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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. Yes, in addition to make it more clear, you can leave the ns3 and ns4 form fields empty.
  2. This kind of things happen very frequently, it works on my machine, but it doesn't work in the University or at my friends machine, this is really what gets on my nerves, this always happens if you're using Visual Studio, doesn't matter C++ or C# usually it is due to different machines, different libraries, utilities and settings..If you want to get over it, start using gcc and always include all the files you are using, sometimes a small image, which you're using can break all the program, even though on console applications I believe that you're probably not using any images, it was just an example, I never tried to figure this kind of things out, due to the product is from Microsoft, thats why it's best to have a laptop and to bring it with yourself and show the working program, it would be a pity if it would be your job though.
  3. I just removed the addon domains and re created everything and it worked, i removed the subdomains and recreated them and it worked, in CPanel.. Also I changed the nameservers to from ns1 and ns2 Xisto dot com to the new ones, ns.computinghost.com and ns2.computinghost.com (yes it is ns and ns2, it doesn't need to be ns1 !!!)So I can't say whats wrong with your account..
  4. In addition, just because earth is a small as a molecule in all the earth and it is impossible to find it, well I can add that: When we were at stone age, yeah I really think that it's hard to find something, but Today and for the future, we send different signals, we use different frequencies, which in fact can be caught and etc. even though they travel with the speed of light, it still takes lots of years to get somewhere, so the radius for someone to find us is getting bigger, but do you really want to be found?About aliens who can live on different climate, I agree, they can adopt to anything, for example just take an example, how some organisms are living on earth in the deep sea, in 10 000 meters deep, they have adopted to this kind of environment and are happily living, but for most of whom this would be a suicide, so why don't you believe that some other organism could have adopted to quite different climate in a billion years..
  5. I agree, I am not even thinking of using SP3 unless I will reinstall Windows XP, due to when you reinstall it for example Today, for a month you'll be getting a lot of updates for that and that and who knows what else and in the Control Panel section Add or Remove Programs you'll see a lot of Updates, so this is really good to use when you have a fresh Install of Windows XP and only then you update to Windows XP SP3 and continue using it, in my opinion, this should have come at least 2 years ago, due to there were not service pack since SP2 and now most of people don't continue to use XP, they move to Vista if they have the hardware, sometimes they move to Vista, even though their computer isn't having a suitable hardware and they stick with lower performance, as I usually said, I remember the same things happening with XP and Win98 + a bit with Win2000, even though XP is very similar to 2000 except for the add of "cool" graphics. Besides, till Windows NT Windows weren't an OS, it just was a GUI for DOS
  6. Well, it's rally good that this kind of things are announced, due to sometimes these kind of things are being made without the clients or users knowing, even thought I think most of the people here, wouldn't have noticed it, due to the downtime is so short, I just hope, that nothing serious will happen and everything will be alright, that things like deleting all your subdomains and addon domains and adding them again will not happen
  7. I doubt that mysql might get commercial, there's nothing to much of a commercial there, sql language put into some structure, mysql, besides if it will be not free, most of developers will find or even create an alternative, mysql isn't such a superb database as oracle and etc. but it's enough for most of the needs, besides I don't think Sun could make it not free, due to look at what it is doing Today, with Java and etc. They are on open source path and etc.
  8. To add, another similar looking service is co.nr they also are offering free domain/subdomain with that kind of style, it's just a simple redirection inside a frame on full browser screen with cloaking feature, well I would rather use uni.cc or something similar which is having full dns support feature. :(Oh I read a bit, and I think co.cc offer free dns service? as I remember they didn't some years ago, don't browse their sites to much.
  9. Even though there are other free alternatives to Cpanel, I still would prefer Cpanel even though it's so expensive, but it offers so much together with WHM, and zPanel seems to not offer to much, but it's free.
  10. As it been said, the best alternative is to use both, google usually has some kind of an AI? or it gives the results it thinks I am searching and doesn't even include the word I am searching, only tries to give the best results it gives, this is the new way it works, sometimes, it shows stupid stuff, sites with high page rank which isn't even related and I need to browse the 3 page to find something, and when I do a search with yahoo with the same keywords, I can get that site on the first page, this is how the old google worked, besides it seems that google doesn't index everything anymore as it used too, due to earlier I could copy paste some text from a site and it would be in the first place, no it usually "not found" or some stupid websites where not all my written words are included and moreover, yahoo does find it, so I think it's best to use both..
  11. I noticed, that my site at Xisto is down for over 24 hours, it gives a 503 error, don't know whats happening, nor FTP nor HTTP works.
  12. in fact, closing the php code, if it's only a PHP file isn't necessary, some programmers even don't close it, to not get headers already sent error, in practice, it's even better to not close the php code with ?> but personally I usually do it, due to I see it to be more clean, but you wonder why it could be a bad idea to close the file? Sometimes, when closing the php tag ?> you can push enter and leave an empty new line, but php will interpreted it like an output and will output the newline, so sometimes, if you later will decide to use sessions, cookies or headers and etc. you may be getting the Headers already sent error and output was sent there and there, you may have a headache, due to you'll be browsing the file and you won't find any output and usually you won't notice anything in the beginning of the file, the new line or tab, you might think the error message is creating the new line, so this is why in practice if it's only a php file with classes or functions and doesn't output anything, it isn't necessary to close it, it's not even an error, but IT IS an ERROR when for example your doing this: <?php echo "Hello World";<html><head></head><body></body></html> It's really a bad mistake, because PHP will try to execute the HTML content so you should close the tag.
