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Everything posted by midnightvamp

  1. Yea, I exhausted my credits and now I have to post again. Once you get down to nothing, you account is suspended, until you get it back past four credits and then they'll automatically unsuspend your account in the near future.If you don't come around and post and your credits get to -30 (I think that is the number - can anyone confirm?) then your account is deleted and if you want another account then you have to start all over and get new credits and apply all over again.
  2. Yes, it's very hard because you never know who the 'criminal' is, or where they are from. Like you said, laws are different everywhere, so that kind of hinders the process of punishing people, because the offender has to be doing something against the law in the place they are from.And even if there are laws that cover everything, you know that some people aren't going to care and break the rules anyway, other people will be ignorant of the law and not realize that they are breaking it, and some other people will look at the laws as a challenge and devise up a way to get around it.I don't think no matter how many laws you make regarding technology (especially in the internet world, because it is always changing) that you will ever really be able to stop criminals from doing what they do best - breaking the law.
  3. Hello and welcome! I'm sure you'll really like it, so long as you have the time to come back and keep posting. I've been really busy in the last little while, and quite frankly forgot to post (bad me!) and now I have to make up for it.So, yea, it's not really the size of the post that matters. They do like to have quality posts and not just random making no sense kind of responses to things to get credits. Here the credits aren't based on the number of posts that you do, it's the quality of the posts that you make. So basically, the longer the post, the more credits you'll end up getting for it.Just don't go out and copy and paste something from somewhere else to get lots of credits. The admin here are really good and know when people do that, which will probably get you a warning, or at the least your points that you just got for the post removed.Anyway, I think that you'll like it here and it's a great place to start up a website. Best of luck to you!
  4. Wow... I agree with some of the people here, and the explanation from the dentist seems pretty probable... I never would have known that it happened at such an old age, had I not heard of it.As for her age - she could be 125 years old, but maybe there isn't any way to varify her age definately, so that could be why she's not in the guiness book of world records. I would imagine that so many years ago, there wouldn't be such good records kept of who was born when, so maybe that is why she's not in the book.
  5. Yea... being a girl myself, I think I'd love the idea behind the teddy bear much more. It shows that you really care and support her idea of becoming a doctor. It's sweet and would make a great gift, so long as your girlfriend is into that sort of thing. But personally, I think the teddy bear is the better gift.
  6. That's so interesting. I didn't even know that people did this. Mind you seven years ago I probably wasn't paying too much attention to anything 'news' related. I was probably just watching movies and tv shows and such.As for what the rest of us without atomic clocks... I don't think it'll be too much of a problem for me. My watch is always different from any other clock in this house... I just use it as an estimate anyway. If my watch says 10:00AM, then I know that it's *around* 10 in the morning.
  7. Heh... that's pretty cool. I hadn't heard of most of them. Interesting. I think the only one I'd heard about was the emus and kangaroos can't walk backward. I knew this about kangaroos, but had no idea about the emu.
  8. Heh... I'm a 'You'! Woo hoo! I feel so special Okay, anyway, sorry about this, because you didn't want any replies, but I just wanted to mention, that when I first came here, I found it so hard to get around too... and was very confused by all the places to go. I wasn't too good with forums I suppose. But I stuck with it, and in no time, I figured out how to get around rather easily. Now I just usually use the 'view new posts' link above and see what is new, rather than search through all the categories.
  9. Yes, this is rather late and after the fact, but since I haven't welcomed you yet, I figure it can't hurt. So welcome... don't worry about spending most of your time at the computer. I figure the majority of us here do.At least I know I do. I just woke up and what was the first thing I did? Got online and have been here for over an hour. I haven't even got out of bed yet. Yes, I'm pretty sad I know, I have my laptop right next to my bed. Ah well....Anyway, welcome, and best of luck with your new site
  10. Hello and welcome! It seems your question has already been answered, so I'll just say it's good to have you join the forums and I think you'll like it here. We're good about finding answers to any questions that you may have. I know they've solved a lot of my developing problems here!
