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Everything posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. okay all the talk in the shoutouts got me curious. Not bad at all I have to say site one was a little slow in loading on IE though for me. also page side "width" needs to be fixed. not by much though. other than that I give it a 7.6 on the Echo Meter
  2. That's all over the net and TV honestly. As much PR as Asimo is getting, you would think that the network tv would say wow that would be a good show. All jokes aside though. I feel sure in time that they will work out all the kinks and bugs out of Asimo. in time it will be like that robo dog, you will see it all over the TV and news paper ad's. But can she make a good cup of coffee is all I wanna know?
  3. wow what is suprising though that there no porno sites on that list. or did that just not include them. I would be willing to bet my last mycent that they are the top crossing sites, would like seeing the site you got this info from also please
  4. Welcome Alberto, and yes my new friend is it a wonderful deal. I really hope you will enjoy your time here with us all in Xisto.
  5. I have to agree. ever since that movie and I forget the name came out where the faked it on some hollywood back lot there has always been talk of this. Honestly it would be stupid to have faked it. also if they had, that was 40years ago. don't you think there would have been a leak of it by now? I mean with how the press goes after everything and the internet. Yes it was real. there will alwats be some conspiracy therories on this just like with JFK, The Hindenburg and Elvis.
  6. The Kit can be used with not only weather diasters but any kind where you would need to evac.
  7. I agree with the rest here. Sorry but rates a 4 out of 10. sorry to be so harsh
  8. well after seeing all the votes I have to say this, be it 1st place or 3rd place your all winners. Thank's guys and gals. your the bomb.
  9. well Crossfire-radio is always looking for a DJ, thing is they require you to have a lot of music on your system and a good hookup. ( no slow PC) they are a pretty good site too. as for starting your own? Don't. there a lot of things you have to keep in mind when starting your own IRS ( internet radio station) one thing is royalties. they are really cracking down on stations not paying them. They FCC and the US Goverment tried last year to shut them all down do to this. Also you have to think of bandwith. Takes a ton.
  10. Okay I have been looking around more and more here and I am seeing a lot of topic started as far back as 2004. Don't you think it would be a good idea to move them to the arc?
  11. done a few RC's in my time. mainly cars. but did do a plane once. As the line goes out of Top Gun, Chrashed and burned lol
  12. Okay here is the problem. Retooled my site today Echo Of Thunder and Looks fine in IE and FF but when I go to use Google Chrome that is where the problem starts. on the leftside I have place a youtube video. Using Google Chrome part of the text in the main body is covered. I have gone into the page and the CSS files and adjusted but yet it is still covering up on Google Chrome only. If I make it any smaller you will not be able to really see the flick. and by the way before you all go saying anything Yes I know I have repeted myself in the text on the site. Will fix that after I get this done. one step at a time I always say.
  13. I sure do. I have had my right knee fully replaced. If it starts to hurt I know it will rain within 36hours. in the last 5 yrs since I have had it done, it has only let me down once.
  14. I have always had the understanding that they always use the high End numbers. I may be wrong though on that so dont hold me too it. I know I have played a few newer games on a older PC and they are sluggish and freeze up but still owrk. also too some games when you try and install they will do a system check to see if they will run on your PC. if they find you dont have what it takes it will exit out and tell you that you need to upgrade.
  15. This is the site I get my templets from. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ pretty easy to edit and few if any errors. Good Luck to ya
  16. they would have about as good of a chance as I would going back there. thats where I was before I came to the best site on the net.
  17. been there done that, and even with rubber gloves. it still gets onto your hands. wash real good with soap and milk. yes milk. helps to remove the oils
  18. lol I can just see it now. Your sitting there with your friends by a pool. and you say something like ( okay lets go Forward with this plan) and Splash your in the pool.
  19. They want it to be here in New Jersey for Medical reasons, But honestly, you will only get some person getting a fake script to buy the stuff. Don't get me wrong here.yes back in the day I will admit I did have a toke or 2 but that was in my youth. I honestly do not think there will ever be a time here in the US that Marijuana will ever be legal. For one if it was the goverment would go nuts with a tax on it just like that did with ciggarettes. The the price would be highter than the high you would get. pardon the pun.
  20. true but not being able to send would well make that pointless wouldn't it?
  21. well if My XP ever fails me. I am "Beeping beep" when I bought this pc all windows XP was on the D:\ drive as a backup
  22. It is one of the fastest if not the fastest browser out there. as for the above quote, Please no addons, that is why it is so fast. it has none. I have and do use fire fox. I have noticed any time I add one of the addones, sloading speed slows down. Finally just deleted it and started clean with none of the add ons.
  23. I got exploring here today and found this and felt as it would be a great place for this. Have you ever been cought in very bad weather and had nothing, same witha diaster? here is a kit you should and MUST HAVE! Store at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food. Select foods that require no refrigeration, preparation or cooking, and little or no water. If you must heat food, pack a can of sterno. Select food items that are compact and lightweight. Include a selection of the following foods in your Disaster Supplies Kit: If your in a Shelter 2 to 3 decks of playing cards A board game or 2 A CD-AM-FM Radio "With Headphones" (1 for each member of the family) Note pad and Pen or pencils for writting notes or scheching or whatever. This list was compiled from my own list as well as FEMA and THE American Red Cross Medications
  24. same with me minus Serious sam (both) I also love the 1st Wolfenstein, even though I never could get past the big guy
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