  13. This can really fool a lot of people, due to it sounds so scientific and most of people don't get it, because they usually don't think and most of people forget about basic chemistry, especially if they did not like chemistry to much, personally I didn't like it in school, but when in the university we need to learn it a bit, for half year, I quite got all the basics, in school I usually liked ti skip that and that
  14. I guess usually in other countries, which has nothing to do with English are taught en-GB, but for example when I learnt English, I think it depends on the teacher, we were taught English British, but there were always comments about that in American it's different on some words, that includes gray, grey, color, colour and other words, so you usually just need to remember that and there's nothing you can do about it.
  15. Yeah, torrent files are very good for big files and they can be used for legal sharing too, most of software which is made for sharing has illegal files, but you can't really do a lot about it, in my opinion it isn't as bad as it may seem, due to I once read, that if it would be impossible to use for most of people legal software and for everything everyone every time would need to pay, most of people would be able to use something, most of schools wouldn't have the software, same for universities, libraries and etc. due to in most countries a lot of these kind of stuff is illegal or installed with a crack or keygen, serial number some kind of, but thats where most of viruses and spyware comes, as I am not using it and including I don't do any porn stuff, I usually don't have problems with having a virus or other junk, so when a guy gets a virus or something, usually that means he tried a crack, he clicked on porn or he opened something he doesn't understand and etc. as strange as it may seem, but for personal computer usage everything Today has a free alternative and if you don't want a free alternative when just buy the software if you're planning to use it to do some work and get benefit out of it, but most people don't understand this, I am at least glad that most of companies has to have legal stuff in their computers, due to they are looked at occasionally, moreover, they understand that it's much better to have legit software, when later to pay fine for the illegal stuff found in some office, I can understand that schools, universities, libraries which don't get to much of a profit, aren't watched to much and you can't really come to some guys home and check his computer and what he is using.So as I said, if it would be impossible to crack the software, when most of people wouldn't be using the software and using a trial may be not to much time if you want to get into say graphics with some program.. but I guess if everyone would need to pay, software would be quite cheap, it's so expensive these days due to people who pay, pays for people who don't pay.. As I said, I can understand schools and universities, but I know that some schools and universities goes with Linux and/or Windows with open source software, in some universities you work with Open Office, in some with MS Office, in some with Blender, in some with 3DMaxs, in some with Visual Studio, in some with GCC and so on :(Oh what I hate sometimes when downloading torrents, is that torrents are made to download files which would not be corrupted, but some people like to split a big file into 14 MB little files, then archive them into an archive or do a torrent out of them, but this isn't necessary anymore, when downloading through FTP in the early days, it was a good idea, to split files and later join them, but why the hell do you need to split them in a torrent :PBy the way, if some people has problems with downloading torrents, due to their ISP does not allow it, I think that can be overcome by pretending you're just a simple connection and it would use a standard unblocked port.
  16. uTorrent is a p2p torrent client and really a good one, small and powerful, light.. but I noticed, that if you don't limit the sharing of files or downloading it might slower your connection, I mean it will be using your bandwidth and browsing the web will be much slower for you, but thats logical though If you've got good connection then it might not be a problem for you.
  17. If I got you right, I think it wouldn't, because the htaccess file wouldn't be in that directory, thats why I said that be careful where you put your .htaccess file that to not get an infinite loop of redirection, but in most cases the browser protects itself from this kind of things and shows an error message, at least Opera does that.. Yeah, using your method a better way, if you have access, and if you have something as big as Xisto with a lot of subdomains, I don't think that you're using a free web hosting then, and in most cases you have some kind of software running to do this, but for personal use I find it quite good.
  18. Is it me or I saw this site/blog some time ago or maybe it was something different, but with a similar topic. Anyway, the resource is really helpful and not only for beginners with css, but people who is a bit advanced too
  19. I also like the second one, even though it's big and I don't know how could you put it into your layout, even though everything is possible, but maybe thats not the purpose, they seem fine, but I think it could be much better, I mean, I've seen much better graphics and logos.
  20. Interesting, I wonder how this might end, it seems that they did a good decision.
  21. I tried using download managers, to download stuff over http, but as usually I don't download a lot through http, I don't use them anymore, downloading through a browser usually is enough for me, for bigger files I usually use ApexDC++ or uTorrent, which don't really need a download manager, they have their own stuff.. Sometimes I think that Download Managers aren't really helpful for your HDD, due to when I use it, seems it's going wild, the Hard Drive I mean, especially if the download speed is quite Good
  22. Strange, but Yesterday I couldn't turn off my computer too, I needed to hold the power button for over 4 seconds, as I remember yesterday I downloaded some Windows updates, so maybe it's their fault, I will try to scan myself Today and turn off my computer.Strange was one thing, that when turning off through Windows, it seemed that my Hard drives stopped working, but the CPU and Cooler didn't turn off..I scanned.. I didn't find anything.. but my computer turned off normally..
  23. Most of people can write in the "My Controls" their Location, but sometimes I can see that most of people don't watch/read whats under the Avatar ;]I am From Lithuania, Vilnius. It's in Europe
  24. I used to use it, but after re-installation I didn't use it anymore, because usually using VLC media player, together with Quick Time Alternative, I seem to be able to play all the videos I get, so sometimes it's just to much codecs I don't need and sometimes, when you push on a avi or any video file, some software opens or etc. which I don't want to see when clicking on it
  25. the second picture is really nice never seen a dog like that.
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