to do something.. more busy with programming lately..Gimp is really great, it can do so much and I see that more and more resources are spreading in the net, different tutorials and articles of how to do something, what others are used to do with other graphic suits, like photoshop and etc. which is quite expensive, if you aren't to serious about graphics.
  4. I never really used Yahoo webmail for my personal usage, I preferred to use my own email clients all the time I was on computer, especially when it was 1999 and an Internet connection through a modem was slow, using an ISP pop3 and smpt accounts with an email client was a better choice and it just became a habit to use email clients, even though Today I use Google mail quite often as my webmail.. And I don't like most of email clients on Windows, Thunderbird and/or Evolution sucks! on Linux KDE there are some good ones which have their simplicity and power, in my opinion the best ever email client was YAM (Yet Another Mailer) on Amiga operating system.By the way, I have an Yahoo account, which I and some guys from the university, we use it to send some stuff, like documents, presentations and other files we can share.. and all of use have access to it
  5. Using PHP you're able to create GIF files with imagegif(); and other functions using the GD library and that means that you can also create GIF as animations!The link to php classes does what you want and you can even find more.. In addition, you could also create javascript animations by changing pictures in this case they will act as frames, but this isn't very good in my opinion, unless it's some ASCII art animation.
  6. Yeah, yourname dot Xisto.com looks quite well, but the advantage of using a uni.cc domain, is that you can change hosting and still have the domain, if the host goes down or anything, is usually down, you could just change it and leave the same domain on search engines.. (I am not talking about Xisto, but there are really a lot of hosts which can go down after a while)
  7. I personally don't see what they can change, the layout looks quite good, I just hope they won't do any google search with different layout by adding some *BLEEP* features, which would take longer to load, by adding "fancy" stuff I'm ok with the current situation, the main thing it works and usually has no errors..Besides, you can change google appearance yourself, doesn't matter with what, a proxy server like Privoxy or by using some Add-on in Firefox, you could even create your own google site and use it to search the web, by replacing the content with some scripting language..
  8. Well, I think that this can be fixed, even though it requires some time.. the problems might be with your td tr table tags and you could fix it with css in my opinion, by specifying margins and paddings to 0 somewhere or maybe to other values, sometimes using a valid doctype can also help the browser, due to on different doctypes some browsers show the content differently..
  9. I guess that for me it doesn't count, as GIMP isn't hard for me to edit my photos ;)I just tried to use it, with a demo picture.. Well I really like the panel and stuff, it looks nice and has all the simple thing most of simple graphics programs have.. the only thing which looked interesting, was the red eyes feature, it really is useful..
  10. Well, maybe it's a good idea, but I wouldn't like my keyboard to be with a nail polish... to clean the keys is quite easy, but to go deeper, between the keys, thats the problem, usually
  11. For my account FTP server works fine..By the way, if you have negative credits and your account is suspended, as I know you can access your account with FTP and you can even login to CPanel, you just can't show any http or https content, it just redirects to the account is suspended page.. And thats logical, imagine you have negative credits, your account is suspended, but you want to backup your mysql, receive/download your files on the account to put them somewhere else or backup everything and whatever..
  12. I used to go with installing everything myself, Apache, PHP, MySQL on Windows and Linux, it was quite easy, but now on Windows I am using Wampserver and I really think that it's great, it works, the default settings are good and what I like about it that in some mouse clicks you can change between PHP, MySQL and Apache versions, by doing that I still didn't get any really big errors, so it is kind of stable. :PUsed to use EasyPHP too, before I tried WAMP5 which now is called Wampserver, but EasyPHP wasn't updated frequently and somehow I didn't like it, but the main thing it worked.. So when you know what is Apache, Mysql and PHP and know how to install them yourself, I think that making your live easy, you could just go with Wampserver But if you don't know how to do it separately and are just using all in one software like Wampserver and aren't serious about it when you also can use it, but if you're a little bit serious, you should try to do it separately, who knows when you'll need it, even though to do it on Windows is quite easy all you need is to push next next next, change something and edit the conf or ini files a bit.. On Linux it is almost identical, but if you want to be even more serious, you should and try to compile everything yourself and make it work..
  13. You made me wonder too, even though I saw, red and blue circuit boards, but definitely the green ones are the most popular since the time microelectronics appeared, even though I saw that most of older schemes were light brown, maybe it just depends of the material it's made of? As I understand, all the parts aren't only silicon, they're made out of different stuff with different layers and those red and blue circuit boards, maybe they're just painted? or someone added some colour to it, to make it fancy? and cool? ;)I think people who knows electronics and hardware more than us could answer it
  14. Well yeah, it would be hard to live Today for young people without Internet, in some ways it scares me in some ways it doesn't.. I remember when I didn't have Internet, in the old days, when I still was with Amiga computers, I was playing games, doing different stuff and all the data wasn't to get as easy as Today, I did my homework using books information :PIn several years everything changed so much, that it would be very hard to live a week without a computer with Internet access, without a mobile phone.. Sometimes when Internet doesn't work because of ISP fault, a lot of people doesn't know what to do with a computer anymore.. ;)I remember 10 years ago, I thought that live without TV would be so hard, I used to watch quite a lot, but I noticed that Today, I just turn it on sometimes, watch the news and I even can forget about TV..
  15. Did you use the right NS (Nameservers) to point to Xisto? as I know currently all Domains at Xisto, Xisto and etc. should point to:ns.computinghost.comns2.computinghost.comJust login to some panel where you registered your domain and modify the nameservers, if you didn't already do that..
