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Everything posted by midnightvamp

  1. Hmmm.... I guess we aren't afriad up here so much. We start having kids come around right about 5:30pm or so... right about when it gets dark... and they tend to keep coming until sometime between 9 and 10pm. Then you usually get a couple of older stragglers that show up after 10pm.It's funny how many college students who are living in residence end up going around. They are all looking for as much food that they don't have to buy from the cafeteria at school. Hey, it's free food night - can you blame them?
  2. Hey... at least your first love didn't turn out to be a phychopath like mine did... he was a bit unhinged after a while. Sweet as anything when it all started... but faster and faster he became all possessive, and eventually he lost it. I was rather scared to breakup with him, and was glad that I did it over the phone, despite how much I hate that way. Afterwards a lot of wierd stuff started happening, and then one day I just never saw him again.A couple friends told me that they saw him not that long ago... and he looked pretty looped. Apparently he was even committed for a while. Scary stuff when you are young. But I should have seen some of it coming I would have thought. Perhaps I was 'blinded by love'?
  3. Yes, I don't think that halloween is evil or to be avoided either, but then again, I'm from Canada and have celebrated the holiday every year I've been alive... it's what we do. It's not bad, but fun.When your small, it's so much fun being able to dress as something you couldn't normally be any other day of the year... plus, you get to stay out late, and get a ton of free candy. I can't see anything better than that.I'm not sure about everyone else... but I've never thought of 'tricking' a person if I don't get the candy. So what -- houses run out... some don't want to participate, whatever the reason, it doesn't matter, you just go on to the next house.And hey, you really can't forget the pumpkin carving. It's fun.... really... I was just carving one yesterday actually. The shame about it is that I won't be able to enjoy halloween this year, because I'm working from 4 - 11.... that'll just about cover the time in which all the kids will come and go.Oh yea... and about that cold thing stopping people from celebrating halloween.... I'm not too sure just how accurate that is. I know I have (and many other people in my country for that matter) gone out for halloween with a snowsuit under my costume. Otherwise you'd just freeze to death.This year, kids won't have to do that up here from what I can tell... because it seems nice and oddly warm today. So yea, that's my take on halloween.... curious to hear what other people have to say.
  4. Yes, at times I'm rather baffled about the relevence of school too. So many people are famous and never finished going to highschool, let alone college or university. I guess that's the secret.... if you are going to drop out, make sure you become famous.But anyway, I see what you mean about courses that don't even seem relative to your field of study. The same thing happened to me. Every semester they give us "electives". I use the quotes because electives are far from what they really are. They are a completely unrelated course, that no one gets a choice about. I've been known to call them 'manditory electives' because that's pretty much what they are.Is it that they wouldn't be able to offer a full course load of stuff that we might actually need when we leave school? So to fill in the gaps, they will just shove whatever subjects have the least demand? That's what it seems like to me anyway.At least in this semester that I'm currently in, it all seems to be relative to my field of study. Though I'm baffled over how a course called something can teach us something completely different than what the outline says it should. Whatever... less than a year left and it'll be time for me to go and work in the real world.
  5. Welcome to Xisto! I never did try any of the other forum based hosting sites - I guess I just lucked out when finding this one! So far, I've got no complaints as everything is so great here. The hosting is wonderful, the people in the forums are so nice and helpful, I can't ask for anything more.Anyway, it's good of you to join us, and we both can have fun with our addictions here lol! I'm just hoping that I'll be able to find work in my field. From what I can tell, it's pretty hard to get into web design as a profession... If I'm being paid, then is it still and addiction? Probably lol.
  6. I like it, the colours are nice. Specially since it's coming from a black and while image. The only thing I'm wishing is that I could tell that the person in the picture is Jessica Alba. I never saw the movie Sin City, but I do like her from other things I've seen her in.
  7. Hello and welcome! It's always good to have new people in here! And don't worry about your English. It makes sense to me. And no one is perfect.Anyway, just have a little look around the place, I'm sure you'll learn lots of new things and meet lots of great people. Just have fun, keep posting and if you ever have any questions, just post them. Someone should have the answer, or at least be able to direct you to some place where you can find it better.
