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Everything posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. I think most of us are able to type pretty fast. even me with my hunt and peck, lol. But honest rpg tell me this. wouldnt you rather get a hand written letter say a thank you letter. than a form letter saying thank you? So much nicer to get something like that, than some e mail or printed up letter.
  2. Thanks again everyone, you guys and gals here at Xisto are the bomb.
  3. So I guess what your saying is, when I renew my domain name if I want full control I best pay for it in real cash? same with my hosting.
  4. thank you JL your the man. now if we could just use some of our mycents to buy a big can of bug spray for opaque we we would have it made.
  5. This afternoon I did a little searching around on google and found this site. whois.net For the heck of it I ran my site's domain name. I saw nothing of My Real name or anything that would point me as the owner of this name only xisto's Who really own's the domain? This kind of has me a bit worried. Could they just sell that name if made a good offer? I bought my domain using the mycents which we all know isnt real money same with the hosting plan. What is the deal here. wanted to ask here before I sent in any ticket asking this. I know they have there own problems than just to answer a question like this. I hope someone here in Xisto has the answer.
  6. Wally world didnt used to be like this at all. now that the old man that founded WalMart has passed it has become just another mega store with the corporate bleepaty bleep bleep. It's sad too. they used to have some very good deals and the people in the stores was all so helpful. Now it's better just to go to a Kmart or a BJ's for your goods.
  7. Now with Computer's E mails Texting and voice mail, does anyone ever write a letter by hand anymore? This morning I had to sit down and write a thank you note using pen and paper. After writting it I looked it over and said to myself ( beep ) I have been typing letters too long and have forgot how to write clearly. Will the day come when we all will just forget how to do this? Will everyone just use E mails texting or voice? Will hand written letters become a lost art, we have become dependent on all this. we have forgotten how to really use what was given to us. Not only in letter writting but other skills. I hope I am not the only one here that feels this. There needs to be 1 day set aside in the year where we can be Conputer free. That mean's no E mailing,texting or voice mails or Messaging. write a letter using pen and paper.
  8. With all the Realitly TV Show's on now a day's I was curious as to which ones you watch and why?Some of them I have found to be just down right stupid. Mainly the ones from VH-1 and MTV. It's the same show's for god's sake just differnt players.Myself I like the one's dealing with dangerous things such as the one's from the discovery channel, like stormchasers. The old Cops was good too.
  9. fast update. just call me toothless lol, just kidding he capped it
  10. very true networker, it was. Also I am a firm believer that these so called energy drinks should be outlawed. you see so many young kids drinking there rebulls. They are adictive, due to the high amounts of caffiene and god knows what in them. alot of states now have banned the sale of such drinks to people under 18yrs of age. but back to the topic at hand. I remember reading something of this cocaine energy drink. seeing how long ago this was started I doubt and hope it is no longer on the market.
  11. LMAO! that is the best laugh I have had in a very very long time, But yea so many states have laws on the books that they never have removed. one such law is in the city of Jackson Ms. Not sure if they have finally removed it or not being that I live in New Jersey now and have for the last 10yrs, but they law stated that it was unlawful to drive your automobile down the main street. Reason being it would scare the horses. So many of these ( blue laws) are still there, and I feel sure that that list is just a few of the more stupid ones. great laugh though.
  12. that is a good way. also too a link exchange is another. good meta tags are so a good way to increase traffice to your site. With the 3 ways listed above you should be well on your way to have a good site. using these in the last 2 months My web hits have avg 200 a month.
  13. Well as a smoker, I agree with you sadly. but I as for being 23 and looking 32? try looking 23 and looked 40. Ofcourse too life can be hard on people as well. smoking is one habbit I wil that I had never started all because I wanted to look cool and fit in with the rest of my age group at that time.
  14. welcome home. always so good to see people returning back to Xisto.com. yes things have changed all for the best too hehe
  15. being a recovering alicholic I would have to say anything lol but honestly I always liked my rum and coke minus the coke. JD and coke was my #2 pick. rarely beer though for some reason.
  16. Well you can find the totals at one of to place. your local weather service home page. natinal weather serviceor climate predection center that should help you. As for us here in easter new jersey in the winter of 07/08 we had just 1 inch of snow here and maybe that in ice. very little compaired to what we norally have. this year we have had a total so far of maybe 3 inches, but mainly has been a mix of rain sleet or snow. really have not had a good snowfall as of yet
  17. noth that is just what I like to hear. and your so right too. Myslef being disabled I also do that too. just this past thanksgiving and christmas I went to one of our local nursing home's where there are a lot of disabled young and old. I leanr more and more each time I go by there.
  18. Cubs 1st? NY I think you been sniffing too much pine tar. Met's 1 in the NL As for the K Rod? 50-50 here but Its a big help, Putz? The name alone scares me in NY. We both know NY fans can be mean if someone messes up. He best not mess up or the Fans will use his name and not in a nice way Well gonna be a very very interesting season thats for sure.
  19. that would be a very good maytch up but nota not gonna happen AFC: Jets vs Titans NFC: Giants vs Cardindals SUPPER BOWL Titans vs Giants Winner Titans 42 14.
  20. You could always do this and mix your peanute butter and banannas with some of that chocolate spread it on a gram cracker. oh shoot thats smoores lol but yummy in the tummy
  21. Been there done that, on the cursed at end. being disabled myself I have run into this problem many times in my life. So many think just because someone is disabled we are stupid or retarded. It's said how some people think of the handicapped. I can remember as a young kid. maybe 6 or 7 yrs old hearing a women say ( beeping kid shouldnt be allowed in school with my kid. what if he is infected with something ) yes really happend. that just goes to show you how close minded people are in this world. Best thing I learned was from my mother. the day that that lady said that of me and school. when the lady said that my mom just looked at here and said in a calm clear voice, Yes ma'am my son is infected with something. It's called a brain. something it seems as you don't have.
  22. Okay I am stumped here. Tonight I talked with a friend of mind and he had this idea and asked me of it, and it had me stumped. He broadcasts using real player. When he is not doing his show he has his station in auto mode. What he asked was designing a player that would show him live with audio and video, then when he goes into auto mode the player would still play the audio but the video would then play small photos? myself I have never heard of anything like this other than WMP Or winamp with there skins. Could this be done?
  23. A world without religion?Now I have john lennon's song imagine, ringing in my head. Maybe the world would be a better place without it. no wars no taking the lord's name in vain. Or would it be a better place? who or what would we do on the days we go to church or temple? Who would we talk to in thoughs deep dark days in dispaire? I think Yes We need Religion in this world. I mean if we didnt? what would we have anyways. nothing. with Religoin we all have our faith in that higher power we all believe in.
  24. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/63673-e-mail-re-mycents-an-e-mail-i-got-today-of-mycents/ I hope this post I made yesterday helps you to understand what is happening
  25. (edited due to Typo) Ah hello there 4yr boy? Read the 1st paragraph of the story. Police said 18 year old Nathan Beavers and several other teenages. There is your answer right there clear as day. for one nomatter the gauge of the shotgun a 4yr could never handle it much less shoot it. not to even say hold the darn thing. a loaded shotgun is pretty heavy. too heavy for a child that age to hold. I bet you anything in the next day or so we will heave that charges have been filed on one of the other deenagers.
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