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Everything posted by midnightvamp

  1. I don't know... I think it looks really pretty with just the blues too. Plus, I like the border that you used, even though it's hard to see in some area, it's almost blended, which works. Plus, I think it adds a little more character to the graphic. Keep up the work... I'm sure you're keep getting better (even though I think you are already doing VERY VERY well right now with it!)
  2. Girls are strange that way... at least I know I am. Half the time I never even know what I want either. One day, I can like something, and wish that he'd make a move so that we could be together, cause I'm just too shy for that myself on most counts... while other days I can't stand him. Then later, it will be nice to be together just as friends. I don't know how to explain it, but my attraction for other people can wave in and out of wanting a relationship, or wanting friends, or not wanting either.I can't really explain it, and I'm not sure if I'm making any sense, and it doesn't really help your problem too much, but I hope that maybe it might provide a little insight as to what might be going on in her mind. Or I might be the only person like that, which in that case, it's okay to ignore me
  3. Yea, it does just bump you down to -4 once you are suspended. But luckily, by that point, credits are REALLY REALLY easy to make up, and posting regular posts are worth a lot more credits at that point. The more credits you have saved up, the harder it is to get credits from posting... so that's why I'm happy that once it's down low, it's easy to get it back up again.They do say that once you reach -30 credits you are suspended... but I haven't got that far (luckily) only about halfway or so. Does anyone know if after it does the -4 jump at the beginning if it only goes 1 credit per day down, or is there anymore jumps? I'm just curious, cause when mine has gone down, I wasn't really paying enough attention to see what it does.
  4. Apparently I'm normal... now I can go tell all those people that tell me I'm too skinny and need to eat more (even though I can easily polish off five sausages in one sitting... I was a good dinner )I was happy though to see that my sister didn't come up as overweight on that one, because she's done some of those before that put her off the chart overweight, even though she's not much larger around the waist than I am, but since she's so tall, and weighs more than most people her size. I still haven't figured out how her legs can weight so much... lol... I think it's cause she's all sports-like and I'm just an indoor girl lol
  5. I think it's really hard to say whether or not you should get Adsense for your site. I suppose it's personal preference really, and you never know, having it there means there is the possibility to be making money, even when you aren't working on your site. I think that's the part I like best about it... even when I don't do anything on my site for two or three weeks, Adsense is still quietly working away making some money.I'm not going to say I've made much off it yet... but I don't have that big of sites. But I can tell you that I have recieved some money off it, which as far as I'm concerned is money for nothing. I would have made the site regardless, so the few pennies here or there are just like an added bonus.I was hoping that eventually I'd like to make a living off of adsense... but that is a very LONG LONG time away. (Unless I get VERY VERY lucky lol...) but still... for the no effort it takes me to leave the ads there... I will. Eventually the money will add up.And don't let the sign up discourage you from getting Adsense. It's only a one time thing, so it's really not that bad. You then get to decide how you want your ads to appear, which takes a little time, and then you have to paste the code into your pages, which can be time consuming if you have a lot of pages made already, but it's really easy to just add it in there for any new pages that you make - especially if you use any kind of "template" for your pages.I pasted my Adsense code right into the template I made up for my site, so whenever I use that template, the ads just automatically appear for me now. Quick and painless :)Anyway, it's still up to you what you wish to choose, but I wanted to let you know that adsense also offers small text links, which don't scare away the visitors so much... it's not all flashing banners and such... there is plenty to choose from, so have a look around the Adsense documentation before you decide against using it.
  6. Here's my two cents:Why only limit yourself to one browser? I've always had multiple browsers on my machine, and if you plan on making a website (which I figure you must be since you are at the Xisto forums) then it's good to have several browsers to test your pages on.Since there are so many browsers, it's good to have a selection to view your site through to make sure that they all appear correctly, no matter which one you are using. A site built in Internet Explorer for instance can end up looking completely different. Usually a lot of my time is spent, tweaking my site, so it appears correct in all browsers.Just a little something for you to think about.Plus: if you just plan on browsing sites, and you come accross one of the sites that says its "best viewed in *insert browser here*" then it's nice to be able to view the site at its best.
  7. Wow... I'm really going to have to try this out when I get my new site up and running. I found a (quite lengthy) php form email script, that I tested and works quite well, but this one is probably about 1/3 of the length of the one I tested. Thanks for sharing
  8. Yea, I've found that whenever I've needed anything script wise to add something extra to my site, that I haven't found pre-made an available in the Cpanel given to us by Xisto, that I just do a google search and find something like what I'm looking for. If I still find nothing, then I typically just post what I'm looking for here, and someone points me in the right direction, or works with me to get to the point I'm having trouble getting to. Hope this helps.