  8. Yea, once you go below zero for your credits, you account is suspended, and you must post again to get it back up and running. That's what I'm doing right now. I've had a busy last few weeks and have done nothing but homework and actual job working so I didn't have time to get in here and post. Now I'm paying the price.So, yea, I got suspended. But I'm fixing that. I think I read somewhere that you are suspended until -30 credits and then you are deleted after that time, but don't quote me on that, I could be wrong.So to answer your question, the inactiveness is counted by your forum posts. I don't think it matters at all whether or not people are seeing your site or you are FTPing. Just so long as you are posting, and keeping enough credits so you don't go below zero then you'll be okay.
  9. Yea, go figure with the dentists. I really don't like them. Granted, they keep my teeth in good condition, so that's a plus, but other than that, it's akward, and usually painful.I don't think I've had a hygenist that didn't pick apart my gums... It baffles me. I can brush and floss everyday.... and they get to my mouth and can make it hurt something fierce.Plus, the last time I went in there, I told them that I thought I had a cavity on my back tooth. They told me it was fine, and I asked them, are you sure, because it hurt! All the time. It still hurts now. Like a year or more later. Perhaps I should have gone for a second opinion.All I got out of them was a "maybe it's gotta crack in it!" So I was like, "Maybe you should take an x-ray and find out".Whatever.... I'll just suffer. Seems like that what the dentists all want us to do. Those vindictive little buggers.Sorry. I had to rant too lol....
  10. I thought it was pretty interesting that I'd never even heard of this place until I read about it on these boards (aren't these boards great?) and then just recently (I say recently, but it wasn't all that recently, but after reading about the island here) I saw a program about it on the tv.Granted, it pretty much just told me everything that I already knew about that place already, but it was still good to see it getting some attention in the media. Perhaps because of it, someone will put more money into researching the area and finding us some answers.
  11. Hi.... I like your site. It looks good. I especially liked the little moving links that are in your forum. The only thing, I can't read Chinese.... so it's a little hard for me to get around, but that's okay because I'm not your target audience.Anyway... I somehow got myself to this nice looking little flash page (I think it was the Studio), that had a nice design on it, but the links didn't go anywhere yet, but I really liked the design of it though
  12. I actually don't remember mine... which makes me kind of sad. And I'm only 21, so it's not like it's been all that long. I wish I could remember things like that. The big first moments in life. Seems like it might be a good thing to know in the future...Ah well, I guess there is no time like the present, right?
  13. So yes, welcome! Even if it's a little late, it's all good. Mind you, you probably know how great this place is by now then. I love it hear, and rarely hear complaints. (And most of those are unfounded lol). So yea, and when you get hosted (if that is what you are after!) things will get even better.You're lucky you found this place. It truly is the best.
  14. That's kind of creepy... I can see why people abandon these pets. Not that it's right or anything... but eventually it's just going to get too big to keep indoors. Plus, if it can eat an alligator, I'd imagine it could take a nice chunk out of a human being too...As for the dog they are training to find these things.... I'd hate to be that dog. I can't see the little guy being able to fend off the snake once he finds it. Hopefully nothing bad happens to him.
  15. Hmmm... sharpening the blurry areas would be a good idea. The contrast between the black and white is a little much for me to handle, but perhaps if I hadn't been staring at a computer screen for the past 6 hours straight, I might not think so...Oh and where did you end up getting the brushes?
  16. I'm not sure if it's really new or not... but it's new to me and I really like it, so it could be new to you too...Anyway, I downloaded the gmail notifier, which tells me whenever a get mail. I love that. I used to be one of those psycho-nuts that would keep a email window open at all times and refresh often... Okay, so the window is still up there all the time, but I don't have to refresh nearly as much. And I get all excited like a little kid in a candy store when I see I have new mail. Sad, yes... but true.And the other thing, that I actually just discovered today that I like are the shortcut keys in gmail... I don't know them all really well just yet, but I made a little cheat sheet from the ones they had listed, so I could try them out.Anyway... I'm sure there is way more to discover... there always seems to be something new when it comes to Google.
