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Everything posted by minimcmonkey

  1. I don't tend to mislead people, But when i sign up for something, which I think may send me spam, I often substitute parts of my address (just enough to stop the sending me mail) and my phone number (I already get enough advertising calls)Unless of course I think i should give them the details, but I prefer not to, If i think the company has no reason to contact me.
  2. In the case of PHP, you cant use one without the other, the PHP has to output HTML.I always make my sites in PHP, even static ones. i leave some spare variables for headers ect, i can pass data to it if I need to, that way, i can refer people to my site, with a cookie, or information stored in the URL, to do things like, display a link back the referrer site etc.Also, tat way, if I decide I want to add interactivity to it, I can, without having to re-design the site.
  3. There are a couple of ways of stopping people getting your code,1. use PHP to generate a PDF version2. Use scripting to generate an image version of the site, before it is sent to the browser, thus only an IMG tag is needed.Both are impractical, and would waste bandwidth, also, wouldn't work for people without the right software to view, or with images disabled, or with screen readers etc.another way, is a flash site, perfectly practical, but not everyone can use them because they don't have flash player etc.There is no way of stopping people seeing HTML code, for an HTML site, as the browser needs the code to be able to interpret it.Even if you make it so the page cannot be cached, right clicked, downloaded or anything, people would just write browsers which saved the source when it downloaded, like youtube - they tried to stop people downloading, it doesn't work, there not protected so that people can see them, so people can download them when their browser does or with other methods.Stealing people code isn't legal, but people still do it. unfortunately, n one can stop it.accept, that if its on the web, people can use it.A good thing to do, is to put comment tags in, just saying your name, and "please do not remover this comment"of course, some people will, but as its not seen by anyone who doesn't view the source, some people may well leave it in place, that way, if the source is taken, people at least knew who made it and you get some credit.
  4. You don't have to use something greatly impressive, look at Google's logo - its really simple, but everyone recognizes it who has used the internet.You just really need something to identify your site by, as soon as it loads, even just plain text with a couple of effects on it.Another thing is, when it gets more complicated, it tends to get bigger, and the bigger, the longer it takes to download, and the more people leave in frustration at waiting for your site to load.
  5. Allowing people to use HTML on your site is a bad idea, as they could insert scripts to redirect, or key log etc. you should restrict use of anything which could run a script (any client side scripting ie javascript) and get rid of anything which could be very large, like iframes, and anything else where the tag defines its size.You would probably want to restrict use of most tags, just allow things like bold, strike through, underline, link, line break etc.A lot of people think "no one would bother doing that to my site" but people do, web vandals will vandalise anything without tight security.
  6. As long as you don't want the page to change itself, or for people to be able to edit or upload to it, HTML would be fine.but you may find that PHP would be easier, then, if you ever do want to make uploads and editing etc possible, its just putting in some PHP, rather than re-making the site.
  7. if you mean they are being sent to your site, from a referrer, the easiest way to sort the problem out, would be to have a user cookie sent to their browser before the referral, then checked by your site, and then the code could query the database accordingly. if the site differentiates users in the URL like "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ could use PHP to detect the referrer, and break down the URL, and query the database accordingly.
  8. I would not suggest using an iframe for displaying adverts, plenty on people use browsers that are incompatible with iframes, and if people dont see the advert, your not getting anything out of it.The best thing o do, is use something like google's advertising programme, they just give you some source code to put on your page and you leave it. there are plenty of advertising companies like that.Of course, if you are putting adverts on for a reason other than making profit, you could just save the image to your sites storage, and insert it as an image.
  9. If you download the google pack, you get staroffice free, which is the paying equivilent to openoffice, made by the same company.I prefer the real microsoft products though, they seem faster and more reliable, as well as getting good updates frequently, and the online community.
  10. If you download the google pack, you get star office free with that, that is the paying version of open office, made by the same company; Sun. I found a similar type of deal at http://www.rm.com/products/rm-easiteach that seems to be selling adobe software very cheap, as well as MS office. CS4 masters collection is only �420! Of course, you do have to be in full time education.
  11. The default setting is that it changes every month, you can change that under theme settings.
  12. I looked at the image, and there is no way you can do that with PHP. As the source code for PHP is processed by the server, the browser never gets access to the source code, and it therefore cannot be dragged into an editor.Also, just steeling peoples code isn't legal, you should always just look at the code, and make your own version; it works better for you that way anyway, because know you understand the code, and it exactly fits your needs.
  13. I do own 2 PSPs (the original, and the slim one). Sorry, but i cant help as i don't have the time.I'm guessing from the first paragraph that you are trying to make some software similar to windows applications.I have found, that the PSPs browser is quite goodat re-formatting web pages, and interpreting javascript, so making PSP specific web scripts may well be pointless.
