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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. I agree that it depends on the user, I believe that most people don't really need quad core processors yet, but in the future it might be a need, but maybe even something else will appear, as most people I mean people who use simple software and browse the web and do other online stuff.. Gamers who want to play really new games with all the possibilities, usually has to upgrade their computers quite often and need to invest a lot of money every time something new appears and of course as been said, for video editing, rendering and etc. some extra speed can't do any harm, but most of that stuff also can be done by having lots of computers in the network or a company and as I know every computer can help and share it's CPU time for other computer for whatever he is doing, I do it with my brothers computer, we share the CPU time every time we compile something in Linux ;]
  2. It's one of the worst things I ever saw in a while, but anyway, I just fixed some things, it might work, I didn't test anything by myself, but I guess it should work, even though I think you're still learning and are just practicing, this is why I just fixed some stuff. <?php$dbh = mysql_connect('localhost','jaskaran_gc','gc') or die("Cannot Connect: " . mysql_error());mysql_select_db('jaskaran_gc',$dbh);?><form method="post" action="restore.php?recover=answer"><tr><td>Email:</td><td><input type="text" name="email"></td></tr><p><input type="submit" value="Submit!"></p></form><?phpif ($_GET['recover'] == 'answer') echo $_POST['email'];?>
  3. Wow, that shows the privacy we have ;] even though this can be quite useful, if you're trying to get a new host and just see what is hosted on the ip, which can be banned or something like that from the search engines or different other things, for bad content or spam by other, anyway, I played with it and it's fun ;]
  4. Well yeah, I agree that a lot of whom wants to learn some tricks to entertain friends or family, for example I know a trick with cards, every time I could find a card from the log somebody has picked, even though he or she was putting it back to the log and mixed the cards log.. After a while some people could get the trick, some weren't interested and some said it is incredible, how do you do it.. but eventually after some time when I told them, most of them said "pfffff" thats so easy.. and I felt, that yeah it is very easy.. I guess thats why usually magicians don't give away their tricks.. Even though I saw some TV shows where they do or at least somebody does..
  5. Agreed, but for example exploring underwater, deep underwater also cost a lot of money, but usually they lack that money to make it more serious exploring, even though space exploration also stopped if talking about all the projects since 1970 for the future, the reasons are because of money and because for some things and projects from which there is no actual point of benefit and it may be dangerous too.. For example, it seems that sending a high quality satellite or something, all you need is to build it and put it in space, but it requires a lot of accuracy, time and besides while it is going somewhere, you need a team to watch it, to get data and etc. - a lot of money,.. I guess after 10 or even less years it gets much more expensive than actually the cost of the satellite itself
  6. So you really believe that the person was teleported by the magician on the TV? It's just a trick and magic is much much easier to make on TV when in front of people, the hardest way to do magic is in an amphitheatre in front of people, which isn't to big, I mean the amphitheatre
  7. Even though, I am not Australian, but Happy Australia Day to everyone who celebrate it In addition, here is a bit of some info about the celebration: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australia_Day
  8. Yeah, most of those usually go down, but it depends on the people who created those kind of websites, free hosts.. some people get a server from a friend or something like that for free, so they think to start offering free webspace service, after some time the server goes down or changes something and he also goes down, he never even thought to pay for a server himself, or similar things, sometime it is due to unprofessional people, who don't know anything about server configuration...But yeah, usually it is due to the bills they get for the server, they can't upkeep or see that it is worthless and doesn't bring any income and offering less resources, like only one mysql database, turning off awstats to save some memory.. clients can choose another host, there are full of webhost out there Nevertheless, sometimes offering more than you can handle can work, due to usually not all clients use all the mysql databases you give, they don't use all the bandwidth, all the space they get and etc. I wonder, what would happen, if all gmail accounts would suddenly fill up with all the space they have, for example I only use ~100MB of my given 6GB in GMail and there are lots like me, hahahaha
  9. try to get the ip of your server and check the ip with some service, which will tell you from which country it is and search for that specific country timezone.. I don't know if it works as you want, but it is an alternative.. and could be incorrect, for example if the ip will be EU Europe Union..Err, can't you do it with some server side scripting language?
  10. But it doesn't mean that we stopped searching in our little earthy, the exploring continues to these days.. Why should we only explore lizards, for example I don't like lizards, I rather explore stars, someone else loves lizards, so he or she will explore them. ;D
  11. It's on the Xisto server? I don't have this kind of a problem.. or is it on localhost? Well, the problem could be with mime types, you need to write in your httpd.conf file, it should be in apache folder or if it is on your server, you can write it in a .htaccess if you have permissions to do it:AddType application/x-httpd-php .phpand files with .php extension should be parsed with php.exe, also it can be done through CPanel in the Mime Types or Apache Handlers sections ^_^But currently I can see that on Xisto, my addon and parked domains don't work, just the subdomain dot Xisto works.. but php files are parsing and mysql is working too..
  12. Haven't been using their services too, seems they have a lot of ads and stuff, I think they gets lots of visits with such a domain, they even offer email.com but I still prefer to use my own email with my own domain.. and I prefer GMail over Yahoo, it's just faster and with less annoying ads and stuff..