  9. Yea, it was stuff like that which made us lose out on our edit button (which I'm very happy was solved and we have it back now!)I figure, what is the point in cheating the hosting credit system? If you do... either your points are going to be adjusted once someone finds out what you are doing - which they WILL find out. And if you try it enough times, I'm sure that eventually it could lead to you losing your account.With hosting like this, and it costing nothing at all.... why would you want to jeopardize that? Think about it before you go and try to cheat the system. It doesn't help anyone in the end, and especially not you.
  10. I've been going to that site regularly for quite some time now. It was actually my sister that found out about that site before I did... and I was like "what the heck, who cares?" Then once I got my hands on to it, it all became crystal clear and I immediately fell in love with it.I'm there probably everyday looking up something or another. Most of the time I have a song that I just really really want to hear, and it's easier just to find it on that site then dig up my cd that has the song on it. Plus, there's some really really really funny stuff on there.I can see how the site has gotten as big as it has. Everyone I know knows about it and goes there often. But it truly was an amazing idea that the makers of that site came up with and implemented
  11. Wow... that really is a good way to remind us just how good we have it here at Xisto! I can remember being with other hosts, but nothing ever came close to comparing with what you get here. And it's all for free (or whatever time it takes you to post for hosting credits).I love how they give you so many options for your hosting that many other companies would and do charge extra for. Plus, there's more than enough space and bandwidth to do you for a lot of traffic on a large site.We've all found the best. That makes me a very happy person
  12. Yes, I think external hard drives are wonderful things. I have an 80 gigs one here, and since I don't have all the video files, it's more than enough for me. Plus, the prices really have gone down now too, so if I were to ever need another, I'm be out buying one in a second. I think it's probably what would work best for you as well. You can do a little research into them first if you want, instead of just going out and buying one. Before I got mine, I looked around in a bunch of internet sites to see if any stores had any on sale, and I found some in my area that were, so I got a nice external hard drive, that was cheaper than it normally would be.
  13. I downloaded Firefox just to try this lol...I usually always had that browser anyway, but since I've gotten my new computer, I just haven't been bothered with it yet. But I've followed the steps, and it really does seem to be faster. I had no idea things like that even existed for us users to change.Thanks a lot for the tip!
  14. I originally started with Yahoo Mail, then moved on to Hotmail, but have not tried either bata of each of those mails, because most recently I found out about Gmail's beta, and have fallen in love with it.At first the no folder's thing threw me for a loop, but I got over it, once I relized how lables do the same thing, but are better, because it means I can put each message into more than one "folder" at a time. I really like that. Plus, the amout of space that they give you is incredible, and I've had barely no problems trying to send attachments because they give you lots of room to play around there. Much more than my previous accounts.I also like the fact that you can get a Gmail account much easier than the others, because they seem to be "less live" than the Gmail bata at the moment.One thing I didn't know about is the drag and drop thing. It sounds like a nice feature, but since I like to be able to put my emails into more than one folder on most occasions, I don't think I'd really be able to do that with a system that could use drag and drop. Plus, using a drop down menu might even be easier than dragging something across the page.Anyway, I haven't checked out the others so I can't be certain, but I like Gmail so much, I have my plans set with staying in that account anyway lol...
  15. Wow.... I certainly learned a lot of good stuff in this thread that I never even really thought about before. I never thought of something from that deep not being able to survive without the pressure from below. But that totally makes sense. I think the next book I find to read might just have to be something about the oceans. Thanks for an interesting (and educational) topic!
  16. It's seems that I can view your site, though, when I click on the website link, it's not working for me just yet either. I just get a page cannot be displayed, and I'm in North America. Your forum and other stuff seem to be coming up fine though.Hopefully it's just something that will work itself out in a couple days if things still need to work it's way around the world.And to be honest, I didn't really get what farsiscript was saying either. It's a bit too over my head I'm afraid lol. Maybe he can explain it again
  17. It all really depends on the site and my mood lol...I usually just use xhtml / css with some javascripts and a little php thrown in there, but sometimes I make the sites with a lot more php.I've been known to do some coding is asp, though I'm not that comfortable with it, so that doesn't usually happen, unless I'm working with someone else's code that was already written in that language.I was working with actionscript yesterday, but because I was doing something in flash. So I don't know if that counts <_<I'm sure Java could do somethings in websites that are okay. I've seen it used in certain applets and things on sites. Though I did get a little training in it, I never learned anything deep enough into the language that it could have been of any use on my websites. We were just using that language as an introduction to programming.Anyone else do much in the lines of Java in their websites?
  18. Wow... emailing them to my gmail account. I didn't think about that before. I've kept backups on my local machine, and I have a fairly recent copy on my external hard drive as well, but I'll be sure to send one to my gmail account (I hope it's not too big) because I think that is a great idea.As for loving the fact that this site offers a 30 day 'grace' period on your account, I've used it many times, and am so happy that all I've had to do to get back up and running is post more. It helps a ton when you are busy and don't realise that you've run out of credits.
