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Everything posted by icemarle

  1. It's definately easy to get scammed in "Get rich through the net" schemes. Unfortunately (maybe fortunately) for me, The way those things pay out is not going my way. Like Paypal. We don't have Paypal in my country. I don't have a bank account and you might get the idea. The only way I can receive money is through mailed checks. Google Adsense has that, but it's not like you can get rich quick through it. So I'd just content myself by working the traditional way.
  2. My dad has 2 sticks of different brands. One 64MB and one 128MB. I'm not sure of what happened to those though, as I hardly see him using it...
  3. LOL. Those ancient Hanna Barbera things. Sheesh, been around at the time of the hippies, I suppose. I don't like CN as well, because it's a useless channel sitting around. They don't have too much good shows. I prefer Disney Channel and Discovery Channel, and maybe Nickelodeon to that. (I'm not a NIck fan) I love Disney & Discovery Channel. In fact, I even prefer local channels to Cartoon Network. It's an old channel that has old stuff. Rotten stuff. Sigh. Of course, unless you want to relive the classics, which I don't because I wasn't born in those times yet LOL.
  4. Legal doesn't make things right or wrong. It's just a law.But for me, it's wrong. Don't flame me, but this is just what I think. Well, humans aren't made to reproduce in the same sex. That's what makes it wrong. You can't get too far with that, because our bodies aren't made that way. They just aren't. It's like trying to get a cat have a baby with a dog. Their bodies are just not designed for each other.
  5. When I lived with my grandparents, my grandpa used to smoke, a LOT. I was 8 and I got acute broncihitis. I'm OK now, but still it's kinda sad. I run fast, and hardly got out of breath. After that, even though my running speed didn't diminish, I was more out of breath. BTW, I'm thin and nimble and get some excercise, but I get out of breath more easily than before.
  6. First of all, this is your first post. Like the many Netbux topics I have seen in the past... You also copied without using the quote tags. You may not be planning to stay long in this forum, but please follow the rules, at least. OK?
  7. I loved FF7 a lot, I played FF6 before that, though, and I didn't like 6 very much. Something's missing there for me. But my favorite FF GAME (not exactly an RPG) is FF Tactics. Sure, it may be a bit old, but I like the story. I love medieval war stories and I like tactic games. I love the music BTW, in fact, in every FF game.
  8. Interesting piece of writing there! Although I've only ever played 7 and below. I don't think you should call it the 2nd movie, because, technically, it's not a movie, and the 2nd movie is FF7:Advent Children which is still under production. Anyway, you'd best disregard me, I'm a bit to technical. *hides*
  9. icemarle

    My Dad

    Actually, We don't have Dr.Phil here. We live in the Philippines, so please fill me in. What's it about?
  10. I see, so that's how it all is! Sigh, law is so confusing and complex. The hard part is enforcing law in the internet, because first of all, everyone knows that no one owns it or has control over what is being shown, or sent. I guess posting copyright material and telling them to keep off is no guarantee. I'd best be on guard.
  11. icemarle

    My Dad

    LOL we can't even order pizza. Not enough money. My mom and I actually secretly made plans, that after I finished college, we'll migrate to another country. Of course, we're saving now. I'm planning to be an exchange student in college. I'm almost done with my highschool studies. I'm not sure where that leaves my dad though. He's not even saving up money to buy our own house.
  12. ...Mine's... Sigh... See for yourself. In fact, I just fixed it, if anyone believes me. I have second thoughts about removing some icons, because I usually use most of them. I used to always have anime as wallpapers, but what's the point if I can't see the picture? So here's what I ended up with. The clutter zone. I dread seeing my desktop, so I always open up other windows lol. I'm kinda used to just opening the things I want right away, that's why I throw everything in the desktop, I guess.
  13. icemarle

