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Everything posted by midnightvamp

  1. Have you tried any out yourself? Or are you starting out completely fresh? All I've tried are google ads... Oh, and Amazon... (if that counts because it's an affiliate thing or something). I'm close to being paid by both of them, but it's a long time in the coming. I think the key to any advertiser is having a lot of traffic, because as my number of visitors have been rising, so has the amounts that I've been making. But I'm not really sure who is the best ad company out there, because I haven't tried many.
  2. Heh... I certainly hope it isn't old. If it is, then I must be old lol!I don't really think that once we hit a certain age that the child in us dies. It mearly grows with us. With that, yes comes certain responsibilities, but that is all a part of life. I suppose I might feel that way, because I really haven't felt like a kid for such a long time. But, then again, I don't really feel like an adult either. I'm sort of in that 'stuck in the middle' phase.Eventually I figure that I will feel like a grown up, but I presume that no matter what the age, we will always have some sort of child in us. But, now maybe it can think a little more rationally, and do things for the better. That is all I can hope for.
  3. Pretty interesting concept. And to think, that I myself used to write letters to myself in the future. I'd keep them in a little box, and exactly one month later, I'd open it, and see what was going on back then, and give myself a little inspiration for the future. It is a cool thought, so long as the site stays around long enough for the mail to get to you 30 years in the future. Oh, or that you actually use the same account. I can't see that personally for myself. I've had so many addresses over the years. Whatever, it's a neat concept anyhow.
  4. Nice!Mine probably doesn't beat that... but it's still embarassing... oh why can't I forget these kinds of things? I could only wish... I don't know. I'll let you and whoever else decides to enrich their lives by reading this decide.Okay, so not enrich so much as see a drop in brain function, but bear with me, okay?So, I was in grade two... and it was story time in the class. We were all gathered around the teacher on the floor as she was reading us a book. Not sure why, but I was seeing how much spit I could collect in my mouth. (I was an odd child, okay?) Anyway... skipping ahead... I'd collected a lot of spit, the teacher got to a funny part in the book, and then she got majorly spat on.Poor teacher. I can just imaging the conversation that went on at her place that night. "You'll never guess this... but there's this idiot in my class..." You can guess the rest I'm sure
  5. My sister just got Virgin Mobile, but I know nothing about cell-phones and what makes them good or bad. I've never had one myself, and she hasn't had it long enough to make a decision. One thing that I think is a plus with it, is that there aren't any contracts, which is cool... so you aren't stuck with a phone bill, or a big buyout if you want to switch.My cousin had that happen. Her phone broke, and she switched providers because she didn't like the one she currently had (they were bad customer service and she was saying that the bills always showed up months late... and stuff). So she switched, but she had to pay for the rest of her contract on the other phone, even though it didn't even work. Sounds bad to me... but I guess if you sign it, you've got to live with it until it runs out.
  6. Wow, third time eh? Nice! I know what you mean... I wish that people would save everyone a lot of bother, and think before they bring certain people into the theatre. Sure, in a perfect world, the young children wouldn't get scared, and even if they did, they wouldn't cry, but the world isn't perfect, and neither are about 99% of the young people that end up in movies that aren't even appropriate for their ages.What I find worse though... are those annoying people who insist on talking through the entire movie, all the while kicking the back of your seat and driving you nuts. That's what happened to me, when I went to see that movie. Ergh, some people get on my nerves! And it's not even like this person was young either... they had to be in their 30s!
  7. Wow... that makes me incredibly happy! You have no idea. I've been spending the last couple of days planning out a big redesign... and when I read that search engines didn't like dynamic pages, I was getting all flustered.Thanks for that. I needed it!
