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Everything posted by midnightvamp

  1. Hello and welcome! You are very lucky that you found this place, because it truly is one of the best (if not the best!) places to be hosted on the internet. Well, I've never found a better place yet lol...Anyway, you sound like a very interesting person, with a passion for this sort of thing, so I'm sure you'll be able to bring a lot to these forums. I can't wait to hear from you some more!Oh yea, and --- You have fun with this place too! (That shouldn't be too hard )
  2. I suppose that isn't a bad thing to get if you are already paying for poker online anyway, because in that sense, it really would be free. But I've never actually paid for online poker (so I obviously don't win or lose anything, but it can still be fun lol...). Mind you, if I was to start, I'd probably try to look into something like an odds calculator, at least until I got the hang of the game, because it couldn't hurt, right?Plus, it would give me an insentive to choose a site, if they offered that free with signing up lol. Anyway, you don't really have to send me that link, because I'm not going to try it out just now, but thanks for letting me know that these things even existed. I had no idea lol...
  3. Am I missing something, I went on to that site, and I see that everything is under construction. I know that some of you mentioned that it's under construction too, but with the responce that I've heard about this site, I figured that I could see some information about it, to come to a conclusion on my own. But when I get there, I couldn't find anything about it at all on any of the pages. Just blank stuff that's under construction...Anyone want to let me know if I'm completely missing something here... I feel sort of silly lol
  4. hmmm... it seems like it's been made smaller than it should be to me. But I really like what you did to the background image. It starts out kind of like looking at some really old photo or film or something, and then has that nice, clear image of the modern times. It's pretty cool. Just the text isn't really doing it for me. Plus, the font / size of text you used with your name isn't very clear. It would be better if you could find something crisp for that. But over all, nice job
  5. I've heard that Dofus is an RPG game, but I'm not really sure because I'm not much of a gamer myself. I've never actually played any of the games that you all mentioned above lol...But I do enjoy it. I would think it would count though, because it seems to fit in with what I think an RPG is. But if I'm wrong, correct me by all means lol
  6. I don't know. I'm sort of on the fence of this whole thing. I was baptised at about 8 or 9 years old. Because it was before then that my parents split up. My mother is religeous, while my father is an atheist. I'm not even sure how he felt about us becoming "one with the church" so to speak. I don't even remember if he was there... but I remember all mom's side of the family being there.I'm one of those kinds of people that would like to believe that something really is out there, but despite my efforts, it's never going to be proven, so I don't think I can ever feel so strongly towards any religion. Mind you, I still have a lot of education to give myself in the world's religions.I like the idea of educating our kids, and giving them the choice to pick which religion they'd like to become, if any when they are old enough to make an educated decision.Maybe someday, I'll turn more to the church, or more to a new church, I'm not really sure about that at the moment. But it would be nice to have had the chance to know more about what "baptism" really meant before getting into it.I don't know that much about my own church even now, so I don't know how a young person should really have to undertake such a thing, without really knowing.This is always a hard topic to talk about coherently, hopefully I've not run in too many circles with this one lol.
  7. Wow... these things are pretty funny... I've always enjoyed reading this type of thing for laughs (plus it makes me feel pretty darn good about myself too!)I thought it was funny... my last work, had a name for all these people. Whenever someone would call with such a completely stupid request or question, they would be referred to as having an eye-dee-ten-tea error. Because if you wrote that out, it would look like ID10T. I always thought that was clever, but I haven't really worked around in the business too long, so it might be a common thing that I'd never heard before lol.
  8. Wow... that's news to me too about spelling mistakes not being counted, because the program might not understand the word to be a real word and not just spam to up someones credits. That makes me want to try harder to write things with proper spelling, which in the long run is probably a good thing anyway. I wonder though, could it really be that advanced as to not count words outside a specified dictionary? I suppose it's probably not that hard to do for someone who is a coding expert lol...Anyway, find something that you can comment on, and just keep track of that topic, because like others have said, after a while, you'll probably see another post that you'll want to reply to anyway, which will help you out with your credits
  9. I know, I have a hard time keeping up with posts on here. And keeping my count above zero, though I really want to can be tiring and hard. I really love the free hosting that they have, and I have a separate paid account with Xisto - Web Hosting that I like, but I don't have much time to spend on my sites, cause when I get some time, I'm usually trying to catch up on posts in this forum so that my site doesn't go down again lol... oh I wish for more workable hours in my day. A long time ago, Opaque told me that if I wanted, I could buy a years worth of credits on this forum for I think it was 20 dollars. I'm seriously thinking of taking him up on that offer. If it's still allowed.
  10. For a 10 minute job, that is amazing! I wish I could come up with good graphics in that short of a time! The only thing I'm thinking right now, is the name Ashmaster isn't really centered. It would look really sharp if it was... actually, what am I saying, it already does! But yea, centering it would give it that final piece of the puzzle for me, so to speak
  11. Lol... sorry, I have no idea what you are talking about I'm not too knowledgeable on the whole computer hardware part of the thing. Just what I can do with the programs inside it lol. And here I thought if I read the post, I might know what an o/c is. I'm figuring over clock, but I've never heard this expression before... so I'm still lost lol...
  12. I've got 1080 x 1024 running at the moment on my 19 in monitor. I just recently got it, and am very pleased at the amount of room it has compared to my old laptop. The old reason I chose this setting, was because I was trying to find one that looked like the same size of the start menu bar along the bottom as my laptop, because I was used to it, but I have so much extra desktop space now, I love it!
