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Everything posted by minimcmonkey

  1. I don't think there is a way, unless you have specific software for things like reseller hosting on your host management.On thing to do, would be to set up your 404 error page, so that it breaks down the URL, and checks if there is a subdomain on it, then checks if that is a user name, if so, it redirects to that users page(s)
  2. I think its a good thing, Xisto has many posts, so it makes it easier, to have lots of topics.As for the search, try to be more specific when searching, instead of "PHP" try "PHP syntax" or "PHP and MySQL"If people searchd for words like and, the, I or A, the server would use a lot of its power, just working on those requests, so returning fewer requests, makes the site faster.
  3. The main similarity is the syntax, that is why they share a name - javascript's syntax is based on java'sMany people get confused about the two, thinking they are the same.THIS IS NOT THE CASE.Java is actually quite similar to C++
  4. One way of getting around a noscript error, is by making PHP detect whether the browser is JavaScript enabled. That way, if it is, you can output a script, if it isn't, you can output a menu, which allows the user to choose which resolutions stylesheet to use, including an option to display a sylesheet which will work for most monitors in case the user doesn't know. This also helps if the user has a firewall which stops websites from collecting computer information, as you can assume that if PHP cant find out the monitor resolution, either can javascript, and then just output the manual change menu.
  5. No, there is absolutely no way to stop a persistent person from getting your images.you can disable the context menu, and call alerts on right click etc, but there are plenty of other ways of getting the image. I have seen people position transparencies over their images, so you download a blank image when you try and right click it to save it. Unfortunately, the browser needs the URL of the image to show it, for which reason, there is no way of protecting it.
  6. I like them, they are very useful, particularly as I format my hard drive a lot, so they are useful for backing up information.I prefer hard drive caddies, as they alloy use of a normal hard drive, as a removable one.Firewire removable hard drives are really fast, so quite useful for storing videos and photos, or daily backups ect.
  7. I have used loads of browsers, because i always try and test the websites that i work hard on in lots of browsers, to ensure maximum compatibility. Although i dont normally use lynx, it is very fast!Firefox is my default browser, but it can be quite slow, infact IE is often faster, yet so unreliable. I would say, that although IE is sometimes faster than FF, I spend less time, getting more done in FF, as it crashes a lot less.
  8. Well firefox is quite reliable, but the browser in not the main protection factor. Make sure you run an antivirus with real time protection, and run a firewall. These to things, make it very dificult for anything to infect your computer, or to compromise it.If you visit sites you know to have viruses, try a proxy server.
  9. It is most likely a virus, so scan your computer. However, if you have installed a new browser toolbar or something simialar, they often do that. If you have, uninstall it, then scan your computer for viruses.
  10. There is no way google can overtake wikipedia with wikis, just like there is no way microsoft can overtake google with searching.Wikipedia is just too well known, and specialised, to be overtaken by a company making a small version to increase traffic a bit.
  11. I think nokia use to be the best, when mobile phones where quite new. However, when things like cameras where introduced, companies like Sony had a great advantage, since they already had very good cameras on the market, thus, companies like Sony Ericson overtook.Personally, i think Sony Ericson is the best mobile phone manufacturer.
  12. no legitimate or reliable company, is ever going to send you advertisement emails, unless you sign up for them..for example When was the last time you received an email advertising google, on an email address not signed up with them.? Come to think of it, I dont think I have ever received an advert from google on an email account signed up with google.
  13. Um, I dont really understand that, it doesnt seem to make sense. If you want help, try ree-phrasing that, and explain it in more detail.
  14. I read an article about phishing scams a while ago, saying that these scams where aimed at older computer users, who, having not grown up with computers or the internet,dont know about the risks, or don't know how easy it is to set up a website and emails to imitate a site, so believe that it is genuinely fro companies like paypal. Although some scams seem too obvious, like one a received a while ago, saying that a paypal server had gone down, and they needed me to enter my credit card details to re-activate my account..... I don't even have a credit card!! Similar to the one that wanted me to confirm my online banking account with Lloyd's TSB.... I don't have a Lloyd's TSB account, and I don't use online banking... They should really try to use things which apply to more people if they want these things to work!
  15. Well theres one problem with email communications!That is hilarious!!Strange to think no one picked up on that before it was written on the sign!!
  16. Well Mozilla firefox is often faster and more secure, yet arguably, Internet Explorer is better.Fot the reason that so many people use windows, and use IE just because that is what there is on the system already, so when they make a website, they only try it in internet explorer, asuming it will work for everyone. For this reason, many sites only display properly in Internet Explorer. Obviously there are sites which only work well in browsers like firefox etc.IE is the most popular browser statistically.
