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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. Yeah, everything now seems to work, now it's much easier to read the board
  2. Yeah, I also noticed this thing, but I continue posting by looking at the bottom of the forum in the main page, there links to latest topics and posts are put, quite nice, but I rather use the search or view new posts or at least todays active topics.. :)Even though I might try My assistant if it works as TavoxPeru says? Hmm
  3. I don't really do a lot with PDF, by creating them, usually I just export a document file, but I tried and made quite good PDF files using PHP and TCPDF class for PHP, it's very easy to use and you can really make a lot with, but it requires some time, even though I liked it, when I learned how to use it, in their site there are examples of what can be made or those examples were in the archive with the tcpdf class, can't really remember, but it's really great. https://tcpdf.org/
  4. I used to play Tony Hawk on PC, but to tell the truth after some time, a month or two I got bored from playing it and I even didn't play it everyday, eventually I just got bored, maybe it's because I rather play adventure, strategy games instead.
  5. In some way, all religions are "false", as I know not a lot of languages has the word religion except for Christians, most of major religions in the world are cults having a lot of people/members which fallow and believe in something, if you look at this kind of things quite in abstract way Churches make money from people too, not only different cults.. I'm not saying that religion is something not needed, I talked about this on the forum a lot of times, this was just an idea to look from another point of view. ;D
  6. I never had paid for hosting to tell the truth since 2002 and always used for personal use different free hosting providers and for a really long time I am using Xisto, but before it, I have used similar hosts which offered similar stuff and you needed to post on the forums, from all those Xisto is one of more organised support and hosts I have ever seen, maybe Today we have less members and it's more difficult to post, but still it's great.
  7. I prefer a Desktop computer, especially for working with it at home or office, but in my opinion, o more advanced computer user could have a Desktop and a laptop, because laptop is also very good, because you can bring it to your office/work, to university, to somebody to show something in the restaurant or any place, even in the yard or in a car.. I never liked laptops keyboard and etc. and the disadvantage that better laptops are bigger and heaver, but anyway, I am thinking of doing it like this:Have a quite good big laptop and use it as a desktop, by connecting a monitor, keyboard and mouse to it at home and when needed you just can take it out and bring it somewhere this is really comfortable, because now having to computers sometimes is annoying, you think that you did something there and it was on another computer and etc.
  8. But not in such real time like they do it on the movies and so fast, unless you're lucky and the communication satellite is near the position you want, it's not like it can go forward up down and etc. to accept your coordinates as fast as now and as you said it can take lots of pictures.
  9. Maybe there are some serious things about those horoscopes, the planets and stars, but most of those everyday horoscopes are just crap, you can mix them or random them and people will still stick to them, most of them just read them for fun, but maybe some people take it quite seriously, I even started laughing, when my friend told me, that my friend from school times today works as horoscope writer and he wasn't anything like horoscopes guy, he just writes them with some common rules for crap horoscopes
  10. It's not so dangerous in my opinion, no one can look at your house in real time, most of those high-res pictures are old, except for the most famous places where satellites fly through and take photos, it's quite a hard thing to accomplish.. for example when I look at my city, even though it seems quite high res, but the grand canyon looks much better, but most of those buildings are old, I can see buildings and bridges built since ~2002 year and it didn't change since the first version of google earth, so I lost my interest in it..Besides, it's almost impossible to look at people from space in real time, like they do it in the movies, for example the serial Jericho, they logged in and watched people from space, for this to happen you need to have a satellite other that place which would travel the same speed as earth other that land, it can't go there and there just like that, also the same on some other movies, for that to be possible, you need.. :)As I know, you can only order/get some pictures of the earth coordinates, and you can't really look or film it, because the satellite being other that position takes several seconds or something like that, at least I heard like that and it's quite logical.
  11. Another good reason to hide the page source is, even I have seen it happen for my websites, when browsing google, I saw my site being used, I mean the layout page source was stolen and put somewhere else on a server for a Chinese free hosting or something like that and different ads were put up and that really made me mad
  12. If you want to hide the source of your html page, just make it blank, then no one will see anything, even the browser, because you won't have anything to show, so if the coding would be encrypted one way, when how would the browser know what to show? there is no point to hide HTML, if the browser can show your page, when it means that anyone can view your source.. people think that their html is so cool that there is some kind of point to hide it.. Even though everyone is stealing the source and using it or learn from it, for example Javascript, I usually just look into the source how it is done.. More serious thing is the stealing of images, usually a watermark or some logo at the bottom right side helps :)So there is no way and I don't think there will be in the future, but maybe someone will think of something.