  13. I agree with what the majority of posts are saying... it truly is a good design, but just needs a couple of tweaks here and there. A bit more spacing could be used between your letters, the pixelated corner could be cleaned up a bit too as mentioned above. The only other thing I can think of, is that the Xisto name and logo shouldn't be at the same tone as the rest of the page. The branding and name of a company should stand out so that people are drawn to it early when looking at a page. Right now, with the navigation being the brightest part of the page, that is where my eye is going immediately. This is a good thing, but I think most companies are going to want the visitors eye to catch the logo first, and then see the navigation just after. That could just be my personal opinion though. Still, overall, a great design!
  14. I just started really getting into YouTube this week, but I really like it so far. I don't have an account, so I don't know about all that login stuff yet, but my sister has one, and she seems happy with it. I just love that you can find so much stuff on that site, including like any song you'd ever wanna hear lol...I'm going to check out your link now
  15. I've been using CS up until now, but I've just left school... and now need to buy my own copy of the program, so I'm guessing that in the near future, I'll have my hands on the CS2 version. That should be nice. Although I'm not sure how much different it is. I know that at work, I have to use the Photoshop 7 copy of it, and I was at first so disoriented with it, having used only the CS for the past two years, but despite some minor set backs, I managed to give it a decent go.
  16. That is a pretty good render, but I agree about the blurred edges. A nice sharp one is always easier to work with I think. If you are using photoshop, you should try out the pen tool... that's what I use. Some people find it tricky (I did too at first) but then I got used to it, and once I had the object selected, I make sure there is not feathering, and then cut away :)Just a thought, but nice job
  17. Hmmm.... interesting. I was thinking about it for the 5 dollars, but since there is an affiliate program, I might go that route too... But if that doesn't work out so fast, I might just shell out the 5 dollars, because it is a nice chat that doesn't cost much at all.
  18. Oh yea, I never thought about the whole meteor thing... but if you look at moon pictures, they do have a lot of craters on them, so they must be getting hit, unless they were all made many years ago... But I'm sure if we are advanced enough to start living there, they will figure out something to stop them from hitting too. But still... good point to make.Plus, the credibility point. Where did this information come from, is there a link?
  19. Ah... welcome back? What exactly does a spam patrol man do? Search through Xisto looking for and reporting spam?Anyway... I'm happy that you got the site to work again for yourself. Enjoy
  20. Drinking can be fun... I do it on rare occasions, but I don't understand the people that do it all the time. I mean, yea, social drinking I can understand, but not drinking to get drunk.I have some friends that will get drunk every weekend, and want me to come over to party. Others get drunk weekdays too, just because you can. I even have friends that have asked me things like "so, you getting drunk for your birthday?" and when I say no, they are like "ah... that sucks man."I just don't get it. I rarely drink... and when I do, sure it can be fun, but the hangover the next day and all isn't that wonderful... My question to all those "I drink four nights a week" people... doesn't it get boring? I mean, if you do something so often, then doesn't it just lose it's appeal? Much like drinking did when you became legal. It's just not as fun once it's not breaking the law lol...
  21. I'm not sure what I'd do. I'd probably try to find out what the circumstances were behind it, but I'd be afraid to have someone come right out and tell me they purposely killed someone. It's not the sort of situation I'd like to find myself in.The reward doesn't really matter to me, because over all, it's not that much. It might be different if it was say 100,000 dollars... or something higher like that.The only thing I would be worried about, even if my friend told me it was an accident, or self defence, is what if they are lying? What if it really was murder? Even if it's not, couldn't they commit it either, when they realise that I know the big secret...?In the end I think I'd probably end up telling the police, because my mind would freak out about doing the right thing, even if I was told it was an accident. I mean, John Doe had a family, and they deserve to know what happened one way or another.Once they cops have more facts, they'll be able to use the facts and the clues to put together a picture of what really happened.
  22. Strange to see these sites. My question is why? I didn't actually put a search in for them, but even if they did work, why would you want to compete with Google, when it's so obvious that it's not google by just looking at the address bar. I'm sure Google wouldn't be using strange names like that.
  23. I'm not really much of a gamer, and I haven't even heard of a bunch of those games, but some people I was talking with said that the half life games aren't so much like games, but more of a social thing... what do you think?
  24. Wow! That is so cool. I wonder how much energy had to be used to create such a feat? Would it be viable on a mass scale?And true, this wouldn't really help when it came to food and plants and all that, but I don't really think it can hurt them either. It's a step in the right direction, and I'm always eager to hear what new things they are coming up with next :)Keep it up NASA!
  25. I can't really believe this, at least right now... I think someday in the most likely not so near future, scientists will come up with something that can greatly prolong life. Or maybe some random people will stumble across something as an accident and it will indeed work. After all, most discoveries are on accident.But if something this fantastic was out there, I'm sure the world would know about it. It would be on the news, and in the papers, because something to the scale that this was on, if it did indeed work, would be a major discovery to mankind. And those don't stay quiet long.I've seen lots of different arguments made by the posters here about why this guy is a nut. I honestly don't know if he believes it himself, or is just in it to "pull a fast one" over on us all. If he does believe it, I sort of feel sorry for the guy, but then again, you never know... maybe it does indeed work. I have no authority in the area to say that it doesn't (other than my nagging gut feelings in that no such thing exists).I myself, would not be going out and buying these magic rings, because I just don't believe... and what's it going to take for me to notice that I've stopped again, 1 year? 5 years? I don't know to be honest... I don't see myself aging on a day to day basis, so I'm not really sure when I'm supposed to know.Will I just wake up on my 100th birthday, and realize that my body hasn't aged in the past 80 years? Not too likely. Does this ring cure the brain from old age too... because I'd like to be coherant enough at that age to know the difference...I don't know. Whatever. It's a nice thought though.
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