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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. As I remember, I once needed to use SVG and needed to make it cross browser, can't find the source, but the idea was to use both methods to make it work on all browsers. The idea was to use the IE conditions together with the object, and I've tested how it works. Something like that: <!--[if gt IE 5]>..code..<![endif]--><!--[if IE]> <![if !IE]> <![endif]-->... not ie code..<!--[if IE]> <![endif]> <![endif]--> If it's less than IE9 to show the png image, for others to show it in an object, can't remember, but the idea might work for you to avoid sending png and svg for the same request. By the way, as I know <!--[if !IE]> --> <!-- <![endif]--> is not valid html comment with the w3c validator and my method as I tried is valid.
  2. I could add to the topic, that if in the past Religion was something to explain the purpose of our life and how we need to live that life and more serious things, today it seems that Science took that role, because when you think about it you could compare Religion and Science. Today Science talk a lot about things they don't know, they say: it's like that and that and you need to believe in it just like in a Religion.A scientist says that our universe is endless or a black hole works like that and that, but it's just a theory, one hypothesis of many and etc. And people needs to believe that. In religion, in the past, it was like that to, you need to believe in something what was told by somebody, now most of us needs to believe in science even though they could be totally wrong, but most of the things are told as true and not false statements.Well, I think I told my view point, if physics work like that in our scope, it might work differently in another scope, but if a scientist says it's like that, you better believe him, as their given evidence is always acceptable, but it's like that. Same with History, from several facts, sometimes it seems that historians interpret that and that and create a fact which you need to believe that it was like that, but in many considerations, THEY DON"T KNOW ANYTHING AT ALL, they guess and say that it's the truth :DNevertheless, facts like world is round and not flat is a good fact and I can believe in it, but when scientists start talking about things they don't know or can't even check, it's some kind of a religion for me in which you need to believe. But if looking at science with open mind, it's quite fun and interesting to explore all those considerations, but Science should not become a Religion and some things could be told differently.
  3. I am not so experienced to know what facebook or google is using, but for example, as I know wordpress doesn't use sessions at all, the use GET variables for everything and a cookie for authorizing a user and they don't store anything more, but that might be old news? Also, one of the best practice is to regenerate the session id after user logins or something like that, you can use php function: http://php.net/manual-lookup.php?pattern=manuagenerate-id.php〈=en&scope=404quickref Some other bigger products store sessions in a database of some kind or even better in memcached, but that's a different story, because that session data needs to work on different processing machines or multiple servers, but if you just have one server, a simple website, I think a simple PHP session is quite save with the regeneration of the session id is enough. Don't use cookies yourself and use sessions, but it depends on your needs, you can always use your own session handler. Here is some more reading about PHP sessions: http://shiflett.org/articles/the-truth-about-sessions
  4. Even though I don't understand the question, but talking about scope, I can say that most DBMS work separately from the OS, for example if you have a circle of OS, then in that circle you would have another smaller circle of a DBMS which is separate.Microsoft SQL Server and other Microsoft products seems to integrate OS functions into their DBMS, because you're able to use dot.NET from the DBMS and take control of some OS functions, you can use C#, visual basic and etc. which is something really great, the scope of Microsoft DBMS gets bigger and an interface is not needed which can integrate two different scopes.Oracle DBMS doesn't use this technique, but I believe they're going into that direction in one or another way by using their own hardware and controlling all the layers from hardware, middleware and applications.So talking about enterprises and interfaces, maybe this is the issue?
  5. You're right, I've tried Opera portable on my home computer and it seems it works "better", but the problem seem to still exist, even though it's portable.
  6. I've read that the new better way which separate the join conditions and other conditions is the inner join/left join syntax which is the new standard, but personally for me, I usually use the old method as it's much easier for me to read it, maybe because I am used to it? I work with large databases and big SQL queries which can be quite complex and when I look at the SQL query, I can put everything in my head how it works and what it does and searching for bugs or something is much easier for me, when I see what is selected, from what kind of tables and what are the conditions, but for that to work, the conditions needs to be put quite logically depending on those tables. I've also worked with a guy which used different syntax, and every time I needed to look at his queries when he was away, it was quite hard for me to understand everything as there were lots of inner joins, lots of left joins and to see which tables are used I would need time to put everything into my head and especially it starts to be hard to read those kind of queries when you start using CASE or IF in the conditions, it isn't as clear for me as the old multiple tables syntax. But I think, if you get used to one syntax, it might be different, but it's just my opinion, also I am used to my SQL beautifier which I configurated for myself and it really is useful. Which is more efficient? At least on ORACLE 10g and 9i some queries started to work faster than I used the mutliple tables seperated with commas, on MySQL I guess the optimizer works differently. For example, this SQL query: SELECT * from table1 WHERE table1.id IN (1,2,3); By optimizer is always changed too: SELECT * from table1 WHERE table1.id = 1 OR table1.id = 2 OR table1.id = 3; So theoretically the second method is faster, because the first method is always transformed to the second method, but the first method is much shorter and easier to read, and the speed you get isn't superb faster.
