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Everything posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. catching up on all the old posts here and found this. I agree Xisto is the best site around. as for some of the past posting here in this thread. All the mods here I have found be them old or young do a heck of a good job in keeping up with all the spam or just bad posts. In my time here I too have had 1 warning. It was exsplaned to me what for. But yet have I ever seen a Mod or infact even a member of Xisto with any kind of bad attitudes.
  2. Static can also be a good thing too. Anyone ever seen the movie Twister? Remember will Bill Paxton was at the driven and the TV went to static? Not only due to the lines and station being knocked off the air, but with a lighten storm if your trained with the use of the old style radars you will be able to know if there is a bad storm in or around your area. I never believed a word of this until I met a man that during WW II was training at Earl Navy Base here in New Jersey where the radar was tested and he told me this and proved it to me one summer afternoon where there was a thunderstorm in the area. Unhooking the TV from the cable, and putting the TV on a dead station, you could see the pulse of the lighting. Same can be done with an AM radio too. you will hear the crackle of the lightening.
  3. honestly until I read this I had never heard of python other than the snake. Would love knowing more of it. Is it easy for the novice, and things like that?
  4. I hate saying this but windows-7? They have not really worked out the bugs yet for vista! Why do another OS when they still should fix problems with there other, and xp I might add. I feel as all Microsoft is doing is putting out there what I call worthless Operating systems. Why can't they just leave one alone, fix all the little and big bugs that they knew about in the 1st place before they put out another one? I feel it's all about the Dollor. Bill Gates is so money hungry he is not thinking of his buyers. We the public should have a say in this. As for windows-7? I will download it only after the movie comes out. Why waist disk space for something that is "beta" also why download something we all know will be loaded with problems and have to delete it when time runs out.
  5. Okay now I am very hungry. tha sounds so very I would have to use pork or chicken with it though. Not much on red meat now a days. but corned beef sounds as it would be good in it too.
  6. this has been all over the news here in the usa for going on a month now. Draft Report Recommends Blagojevich Impeachment Vote An Illinois legislative panel has drafted a proposed report recommending that the state's House of Representatives vote on whether to impeach Gov. Rod Blagojevich. It seems to me that when a goverment officer get's into any kind of trouble for the slightiest thing everone one calls for an impeachment of him or her. How many times was this brought up with say Bush? both of them. Carter. Ragan. When will it end. Should they impeach Gov Blagojevinh? What he did may or may not be right. he just got cought. just like Nixon.
  7. also too. joining other sites such as yours and making yourself known and liked is a good way too. trust me people in time will follow you. Edit typo
  8. I agree very much. don't worry. I know at that age a lot matters. I am 47 and I have learned what really matters is how you feel about yourself and not what other's think. as Tramp said that's is what is important. a love life will come later. so just be yourself and not worry of what people think. It is YOU that matters.
  9. Okay answer me this. Why is it so many people go out and buy some way over priced item such as jeans shoes or glasses just because of the name brand? why spend say $100 for some named brand item when you could get the same thing for $50? has the world become name brand crazy? do we really care of what other people think, that we go out and by a pair of shoes just because of the name of the shoe? True the quality may be better but with how money is now a days would you rather spend all that just for a name or save a dollor and get a knockoff of the same thing?Myself, and call me cheap but I belive in buying what is right for me. Not spending X amount for a big name brand when I could get the same thing for 50 or more precent less.So what does everyone here feel of this. Would you buy the big name or a knock off to save a buck or two,
  10. as far as looks go I would have to go with Oakley. but Honestly? Give me a pair of Kmart specails any day of the week. Both are way over priced, for someone that is just getting them for there named brand or the looks.
  11. Oh come on how could anyone say that? a christmas carrol was and is a classic. be it book or movie. but best book? Natalus 90 north. Was about the 1st time a nuke sub went to the north pole back in the 50's as a secret.
