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Everything posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. oh wow kinda embarrassed to even say but.I had a car wreck one time. Was not hurt or anything but you ever hear the saying scared beep less?needless to say all over me the front seat of the car.
  2. very interesting there. but beta forever? really don't think so myself. Could be that they google, could be looking at a way to mix all 3 into one browser. Myself I kind of hate that idea of adding to it with all the bells and whisles that really are not needed. a good flat rate browser is fine. I use IE FF and Chome, of the 3 I have noticed the GC loades the fastiest here for me using Dialup. I only hope if they do make them into a all in one browser. they will allow the user to add his or her own add ons. This I feel would keep the loading speed at it's best, also keep the look and easy to use of GC
  3. I am the say way with learning. I never got the chance to really learn the weather the way that I wanted to in school. I now spend most of my free time looking and reading of all this and of how weather works and what it takes to make weather. Yes some call it a hobby but I also feel as it is learning and doing something to better myself.
  4. (1) In text editing and database management systems, a keyword is an index entry that identifies a specific record or document. (2) In programming, a keyword is a word that is reserved by a program because the word has a special meaning. Keywords can be commands or parameters. Every programming language has a set of keywords that cannot be used as variable names. Keywords are sometimes called reserved names . (3) A word used by a search engine in its search for relevant Web pages. Remembering these 3 things you can most likely get your site to the top of a seach engine. with good Keywords and a good SEO your site will be one of the bests around. Keyword are used in the Meta tags if a site Let's say that you have a site that deals with online gaming. in the above meta tag keywors you would not only use game or gamming but, they kind if game or games that are being played on your site. site name. say your site is my games site, and you play poker. your tags would go like this. Keywords are what a Seach Ingine will need to find your site, and you will have to play around with your wording order to find out which word or words work best for your site or sites. Also too, remember it is ALWAYS best to allow bots to your site. I know some hate having a google,msn or yahoo bot comming to your site, but these bots help with your page ranking. so bewteen that good keywords and clean page. few or no erros. You should have a lot of traffic.
  5. Right. then and I understand with the mysents it would be hard to do, but that was just a thought of a prize but there other things. like just having your name on the site someplace. I know with me there times I have looked over the topics and there will be nothing that I could give any real good imput on and I just end up going to play poker someplace.
  6. lmao Gee thanks, Yes I am old but like a fine wine I get better with age. Thanks again everyone.
  7. Very Good tute you have there on SEO, and yes Meta take and keyword are your main key for a SE.Always remember to use words that are dealing with your site and also some words at are in the description of your site.Like say you have a site about flowers. not only would you use that word but you can also do this.Flowers,roses,rose bud, remember though never use more than 2 words when doing a key word in your meta tags. I have found out that this is your best bet when you SEO your site.Also a clean discription of your site. normallt something short 25 to 30 words is best so I have been told. Some debate on that I am sure.
  8. Welcome to Tap17 Typo intended lol No biggy on the typo Mas_fey its all good. I know you will enjoy your time here in Xisto. and yes you will learn a whole lot from everyone here. there a great bunch of people
  9. had that same problem for a little bit tonight I was told. had to have been. working fine now. fact it is loading a little faster to me it seems.
  10. Good ole Armysystem I love that game. but with the problems IPB has can't play it anymore. be great if they could somehow figure out a way to get it back here. Id never get offline lol
  11. This may have been brought up many times before but had a thought of something that may bring in more members and help out a little. Has Xisto ever thought or even had a Arcade? just a few games and such. Top player could get say X amount added to there mycents or some other type of a prize? It may help in getting all these guests I see that are always signed in on to join up. Only a thought. but have always been told never hurts to ask.
  12. in only 5 words? Drop him. He'is married. or at least with how you have talked about this. that is how he comes across to me. I know myself when I ham in a realationship I like the same from her and I would give to her. Trust and honesty. Sound's to me as he has not lived up to that with you.