  14. The ideal language to create one, is coldfusion, as it allows you to download and parse a site, so you would just create an input field, which declares its input as a variable in coldfusion, and then downloads that page, and displays it. It is possible in PHP and ASP though. I have found an alternative to using one of those sites. Ironkey ( http://www.ironkey.com/en-US/ ) I just bought one, and it has a built in version of Firefox, it has a button in the cornet of the screen, and when you click it, your browsing goes through a very secure server. its a great secure flash drive as well.
  15. You have a blank variable named "lottoentry" you shoud replay "lottoentry;" with "lottoentry = 0;" at the top, as the script later changes the variable.
  16. You shouldn't use javascript for that. Javascript is client side, so the output can be manipulated by the browser.Also, i noticed you put the "winning number" in the source code, which means, if someone wanted, they would just have to write a simple script to submit that number to the processing script.Also, if you are generating a number with javascript, anyone who could be bothered, could just change the random number equation in the browser, so it would output that number.You should use PHP instead.
  17. Personally I hate norton - it wrecks PCs, even ones with plenty of spare RAM. I use system suite 7, its out of date, as systemsuite 9 is now out, but it really good, it also has lots of tools for system optimization etc. It includes a nice firewall, and scans quite fast.Ive also noticed it doesn't slow down my system.Another great thing, it includes three licenses as standard.
  18. I have to disagree,I think most people realise that they should take certail precaution when using "that type" of website. However, as "that kind of site" is such a huge industry, most of the sites are completely safe, in an attempt to make money. Aroung 81% of viruses come from legitimate sites that have been hacked.
  19. Personally, i think talking about provate servers should be banned, they are illegal, and bad for many reasons, and people talking about them, is increasing the use/creation of them.The threads that say how to make private servers are the worst.
  20. thats weird, im not afraid of injctions. But who on earth enjoys them?you mean you actually enjoy, getting injections, into your arm.
  21. I will try that, although i did build this using part of the code i used when i made a right click menu script, and the X and Y named variables worked fine then.thanks, ill give that a go.I did try using a variable debugger, but i didnt get any errors.
  22. I would have to say dreamweaver, it has much more support for more advanced aditing features, and seems to work beter than frontpage at handling code you input in the HTML section.I dont like microsoft software, so i would always use dreamweaver ver frontpagem but i usually use a text based or code based aditor, rathr than a WYSIWYG editor.
  23. hi, i have been trying to create a drag and drop menu for my new website, so that the navigation menu can be moved around the site. This is the code i have: <html><head><title>Test run - Right click menu</title><script type="text/javascript">function coordinates(event){if (event.button==2) {var x=event.x;var y=event.y; }document.getElementById("element").style.left=x;document.getElementById("element").style.top=y;document.getElementById("element").style.visibility="visible";var oldx=x;var oldy=y;window.onmouseup=end();window.onmousemove=coordinates(event);}function end(){}</script> <style type="text/CSS">#element { position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; background-color: 568934; border: 3px dashed; visibility: hidden; z-index: 1;}</style></head><body bgcolor="112233" onmousedown="coordinates(event)" oncontextmenu="return false;"><div id="element">hi<br><table><tr><th onmousedown="coordinatesb(event)">hi</th></tr></table>hi<br>hi<br>hi<br>hi<br>hi<br>hi<br></div> </body></html> When i run this (in Internet Explorer) it says "out of memory at line 8" and there are errors at lines 14 an 51, when i remove line 14, the error is seen on line 15 instead (because they do virtually the same thing) At the moment, i havent made it work in firefox or any other browsers, and dont intend to until it works with IE. I am aware that it doesnt account for scrolling, but im adding all that stuff later. Can anyone help? I have tried using a javascript debugger, and syntax chgecker, ect, but i still can fix it... any ideas?
  24. I gave this some thought, when i was on a free host with a stupidly long free sub-domain. I didnt want to hide the address, just whatever followed ".co.uk" There is no script for this, but, if you jut want to shorten your web address, then make a frameset, whith one two frames where one takes up 100%, the other takes up 0% (i presume you could do make a frameset with one frame, but i have never tried!) Put your websites rename you sites index file, then save the frameset file, as the index file, with the old index file, as the page in the large frame. And as long as there are no links on your site targetted to _top, your URL bar will always show the URL of the frameset file.
  25. I dont think the saddest thingis that he wont go to jail, its that he cared som much about playing a game, that he would take someones life, just to keep playing. That just shows, that computers are taking over our lives. Whats next?
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