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Everything posted by icemarle

  1. Of course, this is the usual first thing to do, because we might be dealing with a kid who's starting out by making sites. The kid might not know anything about copyright issues. Trust me, I was like that, good thing I never stole content. I only got color ideas... (I suck picking out colors)
  2. Hmm, it's pretty obvious that he stole your site content. You can try mailing him about it, but don't intimidate him first. Ask him nicely. If the guy didn't care and tell you that he/she made it by him/herself and accuses you of stealing YOUR work, then I dunno, you can try and ruin him for everybody... It's your choice. I've seen people with similar problems and they have rather amusing ways of getting the plagiarists (spelling?) to give up and break down. They actually give out the email address and allow people to flame the poor guy. Then again, if you're not the type to resort to a violent and stressful revolution, you can just leave him alone...
  3. I used to be an addict of Ragnarok Online. I was finally jerked from my trance when I realized I was wasting my money. Well, it's not like I benefit much from it, so I stopped playing eventually. I neglected my school work and it wasn't very pretty... So I guess I rehabilitated myself, and satisfied my gaming instincts by playing an offline game. I like to play games, but I don't want to waste anymore money just to play.
  4. guangdian... I don't understand you... Like I said I installed it without the installer, which means at the start of the installation, I didn't use the archive files option. I wanted to save space.Actually I reinstalled it yesterday, and it ran smoothly, thank goodness~! Thanks for your time guys, it's a good thing that it didn't have to re-download the files it got from the site. It just installed it again, whew. So if anyone faces a similar problem, just remember to reinstall it.
  5. OK then, I'll try to install it later. If it doesn't allow it, I don't know what to do...
  6. I installed it without the uninstaller. In the middle of the installation, it said it was loading the processes, and suddenly, a sudden burst of lags occured. The memory slumped, and I'm guessing it stopped installing. It was still responding, but nothing seemed to happen. I closed it and rebooted. I looked at the System Properties and saw that Service Pack 1 was there. Odd, I didnt finish installing it. Now it's screwed, I think. The computer is insanely slow, so I used one of the earlier System Restore points. I was able to get through it faster. Should I reinstall the SP1a to overwrite the erroneous files? I was using a memory hungry program while installing, then it lagged. I won't use memory hungry programs the next time I install it.What do you guys think?
  7. Hmm... let me think... Mac: Well, software compatibility is questionable. It's not too widely used and interface may be confusing to newbies...Windows: Software compatibility... A lot of ways to get viruses and a lot of viruses... Hmm... Adware, Spyware, you name it~! It has some bugs here and there, the registry can easily get whacked. Despite that, I'll choose Windows. Software compatibility can get you places. What if you desperately needed a program that you can't find for Mac? Or you really have to get a certain result, but it doesn't happen for Mac programs? The usual reason we use the PC, is to get a program that makes our lives easier and fun. What if your range of programs aren't much?Plus, I wonder why it was Mac instead of Windows... Linux is one of the best OS there is. Some people do Windows and Linux versions of their programs. I think if you put Linux and Windows against each other, it'll be a bit fun to see.
  8. Heh, it's sometimes a bit surprising. I remember when BuffaloHELP and I registered in Xisto in almost the same time... I mean, only days difference. I also remember getting more posts than him.Then he became a mod, and was busy... LOOK AT THE NUMBER OF POSTS HE HAS NOW! I'm left in the dust... (I only had a lot of time before because it was vacation, but...)Good job BuffaloHELP.
  9. Great, so you got some Pinoy ones! :)Here's a word in Filipino that's a tongue twister by itself:nakakapagpabagabagThat's right, it's a real word here. It means distraughting (I think)... some words are pretty deep here.. Hehe... If you're Pinoy, you must know this. And you'll get a laugh trying it out. But... if you're not a Filipino, you might not know how to pronounce the vowels...
  10. Worm wars? Sheesh. People making things to destroy computer systems just do it for power and fun. They don't care about the people they send the worms to. To think they do this to show-off while causing much anguish and hair ripping madness to the infected people. *aaagh!* Then again, it's inevitable... but I still wonder why those people get lives and do something more productive?With their skills, they should be doing helpful programs and stuff... Just seeing them go to waste also make me more annoyed.Worm, trojan and virus makers should really get lives. It's really stupid, what they're doing...
  11. Honestly... :)I'm picky about my errors... although, of course, I let some slip at times. No one's perfect. I don't live in the US, or any country with English as its first language. But my dad taught me English before the language here, so I guess I could say it's my first language. Despite me being picky. I understand that some people don't always get it right, and even though I sometimes feel a bit strange seeing the errors... I don't mind them. I keep in mind that even some of my classmates don't always get it right too. They may not have it as their first language or anything...So when I see errors in the web, I don't care too much. We all come from different places around the world. There's no telling who might come from the next corner.Although... I would never go as far as to PM someone about it. We should all accept our weaknesses. Who knows, s/he might be better than you in some field. Besides, what's important is that we UNDERSTAND each other. Right?