  8. Okay.... I just ran across something when I was looking into databases. Apparently, they aren't easily seen by search engines, because they are dynamically created. That's not a good thing, because all my visitors come from search engines.I'm sure that people could find my site from the static pages, that would accompany the database part of the site, but it seems that there wouldn't be much of it left to bring in the visitors.Have any of you encountered this, and figured out what to do about it? I was also thinking from an Adsense point of view, that I'm not sure if it could generate relevent ads on the fly.I'd still definately like to encorporate some of the php into the site, because it's getting to a point where it's growing so some common elements, that would be found in one file would save me time in the long run I'm sure.(As you can see, I'm getting cold feet. Ah... I'm so indecisive.)
  9. Update: I finally found out what I'm doing... and it involves me, my sister and some Chinese food. We plan to order in early, so we can get some. Last year we did it, we ordered at 6pm, and they said, it's going to be at least three hours, no guarentees...But yea, we are also making our own sesame chicken, because our creation is better than anything they can bring over Should be fun. We're watching movies too!Have a good / safe / fun one everybody! 2006, here I come!
  10. lol... seems to me that at some point or another, everyone ends up with one of these people that just never give up. If you do happen to find a way to make them stop, by all means, share the secret!I've got a couple guys like that. One has been like that for about four years now.... and I keep telling him it's *never* going to happen. And lately, when he calls, and my sister picks up the phone, he's been asking her out too! I'll never get some guys.This other guy that won't give up... he asked if I wanted to see him because we hadn't seen each other in a few months (he left school), so I said yes, and then like two weeks after, he called, and was all like, "hey, don't you think that was like a date?" And I was all like... "Yea, right, because bowling is sooo sexy." If we were dating, don't you think I should have known about it, and perhaps we would have talked sooner?Whatever. Best of luck finding a way to keep this guy in line!
  11. Good to hear that down time isn't a problem, sammaye. So long as I don't go and mess up my site (which I think I'll probably be the one who would do that lol...).I know what you mean about the breaking the code and fixing it up to learn how to do it. In certain classes that I've been to, one I remember was java, we had to break it, so we'd get familiar with the errors that we received and then we'd have an idea of what to do to fix it.----Oh, excellent snlildude. I'll have to try that out. Thanks!You say you just started with databases only a couple weeks ago, and now your site is powered with it! That's incredible! I didn't know it could be done so quickly. It certainly makes me feel a little less worried about the whole process.
  12. I think one time I noticed that I'd made a couple cents of the CPM, but the only way I could tell that was because I didn't have any clicks on that day.Is there some other way to find out if you made money by CPM?Oh, and I'd say that for the money I've made, it's virtually all from click throughs.
  13. Interesting... but I somehow doubt that a person can actually make that kind of money (well, without a ton of referrals). I've tried a lot of these places, and made a few dollars here and there. What makes this place any different? And what is the minimum payout? Anyone know? I was reading through the FAQ's but I still can't find anything about it. It says you get paid so long as you are above your minimum payout. But doesn't actually say the minimum as far as I can tell. Meh, I might try it though... since it can be going while I'm doing other things online.
  14. Well, I have no plans. Usually I just stay home and watch all those new years concerts that come on tv. Oh yea, and the chicken cannon. But the cannon is early this year for some reason, so it won't be on. Kind of disappointing really. It's almost like a family tradition.And my dad's going to be gone, because he's going to a friend's home. So it looks like it'll just be my sister and I, unless she decides to leave me too lol... Which wouldn't really surprise me.
  15. Heh... I never really paid much attention to that ad. I suppose because I've seen those smilie ones *everywhere*. I didn't even know that it had sound, probably because I don't have my speakers on, but I figure that at one point or another, I would have noticed it because I listen to music a lot while I'm online.Meh, whatever. If it helps to pay the bills for Trap, then I'm good with them. I'd rather the ads on this here forum then on all of our sites. That would be worse.
