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Everything posted by minimcmonkey

  1. ive heard that KFC is only called by its initials, because they are not allowed to call it chicken by law, as there is not enough chicken in it....im not sure if that is true though...i read a book caled "chew on this"havent eaten fast food since, although it didnt really put me off, i dont think, i just dont eat fast food...but it was really interesting.
  2. Wow, nice thread, Didnt know much of tht stuff...I cant image in chocolate without sugar in it!
  3. If you know C++ and java, software design could be for you.Although that combination would be useful in game designas well.
  4. You cant give away credits unless you have 30 credits, so, if you had 50 credits, you can only give away 20 of them.There is also a 3% commision for transfered credits.
  5. yea, i have used a small icon for favorites menus, you need to create an icon, 16x16 px. Then you have to upload it somewhere, and in some cases, create a CSS file to tell the browser where to find the file. I cant remember how to do it exactly, google it, there areseveral tutoials on how to do it...
  6. Brilliant.I had never thoughtto try that, but now i know you can, i must use it!!nice thread!
  7. As much as i dont believe in eiter heaven or hell. and i agree with your post.If there were to be a heaven, then there must be a hell.Because if there wern't, heaven would be just like earth, being ruined by all the bad people.Really, if there is somewhere where good people go when they die, then there has to be somewhere whyere bad people go.
  8. I have had a simialar experience.I kinda of wrecked my social ife by becoming friends with a small crowd of girls.Unfortunately, the boy who use to be my best friend, decided to turn them ll against me, by saying id been, doing something perverted...For some reason he is friends with me now,but the girls all hate me ;)life goes on!
  9. I saw a demo of tat on a windows CD or something, it looked really good, you can place your bluetooth phone on top[ of it, and it appears on the dectop with file access and stuff automatically.
  10. Hmm, think of the viruses... "function__suicide__start."No, i dont think that is real, tey dont understand enough about the brain, to implement a computer, that will do anything useful, i mean, technology means that blind people can have images sent to their brain ect, but a computer like what your talkng about.... in your head or body?No.This is just one oftose stupid rumor...
  11. Was that their april fool thisyear??its quite funny!!did anyone see last years april fool.the free boadband which connects via your toilet! - It nearly fooled me until i found out that you fluch the cable down hthe toilet, and they have people waitng in the sewers to connect you.It seemed plauysible that google would introduce their ow broadband, and making it free at first would give them a great advantage!
  12. Wow, google is really growing, especially recently.Given the sucess of their previous releases, gmail ect.I would say that it could catch on.I wonder if at some point they intend to creatan operating system, and compete against microsoft, I would definately use it if they did!
  13. I have just instaledgoogle web accelerator, and so far, it seems to have made mt internet run slower. I hope things will inprove when i restart my computer, or as i use it more.Anyway, its only the BETA version, so hopefully, the full version will be better!
  14. There are several pieces of software which do this (som can be quite expensive)The way it works, is their servers download the information, compress it, and send it to your computer which unzips the information, and displays it.this can increase broadband speeds by up to around 400% but id be interested to see that google have created a version of it.woo - this is my 100th post!!
  15. Its great that the technology is being developped, but when do you really need to moev that much data, let alone that fast. And i know it could help the militay, but, even the military cant need that fast data transfer.... well i supose so. but im sure as technology develops, and we have 4000mp cameras ect, there will be a need for all of that!
  16. Wow, sounds cool.I dont think it could catch on..Im mean, it like a flash drive that you can rip in two so easily, you wouldnt want to store important data there!
  17. I agree, I think that it will lead to a lot of illegal driving due to people thinking it is their "right" to drive at the age of 17.infact, lots of the people will still drive in a stupid way, when they have reached 21.does it really
  18. Well, suicide is not really punishable if its sucessful, i mean, what are they going to do, spit on your grave?But i dont think making suicide legal would be a good idea, sudenly, hundreds of people would do it, just because they could, suicide would just be a way of getting out a tricky situation, and everyone would just resort to it inthe end.because if you give people the chance, they probably will take the chance.However, I do think that under circumstances, it should be legal.I mean, if you are on life support, no longer able to live, breath by yourself, feel - Is it really worth making people sit there, just a shell of who they really are, or were, I thyink that there should a be a system, so people who can no longer experience life, could be taken off life support, to die more naturally, and spare the families and the person in question, the pain of it carrying on.If there is no chanc of recovery, is it really worth pushing them through it??Im not religeous, but i think some of the things medicine can do to keep people alive, just that bit longer, is messing with nature. I think that technology has gone too far.We were made, so that our organ eventually decay, and we die, natuarally.but medicine has made it possible to keep people, who without these techiniques, would be dead, alive.But do they really want to be just an emtpy shell of themselves, no longer able to feel anything, just lying there, unable to breath without a machine. I think it has gone too far.No, these people should not be left to die, in the mud. but just increase their morphon, or whatever, so they can just sleep, and not wake up, in most people's opinion, the best way to go. Painless.so, i think that it should be legal, but only in circumstances where the person is not able to 'live' naturally any longer.
  19. I think whoever is causing the pain would have to be fairly "extreme" to enjoy it when you kill yourself, Infact, you would probably cause them to kill themselves, beacuse the guilt they would feel every day could well drive them mad. Not that im religeous, but suicide is a mortal sin, god said that to take ones own life, is a sin. so even if you believed in life after death, you would have to go to hell.
  20. Nice tutorial, havent used it yet, but i must! as i havent done any PHP for a long time, and intend to do some more before i start creating my new website!Nice thread!
  21. Wow, nice tutorial!!!!brillaint script.Might try this later!!cool thread!
  22. I would sugest that you extend the navigation bar so that the colour extends to the bottom of the page, just without any buttons.At the bottom of the page put a footer, say 20px, with the same colours,Then place copyright, and design information on top of it, or below it,Put some text at the top of it, just a simple title can make a world of difference,Maybe put a simple graphical symbol in the top right corner, as it could help use some space.and on the right hand side, create another column (called extras or something)and you can put pitctures, or direct links to specific pages, or external links to youtube ect.If this is just a layout, just try adding some of that, or just try adding some sample content, to see how it looks, all sit layouts look a bit plain when there is nothing in it.
  23. That does look very nice.I have created interfaces like that, You need to get a really nice looking backgrond, then use CSS to control the positioning of <div>s, so that the sections are exactly placed on top of the section in the background image, its fairly simple, but only looks efective if the graphic design is done well!
  24. I would hope that futuristic cars would be more like todays in the way they look. It would be nice to think that more emphesis was put on making cars eco-friendly; non-environment-destroying-cars.I would hope that they would be mainly electrically powered, if not by some undiscoverd chemical, or by using a currently known chemical, in an unknown way.Only when the cars are safe, and not killing us further down the line, should designers focus on looks.
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