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Everything posted by minimcmonkey

  1. What i want to make is a script that has a table, which is a menu for my site, and when you click the top of the table you can drag it to another place in the page. This is the code: <html><head><title>Test run - Right click menu - ©Jack McCrea 2008</title><script type="text/javascript">function coordinates(event){if (event.button==2) { var x=event.x;var y=event.y;document.getElementById("element").style.left=x;document.getElementById("element").style.top=y;document.getElementById("element").style.visibility="visible";var oldx=x;var oldy=y;}}</script><script type="text/javascript">function coordinatesb(event){var oldx=x;var oldy=y;var newx=event.x;var newy=eveny.y;var difx=oldx-newx;var dify=oldy-newy;var newposx=oldx-difx;var newposy=oldy-dify;var oldx=newposx;var oldy=newposy;document.getElementById("element").style.left=oldx;document.getElementById("element").style.top=oldy;window.onmouseup=end();window.onmousemove=coordinatesb(event);}function end(){}</script> <style type="text/CSS">#element { position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; background-color: 568934; border: 3px dashed; visibility: hidden; z-index: 1;}</style></head><body bgcolor="112233" onmousedown="coordinates(event)" oncontextmenu="return false;"><div id="element">hi<br><table><tr><th onmousedown="coordinatesb(event)">hi</th></tr></table>hi<br>hi<br>hi<br>hi<br>hi<br>hi<br></div> </body></html> this doesnt seem to work. any ideas?
  2. Really the best way is probably to use PHP and mySQL, each user has a html document, which is edited by a form, and processed by a PHP page, which saves to their own HTML document.The mySQL database would contain all of the users usernames, and passwords, contacts ect.Also, you would need to use some form of PHP or control to prevent users from using javascript, iframes ect, as this could be harmful to you site, and could allow easy access to hidden files, and could ed up with people displaying bad content.
  3. Well, try removing it, and clean out the connections, and check the connection to the mothermoard.Also, if it is a secondary drive, it must be configured as a slave, and if it is primary, it must be set as master.
  4. Hi,Im working on a website, and im trying to make a right-click menu, which opens on right click, wherever the cursor is, and closes on mouse out.I wrote the code below, and when i ran it in IE it ran fine, just how i wanted it to work.However in firefox, the menu just opened in the top left. im presuming this is because it doesnt like my style changing in the javascript.Any ideas, and suggestions?If i cant make this work, i will just make it so it works slightly differently when viewev in firefox so that it can just open in one place.All ideas appreciated. <script type="text/javascript">function coordinates(event){if (event.button==2) { var x=event.x-6;var y=event.y-6;document.getElementById("element").style.left=x;document.getElementById("element").style.top=y;document.getElementById("element").style.visibility="visible";}}</script><script type="text/javascript">function hideme(){document.getElementById("element").style.visibility="hidden";}</script><style type="text/CSS">#element { position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; background-color: 568934; border: 3px dashed; visibility: hidden; z-index: 1;}</style></head><body bgcolor="112233" onmousedown="coordinates(event)" oncontextmenu="return false;"><div id="element" onmouseout="hideme()">hi<br>hi<br>hi<br>hi<br>hi<br>hi<br>hi<br></div> </body></html>
  5. I suppose so!No, microsoft could not overtake google with anything internet. But google could surely overtake microsoft with a new operating system!I think they should make a browser. It would be so much beter than IE!
  6. I completely disagree! sony is brilliant! i have 2 PSPs and a playstation, also lots and lots of audio, video, and PC equipment. Not a single complaint! everything i have bought from them, has worked perfectly, and not stopped working!
  7. Had it not occured to you, that you could use javascript for that?just create a variable for weather or not it is IE, then a statement for when it is, and an ELSE for if it isnt. Thus, relieveing some strain from your web host, as the server does not have to process it, the clients computer does it itself.
  8. First of all, a searchbot for a search engine searches individual HTML pages, so it will index them, but, visitors could end up with just one of the frames pages. You should read up on each search engines Bots, and make sure you only allow it to index you frameset files. You should be able to do this by placing a small text file in each folder, although i cant say hw as each Bot works slightly differently.Secondly, i would strongly suggest you DO NOT use a frameset. They are not very good at being compatible with browsers.Also, a small window will not display them right.Some visitors will also find a framed layout confusing (obviously, you can decide this based upon your target audience)I would suggest you use DIVs and have a stylesheet to control their position.So instead of having frames, have DIVs, they loom beter, work beter, and work with nearly all browsers.Read up on CSS if your not sure about how to do this.
  9. you cantt really just tailor your site for one particular browser. it should be compatible with all common browsers. make sure you are not using any elements which are incompatible with lots of browsers. And make sure you set all images sizes, even if the image is the right size, otherwise if it displayed incorrectly, it makes you site look bad.You should probably test your site in these browsers:Internet explorer 5, 6 and 7firefoxoperasafarinetscapeATLEAST!If you have problems with any particular browser(s)You could create multiple versions compatible with different browsers, then use javascript to detect the browser, and redirect the viewer to the right site, or hide elements that look bad.
  10. Well, it looks nice, the way it is quite simple without flashing images or anything, but i think it could do with some more information about what the site is as the scrolling text is quite slow, and many visitors will not want to sit there waiting to find out what the site is.It could probably use a navogatio bar, for links and maybe a site search (this could be on the left of the site)then on the right have a information bar containing links to popular articles, and updates ect.I think you should emphasise th +/- in the list of articles, as many people may not notice this, or understand what it does, and therefore not be able to access the information. although i liked the idea. maybe add a floating information box saying how to expand and collapse the articles, which appears when people first see the site, then disapear after say, 8 seconds.The site stat counter is a bad idea, first of all, it is black, and seeing as the sites background is white, it looks terrible. Also, the site doesnt have a great amount of hits yet, so i would suggest either gettng rid of that completely, or re styling it, and getting rid of it until you have a few more views.