  11. Hey! Wow.... Welcome to the forums, I'm sure you'll like it here. I'm still amazed at how young so many web people are. It's incredible the stuff that you all learn so early. *is envious*I'm into Green Day and bands like that too! And don't worry about your English. It's pretty good. I didn't even notice that you weren't a native English speaker until you mentioned it, so way to go!Best of luck here at the boards!
  12. I just did image rollovers the other day, thought my approach was a little different, and was a linked image. What I did was: <a href="#" onMouseOver="document.image1.src='images/image1_ro.jpg';" onMouseOut="document.image1.src='images/image1.jpg';"><img src="images/image1.jpg" name="image1" id="image1" border="0"></a> I'll have to try out your example soon, and see if I can get it to work. I'm not all that advanced in Javascript I'll admit, and I'm a little intimadated by what I see.
  13. That's true. Money is always good... just not nearly as fun to open up Christmas morning. But I really could do with some new clothes, but for that, I'd have to go with the money and buy them myself, because the parents are usually hopeless when it comes to that department.
  14. I thought that they were already joined those two. I remember hearing that they were joining a long time ago, and I guess just assumed they would have by now.That's very cool now, that I know that it's really happened!And as the person above said, yes it does seem true that Adobe is getting a monopoly over this type of software. With the two major companies as one, it covers just about everything. Except, yes, Final Cut Pro, which I can't even get until I get my Apple anyway. Less than a year and I should have it.Hopefully there will be better integration of all the programs with one another so that we can swap between applications really easily. I would love that. Also having more than one of them run at a time on my computer would be a plus two, considering that everytime I have Photoshop and Flash open, my system crashes... (But I think that has more to do with the crappy laptops that the school gave us!)Anyway, I can't wait to see what the new versions of the programs will feature now that the possibilities seem so endless. *crossing my fingers for some good additions*
  15. That's my same problem... the parents are constantly asking what I want... and for the life of me, I can't think of anything. I'm like -- uh, a cd? I don't know....It seemed so much easier when I was little and could just look through the Christmas Wish Book catalogue and find something that I wanted on every page.Come to think of it, ever since I've had my own spending money, I've really not been able to come up with a good Christmas list, because whenever there was something that I wanted, I went out and bought it.As for suggestions for you... are you into music, or movies, or books, or games? Do you need some new clothes or maybe toys. Hopefully we both can figure out something to ask for.
  16. Hmmm.... that's a good question. I suppose it's all a matter of tastes. I don't really favor one type over the other, they can both be done correctly. I found that for a professional business look, lights are usually best, but for non-traditional sites like music or gaming or something you probably wouldn't be buying a suit for, dark layouts can look much more attractive.Colours can bring out different things in different people. So, if you are after a certain mood or emotion, you can do a little research to see what colours might be a good choice. Also, no matter what layout colours you do decide, it's always important not to choose colours that are going to fight with each other on the page, like a blue background with red text. That just isn't very user friendly.
  17. Yes, the concept of this is very interesting to me. I heard about this sort of thing a while back (maybe a year or two ago). I'm not sure if it was just theory then, or if it's even past theory now, but I'd be very interested in hearing more about the topic if I could find it.Thanks for reminding me about the possibilities! I'll have to look into it more when I get a chance. For now though, I have to head off to dinner
  18. I've heard (or in some cases read) a whole ton of bad reports on both companies, so I'm not really sure which one would be better, but I'm assuming no matter which route you decide to go from the beginning, you are always running the risk of slow or even worse - damaged goods being delivered to you.I actually have something on the way right now that I purchased online last Monday. It estimated that it would be here within less than 7 days. Well, it's been more now. I thought I'd give it one more day and then I plan to do some phoning around to see how things are coming about.I always liked the joke that UPS and FedEx were going through a merger and were changing the name to FedUP to reflect both names. Still makes me chuckle even today and I haven't even heard that in so long. My mother used to tell me that one when she used to have to deal with lots of shipments from her work place. Since she's switched jobs, I haven't really heard much about delivery companies.