  16. I used to use uni.cc domains a lot of years ago, it really was one of the greatest services in 2002, it was free, good looking and with real DNS.. I think, I still have some uni.cc domains, but I don't use them, when I got a dot net domain.. As I remember, for some time, maybe for two years, all new accounts created with uni.cc couldn't have DNS, only a redirect to the domain, with a frame as I remember, same as freedomain.co.nrBut all the old accounts could use the DNS service and as I know, for some time now, again uni.cc newly created domains can have a uni.cc It's really a good alternative, especially when all the good domains are already in use by others with dot com dot org and dot net etc. :PThe funny thing about this domain service, when you think, that the top level domain is .cc, it's a country code for Cocos (Keeling) Islands and the subdomain, UNI, is something like University? so the University of Cocos? and it's free, so it would seem very attractive for Students, but I guess UNI means, Universal.. but I only can guess.
  17. As I know you need to bring your credits back to 0 and then I think you need to make at least 4 credits and wait for about an hour, if you had subdomains, you could have some problems with some of them working, the others still won't work, just login to your ftp or file manager and delete the .htaccess files in different directories or if you were using, just remove the added lines which redirects you to the suspended page thing.. :PAstahost could have something like, I am going away for 1 month and if he has no credits to upkeep for one month, he could disable his site/account and make it suspended and the credits wouldn't get negative to much, due to after a month you could have -20 credits ;)Sometimes, it is quite hard to up keep the credits..
  18. I knew about Foxit reader, it really is great and much faster than Adobe Reader, but I tried SumatraPDF and it is even faster than you use the actual size of the PDF, even though it has almost all features off, for reading it is just great, thanks for sharing :PBy the way, I recommend to turn off the plugin in browsers, when you click on a pdf file with your mouse in a link and pdf opens in your browser tab, I really hate that, I prefer that it would open in a normal window of Adobe or any other PDF viewer, it's much faster and doesn't lag the browser and besides it can be easily changed in most browsers preferences.
  19. if you're using PHP and if the server supports PHP5, you can always set the the timezone and as I know you even can get an error if you're using date functions and didn't set it, here is the function: http://php.net/date_default_timezone_set on PHP4 you couldn't do that, instead it was using the server time, but that was easy to avoid, when you know where the server is or even you don't know, you can just get the server time see at your clock on your hand or in the computer and just add or minus the hours needed, I mean change the GMT to + or - something.. I personally use .htaccess that I wouldn't need to do it in all the PHP stuff everytime, like this: php_value date.timezone "Europe/Vilnius"php_value date.default_latitude 54.7233php_value date.default_longitude 25.2233php_value date.sunrise_zenith 90.833333php_value date.sunset_zenith 90.833333 So you can change whatever you want or the settings you live in, for example this cooridantes are the place I live in ~1km radius Just put the .htaccess file in your root directory, before public_html if you want it to work everywhere..
  20. here you can find something about loops: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/For_loop Also, here is a quote:
  21. Well, if your pages are dynamic, it would be very good for you to send the right headers to the bot/crawler and even to the browser, due to when apache or as I know any other http server sends a simple html file with the right content length and etc. but when a PHP file is generated/parsed apache can't really know the length of it, but it can be done with some php output buffering and sending the header with php, I think google is full of these kind of suggestions.
  22. Yes, really great tutorial, it is something I have been doing with Gimp, except a bit different things with the font, you could also write about how to add shadows with some different or custom gradients, make a reflection of the font add something inside, a picture with different opacity and etc.
  23. To tell the truth, I've done much of those things, my main PHP files are stored not in the public_html folder, I usually password protect my data directories with a .htaccess file, but I do it from the CPanel which is the same if they are in the public_html.. and I never put my passwords in a php file without some encryption which I write myself and I store the passwords with a very good hash in a mysql database if needed, I even only give permission for a mysql user only to SELECT if I am not logged in as an Admin which has a different user with UPDATE and etc. rights.. But I still hate if some sites somehow use the content and put their ads and link to my sites and the strangest thing is that somehow they even could get the file with the php source.. :|The chmod thing would really be great, but what I always hate! is that the FTP user and PHP user on the same account are different users and I usually use FTP to chmod and upload my files or if I need to edit a file, I do it through FTP, so on different users chmod needs to be different, if only I could use FTP with the user of PHP that it wouldn't need to be 666 or 777 to write to and etc. You know what I mean..I just think about all those sites by newbies which aren't protected and how easy it can be to hack them..
  24. so what can I do about it to prevent this kind of stuff???
  25. I just found this site: asta-killer dot com and as you can see, it's a copy of mine index on Xisto: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ the strange thing is that when you enter something like: asta-killer dot .com/list/ a directory or file which doesn't exist, you get an error, but the error is from my php script on Xisto.. So that means that that index file isn't only copied html, but also somehow they got my php source? what a hell is that? then OK I thought it is a remote thing, but it's impossible on my account to get such an error at all, because the file exists and it is including on any error.. So somebody hacked my account on Xisto in a quite easy way? got the php source and the .htaccess file, due to that error could only evaluate through a my .htaccess file: ErrorDocument 404 /e.do?error=404 but the file which can't be found is not in the public_html dir, so what a hell is that? I just found it through google.. Any ideas? it also can't include the file through php, because I think it has my absolute path.. Notice from OpaQue: Adminstrator: Please choose Title and Description carefully. Title: The Title should be descriptive and should summarize your entire post. Description: The description should be used to add further details/information about your post. Thank you.
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