  17. Some sites do it because the site looks terrible in some browsers, for instance, sites which were designed using one browser, using javascript to position elements on the page, and enforce a colour scheme, simple don't work in other browsers, and the page would appears with all of the elements on top of each other in the top left corner of the window.
  18. A problem with this, is in some cases, the file will be indexed by a search engine, if your site is indexed.JavaScript will never be good at password protection, but this is one of the most secure methods I have seen.I tried making a system like this, but added a few extra security features like:I Added some extra numbers and letters and ran some mathematics function on the password input, before the redirect was performed so a password like"password" would be checked as "2386hjghfqbttxpsesgf76" (this way, when the URL is displayed in the browser window, the password cannot be seen. I used a frame set on that part of the site, so you would have to look at the source code to see the URL of the logged in part.I also checked the referrer, of the page with javascript, so that if the page had been linked to, or typed into to URL field in a browser, the user would be redirected to the login page, and asked to log in.
  19. That could be quite useful, however, the best thing to do, is to use hot link protection, any web hosting with cpanel can do this, (Xisto included) and set the URL of the hot link page to an image, then, if anyone uses an image from your site, using a URL of your site, the hot link image is displayed. That way, the site is advertising you site.Using images without permission is illegal anyway if you haven't said otherwise, so people shouldn't do it.
  20. If you update your firmware regularly, there are more format you can use, recently version 5.00 firmware was released, this allows playback of a few more formats. If you visit https://www.playstation.com/de-de/explore/playstation-network/why-register/ that has information on all of the latest updates, and all supported formats ect.You can play any lenghth of videa that fits on your memory stick, althoughin some formats, video will have to fit resolution requirements if it is larger than a certain size. Note you will need up to date firmware to use any memory stick larger than 2gb.
  21. Strange that a product from such a well know reliable company would go so drastically wrong. This must be a huge blow to them, but ts unlikely it will effect them too much as Sony make so much great stuff, that lasts for years. Although i cant imagine anyone whos laptop has burst into flames, buying from sony again in a hurry!
  22. Well you could always get 280 credits and get a free domain from trapp17 if you cant purchase one online.
  23. I just visited your site, I use firefox, and it obviously hasn't been designed with firefox in mind. You may be surprised how many people use firefox as their default browser.The text in the navigation menu is overlapping in some places. There is a white square covering most of the panel on the right of the site.The forum is in a frame, rather than part of your site.And the weather part, is at the bottom of the page.The welcome text is obscured by the text below it.You should get a forum, that you store on your server, rather than someone else hosting it as part of the forum service, as it gives you complete control. Also, having it in a frame is not a good idea, as some people use browsers that don't support frames, or phones and PDAs etc. You have to accommodate for these browsers as well, in fact, with web phones becoming more and more popular, many people are using their phones to use the internet.Also, many people will check the whether on their phone, so you should probably have a graphics free version, for people on phones and portable browsers. I would suggest having a tab at the top to go to the forums. Doing this, would mean you can move the weather box up, which you need to do, as the site is primarily a weather site, and most people visiting will just want the days or the weeks weather, and some people, will not see the weather box, and leave straight away, and not visit your site again.You have a stream of what i think is a weather report? but the media bar is right at the bottom, so no one will see unless they look around your site, also, it is not labeled, and with so many security threats on the web, not many people will click it just to find out what happens.Another way to boost your sites visits and popularity, is to buy a domain name, an easy to remember one.If someone intends to visit your site again, will just remember your domain name.An http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is not easy to remember, and if your not consistently in the top few on many search engines, they will not go back from a search engine either.Another thing, is that you have a hits counter, these are not a good idea unless your site is quite popular, as people seeing you only have 2500 hits, says that your site is not very reliable or is bad for some reason.Consider one which users cant see.The forum being in a frame, also means that users have to use the browsers scroll bar to move around the site, and that is annoying, and puts people off sites, because it is not convenient to use. This happens because the browser scrolls down thought the frame, before it can scroll past it.
  24. As much as it could have been handled better, you cant expect companies to just hand out new keys whenever you want them. The software is not cheap, so they don't want to give away, a free copy of the software, they cant be sure your not just faking the whole thing to get a new key to sell online, so it can take time for things which just need a new license key, to to be sorted out.
  25. You need to put links to it all over the place. Telling people isn't enough. To get good search rankings, you need lots of sites linking to you.As search engines rank sites with lots of links pointing at them higher.If you have any friends who own websites, get them to put a link to your site on, in return for you linking to them, it doesnt have to be a big bold link, just in the code.There are sites where you can post links, for that purpose.Things like putting your site in your forum signatures is good. Basically, put it all over the web.But don't spam it, search engines will rank sites lower if they have hundreds of links to them on one page etc.Just put it wherever you think it is necessary, but not too much, and you wont be ranked down for it.
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