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Everything posted by midnightvamp

  1. Nah... I rather like it :)I haven't actually seen the movie, but the colour tones and that sort of thing that you've used in the sig seem to please my eye nicely and fit with the image I've managed to pick up from the previews that I've seen.The only thing that sort of threw me for a loop a little bit, was the outlines of the arms that are going through the girls eyes and nose. For a while, I couldn't figure out what they were, I thought that they were just some abstract stuff put in there for an interesting effect. Now that I know what it is, it does make more sense though. It's just hard for me to tell at first, because the rest of the body isn't shown in your sig.But overall, I like it. Nice work!
  2. I think I heard something about this a while back. I didn't really pay too much attention, because I didn't have a Mac. But yesterday, I was talking to some people that have Macs and they were saying that now you can have windows run along side the native Mac operating system. So, I'm not sure if this is new at all... but apparently, there is already a way to get some sort of Windows onto the Mac.Sorry that I can't tell you too much more. It's all I know as I'm not all that Mac savvy.
  3. That would be a very chance meeting. To imagine, that if she hadn't accidently added you email to her hotmail, that you never would have met. That's an interesting one lol... And I'm just curious, are you yourself a girl or a guy? I'm just wondering because were you looking to meet guys instead? Or did it just turn out that you didn't like them and that they all were girls, so now you're hoping to find some guys to meet up with instead, because you might have more luck?
  4. I've never met anyone in real life that was online. I think it would be scary, because you never know just who is on the other side of the keyboard. They might not be who they claim to be... heck, I know I'm not always truthful when I'm talking...I think if I did decide I wanted to meet someone in real life, I'd want to make sure that it was in a VERY public place, and that both sides bring a couple of friends along to be more safe. That's only IF I could bring myself to go and meet someone. Because I haven't as of yet, wanted to.
  5. I personally prefer the ones that you posted first (at the top) but, the text is also throwing me a bit. I have a real hard time with text, as do a lot of people, but I'm sure you'll get the hang of it.My favourite one up there is the second one, because I really like the blending stuff that you've done with the picture. The "Special Forces" text isn't too bad, but I really don't like the text you used for your name in that case.As for your new batch, they aren't too bad either. I like the use of colour in them - sort of surreal like the characters you are showing, which I think is good. Plus, I'm liking the text more in these ones.Overall, nice job Keep up the good sigging
  6. I've often seen this and wondered what it was all about, however, I've never actually taken the time to get in there too much and look at all the features and facts about it.I somehow didn't think that I'd be getting as much as they were saying, cause it seemed like a lot, but if you are getting like 70 cents from someone downloading it, then that's pretty good actually. I think anyway. Because no one has to buy anything for you to get the money, and I think more people are willing to try things out for free. And I have no problem showing people new things so long as they have a decent value, and I think FireFox is excellent, and everyone that I've mentioned it to offline, once they've had it and used it, loved it. As do it.I'm going to have to take a close look into this now, so thanks for this head start with the information.
  7. I often wonder this sort of stuff myself. Not so much in the conspiracy sense, though that does seem to have some sort of interesting ideas behind it.What I find myself thinking about is, are we even real? Are we all only in our own minds? What if we are in someone else's mind, and they forget us? Then do we cease to exist? What if all of you are only in my mind? And then, what of the people that I've forgotten.I don't know if there is really an answer that we are able to know for certain on the topic, but it's an interesting one none the less...
  8. Wow... I feel so outta the loop. A bunch of those games I never even heard of, but now I'm going to have to look them up. I've never been a big gamer myself, but sometimes I find myself looking for something to do...One game that I too enjoy... probably too much, because I find I spend lots of time with it, is Dofus. The role play game. I just found out about it maybe 2 months ago, but now I pay for it and everything. I think it's fun anyway lol...
  9. My favorite alcholic beverage is something with vodka. That's usually the direction I lean towards. Mind you, I usually just ask for something sweet, so I never end up finding out what I'm drinking. But it's rather fun to do it that way anyway lol. Adds a lot of variety into a night's worth of drinking, and I get to try lots of new things
  10. I don't drive... I don't even have my licence even though I should go and get it one of these days lol... but if I did, and had any amount of money just kicking around for me to buy the car of my dreams, I'd have to say I'd be buying a Viper GTS-R. I've always wanted that car, since... well, a long time lol. Before that, I always wanted a silver convertable Camaro. I want too many cars. I also want a Corvette C5, cause I think the C6s look funny, and a nice Saleen to top it all off lol...I also think it would be fun to have a little mini to race around in. But that is my fantasy race car lol
  11. Well... I wonder what the first site was... that looks like what we are used to now. Because back then it was just plain text and no images. Pretty dull, but I suppose would seem very exciting back then as it was new and innovative.My teacher claims that it was all his idea to add graphic elements to the pages (because he also claims that he invented the internet), but I think he's just full of crap. He likes to talk about how great he is... but strangely enough, I somehow doubt his greatness lol. He's amazing good at what he does, but then again, so are so many people in this field, so I don't see how he's any more ahead than the rest of the world.I didn't actually try out that link to the first webserver. Was it ever a site, is it still I wonder?