  16. Is down time a big problem in databases? Does it happen often, and is there a way to redirect people to a page saying something along the lines of 'the database is currenly on the fritz... but be sure to check back in a few hours (or days, I don't know how long they typically go down for)?I did take asp, and I know some of it, but again, I didn't leave that class feeling nearly as comfortable with the language as I would have hoped. Plus, I've heard other people say that php is more common nowadays, plus easier to learn and more expected to be learned for today's job market.---And thanks for the code example, Tyssen it looks somewhat familiar to the commands that we had to do in design class, and that was apparently php, so I'm guessing they are similar. I'm going to first try and set up a database, and then keep messing around and see what I can get out of it.I'm pretty sure that I can make a nice back end to it all, that'll let me update the database easily, which is one thing that I'm really looking forward to. I'd also like to add the ability to display the contents alphabetically in either the foreign language, or in English. I think I have my work cut out for me.But at least, like you said, playing around with it all on my personal site will get me much more familiar with the language, so that I can use it more readily in the future.
  17. Oh, okay... that's making some sense to me. Thanks, Tyssen. I think I'll try messing around with a database, and see if I can't come up with something. Web design is going to be my career - I've chosen that already, and am almost through the schooling for it.I only wish that I knew how to do more stuff. I took a database class, and can't build a database to save my live if I had to, despite getting high marks in that class. It's pretty much a big joke. This semester coming up we have php, so I'll have to wait and see if that goes any better.I'm more of a designer, than a coder, but I'm not that great at either one unfortunately. I'm still trying to find my strengths in the area.So, for the part where I have one page, and pull in the information from the database - Can that be done from clicking on links? I know that inclass, we wrote some sql statements that would pull everything out of the database right when we opened the page (and we didn't click on anything, everything was just there, on a really long page...), but my instructor never explained anything that we were doing. We were just modifying the files that he gave to us.That was in design class, he thought we all knew php, even though we hadn't learned it yet. And in databases, we never learned how to hook a database up to a website just how to enter the stuff into mysql.Sorry if I sound confusing and frusterated, it's four in the morning.... and not a heck of a lot makes sense to me at this point. You are very right though, I need to learn how to do this database / php stuff if this is going to be my career, so thank you for your opinion.
  18. Wow... I'm really pretty bad at this game. I've tried a whole ton of times and at first I was at like 14 seconds or something, and then after a ton of games, I finally got into the 6.xx seconds For me, I have to say out the alphabet in my head, so I can know which letter is coming next, because I don't actually look at the screen, because I need to look at my fingers if I want to be able to type. I don't really have to, because I can type without it for real words, but with the alphabet I'm having a big problem trying to find the funny letters that I hardly ever use.Mind you, my fingers have almost memorized where to go on the key board now... I really like getting to the hijklmnop because it's all with the one hand
  19. I've tried those kind of things. The visitors I recieved, were never worth it. They didn't hang around and see what my site had to offer, and they certainly didn't come back, except if my site came up again while they were in the not-paying-attention surfing mode.As for the money. I've never gotten any from them. I've received some from other online things that are similar, but it didn't give me nearly what my time would be worth even at minimum wage, so I've pretty much given up on that sort of thing. But hey, if you can make it work for you, power to you!
  20. Here's the two cents of a 21 year old girl... not sure if it'll help your situation, but I don't think it'll hurt it any :DSo, is there anyone in particular that you'd like to go out with? Or are you just not wanting to be alone any longer? If there is a girl or two that you really had your eye one, why not go and ask one of them out? Doesn't have to be anything big, especially if you don't really know them yet. Maybe just a movie or something... see what happens.I know that when I was that age, I was beyond shy when it came to guys. I would flirt once in a while, because it was fun, but then I'd get all self-conscious and hide out for a while. I wish now that I'd just had the guts to really go up to a guy and ask him out.Then again, their were a few guys in the class that I would have said yes to in a heart beat had they asked me.Perhaps someone you know is just waiting for you to make the first move?Then again, perhaps you've already done that. I also knew some guys that came off desperate and asked out any girl that gave them a second look. It's not all that appealing, and if a girl notices that you've been working on all of her friends at the same time, she might not be so inclined to say yes, if you do go and ask her out.Meh, just some thoughts... don't know if they get you any farther along or not though.