  7. Aren't all those changes from Xisto to Xisto and now to KDiscuss and the change of domain names somehow work on the pagerank for google? Or for example a permanent moved header is quite enough for google and other search engines to reindex everything without pagerank loss?
  8. With the stolen cookie which has the session id you can access that session as if you were that unique user, but some security mechanisms exists, that it's not so easy to give cookies away and use it for others to use the same session, cookie is nothing more than a http header information. But of course, as I said, it's more secure to store data on the server and only the id to that data on the user computer rather than all the data in different cookies.
  9. By fresh install, I meant I reinstalled Windows 7 OS - formated my C disk and installed Windows 7, not from a backup partition, but from the DVD disk which came with the laptop. A very good point though, I didn't try to use Opera portable version, I think I will try it and see if the problem still exists and will post here later than I will be at home. For other people reading this thread, here is the link to opera portable version: http://www.opera-usb.com/ or http://portableapps.com/apps/internet/opera_portable/
  10. Views are really great and most bigger databases require to create views for making things simple. If you always use a big select query to achieve something, you can always create a view and use it in your sql queries when creating reports or forms and etc. Also, you can control data which can be viewed, if you need to change something, you change it in one place and don't need to go through all your code and change it?But there is no reason, excpet for security to create views with duplicate table data, like this:create or replace view view1 as select * from table1;It's good if for some specific people/users you need to restrict some columns or some data, but for that you will need to change the sign * to column names and maybe if necessary add conditions to filter some data.
  11. When working with SQL, the standard SQL syntax is to use INNER JOIN and etc. syntax, but for example in ORACLE you usually just use commas to separate database tables and in the WHERE clause just write the conditions on which you join the tables, for LEFT or RIGHT JOINS in ORACLE you just use the (+) sign on the join conditions.I've tested that on ORACLE writing inner join can be slower sometimes, as I think the optimizer converts to ORACLE syntax, at least on ORACLE 10g.For me, it's much easier to read SQL queries using this syntax: select * from table1, table2, table3 where conditions;MySQL also supports this syntax and usually you have no problems with it, but as I know it's not in the standard, as SQL queries stand for Structured Query Language, it's like natural sentences, so as sentences it seems more logical to write inner join on conditions, but not otherwise, but for me, as I am used to different syntax, it's much harder to read those kind of SQL queries, especially if they are big and have a lot of conditions, sub-queries and etc.
  12. It's a nice name, KDiscuss is quite good, but searching on google something with this keyword might be hard, I started to like Xisto as it's quite a good name and a lot of times better than Xisto :)For me KDiscuss is quite good. In fact, it looks like a KDE application
  13. Quite good idea, will need to check it on a virtual machine, I personally use VirtualBox, but it doesn't really matter. What I am afraid is that it might work on a virtual machine and doesn't work at the Host machine, because for example on another computer I don't have this issue, Opera seem to work correctly, but it's on XP and not on Windows 7. At work, on Windows 7 I also have no problems and what is strange, that I did a fresh install, the problem still exists. So it might be different drivers or something, but I didn't find any pattern as this seem to happen for people with dell computers too, I use a Samsung laptop, so drivers are different.
  14. There are privacy settings, if for example your not my friend, I don't allow to view my account or wall for you, I allow only to my friends or I can choose to show only to my friends friends, but if you want to send a message and you don't have permission to do it, you won't be able as fas as I know, even though I don't really use facebook to much, as you I just registered to have some friends around and blocked everything I could find in the privacy settings, so until I won't get a message that somebody wants to be a friend of mine, he can't send me anything.By default, I don't even know what kind of settings they apply, I guess moderate/recommended. So, as I understand, if you know his link to wall or his name or username, you can ask him to be your friend and only then send him a message, but that depends on his privacy settings.When using facebook, you can add friends and block some things separately and only see what is interesting for you.
