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Everything posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. So true. Kinda funny though. in the last few months I have found so may sites using the word Echo. wonder if I will get sued oh well the cant get money out of a rock
  2. well no I never have heard of the, Have gone to there site. a little funky and slow to load with all the embedded players and all, but will take a listen. Myself I always have loved to bands. so may out there on Myspace and youtube. the Gypsy son's I have always loved, found them off of myspace.
  3. well it is an adiction. I know been there myself as of this sept I will be (dry for 19yrs) some thing it os caused by stress. others by peer pressure in the teens. and some think you are bore with a gene that causes it. Being a alcaholic is a big debate. you do not have to be falling down drunk to be one as well. as for depression drinking? I agree, not good at all. but if you have or think you may have a problem in this? 1 take a look back at your family drinking history. if you have a family member that did or had a problem with drinking. look out. 2 If you think you have a problem. get some help. 3 see answers 1 and 2.
  4. So true, bob. a link would be so helpful, and Joomla is the way to go as said above.
  5. key words are there ( own warters) thing is the don't. same with a lot of other countries.
  6. no offence taken here, but the lawsuit isnt of dancing or anything like that but the use of the name. Honestly I think it is funny as beep that AI thinks the own the singe word Idol. Weilling to bet you some texas judge will throw this out of court or that strip club will say opps sorry and give Simon the cow free lapdances for life.
  7. That game will most likely be one if not the best game all year I feel. Myself really don't care who will win or lose it though being all my teams are out as for what you said of Eli? Not only did he fold be the whole team folded. It Stunk. reminded me of Dare I say pop warner flag football. But no matter who wills AFC or NFC it was a good season, and ,myself all I can say is Bring On baseball.
  8. Welcome to Xisto kagerioshu, I know you will enjoy yourself here. yes we have a large group of some of the most helpful people around. and to answer your question. should show up anywhere from 5mins after your last post to an hour. honestly really never paid that much notice. but should take that like. Welcome and have fun.
  9. okay boys and girls you left out one important thing of all this copy written stuff. Its not the html css php or even the grapics but the text that is copy written. A logo as well as any GX would come under a trademark. but if you will look at most every site on the net other than the text and maybe some graphics or java scripts they are all the same. same, you can not copy something that is public domain such as HTML PHP some Java Scripts due to they are published in too many how too books and even here in Xisto of that matter. If that is the case then even this posting using php should be copy written.
  10. you know, honestly and this will start some beep here most likely but I feel as all this GW is nothing but that a big load of horse beep. I will tell you why I feel like this too1. we as a humams really do not know for a fact of what happend millions of years ago. we do not know why or what really killed off the dinosores, only a guess. Could it have been globle warming? could the earth had become so hot that they all could not breath or find food and died?2. we as humans really have not kept records of the weather and climent changes for that long. how do we really know what happend 500 to 1000 years ago? we don'tfor the 2 reasons listed, I say BUNK on all this globle warming. this is only as phase that this earth is going through as it has many times before. We can only guess at the real true age of the planet. we dont have a true date to go by, even a year or anything. Records are not around to know what it was like. Yes mankind is hurting the earth, that I will agree with. but I do NOT and Will Not agree on this globle warming thing. This is something that Al Gory Gore came up with just to try and get elected a few years back, and you see where that got him. So no there is no such thing as Globle warming. it is only a phase.
  11. I think you have missed the point here Bamiboy. yes some are being hunted for food. BUT like from Japan they are hunted for (so called) research. and everyone knows that this isnt research but the using of these mamals for everything from cooking oil to makeup. That is the Point here. Not For Food, But for the use of them.
  12. GL that one is simple my friend. If they didnt put a lock on the door. People like you and I would just walk in and drink up all there root beers,
  13. Okay I have heard it all. This morning I was watching the news and heard a big debate on this, so did a sweep of the net. American Idol is suing a strip club. This has givin me a great laugh I must admit, laughing because as long as AI has taking up worthless TV time where that could have a good show on in it's place. I am suprised someone has not done something like this before now.
  14. Again a very nice tut. I have used RSS on my site. as for writting the code. sadly too lasy for this at times. there are may rss readers around the net to use as well, not to stop people from using your tut. I plan on trying it myself too.
  15. well in ways they already have this so to speak. For amutees who are missing a limb such as a arm. they have a device which fits into the stump, that reads a impulse from the brain telling your new arm and hand which away to move or open and close. Same with a leg and foot. I know myself being disabled. (para) and having no use of my legs. I was fitted for such a device. Although it works some for me, not enough of a impulse was found for it to work to it's fulliest. I feel in the near future things like this will happen. maybe even sooner than we all think.
  16. I have to agree with you dual, but I used XP and download that 1st SP3 Mistake I know. then I got word of the real one. tried that one and to be honest. Found it to slow my PC down to a crawl. So after a lot of debate I reinstalled everything once again and now only use SP 1 and 2 and it works like a dream. So I feel and it may only be me. but a lot of these packs may just be just that packs. packs of nothing.
  17. scale of 1 to 10? almost a 5. could take it or leave it, sorry to be so blunt but just being honest
  18. really not sure of the size but I do know that your talking some bucks. If you can or have a Ebay accound. I suggest there. I have found some very very good deals on band new items such as a monitor. Even computers. Fact the whole system I am on now got from there.
  19. Well Mid america is in the deep freeze. Temps are near Zero with wind chills anywhere from -10 to 40 below Zero Farenhite. It's not just the US that is having a cold snap too. Places in the UK and Asia too have had this too of late. Such as Leyte in the Philippines. Had a E mail the other day telling me a high of 18C about 65F in Ormoc which is on the sothern most part of Leyte. As for dealing with the cold.myself I am staying indoors, only going outside when needed for as short of a time as I can. layer apon layer of clothes then also.
  20. I have to agree with trip on this one Puneye, You would come out a lot better to learn say HTML, ASP or PHP 1st before going into AJAX. and as for w3school? I ask agree. good for a small refrence but thats about it. You could also download you one of the many free editors and play around with that to learn too. Not a good idea some may say but I feel learning by your own mistakes are the best way to learn. what I do know of HTML and a little PHP I have learned all my trail and error.
  21. sadly for My Mets I have been hearing all day here that Perez will and has been in talks also with the braves as well. but I have been scanning all sites looking and have heard very little of this just in a few forums. also hear the mets may give up on Padro now that Redding is a Met. Romors still have the mets trying still for Wolf. which I think would be a good idea. well as of this post 90 days to go until the Mets home opener in the new Citi field. AkA Shea #2 lets go met!
  22. hi and welcome aboard abhigyan. I know you will enjoy yourself here. a lot of great people and lots of fun.Hope seeing you around a lot.
  23. How dar you say that! It is a classic, true it is slow and sad but you have to remember how strung out they was when it was recorded and written. There a ton of other songs that are a lot worse. like say Anything from Titanic lol now that is depressing.
  24. being 47 and not married I tend to disagree with the wife bit. Bit I know when I hit the big 40 I did feel a little sorry for myself and did some things that only a younger man should be doing. But thats only speaking for myself.
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