  13. Well, whats the problem with Monarchy? Besides, not only United Kingdom has a Queen, King, Prince etc. a Royal family, other countries also have it as I know, Denmark?, Sweden? ... or they don't really do anything there.. Also UK stands for United Kingdom, the word Kingdom refers to something like Monarchy
  14. yeah, but earning 100 credits, it isn't such an easy task on Xisto forum now Even though I noticed or maybe it's just me, that we get more credits for posting even smaller length messages than we did ~ a year ago? I think someone changed something that it would be easier to stay up with the credits.
  15. I doubt that, you can go with SP3 if you installed a fresh XP windows, it's not as bad, it's better than insalling XP SP2 and when downlaoding all those updates over those years.
  16. I mainly browse with Opera, it's always running when my computer is on, if we're talking about Windows and as I am used to it I like it, never browse with IE, the only thing I do with it is test some webpage or go to a page which only works with IE, but usually I leave those pages for someone else to watch and of course it's used to update windows.. :)I agree that Safari is a great browser, on Linux I prefer Konqueror above all, but on Windows version of Safari, I just test the page, because of the GUI, I never really like Apple GUI, I rather see a webkit browser with a GUI written with QT that it would look like Opera or at least like Firefox..Firefox 3 beta is really promising, because it's so fast, just hope it will stay so fast when the final version will come, because the more features and add-ons and stuff it has, the slower it is.
  17. Yeah, I also doubt they will release it, SP3 was so to much late, it would be stupid if SP4 would be out soon, hahaha, well I would laugh if that would happen.. Small updates are coming even though people have installed XP with SP3 :PAs I know Vista will soon be replaced with another Windows version? by soon I meant that it won't be so soon
  18. Personally, with all that music downloads, piracy, I don't really get the point, I understand that it's illegal, but most of people do it and I don't really care, they listen music for their personal needs at home or in a car through USB or bluetooth etc. or even maybe through their mp3 player or mobile phone.. I rather would not like people who get profit out of these, who are selling illegal music or downloading it, making CD copies which looks like original and selling them, but their bitrate is very low and etc. and they get profit out of it, this is illegal, but when a guy downloads some mp3 through p2p he listens to it, oh I like it, he will want a better bitrate he "might" go and buy a CD even though, these days I don't like CD's anymore, they just take to much space, 5 years ago when my room was full of CDs I thought cool, now I say where to put all that "garbage"/"data" and putting everything into USB keys also isn't the best way, even though they are so cheap these days..
  19. I also agree, if you don't want to waste money or you're a student and can't really afford to get MS Office Suite, when working with Open Office is a great Alternative, even though you can get access to MS Office at most of Universities, Libraries and even Schools, to learn use both would be even better, usually learning one is quite enough, due to they both work similarly.. The only bad thing about OO is that MS Access and OO Base, well Base doesn't have so much of things, even though it might have changed, due to I didn't execute Base for a year, but I doubt.. In my opinion, Access isn't as needed Today as it used to be anyway..
  20. I used to use Limewire, but for sometime I don't really use it, I had it installed, but didn't run it, now I don't even have it installed, same with Soulseek, I don't know why, but now if I need something, I usually try torrents and dc++, I don't even use eMule anymore, maybe I don't really need to download to much files which can't be found on web, due to it's free or even open-source
  21. To add, I also agree that there is no really serious matter to do games with Powerpoint, I guess it should be left for the purpose it serves, for slideshow presentations, to present something.. It's very easy to create it, most of Microsoft products include macros/modules, where you can write visual basic or basic, don't even know, that includes Powerpoint, Access, Excel, Word and as I know Outlook :)So Microsoft Office can be a game?
  22. When this kind of things happen and you don't have any idea whats wrong, the best thing is to reinstall Windows, hahaha
  23. Yes, I did this too to pause a console application, sometimes I did system("PAUSE"); too but it works if there is a command PAUSE, it is by default on Windows, I think it's not by default on Linux, but as I know anyone can create such a command on Linux too.. The bigger issue is with CLEAR and CLS due to they both are different on Linux and Windows, so you have to check someway what system your using and only when use to clear the terminal or command prompt by CLS or/and CLEAR ;]
  24. I think he has in mind, that he wants a resource where he could find Text Based games written in PHP which would work on a Web server which would have a PHP and maybe a DB like MySQL. I did a google search, but found some commercial games only and some already working, with no source.
  25. cout << "blabla"; usually works with command line applications, using such things like visual c++ and creating a windows form application, I doubt you would find where to use cout, usually you don't even include <iostream> and etc. you're using the visual c++ programming, something->somewhere.text = "blabla";
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