  12. I think it is definately possible, if not just now, sometime in the future it probably will be. For a while now, the idea of 'genetically modified' people have been seen around and has gotten both praise and not-so-praise about it. I don't know if it's ethical. But I do believe that soon, if not today already that it is / will be possible.
  13. I would be so scared if that happened to me too. I for one, didn't think that it would be possible, until I read the part about that email you got. I was just thinking that maybe the system was down or something like that, but then how do you explain that email? A big coincidence? It would have to be one of the biggest coincidences known to man. Sure, it would be possible, but I somehow doubt that it was a coincidence.Be sure to change your password right away, and I'm not sure if you can change your 'lost password' question, but if you can, you might want to look at that too. Because I never thought about that before a read the reponse. Thanks for all those tips.
  14. Yea, personally, I can't really put much merit into the 666 thing. It is just a number after all... and 6606, what makes this one so special with the added "0"? There have been plenty of 666's for ourselves to end the world on, and at those times, the people all thought that we'd been horrible and God would punish ourselves for it. But it never happened, so why should it happen then.Call it what you may, if the world is going to end on any day, it's going to be Dec 21 2012... and since that's my sister's birthday, we are going out with a party lol... I can't really believe that day too much either, but I see it as much more likely, and I can see a much bigger fuss being made over that day since it's the day commonly know to be the last day in the Mayan calandar. So why'd they stop there? No one knows... that's why it's said to be the end of the world. Whatever... I just can't wait until that day to see what in fact happens. It's always funny to reach "the end of the world" and see that again, nothings happened lol...
  15. Wow, that is a truly amazing story. You must feel very relieved that you're mother's spirit has been taken to heaven by that owl. I don't think that everything could possibly be by a coincidence. There would just be too many coincidences in that, for me to believe that.I wish that I had the power or intuition or sixth sense to notice things like this myself. I've never had a feeling that I just knew something was, or anything like that. My family on both my mother's side and my father's side speak many tales about times when they were faced with such 'phenomonons' as to it could only be related back to ghosts.However, my father is a very big skeptic, and doesn't believe anything, and my mother hasn't ever mentioned anything of the sort that has happened to her. Neither my sister nor I have experianced anything, so I wonder why so many other people have the ability while we do not.Perhaps it's not something that I've come in contact with just yet and sometime in the future, I will and I'll recognise it when I see it. That's my hope anyhow.
  16. I don't really agree with this, because I think the credit system is fair, and if you do have the time to post things, you should have no problem getting credits. Normally I'm fine with getting them, but as of late, I've been swamped with school and work, so it's been hard to come on and post meaningful messages that will keep my site from being suspended.In fact, there's been several times in the last half a year or so that my site has gone down because I just wasn't able to get the posts in, and when I do, it's not usually enough to last me very long. Over Christmas I was able to get about 40 credits saved up, which was nice, because I had the time off, and obviously they've been used up now, which kind of sucks, but makes sense as they can't last forever.I do wish though that the more credits you've made, that the amount you get for posting didn't go down. I like to come online and try to make a bunch knowing that I'll probably not get around to (or even be able to post with my schedule) make up more credits later. Usually I can only get on here way less than when I first started her, and way less then I'd like to.Even now, I'd like to look through the posts, because I learn a lot from them, but I don't really have time for that either. I have to be running off to class in about 10 minutes, so this'll probably all the credits that I get for the time being, which is kind of a shame, because I'm at 1.something credits right now as it is, so even with this post, it isn't going to last me to the end of the week.Meaning either my site goes down again, or I'll have to remember to come on again very soon to post more stuff.So, all in all, I think the system is mostly fair the way it is... the lack of credits is obviously my fault... but when I do have the time to post... like now, I'd like to get equal credits for posts that are made when I am able to get lots of credits saved up.* edit: This post actually brought me up to 8 credits, which makes me very surprised and happy. So, yea, you can get good credits... but that was a long rant, so it took a long time to think of/write all that.
  17. I've never worked with any of those. I have tried to install some of them myself, but could never personalize them to the degree I wanted, so I like to stick to my own stuff for now. But, I am slowly working on a system of my own that will hopefully allow me easier updates to the content on some of my sites, but I don't know, I'll have to wait and see for that one lol...Oh, and do you know of a place that explains how to custimize the CMS's that you've mentioned?
  18. Hmmm... yes, this is premade, and I was kind of hoping to see something a little more interesting. It's a shame that you swapped your own design for something like this. Maybe you can put it back up? Anyway, I was reading some of your posts and they're pretty interesting, I just hope to see either the design that the people above are talking about or a new one with some of the suggestions taken to mind. Whichever, it's up to you, but I can't wait to read more from you!