  11. this is a rather random post. But im sure a fair few people have noticed, that microsoft and google, seem to be at war...For every product google brings out, microsoft seems to try to beter it.And google keeps creating new products to try and get ahead.for instance:gmail - microsoft make hotmailgoogle search - microsoft make live searchGmail IM - micorsoft make live messengerGoogle earth - microsoft make world wide telescope and visual earthgoogle sketchup - microsoft make Virtual Earth - 3DVIAGoogle pack contains lots of free software from other companies likeNorton antivirus - microsoft make windows defenderskype - micrisoft have live messengerectGoogle picaso - microsoft make numerous image tools like photostoryGoogle desktop - mocrosoft make desktop searchGoogle screensaver - microsoft has photo screensaver with windows XPSo what will happen?Can we expect to see google making operating systems in a few years?Will google overtake microsoft?Opinions?
  12. Yes, your right about HTML and javascript not being enough. I would recoment PHP, Mysqul, and most likely ASP. You will need to be absolutely fluent in PHP and Mysql atleast, as social networking site normally have many people working on just small parts of the sites. Its a very ambitious project, but if your willing to put time into it, it can be done to a certain level! Rememeber that javascript and HTML will not do anything in an automated fassion, you need code that takes input from the user, and then writes to your database. (so PHP and Mysql are ideal) Although javascript is very useful if used correctly, but often just for dynamic content, and other non user specific type things.
  13. I think they should definately streamline some of the the software - lots of people were dissapointed about the way it used up so much of the computers resources without even running other software. Also, beter security, and user managementsoftware would be good- you can download free stuff, but it would be beter built in.
  14. I think it would be a lot beter, if you put in a button, which allowed you to choose the operator, so a minus button, a luse button, and multiply and divide buttons.It shouldn't be too hard to do, you would just have to make the page, use a different PHP script, depending on which button you pressed.Or you could use radio buttons (actually thi would probably be beter)
  15. I think its stupid to try and trick google into thinking that your someone else, clicking on your ads.First of all, because they have probably thought of all of that, and tried to find ways round it.And, second, its just wrong, I know it sound mad, to say that, but it is, basically stealing, from a site, that provides so much free service, and so many free programmes ect.
  16. Its so true.I dont think any true 'nerd' could say that google has NEVER helped them atall.The worlds most comprehensive search engine, definately deserves its title!!!!!
  17. i would have o say i perfer MSN to any other Instant messenger i have tried.It has mant features that are just beter than the rest of IM applications...The emoticons are by far the best, as well as the ease of adding custom ones.The support for winks. And for setting the backgroundIt allows you to "nudge" people.The webcam, and video call features are the best ives seen.But most of all, it is the most popular, so much easier to find friends on it. And there are also many addon programmes.
  18. First of all, it would be impossible for it to actually get there, because of the amount of energy needed.Also, if it ewre to come near, it would be disapourated by the suns imence heat, also, the sun is imence in size, many many times the size of earth, nuking it, would have no effect, as it is just really a ball of gas, It would probably not effect us, also, we would probably never know, as it is so far awa, it would be years before the light changes actually reached us...
  19. I always wonder if i am a completely different person, who i will never meet, in another country.Swapping constanly between my two selves, but each self being oblivious to the other.Its plausible, isnt it?how could it be disproved?I wonder if that other self, shares the same dilemas as me, as they, ultimately are me, so, although i do not truely believe that, its one idea!!
  20. I always wonder if i am a completely different person, who i will never meet, in another country.Swapping constanly between my two selves, but each self being oblivious to the other.Its plausible, isnt it?how could it be disproved?I wonder if that other self, shares the same dilemas as me, as they, ultimately are me, so, although i do not truely believe that, its one idea!!
  21. I dont think you can really generalise like that.Most guys are nice people, not sex obbsessed perverts (although, being a guy, my view couold be slightly bias)Although there will always be exeptions to the rule, the ones who think so much of their appearance that they think its normal, or right to do things like that.I have been using MSN and different IM programmes, for about 6 years, and this is the second time i have heard of this.Just block them, and forgt about it.I dont think it is fair to say that HALF of the male population is like that, infact, i dont think it is really fair to generalise like that atall, i think you are basing that on one event.Its like, trying a drink, and finding a fly in it, then saying you will never drink it again, because of that one time...
  22. I prefer frontpage, as i just find some of the features easy to use.I have spent longer using it, and reading about it.also, it is simialar to a lot of the microsoft office family, which i am very familiar with, so its the best for me anyway.
  23. Yes, i think science may have gone too far.I really don think that the study can make that much difference, i mean, sure, it might make a fair difference, but i really think, that if someone is just truly ugly, the size of their pupils will not make too much difference.I think its one of those things, where its gone so deep, that they just found something by chance, that probably doesnt mean anything.If there was one ultimate way to look good, anyopne who did not look like that, would never get married or whatever,Different people fall for different things, and although there are probably some patterns that effect nearly everyone, i dont think you can say there is one thing that make ALL the difference.
  24. Wow, Thats pretty interesting, Nice thread.Never knew any of the names or whatever!
  25. Ha Ha!!!I have seen a fair few of those emails. A lot of people seem to fall for the ones saying "your true love will realise they like you if you send this to everyone you know"Look! Gulible is written on your cieling!
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