  13. Agreed, and as you may have noticed too JP, it'd not only there but every part of our forum has been getting a lot of true spam as of late.
  14. You may be better off using a templet you can google templets for your blog or use these. blog templets they are free and honestly very nice. good luck
  15. OpaQue, is working on this problem script as we all know by now. Things like this do take time. It's not something you can write up in 5 mins and just put into the board. It will also have to update it's self, as well as know between good and bad posting IE Spamming. myself I do not know when he will have all this fixed but I do know that he will.
  16. well for the heck of it all I went by the windows-7 site and took a peek. Did not see any place for downloading it. or even tellling you wear to go. but I will admit some of the screen shots of windows 7 did look sweet. But looking nice and being nice are a horse of a differnt color.
  17. I have to agree, and besides every time you turn around there is a new site such as myspace,facebook or whatever. all over rated and same ole thing. but if you really want to give it a try go for it. I would have to also say that Joomla is best mainly because it is 1 it is better known of the two also a little easier to work with. you can find also a lot more templets to pick from.
  18. question what happend to the latest topis that was just below the shout out boxes? I really liked it and found it a lot better than having to scroll down the side. I hope that this is just a temory move. I myself found it to be very usefull.
  19. wow wow wow. After reading this I am totally without words. not knowing your or his age it is a tough call however. both of you sound young however. but what get's me most what how you said his mother acted. that to me sends up a red flag as a momma's boy. My advice is to get yourself a good lawyer and sue the you know what off his lazy Beep. Also of meeting from the net? Can't lie to ya. been there done that. dangerous as it is. people will do that and well it works sometimes, but most it makes problems like yours. But who I really worry of is your daughter. I do hope the father, being and forgive me. the scumbag he sounds like will realize he had something to do with her comming into this world and being that is his daugher as well as yours. will take the time to help with her. Once you get that lawyer onto him. I bet he will grow up real fast and realize what he has done. Men can be so stupid I know I am one. good luck and I will say a prayer for you and your daughter
  20. You know I really never notice that? but wowzers. if Xisto could only get the guests to join up. just think of all the new posts. it would be the if not one of the biggiest forums in the net if not the world.
  21. Welcome to Xisto Dustin, I know you will enjoy yourself here and meet lots of nice and friendly people in out group. yes the forum is big and lots of really good info here we know you will enjoy.
  22. I heard a lot say that same thing about Vista when it was in beta. so it's gonna be a wait and see type of thing I know. But there will be someone that will once they download it break it apart and find things to fuss about in someway. My point was though Vista just came out. why so soon in bringing out windows 7 why not just work with what they have and not put something out when they have too many bugs on the other. thats like with IE 5 through 7. fix all the bugs before you realese another. it is pointless and a waste of time effort and money.
  23. For the last few days I have taken it on myself to go back and read as many past topics here in the world of Xisto.I have never laughed so hard in my life as I have with some of these along with there topics.with the Xisto awards now over for 2008 I feel like maybe they need to add one for 09. funniest topic of the year.Looking back and I am still looking at them all I have found many that I had to just bust out in tears laughing aboutso if your ever bored and nothing to do, take a look back. it will sure brighten your day. has mine.
  24. what a topic huh? 1st off I want to know this, who in there right mind would want to go swimming in syrup? anyone can figure out with there brain that swimming in water would be faster. syrup being the thicker of the 2. Question should be can you swim faster in fresh water or salt water. that is more realalistic than someone taking a swim in syrup.
  25. I like your thinking S_M. It will be fixed and back to normal. I have faith in all this as well as everyone should. when I started this topic and showed that E mail I felt as it would help people to understand what was going on, and that everyone would know it is being worked on. but then there people who want things fixed yesterday not really knowing what goes into fixing these things. True I really don't know everything myself but I do know a little bit of all this coding and things. You put and dot or a dash in the wrong spot and thats it. buggerville.
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