  19. Yes, I do agree that they are a good one, as I've stopped by there site in the past, and it's come up in coversation about the best websites before, but I'm not really sure if I could narrow down just what the best website is. All sites can be good or bad, don't get me wrong, but of the truly best ones, I think they all are equally as good for different reasons. So, I can't really tell you which one is the best. I'm not really sure if I even know many of the companies behind the sites, so I might not be such a good judge there, but for the best sites, I can't really choose which is best.
  20. Yes, I'm agreeing with most of you on this one. When I first saw it, I was like... what? I couldn't believe what I had read. I had to read it again, just to make sure. Then I was thinking, maybe it's an ad that mistakenly got on the site, nope, no such thing.So, then I saw this post, and it's all true. This is Opaque's forums, where he can do what he wants, but the fact that he's telling us that we can't use such a word, and forces everyone in the vent to see it, seems somewhat wrong.Sure, that seems like a great name, and a funny one too, but it needs to be used in the right way. Like many of you have mentioned, there are a lot of younger people who frequent these boards, and I don't believe they should be seeing things like this.Sure, they've probably all seen and heard it all before, but who are we to add to that, really?I don't know... I think marketing wise, it has both it's good points and it's bad points, but it needs to be considered carefully either way
  21. I know... people's work ethic seemed to be so much better before. I don't understand it, and I'm not sure if it's because I'm in college now, but I figured that at this level, people would actually want to be in school, and do the work, and especially since they are paying for it, they would want to get their money's worth.Mind you, for lots of the 'slacker' people as I tend to call them, they tend to have mommy and daddy paying their way through school, so they don't care or maybe just don't realize how much is actually being spent so that they can get an education.For my group of people, we all started out with a ton of students, but now, we are down to just the serious ones that want to be there, so at least now, most of the people are taking it seriously, but before, it was all like, people wouldn't bother to show up, or hand in the assignments, or anything. And seeing that, it somewhat bothered me that some of these people still passed, and moved on to the next year, when I spent so much time and effort on things, and had troubles passing all my classes.I don't know, but I find it at my work too, which really shouldn't surprise me, because I work at school, so the same people that are slacking off in their classes, can't really be expected to show up or do their work either. Mind you, I'm a little more inclined to the work myself when I'm getting paid for it, but I guess everyone isn't, other wise people would actually show up on time (or even at all).Whatever... sorry... I had to add this much to the rant. It's just been one of those days. I'm sure you all understand.
  22. I don't agree with this at all! What ever happened to women having the right to what happens in their own bodies. There are some very good reasons for having abortions, and I don't think that 'if the woman's life is in danger' is the only one.Think about all those young people getting pregnant. Sure, it's not the best thing in the world, to get to that point, obviously there's been some wrong choices made, but I don't really believe that some of these people are old enough to properly look after the child they will be having. I know this from experiance, because I have several friends that have had children at way too early an age, and even relatives that have done the same. They've all had to give up on continuing school at least for the time being. Several of them have ended up getting pregnant again, which they really couldn't afford, and most of them are single mothers on welfare. That is not a place that a child should have to grow up.So lets just say you have to have the baby now... because it's a law, that doesn't mean you have to keep it. You could always give it up for adoption. Sure, it's not a good situation for the baby, to not know who it's real parents are, and sure, there'd be a lot more babies going into orphanages... but that's okay, we are just accomodating for a law right...? Also, what about women that have been raped? Should they have to suffer through a pregnancy that just brings back all the bad memories if they do not wish to do so?I really think that it should be up to the women facing these issues, and not some government who quite frankly, shouldn't have the power to undo so many years in female law advancements.I hope that some people realize that before abortion was legal, many girls would perform it on themselves, in a very unsafe way, and several ended up not being able to have children ever again, while others even died.As for the most vulnerable and helpless in society argument, couldn't you even go as far as to say, a female's egg is the beginnings of a child, so for each egg that we don't fertilize and have grow up, we are essentially killing a human being? Let's just have every woman's eggs harvested, and fertilized and make all these tiny babies grow up, over populate the world, and be done with it.I should give up now... I realize that this is basically a big long unfocussed rant, but I hate it when governments take away the rights of their people, no matter what group of people they happen to be.So yes, I can definately say that I'm against it. Women should have the right to choose when it comes to their own bodies.
  23. Heh! Another one of these... I like them, they are fun! Anyway, I'm a May, which is pretty much just like me, except for the dislike being at home bit. I rather like that But I'm surprised at how accurate this one seemed to be!Edit:Okay, wow, I just read the month descriptions for my mother, father and sister, and they couldn't possibly be farther from the truth. Strange...
  24. Interesting, I'm an 'A', though I never saw myself as having some of those qualities. But hey, it was still fun to try out. Perhaps I should take a look at the qualities under a certain someone's first initial. Then I can figure out what's in his mind, and hopefully get some insight into him lol...
  25. I've done pretty well for my first 21 years as being a woman... I think I'd like to keep it that way. Men just puzzle me... I think I'd get all confused if I was one. Plus, I'd be such a girly guy... that might just be odd But then again, I can think of some really great girly men so who knows
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