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Everything posted by minimcmonkey

  1. Woo, thats a very generous mail storage size!!!sounds har to fill up if your not using if for storage as well as email though!
  2. No.I would never skip class.Education is a great part of my life as i have virtually no social life...I also intend to get a good degree, so i would not want to miss out, on what could be a vital class in my education.
  3. Using flash for that will be difficult. Like tailson said, java would probably be the idea language for this.As it is very visual.
  4. I subscribed to runescape for a long time. i use to love it. but i got bored of it.Especially when they brought out the trading and wilderness updates.Although i still check the news and log on occasionally.I plan to play for a while when the new graphical update is released
  5. I started with 2.then got endgland, dog, and grape.WOO im part of the 2%cool thread - fairly cool statistic, strange.
  6. I think that will really decrease sales.But i dont see how it could work - surely you can still use the games without connecting to the internet to activate.and it couldnt save the mount of activations on the CD or game disk either.I know that DVD drives save the amount of times you change their regeion, but this is performed by the hardware itself, so the hard drive does not effect it.I dont think there is eally a way in which you could not remove the registry files saying how many times it was installed.They would not make it so people without internet access cannot play ot.because that would loose a considerable amount of sales.Presumably, they are trying to stop piracy, and lending around games.But without being able to write to the game CD, I dont see how any other PC could detect the amount of times the game had been installed elswere.
  7. I dont think that is neccesarily true. Im sure you remember the massive airline scare aftter those plans to blow up the planes were found on the internet. And if youthink about it, there are millions of sites out there, there is not a great risk, that if you save an encrypted file to the internet, that it will be found, and un encrypted. so i think it is possible that such organisations could be using the internet. But i dont think banning will have much effect, as they will find another way, of comunicating over the internet, if they are really that determained to use the internet.
  8. Personally, i dont think abortion is wrong. The baby will never know - its not concious. Infact in many cases, it is the right decision, like, the parents are underage, or the family cant afford to support the child.I think there should definately be no punishment for abortion, as then there would be an increase in underage parents, and cildren starving or dying as the parents have abbandoned them, or cant afford to feed them.But the penalty for killing a born, and concious baby, should be the same as normal murder, because that is what it is.Often people who are against abortion say that the aborted baby could have been a great artist, or could have found the cure for AIDS or something amazing.But if you think about it, using contraception, has just the same effect.
  9. thatscomedy.com has some very funny jokes in the joke archive, But the joke a day email is terrible!!! as is the "free e-joke book" that comes with it!
  10. Are you running a firewall?or a real time antivirus/antispyware?If so, they could be rejecting the cookies, check your settings. And if you can, check any security logs, to see if there is a log of any cookies being blocked.This is completely possible, as cookies, and temporary internet files, are renound for carrying viruses, so are often blocked.Check you help guide for information on how to change the settings.
  11. I always use to wonder, if i could have sent my life on a completely different path, just by using a different toothpaste, or something stupid. (not because of the few milliseconds diference i might make, but just because im like that!).But now i think the ony wy you really change your life greatly, is when you do something lie. Choose to get married, choose which subject you want a degree in, or get a job.So i think destiny does not really decide where we are going from the start, but change around us.Although you could say that our genes, or genetics are really our destiny, as they choose wether we will be clever, or very good at sport ect, which will change your life.
  12. Generally i get up really early every day buy sunday (the only day i have the time to sleep in) and generally stay up until atleast 12 (at the earliest). so probably never more that 8 hours on a week day, and 5 or 6 on a saturday.but probably 12 hours on a sunday!
  13. Well i would want to say goodbye to my friends, but i would want to do something I love as well.So i think i would go Ice skating with all my friends.Then i would go diving, with some diver friends.And then probably just 'chill'with my family, and say goodbye to my nearest family and friends.but if i were in that situation, i would probably not be in a stable enough condition to do any skating or diving.So i would probably call some friends and family, and get them to visit me where i am, so i can say goodbye!And i think the only thing i would want to acomplish, would be to say a proper goodbye to all of my friends and family!
  14. My dad built me a computer when i was 3.I loved it, and spend age on it each night, gradually building up my knowledge.By the time i was 7 I knew more than all of my classmates (most of them only used computers in school)And now, im a complete and utter 'GEEK'And im loving it!!!!Well its useful anyway!
  15. I wouldnt have thought they have enough for every user using the maximum, thatis just the limit.they will expect people to only use say.... 5 GB at the most probably. The limit is just there to make it look good!! (free email with so much storage looks really good)By the way, its not 2TB limit, the limit is constantly increasing. There is a page, which show the limit at that exact time.but it seems to go up a few bytes every second.I dont suppose they have enough stprage for anyting like the amount of users.But not very many people will come close to filling it up.
  16. I do not use microsoft protection software, as i dont particularly like onecare.But i would have thought that it was detecting one of the scripts or cookies that it ses to support the service as a type that commonly is bad.I imagine that they will sort it out if they get a lot of feedback about it. For now, (im not sure if you can in onecare) but can you set it as an exeption, so that it does not pick up on it?
  17. To be honest, I was fairly disapointed with the general look of the interface, considering it is made by a company like Google. But i learnt to like it. Although i dont use oit regularly, I just signed up because i already had a google account, and wanted to try it. I like the idea of the space constantly increasing!
  18. Unless yourcomputeris VERY fast- say 2.4gb dual coreprocessor, with 2.5gb of RAM.I would recomend XP. Because VISTA uses up so much of the system resources, it slows down your compuyter considerably.So if you want to run high performance and graphics games,you want the fastest PC you can get. and XP will slow down your computer a lot less than vista.
  19. I personally disagree compleately with everyone who says it is wrong, i think that its just homophobia, and that most peoplewho say it is wrong are just scared that people will think they are homosexual themselves.Surely the main reason for living,is to enjoy life,and live it to the full.So if someone prefers to be with the same gender, then thats not wrong, its what is right for them.So i think its ok...
  20. When that fly landed in my cider!No, probably finding out that i had a large tumor onmy arm, then after having it removed, finding that i have keyloid scaring, which means the scar is pnk,enflamed,and grows.....Not sure really, i think ive been fairly lucky...*touch wood*
  21. I have gone for 2 months without my computer, when i decided no longer wanted to be a 'nerd'... I couldnt carry on...Thats somewhat worrying...
  22. Yea.If acomputer just had one USB module,that was next to it (or even inside it) That you could use to connect all of your wireless devices, There would not be anything like as many signal, or software interfearances.thus, it would run faster.Ive found that using a fast multifunction printer, is a lot faster than having a laserprinter, photo printer, colour printer, scanner, card reader and fax machine!!I think bluetooth could catch on - for the mouse and keyboard, and other devices. like on some mac computers.
  23. I agree!! I couldnt live without email, live messaging, or my computer. Life would be too hard,Thanks for the post - im new to Xisto and no one seems to reply... laugh out loud...
  24. Who do these people think they are messaging. Im pretty sure that nearly every single person to access this forum, was not born yesterday.No - I wouldnt reply to it, It might be waiting for a reply, so it can verify your email address, and add it to a mailing list - possibly viruses.
  25. Well, i dont personally believe that there is a god. But i think that god is not really a physical being, but something people believe in, for comfort, or whatever.Yet god is supose to be everywhere, so SURELY he or she (or neither) is not physical, but more like a thought. but more than a thought, like a shared though. But thats my opinion.
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