  19. Biggest waste of power huh? Well.... I don't know if all these programs have any effect on how much power is being used, but I know that last time I had this many open at once and was running off the battery, it ate up my time pretty fast, so I'm guessing that somewhere in here there is a waste of power lol B)Let's see here, I have Dreamweaver open, 8 internet windows, Photoshop, 2 MSN windows, Media Player (which is playing rather loudly, but through head phones where I can hear the words in the songs, even when they are about two feet away from my head.), a notepad open and my programs file folder open as well.Considering that I'm using very little of these windows... and some I haven't used at all today, yet they've remained open, I'm thinking this is a nice big waste of cpu power.
  20. Like everyone before me, I had no intentions of purchasing those items anyway, so it doesn't really effect me any. Though it was rather funny to read about some of those things. Makes me laugh at why someone would want to make their computer screen into a touch screen, when I spend all this time trying to remove the fingerprints from my screen.... Oh well, to each their own.
  21. I suppose it all depends on who you are and what you are looking for in a person. To someone, a person can be downright annoying or rude, while to another, they can be a perfect fit and highly compatible.Then comes into the question, is the perfect mate really out there? Maybe, maybe not -- and what if there's only one? And you miss that person? Or they live on the other side of the world? Perhaps fate will bring you together, or rip you apart. No one ever really knows.If you are looking for perfection, best of luck to you, but who knows, if you find something good, don't discount it, because things can get sweeter with time and maybe even after a while, you'll realize that that person truly is perfect after all.
  22. I don't know... I'm in IE right now and I don't mind it. But I also like Firefox for different reasons. One thing I wish would be for Microsoft to just start playing nice with the rest of the world and make a browser that can work with all the complience standards that the rest of the major browsers have switched to.Okay, this could just be the web developer in me coming out again, but I like to design my sites so that they are good in all browsers, and preferably consistant... but since IE doesn't like to follow the rest of the browsers, I end up having to spend all this extra time on making the site look consistant.Still, I think it's a brilliant move to get people over to firefox. I might look into it more tomorrow. It sounds very interesting. And possibly another avenue to bring in some extra income. Leave it to Google to come up with some pretty crazy and profitable ideas. They seem to be always one step ahead in the game.
  23. Okay, that is just scary.... and frankly, pretty stupid in my mind. Yea, lets risk the deadly strains getting out and killing more people, so we might be able to find a cure for a DIFFERENT strain? Huh? I'm no medical person... but this sounds like faulty logic to me. Why don't they just use samples of the flu that is already going around? Or would that just seem to simple to be effective?
  24. Hmmm... to me that sounds suspiciously like a hacker is trying to fool you into sending them your user and pass.... I would be very weary when doing this. Plus, hacking is bad and if you are caught, you are likely to be banned / frozen.To me, this just looks like a person set up a 'supposedly official' email... (on hotmail? right....) I seriously doubt that they'd need YOUR pass and username, to give you the pass and username of a different account. They'd just need an email address to send it to. I mean, come on, if you had a fool proof way to cheat a system, would you really share it with a bunch of strangers? Probably not. If you didn't feel guilty about it, you'd likely keep all the loot to yourself...Beware of scammers. They aren't very nice.
  25. I feel for you.... but when I was reading it I was thinking, 500 euros? That's like 600 Canadian isn't it? That's not bad.... I usually look at about that much for books alone. The tuition on top of that is around 4500 dollars here, and that doesn't include housing or food or anything like that. If you were looking to stay in residence it's closer to 12,000 dollars here. And this is only for a college, not even a university.I really hate having to pay such high tuitions (and I feel bad for those in the states with even higher ones) but if the government isn't going to fund our schools properly, what are we supposed to do?It's really nothing for some people here to work a part time job to get through school - I do... and many other people I know do. Still, lots of us end up with 20 - 40 thousand dollar debts at the end of it all. And sometimes even higher.I wish tuitions were covered everywhere, because it's not like we aren't paying taxes for education already...
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