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Everything posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. if not at the other link you can try this. I have had to do a vew voice over ads and things I think it will also let you do what your needing too. Good Luck. wavpad
  2. Watching the news from the gaza strip today makes me very worried. With the US having a new Pres, How will he handle all this? Will bush step in before he leaves office and send god knows how many of our troops there. Will all this build up into bigger trouple for the world? I remember reading someplace, and I wish I could remember where. But someone once said that if the world was ever to have World War III it would start in the middle east. I know that the Gaza strip has always been a very big boiling point in the world and all that. But this really worries me,. Bad enough the USA still has troops in a worthless war that we should have never really been in. Now this. When will it stop.
  3. thanks. Really dont want to add a bank account for this now. Just looking into it for the future. In time I most likely will do all this. But for now just still in the thinking mode.
  4. It is good. after I made that post I got hungry so made some. had to use regular suger though. I also fired up some bacon with it too hehe
  5. Well well look at who is another year older, rvalkass Happy Birthday!!!
  6. yes thoughs are some good ones, but here is one that I follow all the time. 1 barometerbob Great if you live on the US Coastal states. Bob like me keeps a very close eye on hurricanes
  7. oh the normal things. quit smoking find a better job win the lottery. lolreally don't go into that thing much. what's the point? you may make it a day or 2 but then your back doing what you said you was gonna stop. why tease yourself like that
  8. okay picture this. it's early sunday moring. your still in bed when your woke up by the best smell you have ever had in your life, what is it? Rasin bread french toast.Now keep in mind I am writing all this down as I cook it for myself. 1 person4 peices of raison bread. fresh2 eggs3 table spoons brown sugar6oz of milkscamble all in a large bowl until well bended, and the suger is well mixed in. Soak your bread in the mix. "Dont Over Soak it! You do that you will not be able to get it out of the bowl"now fire up the frying pan. Take some butter and roll it around in the pan until melted. place the soaked bread in. let brown and flip. if you have any of the mix left over add more bread or you can scramble it up too. eather way Yummy in your tummy
  9. Sill question and maybe a stupid one I feel sure, But here it gones.Would I be able to set up a paypal donation account on my site not having or wanting to use a bank account? I really don't want to spend any money out of my own pocket as of yet. but would like maybe to get some bumperstickers and maybe some tee shirts done up someday. I know thats way down the road yet but I have always thought big.
  10. Well I have delt with both Verizon, and Comcast. both of them bite the big one when it comes to any kind of support at all.So I do understand you. 1st I had comcast as my internet provider. Kept getting slower and slower then just one day stopped. I called and they said they would have someone out there the next day, that turned into the following week. when they did show up. they got me running again. but within 2 weeks I was down again. So I canceled and went over to Verizon.Bigger mistake. Over priced and I had better speed with comcast even with all there "beeps". I finally said to heck with it and now I am one of the few left on Dialup. God Bless Juno. they may be slow and if you need support you have to call a 900 number but they work and get they job done.
  11. being that I live here in New Jersey and have seen these Dolphins myself I thought that I would pass this to everyone here. These dophins came in last summer looking for more food and never have left. They are in the Shrewsbury and Navesink rivers, waterways just north of Asbury Park. Which is very close to me. They say that they should make it okay. I just know how the winters are here and if the rivers freeze over, with them being mammals who need air. How will they live? That is what worries me. Here is the Full story. Dolphins Edited.. Woke up this morning to find more on this in my E mail. another story of the dolphins
  12. Well I remember reading something about this. See date of 1st post. Of course there was nothing of the ruling or anything of what happend but I will bet that they child never saw any time in the big house. 1. due to his age and 2 because of the circumstances of the whole thing. If anyone knows of what happen it would be nice being that this thread was stared in feb of 05
  13. Myself I love fireworks. I have used many graphic programs over the years but always come back to FW.
  14. Well I do see your point. but just because you or your friends/cousins have not broken any bones, don't mean someone has broekn them or worse. All states do have laws on driving, and this also includes dirt bikes, just some states really do not inforce them like they need too. But if your on your own property, then and only then should you be allowed to ride your dirt bike. I know myself I have seen a lot of kids well under 16 years of age out on there dirt bikes or quads on public streets. Now that is wrong, and that is why we have these laws. It is really up to the Town City and or state to inforce these laws and also the kids mothers and fathers, to make sure that these kids abide by them. Kids will be kids I know. I was once once. We love to take chances. But is breaking a leg arm or even getting yourself killed worth it?
  15. I was scanning the net tonite looking around for wheelchairs being that I use one and this really cought my eye. Robotic Wheelchair Follows Voice Commands, Navigates Its Own Way. I knew they had thought of doing that years ago when voice commands had just come out but for them to really have done it. What will they come up with next? full story http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  16. Well I can believe that. In a lot of poor counties doctors will use there homes as a office. as for without a license. That too I believe. You have to remember these are poor countries unlike the US and UK. People have a hard time eating much less enough money to go to school to become a real doctor. heck there was a time that doctors would travel on horse back from town to town. Operations right there on a kitchen table. So yes that story is right on the money, sadly but true.
  17. I use but only for my old sig. I should use it more since it's there for us to use, but like in some other posts. is rather slow in loading sometimes
  18. true but was only a thought. also might be kind of fun since so many people here in Xisto are from all over the world getting to know what there weather is like, not just here in the US but all over.
  19. Honestly Bluebear, your right. I still think it is just a phase. but better to be safe than sorry, because you never really know what is what until it happends.
  20. well by the time I saw this the owner must have taken that backgrown you was all talking about away. would have liked seeing it then. don't look that bad honestly but being error city and clocks my pc
  21. Well the met's look better every day now. word has it there still in talks with some players who I will not name. mainly due to I dont wanna jinx it lol. But I feel as our Bullpen is fine now. Starters need a little more though. Padro I love ya bro but your getting old and need to think of going into the pen or working on better pitching before the season starts. Now that I look at everything as it is now, That will be the Met's only drawback.
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