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Everything posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. I am still laughing my you know what off over this. I passed that site on to a few other people I know and they all got an eye full lol and all agreed Stupid (see's) as stpid Does.
  2. I seem to remember when I was dealing with my site something about google mobil and RSS files for mobile phones. if that is any help to ya.
  3. well I ended up hoing to the ER after all tonite. they really could not do anything there. a doctor looked at it and told me looked as a cavaty started the whole thing. So when I go to the dent tomarrow weather premitting. They will most likely remove it or fill it. removing is what I bet though. Oh well good Drugs haha. ( Yes I hate Pain ) but they gave me something there, so I could get some sleep. Funny thing though. when I got home I took it. feeling no pain but wired.
  4. well I have to add that at 15 love comes easy. But true love only comes once or twice in a lifetime. I can only speak for myself here but when I was in my mid to early teens Yes I ( loved ) but true love? that came later. But as most have said Give it a try with your ex. ya never know. that could be the ( true Love ) for you. only time would tell.
  5. Okay yesterday afternoon I was munching away on some peanuts, and low and behold I chipped a tooth. moular no less. So I called my dent, and he said okay come on it tomarrow afternoon since it is not hurting or anything and we will take a look. well this morning I woke up in utter pain from the tooth. so I picked up the phone to call to see if he could fit me in sooner. the phone wrarng and wrang, then the answering service picked up say that his office was closed due to the weather. Ice and snow in the forcast. Well I could understand that. but guess what? Rain no ice or snow, and here I am in pain. I called around hoping to find another that could take me in today and with no luck at all. most closed or could not fit me in today.Just shoot me!! because today has been the day from hell do to this. Every time I try and eat or drink anything I go through the roof! Yes I could just go to the ER but why? it's silly to do that for just a tooth.
  6. So true we don't shoot. A friendly grenade or two but never shoot. lol welcome to Xisto and hope you will enjoy yourself here.
  7. Read 1st post Mrdee. this should clear things up for you. simpley watch your xisto billing more than what it says here on the board. I maybe wrong in saying this but myself I feel as it is a problem in the scripting here on the board and not with ixsto's it self. Could be wrong though, but that is only my thoughst on all this negative problems.
  8. Could also be that the owner or owner's bought a bunch of names in bulk back in the day, and has forgotten he or she even has it. Most domains are good for one year, so you could also check it every so offen to see if it opens up. That or use something other than dot.com dot.net or org. would do just as good as a dot.com. or even p_t_b.com
  9. I also agree 110% I have had no problems and when I do have one be it big or all have ask a question it is answered in a timely manner and very simply. none of this high tech talk that you lose, but in a way anyone could understand. WTG Xisto. The best hosts on the net EVER!
  10. Addictions like this are just as bad as the other drugs,booze,sex and all the rest. You may try and stay away from it but it will work its way back into your life at sometime. I know been there with booze myself. Your best bet partdon the pun would be to look into GA Gambers anonomous good luck to you.
  11. Well all I can say is to just keep an eye on your account through belling. check all invoices. and to watch everything closely until this matter or bugs are worked out. I will be soon I figure and hope.
  12. Okay all with the problem that we have been having of the mycents. Yesterday after losing I sent in a ticket on this matter as requested by 2 of the admin here in Xisto. below is the letter, from Shree This should I hope clear of all conffuion of this.
  13. Boooooooooooo hsssssssssssssss that joke is as old as dirt, still funny though hehe
  14. there a couple that I like really. and I know everyone here will just laugh there you know what's off at me about them but.Runescape. I get a good laugh at how the kids are and act there. some adults too lolYahoo's pool. Don't play it as much as I used too. but back in the day they had a bunch of leagues there and I was pretty good I will admit.Pogo texas hold'em Poker player at heart.Battlefield 2 is another. only played it once or twice though. always had problems with it freezing up on my junky pc
  15. Notice from jlhaslip: Removed the Spam posting and also removed the Copy of it from this reply (That post has nothing to do with the topic at hand ai520long.)As for the topic? They should have melted it down and used it to bail him out of jail when and if he goes. but with the going rate of copper now a days they would have had to added a few tons more to it
  16. no, you would have to have the music on your pc then go through some place like shoutcast. using a player such as a sam's unit. you could do do what your talking though RPG but the problem would be the size of your host, you would need such a big hosting plan, also you have to take bandwidth into mind too. Music and voice would take a whole lot.
  17. Agreeing with #1 very very much. Nothing I hate any more than someone saying Oh I am so good at doing sites, you will have the best on the net. and then what happends? it looks just like any other site around. Also word of mouth is always good. do some small but freebie. just ask that they put a designed and edied by: on the site and a link to your site or sites. anything to get the word out.
  18. Ty Velma did all that last nite. no more losses today but no gaining any also. Oh well if I know OpaQue and the tech team they will figure out this glitch and correct it.
  19. I have to agree with S_M there on checking each driver. also I may have missed it but what brand is this PC. You never know you may have one of them there Monday Friday computers. you know the one's that they make when that have a bad hang over on a monday, and cant wait to get out and party on a friday? It very well could be just a defective one. But then again you said you started with Vista. could very well be there is some part of the old vista hiding and throughing things off. who know's for sure. But I wouldnt give it or sell it to a friend. because they may not be a friend for much longer after that.
  20. now thoughs energy drinks, that I do have a problem with. thoughs things have too much caffenie. one can and your wired for the day. Some places here have even banned the sale of these drinks to anyone under the age of 18. if you need a caffeine rush. Drink coffee by the gallon or a couple of 6packs of coke. same effect
  21. Isnt it ironic that schools are banning energy drinks in a time when test scores are everything, while a new study shows that large amounts of caffeine is actually believed to enhance memory. According to a new study in Japan, scientists found out that just as muscle cells are stimulated by caffeine, brain cells in the hippocampus are stimulated to increase calcium concentration. This improves the cells signal flow, which improves memory. full story here Yet again there is this? Hoping to improve your tennis serve? It's probably better to catch a few winks than load up on java after a lesson, results of a NIMH-supported study suggest. Caffeine impaired such motor learning and verbal memory, while an afternoon nap benefited all three types of learning tested by Sara Mednick, Ph.D., and colleagues at the University of California, San Diego. The researchers report on their findings in the November issue of Behavioural Brain Research full story #2 After reading this I don't know or really understand one says one thing and ther other is differnt. Myself as a coffee drinker. 4 to 5 cups in a 12 hour day, and being 47 years old. Is this helping or hurting me? I do know that coffe or the caffine in it is addictive. I am nothing until I have my first cup in the morning.
  22. Well I have talked a friend of mine into having the editor for the Famer's Alamac on his radio talk show. Date is set to be Jan 14th at 8PM eastern time sorry do not know what that would be in the UK. you can listen to this show on WRBN.net Bob also has a toll free number for people in the US to call if you have any questions for his guest. about the almanac.
  23. 1 year in march for me. I too have seen a lot of changes here in the world of Xisto. all for the good I might add. I look forward to seeing more, from the best site on the net. and happy 3rd mich.
  24. Honestly I would not trust this. Also I would like seeing the org artical of all this. Diabetes can be very deadly and tricky to deal with. I would honestly if you wish to try this please consult your doctor 1st before trying it. It could save you a arm or leg or even your life.
  25. I have to agree with RPG on this one. Anyone and his or her mother can edit or make a post there at Wikipedia. So is it creditable? I would not think so. It is my feelings only though.
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