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Everything posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. Can someone tell me what is a Fatal error: Call to undefined method skin_search_14::member_joined() in /home/Xisto/public_html/forums/sources/ipsclass.php on line 5992when I clicked on my assistant is it me or did I click when I should have clacked lol Notice from truefusion: Moving from Xisto - Web Hosting forum
  2. so true. only thing good are the fri's but there bugers and every other thing they have? that could kill in the wrong hands. can we say biohazard
  3. Mark McGwire in 9th? what a joke, He shouldnt even had been allowed to be in the voting, that wahed up juicer shouldnt even be brought up in or near the world hall of fame. Hall of Shame maybe. So many others on that list too that I would have thought would have rated much higher. like Tommy John, and Don Mattingly aka donne baseball
  4. Today a couple of us was talking in the shoutouts of whaling and all. that got me looking into what countries still continue to hunt and kill whales. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Honestly I thought that only japan was still doing this. why kill something that there very few left in the world?
  5. there are other optins really. myself I use a lot of differnt programs dreamwever included, But as for a free or trail editor try coffeecup. it will let you see the designed page in your browser.
  6. well this would depends on the kind of bussiness, as said. if the bussiness has a website, which most would. It would have to be a site that would be very simple to navigate yet be flashy and nice. Also too the bussiness would have to have a good rep for being good and trusting for the kind of work that they would do. But that is mainly for the web. The best tool you can have are your employees. They would be what the public will me meeting and dealing with. if they are nice clean cut and know what they are talking about, then that is your best tool
  7. I remember this happening and how shocked I was in a way, then I remember other school shootings such as Colinbine, ( think I spelled it right ) also the very 1st of a string of school shootings in Pearl Ms. rereading the story I wounder how the familys are now. my prayers still go out to them.
  8. open air vs a gym, well that would really have to depend on where you live, wouldnt it? I mean if you lived in say NYC with all the traffic and smog you really couldnt do anything outside. so there I would have to go to the Gym. But if you lived say in the country with clean fresh air, then I would say outside. it's a toss up really. both are good for you. You can do more in a Gym than say outdoors though, so over all I would have to go there.
  9. That's just it though Opaque, So many doctors do not use common sense anymore. They want to use all these high priced tests and drugs for everything. Like my Doctor who I do trust by the way. Last year I had a very bad cold. just a cold mind you. but he put me on all these high priced meds with really big names. for what? 8 to 10 days of being stuffy and sneazing. Doctor's are only practicing they do not know everything.
  10. Cooks up some surf and turf and root beer float for myself. so exspensive. 7.75. oh well all on S_M's tab Thanks
  11. yep I can remember that in the late 90's but I do feel sure that now that it is 2009 and with better compters and streaming video and audio, it should be a lot better than it was then.
  12. only problem I have in this is 1 thingWidows XP anti virus virus. People that have had it or know of it will see that mirosoft has a antivirus programs and thing No way, its just another trojan like that.
  13. reading this tells me something of vista. (beep) if they scrapped 2.5 mil and exstended it. this tells me the public is not happy with vista. I am a firm believer in XP myself. I just hope that this windows-7 will hold up to the test and be as good as XP has been. I hated it at 1st but grew to love it. Long Live XP
  14. well I talked again with my friend last night. He told me he has decided to trash Vista all together and return to XP.reasons being that (1) too hard to find the drivers that he must have for all his equipment. Cams sound board and everything. reason (2) was he got the word of windows-7 now out in beta. He felt as I do that Vista was all for show and tell of the new windows 7.
  15. no problem 1.00 for the stake but I have had to raise prices on the limmon aid due to the cold snap. they are now 2.50 so that will be 3.50 on S_M's tap lol
  16. been there done that. I would have to say 95% of it is bunk that never really works.True I have met people that have been married from meeting online but very very few. I hear more stories of people meeting online and ending up with more problems than they had before. But then again I met my GF here in the net. she and I have been ( dating ) for 2 yrs now and do plan on marriage. So I guess it could work.
  17. LOL Yea would be nice but this is a PG Bar and Grill. Anyways here have a root beer float, all thanks to S_M
  18. well that is how you came across in your topic Candlight. Kids and I do not know how many he has or there ages, do have feelings and can be hurt so easy, even more so on holidays and birthdays too. so be prepard for this sort of thing. Willing to bet ya he was there playing a happy family only for the kids. Just put some trust into him, and yourself. that is the biggiest part of growing up and being in a realationship of any kind trusting one another. Maybe wrong but you strike me as the jealous type. Put the green eyed moster to bed. learn to trust. GL
  19. wow that is a heck of a deal. taking a look around there site now. honestly until now I have never heard of them. always delt with tiger or other online places when I needed a part of something.
  20. Pace works the best. I would always cook up my sauce and add it along with my meat. maybe chop up some bell pepers ( red and Green ) and some mush rooms. add it all together then let it all sit in the fredge overnite to mix in well. The hotter the Sala the better
  21. okay for one thing. you said with his Ex and kids. Im sorry but that is one thing that erks me. Being from a divorced family where my father had split when I was young and he never spend any holidays with us. You have to think of how that would make his kids feel not yourself. that to me is being selfish. honestly from what I am reading of what your saying? sounds as you do not trust him or his judgement. sorry to be to the point but thats how your comming across with this My advice is this. and you and alot of others my not like it and disagree. grow up. stop thinking of yourself and think of others ( His Kids ) because if and this is a very big if. what if the day comes and the 2 of you do get back together and get married. they will be your kids too.
  22. always hated speaking in public. would get all tongue tied and lose my place and all that. yet and this is the funny thing about it. I have no problem going on a open mic for radio or anything like that. go figure
  23. I agree on the top 4 teams. I know so many must have lost a bunch on it. I know I did
  24. thanks for the info everyone. just may be doing that real soon.
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