  17. Hmmm.... I have hotmail, and gmail. Gmail is by far the best... I really love it, and I'm thinking there isn't going to be any way to fill it. I have hundreds of emails in there and I'm using 1% of my space lol...As for the not being able to have folders, that drove me nuts at first, but now I just label all my conversations and then archive them when I'm finished. I have different labels for different people and different things, and I think I must have about ten different labels to choose from at the moment. Then, if I want to find something in the future, I just click on the label name, and everything comes up like it was all in a labelled folder. I like it, but it took some time to get used to it.And yes, that auto-save is my best friend. I don't even want to remember the amount of times that I lost emails for stupid reasons and had to type them out two, or sometimes more times for whatever reason. It was actually getting to the point that I'd copy the whole thing myself, so if something happened, I'd have something to fall back on. At least I don't have to do that now...Hmmm.... you managed to get a spam-free yahoo account? I used to have one with them, but it got way too spammed, that I'd be deleting hundreds of emails everyday, so I just gave up on that one, and that's when I got my hotmail one... which isn't really spammed, but not as fun as the Gmail one I have now too.
  18. Yea, I agree, a bit pixelated on some of the renders, and the text could use a little something extra (except on the third one... I like the text you used there!), but text is always hard to make work. I always have problems with it.Other than that though, I love the top one. It's striking, and nice and clear - which I like. Nice job!
  19. I don't know about that.... 50000 downloads in a three month period? I don't see that many people coming to my sites in such a short time. And that's assuming I had something that *all* of them wanted to download (ten times over lol...). Not too likely.It would be a good idea if you already were sharing files like crazy though. But sadly, I'm not... Anyone actually been paid by these people though?
  20. Yes, your points are all true... It seems that if it's a forum, people will either not know enough to delete the quoted part before they submit their post or don't care. (I say this because when you press 'reply', the quoted section is automatically placed into the message part where you type.) This might confuse people at the beginning if they are not familiar with the forums (I'm sure I didn't get it at the beginning either...)About people answering questions again, that people have already answered... though most of it is people that do not want to read through all the posts previously left by other members (I'm guilty of this for discussions that are pages in length), some of it could be genuine overlap. I know that I've gone to answer a post, and for really active ones, by the time I'm finished typing, someone's already said the same thing, or they say it right after me, not realizing that it's been said because they've been typing for the past 5 - 10 minutes replying to the thread.So, yes, I do find these things annoying some time, but in other times, I like to give some slack to the people 'just incase'.
  21. Heh... I did this quiz in my computer math class last year. The teacher gave it out to us. I was one of the two people that solved it. Mind you, most people didn't bother with it, so I'm sure more people could have gotten the answer if they tried. I really didn't think it was that hard... just time consuming. But then again, I grew up solving logic problems for fun. So, who knows.
  22. Ooh... another gift! I like! Very nice! Thank you. I Guess I'm going to have to figure out the sig rotator now aren't I?
  23. Thanks. I know it can't have everything on it, but little by little it's becoming quite big. It's such a fun site to do, because you keep learning new things in all sorts of languages... some I didn't even know existed! Anyway, don't worry about me keeping up the good work, because it's too fun not too Heh... thanks! I received it! I'll add it up there on the next update that I do. Hugh Grant and subtitles... my friends As for learning Spanish, way to go. Are you learning it because you want to, or is this a mandatory thing in school? I had to learn French in school... but don't know much of that and took it for seven years. I've been learning Japanese on my own for less than a year, and know more of it than French now! Crazy!
  24. Hi, I just finished up this site - The Chromlea Language Tutor, and was hoping that you all could take a look... tell me what you think. I already had this site, but I redid the entire thing, and then moved it over to Xisto, because obviously this is the best hosting there is... so I'm happy that I've finally got it up and running. And hey... take a look at the forms! I'm very proud of those. Sorry... as some of you know from a few days ago, many posts and and man-hours went into those things. Forms obviously aren't my strong point when it comes to web-site construction. It took a *lot* of help from the people at these boards. To which I thank you a million times over. Anyway, take a look... and of course, if you happen to see something that is all messed up, be sure to let me know about it. Thanks. Here's the link: Chromlea Language Tutor (Mind you, the link should be in my signature too, but oh well...)
  25. Okay, well, I tried doing it with another ftp thing, and even just using the browser window like suggested, but still got the same error. So, it must not just be Dreamweaver.Anyway, I went into the file manager in cpanel, and from there, I was able to delete the files, so this is good. By 'ftp these files over dreamweaver', I probably should have said, 'ftp these files with the built-in ftp-ing thing that dreamweaver has'... if that makes any sense. Sorry. I don't know all the proper terms for this sort of stuff.Either way, I'm happy now, because I got rid of the files (well, all but two folders on my hard-drive... but they are empty now, so that isn't a problem for me. They can stay there!)
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