  19. I'm all up for making quality posts, but I think that it should count no matter what forum you are in. I just hate taking the time to write out a very nice post, with lots of detailed information, just to later find out that you found yourself into a no-post-count zone. It's a bit discouraging after spending ten or fifteen minutes making the post 'quality'.Sure, if the topic was one I felt really passionate about to begin with, I wouldn't care, but I get all excited after I submit a nice size post to see just how much that helped my numbers. When I check up on it, to find that it didn't go up at all, it's rather discouraging.Couldn't there be a way to see if the post is spam by making sure that it's of a certain length or something? Plus, once a moderator finds a spam message, don't the credits from that post just get taken away anyway and the warning goes up? I would think that alone would solve the problems and allow for all posts that are of some value to actually count for something.
  20. Interesting theories, boys lol...I can't say I've ever 'raced' going to the bathroom. Unless of course that means trying to finish my business before the other people I bring in is done. Not for the sport of it, but more along the lines of I don't want anyone to hear me pee. I'm rather shy that way.So, you think that it would be better to go in alone then, so no one would hear me? Maybe, except that ever since us girls were younger, we've been trained not to go anywhere 'alone' for fear that the evils in life might find us and do bad things to us. There's strength in numbers, eh?This is especially true in cases when the washrooms are very public, like train stations or bars... places that might not be all that safe. We've all heard the stories of the things that have happened, and could still happen, I'd rather not chance it if I could help it.As for the not wanting to speak up when we have to go, making all the girls jump up at the notion of someone else suggesting it? That is also true in my case. I hate having to announce that I need to go to the washroom. It's a lot easy to just wait for someone, and say, I'll go with you.I can't speak for which is cleaner, because I don't tend to frequent the male washrooms, but I can tell you I've seen some spotless female washrooms, and I've also seen some that despite me really really having to go, I've walked right back out, because I couldn't bring myself to use the facilities it had been so bad. I figure, both sexes have there moments.Couchs in washrooms are fun, but I've only really seen them in department stores. I know one time I was sick, and overly joyed to find a couch to lay down on. It was the only time I'd ever used it, and I still haven't since.I love the writing on the wall too in washrooms. It's ever important to read it all, and compare notes while washing hands to see who got the best one. I know at this restaurant that I used to go to... there was even a chalkboard in every stall that you could read / leave messages on. I just admired it from afar however, because the thought of someone touching the same piece of chalk as they were peeing kinda freaked me out. Not so much with the sanitary.Plus, we do fix our makeup, and hair, and try to make ourselves a little more presentable before we come out. We like to look good you know.I can't really think of anything else at the moment, but I think this might provide a little insight, though some of it was me just confirming what other people had already said.
  21. That's really incredible. I've never been able to make a sun look that realistic and I have tried a couple times. The one thing that sort of sticks out at me though is the black jaggedy line that's around the sun. If that could be more smooth, I think it would be even more amazing. It is very beautiful though.
  22. Since posting is required for this great service, I don't mind one bit. Once I start making enough money off my site, that it can support itself being on a paid account, I plan to send it over to Xisto - Web Hosting anyway, because I'd like to stay with this company, rather than find a new one, as I know for me, this has been the best I've even be with.So, alas, I'll continue to post away as once my site gets too much traffic (I could only hope lol) I'll just have to move it up to a paid account lol.Anyway, I can't thank you enough Opaque, for all the wonderful stuff you've done with this service and with us. I put all my faith into you, and know you can do it! You rock!
  23. For me it depends on the kind of movie I'm going to see. If it's more of a kids movie, and I'm watching it in the afternoon, then it doesn't really bother me because I expect it to happen. If I don't want all the little kids destracting me from the movie, then I just usually go to a later showing, because there are less kids.As for the parents that bring there kids to scary movies... that is plain stupid. They get scared, obviously aren't enjoying themselves so why bring them? If you wanted to see the movie that badly, you could have always gotten a babysitter to look after the little ones, because I mean, what is the point of seeing a movie, if you are telling you kid every three seconds to be quiet. It's just not that enjoyable.
  24. midnightvamp


    Hey, welcome, I'm not much of a gamer, so I can't really recommend anything that would be good for you. I'm sure there's lots of people here better equipped to handle that than I lol...But anyway, welcome to the forums I'm sure you'll like it here!
  25. Hee hee, you were a Outcast / Nerd too lol Anyway, I've noticed that the labeling thing does seem to happen a lot more during high school then any other place that I've been. It was pretty bad back then, and not fun at all. I personally hate labels myself, but still, when I see the stereotypical geek, or jock, or whatever, I still view them as one. I suppose it's what society has engrained into me. I don't think any less of any of them, and wouldn't let it stop me from getting to know the people, or treating them nice, but still in the back of my mind, the thought is there. By the time I got to college, though the "labels" were still there in principal (I could tell who were the nerds, and who were the social butterflies, etc.) but no one really cared about them. At least in the course that I was in. Everyone were just people. Mind you, I can only speak about the people in my course, because I was never in mixed classes with other programs. Anyway, I think labels are bad, but I don't think they should limit us in what we do...
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