  12. That was the 1st thing I did when I got into mine. I found the default a little hard to get around and rather dull to look at. as for speed? none. but do love the looks for the blue lagoon. I hope in time they will ad more skins.
  13. I do not remember if I did any reading or not but. I know I am guilty of doing things and thinking I dreamed doing it in my sleep then waking up the next day to find out I did it. like dreaming I wrote a E mail and finding out the next day or so that I sent a E mail to the person or persons I thought that I dreamed of doing it too. Another form of sleep walking I guess.
  14. Very good book. as for the movie? good in it's day. would love to see a remake of it. now that would be a very good movie for sure. thing is with movie standard what would the rating be? ( R ) or ( PG-17 ) or the dreaded ( MA ) with it being a classic I do not think they would remake it though. would be like making Gone with the wind into a comic book. stupid.
  15. I hope that your right S_M. Obama has a lot of work to do, not only with lifting these embargo's that are out dated and not really needed anymore. as for cuba acting high and mighty? That is just how the cubens are. A very proud people. I know a few. They are very much like the filipnos. They want to take care of family first. As for communist? Most there are not. only the goverment. the people of cuba would have loved the help, but the Goverment is and was the problem. Castro just finally allowed the hurricane hunter aircrafts to fly over cuba's waters. For a long time he was saying if they did it would be an act of war. Now that is brother is in control. I will bet my last dollor. we will see a lot more changes and cuba will no longer be a communist country much longer.
  16. very normal. and most of these online IQ tests are bunk anyways. I have taken them and I score an avg of 142. I have taken them offline as well and got anywhere between 130 to 150. Big differnce. Myself I don't believe in them. You may be smart in say one thing and dumb in another. But you have your ( street smart ) and that is what matters now a days anyway.
  17. The way that I have done it in the past. maybe the right way or the wrong way but has worked for me is to. set your FF or other browser as your Default browser. then go under windower explorer looking for your IE and delete it since you upgraded I take it from IE 6 to IR 7 you may also want to open your control panel and add and remove programs and see if your newer IE is there. Honestly my IE is still 6 I never upgraded it. have used IE 7 before and hate it. GL
  18. Give RPG a cookie. in essence the spoon is acting as a heatsink and will cool the cup faster.
  19. lmao in other words same thing they all said just worded in another way. thats my understand. Your like me though. just have to have the last word.
  20. that's the site that I use a lot for my page. seems they always have a lot of updated templets that are fairly easy to edit, unlike some other sites where you do to edit and then save and its all scambled due to there coding not conforming.
  21. Answer this though. You have 2 cups of say water. The water is at 100 Degrees FThe room the cup is in is also at 100F Humity is at 0%you place a silver spoon into the cup of water. will the cup with the spoon cool faster than the other one without the spoon?Answer is? and why.
  22. just like some internet companey's I know too. lol but yes that is the downside of downgrading. but and I could be wrong if you have your divers you need on a CD once you install windowns it will look for these drivers, will ask for a location D: or F: drive wouldnt it? I would think you could do that? but then again too XP may not also like some of these newer pc with that ne AMD 64 which I think he has but unsure.
  23. Okay tonight I was talking with a friend of mine who uses Window's Vista, and is starting to hate it due to drivers. He has one of them there Dinky Dells. Bought with Vista. he has been fighting trying to get all his drivers for his radio show and studio webcam going and all. Well I said to him why cant you just uninstall that Beep Vista. he told me nope Dell says no you can't do that. I happen to have read this the night before. Vista to XP Downgrade and sent him the link. He was like, Thoughs schucks at dell said no way. That just goes to show you. Put some trust into google searches lol and never listen to some tech support. most are untrained and just reading from a book they are given the day they started working.
  24. well I dont wanna be any animal. with my bad luck I would end up being roadkill and then go into some rednecks dinner pot
  25. was cute and funny. wish I could come up with something. but ever one I know would get me banned for life lol
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