  21. midnightvamp


    Welcome! Good to see you've found Xisto! I'm sure you'll love it here... everyone is so nice and helpful. I haven't found a better place yet, and I've tried out many places before finding this one. (And I'm very glad I did).I certainly agree about the forums here being like a real community. With most posting-required places, the people don't care about helping one another or discussing anything of value. Here it's different though. After awhile, it's really like you start to get to know the people in the forums (as best as you can online) and everyone here is like a community of friends, critiques and best of all, down right nice helpful people.So, you say you are from California, eh? Sounds really nice. I've never been there, but I think I'd like to check it out some time. Especially now that it's winter. I wouldn't mind getting away from all this snow. I suppose I can't really complain. This winter has been better than most. Not too many bad storms to speak of yet. (I'm from Canada, if you didn't notice under my name at the side).So, yea, welcome... enjoy it here, and I'm sure I'll be seeing you around the boards some time!
  22. It's an interesting idea, and as with the other one you mentioned, I was highly surprised to see that so many people paid into it. I suppose when someone finds something original to do, it has a good chance at taking off.I'm curious to see if this newer one makes many sales. I think adding the new angle of referring others and getting a cut of the money should help with that part. I didn't actually check to see how much they were asking for, or is it a bid-like page where the highest bidder gets higher up on the page? That wouldn't be a bad idea, if it isn't already that way.
  23. I'm planning on a site redesign, and I'm going to add some very basic php includes in there, because I've managed to figure out how to do them. I wanted to use them to do includes of my navigation, so I'd only have to update in one place when new links are added, as opposed to having to update several pages all at once.I'm not sure what else php can be used for, and I did a search on it, and it pretty much all said includes and databases.Well, databases, I don't know how to make, and I was wondering if it's really worth my time to figure it out or not. I'm wanting it for my language site, if you want to take a look, there is a link in my signature. It's basically several languages, and each one is split up into subcategories that list a bunch of words or phrases that people have submitted to me in their language.Right now, I'm using a simple form, that sends the data to an email, and from there, I sort it out, and add it into my website.I'm not sure if a database would save time / space / something else, but I'd like to know if it would be of any benefit to me, before I go and spend the extra time on it.Would any of you happen to know? Or have any ideas about the whole php / database idea I'm having. Should I bother? Thanks for any insights you might have.
  24. I know... it bothers me too some of the stuff that you hear and see in regards to anime and they whole 'Japanese' culture thing. I only recently discovered anime (I lead a very sheltered life as a child... what can I say, I grew up poor and in the country!) but I have to say that I'm amazed and impressed by it all.Most of my family that knows my fascination with Japanese culture thinks it's really cool that I'd want to learn about other places and such, and even help me out with it. In fact, for Christmas, my mother bought me a book on learning Japanese (which was really nice of her, because I've been trying to learn it) and my step-dad bought me some manga.When my father found out I was learning it, all he did was tease me, and do all the stereotypical things that Japanese people do. It hurt me that he didn't support me in what I was doing, but he can be like that. I think it hurt him that I didn't want to learn German since he is from Germany.But come to think of it, when my sister took German in school... he was putting her down too saying that she'd never be able to learn it, so why would she even bother.I don't know... it just bugs me that some people don't like to embrace other cultures like Japanese, and then expect that everyone else should come to the same views on the subject as them, and if they don't, then just poke fun at it all.Whatever... that's my addition to the rant.
  25. I wasn't even aware that PayPal did such things if they thought you were doing some sort of 'risky' business with eBay. I just recently started using eBay (only bought two things so far) and think that I'll be using it a lot more in the future. Perhaps I should open up accounts at the other places that were mentioned. Do you know if you can transfer money between places?
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