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Everything posted by wariorpk

  1. Wow great description of Google's complex way of giving you the best web seach you can get. Keep up the good work. With all this complexity I think I will spread my site using word of mouth.
  2. There are steps you can preform to prevent these names from comming on to your computer screen:If a topic says something about Chinese names do not open it.If a topic is using Chinese names do not continue to read then.I hope this helps your ranting a little bit .
  3. Actually that does not matter. It actually saves money to leave your computer on because computers take up alot of electricity when starting them up. It is also better for the components. If you do want to webhost your ADSL line is not the best for webhosting. If you are going to webhost I recommend switching to cable if it is in your area. Good luck!
  4. I am also very happy with my LCD computer screen. I got it when I replaced my old computer about two years ago and it has an amazing picture. I would highly recommend buying one of these if you need a new monitor. Mine is a Samsung SyncMaster 192N so if your LCD monitor isn't good it is your brand that is the problem.
  5. I want a paper thin television! This is a great idea because I currently have a television like alot of people here and it takes up too much room. When this becomes cheap enough I am going to create a paper thin television wall.
  6. Here is what I like about your forum:good discussionssome good mods (the shoutbox and arcade are always good onesyour logoHere is what I think needs work:the skinWell thats what I think and I think your forum will continue to do very well.
  7. Wow that is very interesting. I am going to get a diesel truck over any other truck. Using olive oil is better than using liquid gold in your diesel car or truck (petrolium based fuel). This probably will save alot of money and more people need to be aware of things like this.
  8. I agree with you pretty much all the way. Some of the classes I am taking right now serve no purpose when it comes to my sucess in my life. Classes like health are required and that seems to be pretty much pointless.
  9. I agree that Google is a great search engine. When I first started using the internet I started off using MSN Search. This was not very good and I rarely found what I wanted. Then I went to Yahoo Search. This was way better than MSN but it was not really as good as it could have been. After that I switched to Google and if there is something that I need to search for I can compare Google with any search engine about any topic and it always gives me the best results.
  10. I do agree that a search engine is a very good thing to have for a site. I think the best use for a search engine is when you have a forum. Users will not look for a thread they want just by looking over every single one. A search engine allows even the oldest threads to be found in an instant. I would recommend using the Google search he talked about in the post above because honestly Google is the best search engine out there.
  11. I totally agree about having too many animated GIFS I don't usually place animated GIFs in my sites at all because they take away from the content that you want visitors to see. In my opinion the only reason you need an animated GIF is for a site banner, a forum sig, or an advertisement.
  12. I agree we really need a Grand Theft Auto forum. People talk about this game alot. At school people still talk about it even though it came out last year. Its a great game and deserves a subforum to call its own.
  13. This is not that bad. If your friend is going to put you on his new server is there anything to worry about? Most people back up their site did you? Well I guess you didn't or you would not be complaining. Remember no hosted files are perminent because of server problems, moves, or whatever. Always back up your files even if you have a good host like this one. Just keep your hosting here you never have to worry about Xisto breaking their promise of offering the best free hosting I have ever seen (I searched for a good host for about six months before I registered here in April).
  14. I know exactly what you are talking about. I go in there and my mouth hurts for a long time when they are trying to clean the plaque off my teeth but are actually tearing up my gums. Then after I get my teach cleaned more good news. The doctor comes in and tells me I have to get fillings. So I go in to the dentist office about three weeks later and I have to get a tooth drilled out and it hurts so much even though the numbed my mouth. I am glad that I only have to go to the dentist about once every six months.
  15. We do need to go back to the moon. It is the only place outside of Earth that a human has been to. I think that there is more to discover there and I think that the United States should not have abandoned the moon missions in the first place. It is very good that they are planning to go back to learn more about our moon.
  16. Well a few weeks ago I lost my Nextel phone and I could never find it. It turns out that my plan just expired so I will be able to get a new phone for very cheap or for nothing depending on what one I get. So I wanted to know what phone is the best?
  17. I like my Logitech wireless laser mouse alot. You only need to get new batteries for it every month or so and thats not really a big deal. The good thing is that if I wanted to hook my computer up to my television then I just grab the mouse and turn around. It is really a great product and I would recommend that anyone who is in the market for a new mouse should buy one.
  18. Everyone is trying to make money off disaters, deasease, and every other good cause there is out there. It just sickens me that people take advantage of stuff like this just to put some extra money in their pocket. The people who actually are trying to help out you are doing a great job for society.
  19. I have heard that you can not get Google Web Accelerator anymore. I have read somewhere that people accused Google of stealing personal information by gathering the information that people have looked up or entered. These never work anyway.
  20. I know how you feel about that but in a broader spectrum. I seem to be surrounded by annoying people everywhere I go in school. Its always the same people too I don't know how I always end up sitting by them. I guess just bad luck with what hour I have a teacher and my last name. Also, asking teachers to let you switch seats usually does not work but it is worth a try anyways.
  21. Was your site hacked or your computer? I am pretty sure even if your site was hacked it was most likely because of your computer. This problem was most likely because of a key logger/other form of spyware. I will tell you how to fix your problem if it is the computer.Step 1: If you do not have anti-virus program buy one/download a free one.Step 2: If you do not have a spyware removing program buy one/download a free one. I would recommend Spybot Search and Destroy its free and its the best.Step 3: If you do not have a firewall program buy one/download one.Step 4: Make sure all of these programs are fully updated.Step 5: Run a virus scan, a spyware scan, and make sure that your firewall is active.Step 6: Try to change all of your passwords for websites, forums, and your computer.This should help you with your hacking problem. Good luck!
  22. Nice code I have always wondered how people got that to work. This is a great feature that is a must have for any site that lets you register for it.
  23. Those are pretty good descriptions I myself would say that phpBB is an all around good board. You can use it for a small commuity or a large community. Also, I think you can also get older versions of Invision Power Board legally (the 1.x's) but I would ask some more people around the board before using the 1.x's for your forum because what if I am wrong.
  24. I think that those prices are rather exaggerated but I do agree that this is insane. We all know that oil refineries in Florida do not effect the amount of refined fuel in Kansas because they have their own oil refineries. What we need to do is tell the oil companies that we are tired of their price hikes just to make some extra profit. I hope that gas prices go down not up.
  25. Yes Gmail can be very unreliable but its not really a big deal. Most e-mails do not need to be read but it is still inconvienient. In my opinion Google needs to make server uptime for Gmail a priority. I am not giving up my e-mail account though, Gmail is still the best.
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