  12. Yeah, like I said in the last post... The mouth has a lot of bacteria picked up from the food we eat. If you notice, your breath probably stinks in the morning. That's because the bacteria flourished during the night. The warm atmosphere in your mouth is good for culturing bacteria. So, in short, your saliva is full of bacteria. When the bacteria enters a wound, it can easily infect it... Who knows what may happen...
  13. If he did that to me, I'll make sure he won't see tommorrow. Imagine all the bacteria from his tongue and saliva entering your bloodstream through your open wound! *I'm paranoid about germs* AAGH!! Vampire!That is so sick...
  14. Thankies~! Although I've drawn more in the past, this one is my favorite. I do wish I have a tablet, though...
  15. Here's the fruit of my labor. I did this when I was inspired to draw something. I did this in about 30 minutes. This is the character, Mint in my right sig. Well, I did this a few months back, and decided to show it... Well, what do you guys think? I know it's a bit dark above... I didn't do well at scanning, so there's a shadow after levelling it a bit. Someone helped me level it by the way...
  16. I'm eternally afraid of flying roaches. Just imagining their flapping accursed wings makes me shudder. I'm also afraid of most bugs. I'm also slighty afraid of heights. But strange, I don't have fear of drowning, despite the fact that I almost drowned 3 years ago. Maybe because I already know how to swim...
  17. Why continue the story? Rowling already said she'll end the series at 7 and write different books. Notice from cmatcmextra: Edited as per request
  18. Heh, that CoolWebSearch annoys me. My dad is careless about the sites he goes to, *cough* so he often picks it up. When I notice something's wrong I scan for adware and see the CoolWebSearch thing. Then, I proceed to eliminate it. I didn't know it was meant for that purpose. I hate webtoolbars anyway. I like it clean and simple, that's why I like Firefox, the addons aren't bad at all.
  19. Wow... See what things people can do when they're motivated by money... big loss for the bank, though. If someone planned to dig such a tunnel all that time, I'd say he's intelligent enough, but how are the police sure that they found the fingerprints on a phone? Was there a witness? If it's true, then the robbers (I'm sure someone didn't work alone) lacked common sense.
  20. I...I'm?Disorder | RatingParanoid: HighSchizoid: HighSchizotypal: HighAntisocial: LowBorderline: LowHistrionic: HighNarcissistic: HighAvoidant: HighDependent: LowObsessive-Compulsive: HighI'm mostly high!? *reels from the results*Yeah, I'm paranoid. I wash my hands a lot like moonwitch too! Don't worry, you're not alone. I also take very great care when it comes to face. Must've picked it up from my parents.
  21. Nice... Although, you should've provided a link to the picture. It's a bit too big for the forum. Youu should either provide a link or scale it down.I thought it was Nefertiti (spelling?) but I guess I was thinking of the most beautiful Egyptian queen, and not the mummy...
  22. Once again, someone gave BuffaloHELP a gift! No surprises! He's someone you'd love to give gifts too! Nice work BlaqueMajik, although I can't read the small text. I suggest you stroke it enough to make it legible. It's a bit eye straining reading it.
  23. Sure, I'll PM you abou it when we're done! Hope you get around to read it soon!
  24. I'm not sure you'll like the manga I'm editing. It's shoujo (for girls) but the story is interesting. It's called W (Double) Pinch. It's about a girl, Arisa, who always gets bullied. She transfers schools a lot because of her parent's jobs, turning her into an outsider. But a transfer student from one of her old schools came for revenge after recieving a note about her whereabouts. Arisa doesn't know why, but her older brother told her that when she was young, she was a Super Bully Girl. She always bullied people around her, because she didn't like getting bullied because she was new. Arisa, didn't know that, because she had amnesia after her brother accidentally pushed her down the stairs. Now, she's a crybaby with no recollection of her past. Something happened when the new transfer student came. Under severe mental pressure, she switches with her old terrifying self, and becomes a bully again. She has this double personality, and switches back when a dog named Totomaru comes in contact with her. The story is a bit wacky. You can get the 1st Volume from Mangaprojects you can get it in their IRC channel at #mangaprojects at irc.irchighway.net Just get it from an fserve there. Also, you can get the release by my Scanlation team, MangaArt. (We did the next volume. We just continued what Mangaproject did.) You can get it at our IRC, at #mangaart at irc.irctoo.net Actually, the work I'm editing right now is Volume 2 chapter 2. It hasn't been released yet, because it's still being proofreaded. *My proofreader is so picky, she can spot veeery small detail* >_< Not adding color. Manga is black and white. The manga artists use tones to give detail to the drawings. Even if it's black and white, the drawings are very detailed and beautiful. Being colored doesn't make it a good read. Try and read some manga and appreciate the Japanese art.
  25. We take scans of UNLICENSED manga (Japanese Comics) and we erase the original Japanese and edit the manga in such a way that the English reader can understand. We also edit out sound effects at times. Then we pu them up for free distribution in the net. BTW, Vanilla is no way related to the flavor. She's a character in the anime, Galaxy Angel (so is Mint). For more info, check out Galaxy Angel.net (Vanilla's hair and spaceship is green)
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