  13. In some cases, of course not in all, a lot of whom firstly like to download mp3 of some new band album or something and if they like it, they usually buy a cd in some festival or concert, so it depends.. of course most of people just download and doesn't care at all, they don't think that it is something illegal either, for what to pay? for an mp3 file, I don't even have a CD and having 500 CDs in your room of music is also not very comfortable.. besides by listening to mp3, most of their quality is bad, but it also depends on their sound system..So Limewire as been said is not an illegal program, it is a program which can connect to a p2p network and people who share files are responsible for what they share and what they download.. In fact, by having those kind of programs, at least the http, irc and ftp protocols are a bit cleaner, because when you store something on a server, it is your responsibility for a lawsuit..If looking at it, if the laws really would be so strict about mp3 and so on, what would most people listen too? what films would they be watching? what software would they use? In my opinion, home users shouldn't be watched so strict, I rather see strict rules for companies, firms, universities, schools, libraries and etc. that they wouldn't use anything illegal, but for example, for most schools it is expensive to do that, even for a lot of universities.. They could start using free and/or open-source everything though
  14. Well, maybe because we are curious and most of the things are explored on earth, much more to explore in space, when you watch at the stars don't you think something like "I wonder whats up there?" Because, personally when being near the sea with a hot sun, I enjoy myself and rarely think about "I wonder, whats under the water, maybe a see monster?" ^_^Some people don't like sea or jungle and etc. In fact, space exploration begun with Astronomy, when people started watching the stars and naming them, in Babylon and I guess even earlier, so this is just a continued thing, that we continue to explore space and the universe, sea on the other side, wasn't explored from that day, at least not as much as space, due to to the conditions and technology level, besides what do you want to find in sea, or jungle or mountains? Most of the people don't see a lot of places on Earth, even in the country they live, especially these days, when people need to work work, or study study and drink drink, eat eat, buy buy buy
  15. This is really great, it always was a problem, I remember when accessing NTFS from Linux was quite a problem, but now you can do it with quite a good speed and you can even write to it with great performance, tried it myself.. It still doesn't say anything about the speed? How fast could I for example download a 2 GB file from a Linux partition in Windows using those tools? and I guess it is only readable? or I can write to those partitions too?But as I understood with Ext2 Installable File System For Windows you can do everything, delete, move, write and modify..
  16. I think in different countries different ones are used, for example here in Lithuania, a lot of whom are using one dot lt, now even frype dot lt is getting very popular place to hang out and myspace isn't a popular place though among people here, even though it is known.. I think this is because the local country managed services usually are full of that country people, not all people are interested being seen by foreigners or etc. In fact, myspace is something like a more multi country service ^_^Personally I don't like myspace, it "sucks" is usually slow and full of ads and unneeded stuff
  17. It is very easy to upgrade wordpress, just upload and replace the files in your wordpress directory with the newer files, every file has a modification or creation date, it is usually easy visible in an ftp client, after you've done, just use the upgrade.php file and thats all, if your configuration file has all the details of database name, user and password, it will use the same DB and you'll be using newer WP version..The main problem with upgrading is: don't delete all the files and upload new files, you don't have to do that, because you need the config file and besides, some files are modified by your needs if you have added a new template or edited something yourself, if you didn't and are using the default, then only config file is needed..I wish wordpress would again would be releasing upgrade packages, with only changed/edited files from the last release, but maybe it is only a waste of time though.
  18. Yeah, I agree too, some tricks done by magician seems really cool, but when you get to know how it was done, it doesn't smell like magic anymore, even though there are some tricks which requires a lot of practice, in some way magic is just fooling people.. and I talk about Todays magicians, not about the past, when a Wizard could make that you would become a frog, or was it a Witch
  19. Well, I also can't see if it is any good or it isn't any good, but MySQL is quite powerful these days and is very usable, so it is a good choice for Sun, furthermore, Sun is a quite big company, it has the right open source spirit as quoted from the blog and I truly think that they have good developers to do the job, I even think most of us won't see much of a difference, even if not everyone are Java developers, I just hope so.
  20. No, Lithuanian language has nothing to do with Russian, Cyrillic, even though there are some words taken from them, they have taken from us.. but Lithuanian language belongs to Balts, and in fact it didn't change a lot from the past, as did most of the languages, so it is attractive to historians, the letters are latin, just that we have "ąčęėįšųūž" 9 more letters and officially there are no qwx letters in the abc ;D You can always read more on Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lithuanian_language
  21. I am fluent on Lithuanian language, because it's my mother language, but it's quite a hard language to learn, especially for foreign people, also I am not so bad at English, except when speaking I have this accent and I can't speak so fast like real English people do + my dictionary is quite low, it's very hard for me to speak for example about foods, I need to take a dictionary to say what a dumpling is.. I think that's because I usually read and write much more than speak and I don't write to much about foods, so all I need is a good practice in some foreign country.. I also can easily speak Russian and understand it, but I definitely can't write any, due to I never wanted nor I want to learn it though I can read it very slowly I learnt German for about 4 years in School, but I don't remember anything, I can say basic stuff though, whats my name and where I live ;D
  22. One thing I don't know.. Did you create that background on deviantart? or you just took it and added the corner? ;]
  23. Yeah, the graphic is really great, especially if it is your first attempt to do something like that, I also like how the font fits in, moreover, I like those things in left bottom corner, as if they are point somewhere and is quite interesting..The guy in the right, well, I think it is to blurry and looks like a separate image, it might look better if you sharpen him and not blur, what I mean is that you could make him fit the design a bit better, maybe by using something, transparent a bit, I don't know, because I am not into graphics as much as I would want to..
  24. Well, yeah I agree that Sans-Serif are one of the best to use, but Sans non Serif are also good, also a lot of whom can just use Arial or Verdana, due to they are usually present on most systems and browsers if nothing is done custom.. but I personally try to avoid Arial, I don't really like it to much.. You mean what beer is the best? yeah, thats a good rhetoric question Well, because bear is something like an animal, usually brown, but in the arctic pole there are some white too ;)
  25. Yeah, I'm also using PHP Designer for my coding, never trusted and liked those tools, maybe because I started doing it by hand, even though PHP Designer is quite helpful IDE in understanding your code ;DI don't really use Notepad, I use Notepad2 for simple things as default.. Also I heard about NVU, I just hope more people will use it instead of Frontpage ;D
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