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Everything posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. for the last few days I have been thinking and wondering of maybe adding a subdomain to my site or just buying another package. I really do not post as much to really pay for both though. Also, If I was to buy another domain name. would I be able to redirect it to this sub domain? stupid question I know.
  2. adding a jar of sala is good too. puts a little fire into it too.
  3. thats 105 from what's his name's tab. enjoy and my I remind you all. in the back room there is a hot tub and juke box, we have added. all bought from you know who's account hehe
  4. oh how I feel for you. When I was growing up. ( I was the youngest of 3 ) both my sister and brother was the same way. If when I spilled something or when my turn came to do the dishes, and I did not wash them the way THEY thought I should. they both would go nuts. I will admit it here. I hated this. Times it made me feel as I was doing everything wrong just trying to make them happy. But then I learned. If you want to be happy you have to do what you want when you want. But Obsession For Cleaning? or a clean freak as I out it can be a problem for both you and her and the rest of the family as well. and if it is her dog that is making the problems. It is her mess not yours.
  5. well you said it yourself stop sitting around the house and exercise more. but ofcouse your 8 weeks are almost up by now, so I hope that is what you did do.
  6. well rpg after looking around the net since I posted that, I found what you said to be right. so many things have and are still in beta. for that matter even the human race is in bata kina. So in terms of calling it a staus? yes. just a name that puts a thought to it. this program is in beta is it worth it? But many years ago too some of you may remember in the days of VCR's the Betamax. When I hear the term beta that is my 1st thought. maybe that is where it came from. have no idea.
  7. 1 root beer float comming right up. so you know that is 5 my cents and a cherry on top will be an extra 2 mycents. all thanks to S_M maybe I can talk you into our daily special? 1 rib eye stake 100 Mycents comes with a baked tater fresh french bread and your choice of a veggy. we do ask you tip your waiter though
  8. this is like with Packman Jone's suit vs ESPN. a total joke and waist of money on both parties
  9. Echo's bar and Grill now open. Come on in have a drink and burger all on S_M's tab.
  10. Today I got to thinking of how over the years web designing has really changed over the years. When I 1st got into all of this it was one basic page, no thrills all in html. Now we have CSS PHP FLASH everything under the sun. thinking and seeing this make me wonder what will the sites of tomarrow be? With all the new computers with t here touch screens so many new programs for writting a site. think of it, you can go to a site, touch the screen wearing your special gogles and be seeing it in 3D. That may be a little far fetched but who know's. it could become a way of life someday.
  11. VB is getting old. really do not use it much though. but with how coding and site standard are changing do fast now a days, I would think of looking more into something more new and up to date.
  12. After thinking long and hard on this. what they heck sign me up. there has been so much spam of late. Not only by you know who but by a lot of others. mainly newbies here. whats what's one more
  13. Oh been there myself. Being a single person there are many ways of doing this. some may not sound so cheap but they will save you in the long run. 1 Buy your items in bulk. ( that is if you have the room to put it ) 2 Cook and freeze your food for a later day. 3 use coupons. Watch your news paper for add with a coupon. this will save you a lot 4 some restaurants frown on this but ask if you can have a doggy bag. freeze what you don't eat for the next day. 5 always accept an invite out to lunch or dinner.
  14. well here are some to ponderSpamophobia Fear of being or getting spam or eating it for that matter.I feel sure there is a real name for that. I know myself there a lot of people that do not like or are scared to eat that stuff anyways.
  15. http://www.juno.com/ has been around for a while. may not be one of the best and secure e mail services around but it is free. you can also get 10 hours a month free internet as well. myself I like having it for when I join some place and I know I will be getting a lot of spam mail. More or less a spam mail account is what I use it for. Are there any other users of Juno or even Netzero here that do this? They are both good services for what they offer.
  16. LOL Poor S_M but honestly I feel the same as tamp does. I signed up for the same reasons, and find myself doing the same things. Great bunch of people here young and old. As for a Ban of S_M? aww wouldnt be any fun without him. then would wouldnt have anyone to pick on when things go wrong. We all know it's his over posting that slows down the board and mycents Only Kidding
  17. Strange I just noticed that myself. maybe a mistaken click. oh well its all good. even though the Titans lost a little upset I did not get a chance to watch any Football at all today
  18. How nice would that be too. The Yankee's have sent the money, thats for sure. and word has it they are now talking with Oliver Perez from the Met's. that I really do not like hearing. But if the Met's do not hurry up and resign hi, he will be in pin stripes. The met's on the other hand still will be needing 2 to 3 good pitchers yet. we still have a little over a month yet before spronng training so we will have to take it one pitch at a time, and wait and see.
  19. Well lucky enough it was just a one car thing.was making a right turn and the cop that came said I must have hit a patch of oil or something. anyways ended up in a ditch. Only people that knew of the ( mess ) was me the cop and my big brother who brought in his truck to pull me out. and yes I as punishment had to not only pay to have the front end re alined and head light fixed, but had to clean out the car all by my self.
  20. your so right. and there a lot of really good games around that could be used not only armysystem. I hope the powers that be will be also readying this and give un there input. Myself I really feel as it would help Xisto 100times over. Edited to add After talking to a few other members here, who would we and how would we get Xisto to atleast think of this?
  21. Key words is just one of manythings you can do. Bots also a good sitemap is another way. Here is a site that I have found to be very helpful and I feel sure most webmaster would agree. Webmasters/Site owners Help Myself I prefer 8 to 10
  22. Sweet. I like that. I will have to see how it looks on the site, but for a sig it is perfect.
  23. yes so many do trash mac d's. but if they only knew. After they do there breakfest, the rest of the day is pure profite. Myself I rarely eat there anymore. but I will say this for them. Best Fry's in the world.
  24. As you may have notice my sig is a little too big honestly and a little tacky. I would love having a really nice one for my Xisto profile and my site logoName Echo Of Thunder Weathercolor DarkText white #3D if you canmaybe with some lightening and a tornado or something like thatDesigner may put his or her Designed by in small letters in the corner linking back to you.
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