    My Dad

    He drives me nuts. He doesn't pay the bills early. So our cable TV got cut (NOO!!) Now our Phone connection is about to be cut as well! And you know what? He's upset at us because he's the only one paying the bills. Isn't he supposed to? Besides, he has a high-paying job, what's his problem? He often blames my mom, saying that he does all the work. But hey! He's forcing her to stop working, then he blames her!? He even thinks no cable TV is good. Of course he does! He's rarely home. He's out somewhere most of the time! I'm bored in the house. Watching TV is one of my rare joys... *cries*He hardly does his job. When he does the groceries, it's once in a blue moon. (Already a miracle when he shops) When he shops, he buys incomplete ingredients too! Then he blames my mom for not having enough to eat!? My mom used to buy groceries when I was a kid. My dad took the responsibility... forcefully. It's not like my mom has a high-paying job, when he complains about his bills. Plus, I'm an only child. It's not like he has many mouths to feed.When he stuffs garbage into the harddrive, and I tell him to at least burn those files into a CD, he changes the blame and tells me to free up my stuff. What's with him!? I'm the only one who frees up space in the harddrive! I take up time to sort the files out. Besides, he has his own harddrive! It's full right now, so he's taking up my harddrive! Aagh! It's really useless arguing with him, because if you do, he blames you. I can't even ask him for simple things like icecream. He tells me, "Do you have money?" I say no, and that's the end of that. I'm not even asking him money to buy new clothes! It's not like I'm extorting (typo?) him of anything! I just wish he would do his responsibilities. I'm sick of seeing my mom getting the blame all the time. Then I see him spending his money on expensive clothes, eating in expensive restaurants, and the like. All that for HIMSELF! I even caught him two-timing and showing his perverted side. (I keylogged the computer) Even after finding those out, I don't care much, just as he does his job! It's not like I flunk my grades! I get A's and B+'s, but it's not like he thinks that I deserve more! I study hard, and I get nothing!I'm so sick of the same cycle over and over again! *cries (no, really, I'm crying)*PS If you're recommending divorce, I won't take that as an option. I don't like the concept. I just pray that he'll realize that he pisses me off. I just don't know how to show that.
  14. Wow. I didn't know adware like that existed. Did you consider updating your Spybot? Maybe it didn't know how to fix it yet, but then, it you already updated it, >_>. So far, I haven't had such problems, but if I do, I'd consider searching for an alternative. I'm using Mcafee Virus Scan (also detects adware) with Spybot so far, and Spybot does most of the work. I don't feel like cashing in pay software, though.
  15. Well, I'm not exactly sure, but I have 1 computer (a set) and a CPU seperately. I like to consider the CPU as the computer itself. Its monitor broke down, so we can't use that CPU anymore. I guess I'm a bit technical about this...
  16. Well, since I was playing the game before I went online. I'd say, Final Fantasy TACTICS and The whole Dragon Warrior/Quest series. Those games have inspired me, and kept me hooked for long periodds of time. I can't say there's such a thing as the best game, because all games have flaws. I just happen to play different games and love them! (Of course, there're some that I dislike)
  17. Nice, and I thought they expired after the year stated, I guess I was wrong. I'm not into researching about those copyright stuff, but at least I have a clue. (Just in case) Thanks for telling! Now, I can tell them to keep off my created graphics and text. But, just a question. If someone takes a copyrighted material, say from my site, and the culprit won't comply, what should I do? Say I don't live in the place where the culprit is. Ever since I was a gamer, I read several game walkthroughs, and they kept talking about sites that claim their copyrighted material for their own. They get pissed off, but nothing seems to happen to the culprit. The site still stands to this day. With these things happening, I've been a bit cautious about posting copyrighted material. I just wonder...
  18. LOL. The only way of truly loving a person is actually being with them. Sure, you might see them, but you really don't know how they act exactly. They may act nice there, but as it might turn out, the person might not be the right one for you. If it goes through, and you get married, who says you'll stay together? I mean, isn't it better to know people who were already close to you (friends to more intimate relationships) or someone who knows you? I don't believe cyber works out.
  19. It caches the webpages in your harddrive. Like viewing a webpage offline, it's fast, because it's not in any server, but in your harddrive. It gives you the illusion of an accelerated connection, but in reality, it just makes you view webpages faster. I heard that it had bugs before though. There were times when you logged in as someone else. Caches aren't all good, because they can store personal information, making other people access your accounts.
  20. Try Spybot S&D. If there's an ad you can't get rid of at the moment, it'll start when you reboot, when the ad isn't active, and it'll remove it. I haven't had a problem with it, and it helped me a lot! I recommend you get it. Now I'm ADware-free! Oh, and I forgot to mention that it's FREEWARE!
  21. Nice... ^^ It's no surprise that someone will give gifts to BuffalloHELP, he's helpful and a good mod. YAY BuffaloHELP!
  22. Hmm... This shouldn't be in the vent. The Vent forums is used to talk about your pains, annoyances and agressions. You should use this to talk about what you're upset about and for people to help you. Anyway, to get on the topic, I'll buy the gadgets and food I've been drooling over ever since. Then I'll invest that money and give some to my parents and friends.
  23. Actually, I read about how to send an email using any address. So I think that's not the real thing. I never heard of Yahoo! sending attachments! It has suspicious written all over it! I suggest you ignore it, and or delete it. Those types of mail aren't worth your time. Trust me. I agree with the others. It's highly doubtful that it's legitimate.
  24. Honestly, there's no such thing as "THE BEST" paypal paying site, the one that's real should be good enough. Besides, it's better to earn money by working or starting a business. Because receiving and sending money on the web is still a very risky job, because you never know when someone's after "stalking" you for your information. Besides, it's still going to take a very long time to get a decent amount of money by "working" in those kind of sites. It might take more than a month and it might not be enough! Plus in the traditional ways of working, it usually takes a month to get a paycheck. So, I suggest you start working as well, and use Paypal sites as a side-job, because you won't really get rich with those sites.There are some other ways to earn money through your website, like Google Adsense, where when your ads get clicked, you get a few cents. You can earn a lot from that if you manage to make a good site, and generate interest in your ads. Of course, that would take a lot of effort and maybe a year or more before you get on a roll.
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