  15. I agree too, some fruits and vegetables from the store seem to have no taste, apples seem to be much better from my village, where my wifes parents grow them their self , really different taste and I can say the same for strawberry, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, lettuce/salad and potatoes, but you can get quite good potatoes in a store too, if they are fresh, but the price is quite different. They taste so much differently, when you grow them yourself, when you get them from a store, they look like tomatoes, but has no taste, strawberry looks like strawberry, but it has no taste and whenever you get used to store fruits and vegetables, I think you start to forget what is the real taste of those vegetables In our country exists farmer stores, where farmers can come and sell their production, the taste is much better, they usually have some certificates, but the prize is also 2x bigger than from a store, so it's not that all people can afford it.
  16. I think languages which won't become digital will die in one or another way, so the languages which want to survive needs to become digital. So google is doing a really great job.Speaking one language is quite a good idea, it would be much easier to communicate and a world would become even a more smaller place to live in, but still I think people could speak at least two languages, their mother tongue and lets say English or Esperanto or some other "world" language. My personal opinion that everyone should know 3 languages, it's much better for the person himself and for the brains too :DNowadays some people can't speak fluently any language, which in my opinion is really a bad thing.
  17. It would seem logical that free games are not as good as the paid ones, but I think that free games can be quite enjoyable as the paid one and some free games might even be better than the paid ones. I personally like free games, especially if they work natively on Linux I once in a while like to play Freeciv and can't say it's not an enjoyable game, but Civilization 3 and above might be much better for somebody else, but it's a paid game.Same with FPS games, Crossfire isn't as good as Counter Strike Source, but when you get it for free, I think it's worth playing it
  18. Scientists seem to synthesize a lot of things these days, but those products usually different very much in taste and quality, but a lot of people will buy it, because it's cheaper and long term results might be bad for the health of human kind, but for a lot of whom statistics and the "problem" that ~50% of our grain goes to animals to create meat for us is really a problem for somebody.To eat meat which tastes like rubber isn't for me, but it might be the future, because it's cheaper? As I know some people in the world are so rich they don't know where to invest their money and they invest in different crazy things, why not just give them to feed some people? Because with this kind of movement about food, less people will be able to eat real meat. I am not talking about those, who does not have drinkable water, and as I know, numbers are huge...
  19. I guess you can die when you sleep,some people just die in their sleep, they never wake up, but I doubt that most of them die because of dreaming something, they might have a nice dream, but they might dream that they're dying. I personally in my dreams wake up before falling to the ground or when I fall, it doesn't hurt and I can walk further.
  20. Welcome to the forums, nice to see you joining the community.
  21. Well, separately installed LinuxMint has more resources to the hardware as they are free, when you run it through VMware, you use your hardware resources to run two operating systems, you have less RAM, less processing and etc.If you run virtual machines on a very powerful hardware with lots of ram and lots of CPU, the difference will be minimal, but as a rule, one operating system will be faster running on one CPU than two operating systems running on a dual core CPU using different threads, but the difference can be quite small and usually is much more useful and having one big server with lots of stuff is much better than having lots of servers for different things as the processing power isn't fully used and the cloud thing for example is good as you can share resources and use the existing hardware resources for lots of services.So that minimal lost of resources is really useful to fully use one machine for it's capabilities. One machine can run a lot of services and operating systems and calibrate between when, use the existing resources when available and share them.
  22. Personally, I've found people on other forums with similar problems, so we aren't the only ones out there, but still I think we are the minority as these kind of problems weren't fixed yet. Maybe it's due to it's hard to show the error, you would need an Opera developer to come to your home and do all the tests and debugging To find a solution or a reason to the problem.
  23. Yeah, really seems great, I think my specs wouldn't run Crysis 2 on High Settings I remembered I played Crysis, first version, and I think I didn't play it on Hight Settings, but it was OK for me.
  24. Quatrux

    Air Car!

    I've just read about those compressed air cars, I think more research needs to be done, as they're not so efficient to change electricity driven cars, or normal petrol/diesel cars, but the technology is quite interesting, I guess it could be combined with other technologies? If India has problems with electricity, these kind of cars might be a solution, but still you need energy to compress the air in the first place. :)Here is some more reading: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compressed_air_car
  25. I also agree that plastic surgery needs to be done when you really need it, for removing scars or similar, but when people start "fixing" their beauty, usually for me they start looking more horrible :DThere are a lot of examples with cosmetic surgery, it seems that it's addicting, you do one surgery, you start to think about another and you don't know when to stop and the result is another Michel Jackson.I am for natural beauty and fro plastic surgery only when it's needed, because abusing it may result in more problems.
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