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Everything posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. well not being able to use windows 7 I do not know for myself how it would be, only from what I have been hearing over the net and all the blogs. My personal feelings are it will be a vast inprovement over Vista. or Lasta as some call it. Very stable and most likely the most stable OS since win98. But you also have to take into account a few things too,1 It is a build, they are still working on it and all the drivers and things needed before the put it on the market.2. it only has been let out in beta now for almost a week. you really can not make any hard facts of a progeam in that short of a time.taking these 2 things I would say just to wait and see attitude like I have. I will say this. Just like I have before. that 1st SP is gonna be a biggy
  2. unreal that cold that far south. Makes me think though. if the US is this cold now, I wonder if we will have a cool summer. Time will tell I guess, but with these artic clippers coming down like this. yes there is one more on the way for the weekend, not near as bad as the last 2 thank goodness. I have to think that maybe this summer will be cooler than normal.
  3. One cup of joe coming up light and rough. and as for the spam? That is only served At the dinner down the hall. wouldnt eat there though. word has it that there spam is old and green. Much like some bar tabs lol
  4. Oh how I agree with you on that Blue, and I use Audacity myself. There is a lot of trail and freeware out there that is 10X better than WMM I know that was one of the 1st things unneeded in windows I trashed.
  5. Yea but come on guys and gals, I have seen with my own eyes people that have posted a reply to some just in the last day or so going back 3 or 4 yrs. I feel moving them off the board or even closing them to posying would be helpful. Just me though.
  6. well gentlemen if I may. there many ways and forms of talking to someone as you say it. It not be a prayer so to say. just a simple thought that you hold in your head, that keeps you going. I know before I met my GF I was not much into the praying thing. I am more of a believer in a higher power than in a (god) but now I do admit I find myself talking or thinking to that higher power daily. If you belive in something it is real. no matter what anyone says or think as long as You believe. Sounds like the old movie with Danny Glover and Tony Danza Angles in the outfrield but if You belive you can do almost anything.
  7. Well Moogie I'll tell ya. from what I have read and been hearing throughout the net. It is not only the US and Canada that is having this cold but Russia and Euro too. I even have talked to my mother inlaw to be who lives in the philippines. she told me it was strangely cool there this week. Told me that they had a high of just 65F there in southern Leyte. Oh well so much for globle warming. Can we say Globle Ice age?
  8. I have to agree with you Zeyo, some of these older topics should be closed off. as for the topic at hand, I hope everything came out okay and as you both wanted it to be.
  9. you have to be kidding me. That is the biggiest peice of Beep I have ever read in my life. I just hope that they will disallow this schuck of his winnings and give it to the families of the once that he abused. But what can I say It's alaska. hence Sara Palin lol
  10. its right. from the way I read what your saying you would just have to click unsure. thats as good as a maybe any day
  11. craigslist? you have to be out of your mind. Every time I turn around I hear of things or even people being sold there! you would come out better going to a used parts store than there. But if your still looking I do think if you can not find one at a PC store Ebay will be your best bet
  12. Well it will sone be Jan 20th and Obama will be sworn in as our new prez. Honestly I find it rather fitting that it will be the day after what would have been MLK 80th Bday. Some of you work and some go to school and some of you do not even live in the US but I know this will be carried live all throught the world. Will you be watching? and what are your thoughts as America has it's first African American as our leader? Myself even though I did not vote for him I wish him all the luck in the world, but honestly do not think I will be watching it.
  13. So true. thats why I said in the 1st place how can anyone say it is so stable this soon. But from what I have been hearing and reading from other people tonight all around the net. they all do agree that window-7 is most likely the best OS to come out of mirosoft since 3.1 or 98. We will just have to see, but I bet my last mycent that the SP1 will be a biggy
  14. Still will have to see. Wouldnt be windows without some sort of bug now wouldnt it. They really have not had a really good and stable OS since what 3.1? Found a old copy of it today and loaded it into a very old PC I had laying around. wow what a differance
  15. Your wish is our command here, all on S_M's tab which never runs empty
  16. why do people smoke? honestly the question should be why do people start to smoke, Once you start there is a very good chance you can not stop. with me it was due to I wanted to be in the so called cool crowed haha. now not so cool huh? Why I still smoke? very addictive sadly. I have tried many times to stop. The Pill the patch gum even cold turkey. I just find myself going back to it. It is a nasty habit I wish I had never ever started. kind of strange though, I can be say in a building all day that is smoke free and I am fine. Or be sitting here on the PC for hours playing some silly game or reading what is going on here in the world of trap and not even think of lighing up. But mainly I do love to have my cigarette right after a big dinner or when I first wake up in the morning. If I don't do that well I go a little nuts
  17. well honestly sometimes I do sometimes I don't. all depends when the GF is staying the nite haha
  18. yea the movie was okay but I think he. Bill Murray did a better job in that other movie he did what was the name something like Ghost busters? also he was much better in the old Saturday Nite Live.
  19. ah sorry on the booze sonny. here is a root beer float with a cherry on top and whipped cream on the house. as for the bear? that's a little messy to cook and clean. but will try and get it
  20. comming right up. But you should know we do have a limit. that is unless you buy the fisherman's platter.2 freshly fried crab cakes6 boild extra large shrimpfresh scollops1 half pond of alaska grabfrench fry's and hush puppies.2 deep fried peices of fish of your choice.$15.50
  21. Scans the ID, hmmm oh well if it's fake we will just bail you out of jail using you know who's tab and pay the fines too. Would you like some surf and turf to go with that brew?
  22. Found this a little bit ago and was shocked in many ways. Full story here. http://www.informationweek.com/software/operating-systems/windows-7-incredibly-stable-intel-expert-says/d/d-id/1075634 What I find so shocking is this It has only been out on beta for less than a week How can anyone say it is stable in such a short time. Myself I would have waited atleast a month to say this. Give it more time, than just a week. Sounds to me as Mircsoft could be saying this only to make the public feel better after the Vista Fubber dubber upper.
  23. now man vs wild is pretty good but only thing I dont like of the show is Bear Grills. Who in there right mind would do the things he does. also too. Bear? that can not be his real first name.
  24. greetings Elizabeth, and welcome to Xisto. I know how you feel, of other free hostings. between closing down and all there worthless pop ups and things they all but make you add to your page after you get it up. You will not find a better place than Xisto. also some of the most helpful people around too, which is always a very big plus.
  25. sadly we have no bear and it's too cold for wine. How about some Deep fired spam and a nice hot cup of hot coffee.
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