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Everything posted by wariorpk

  1. I also have an HP All In One printer and I hate it. It does not grab the paper right so about 3/4 times if I am printing a paper that has something in the header half of the header gets cut off. This printer also has flaws when it comes to ink. In a normal printer the black ink cartridge is larger than the color ones because people tend to print more in black and white than color. In my printer all of the ink cartridges are the same so I used all my black in a short time and I need to buy new ink way too often.
  2. The only way to quit smoking is to use self control. Two people in my family have quit smoking just by self control. They were driven insane for a long time because they would not let themselves smoke. They used every quit smoking without having to do anything meathods and none of them work. You really have to want to quit in order to quit thats the bottom line.
  3. I would have to agree with you. If you are on the internet a lot like me broadband would make the most sence. Maby you could make an effort to go on the internet when they most often make their phone calls. They will get very annoyed and either just boot you off the computer until they are done (very likely) or get you broadband (not likely but worth a try). Good luck to you I know how you feel I had dial up before and it was horrible.
  4. I personally would recommend NVU which I believe can be downloaded at http://www.nvu.com/ this program is free. It is a very high quality program. All the pages I have made with it have validated and the code looks pretty good as far as them putting the program in the meta tags like Frontpage does.
  5. Well this has nothing to do with Xisto just to clear that up. The ad networks that pay to put their ads on this site seem to have no respect for the people who post here. If you annoy me with a bunch of crazy sounds I will go out of my way not to buy the product or go to the site. Using sound with advertisments just does not draw people to the site it annoys them away and advertisers need to realize.
  6. Those were very good tutorials. They were in depth and really explained it so anyone could understand it. I have always wondered how those people made these radio stations. I would try it but my internet is way too bad.
  7. So this basically configures your computer to perform its best all the time. This seems like it could be a useful program. My cousin could use this because he is always complaining about his computer not being very good for some games. This just goes to show you that computer gaming is not lagging behind console gaming.
  8. Yes this service is better than all the rest by far. I have gone through an experience about as bad as yours with companies like Tripod, Freewebs, and Geocities then one day I found this site on some forum. Webhosting is like anything else if it is too good to be true it always is.
  9. I can not stand being grounded. I know how you feel. At least you can go on the computer at all. When I am grounded its no electronics basically so every few weeks I go without computer for awile. You have to learn from being grounded if you can so it doesn't happen again.
  10. It really bothers me how Internet Explorer has so many flaws. I mean they should take time to test it before releasing it to the general public. Its insane how it has been out for a few years and people are still finding exploits.
  11. I thought that my phone company was bad but it is not as bad as yours. They charge us something around the area of 80 dollars a month for the phone package I have. I would go with another company but they have a monopoly in my area.
  12. Well if it is like most patches you just run it and it updates everything and does not change any of the content of the script. By the way being a Fantastico script does not make upgrading any easier or harder. I hope I helped some and good luck.
  13. I wish I had seen this topic over the summer. I have had really bad luck with anything that went into my old computer case. There must have been bad airflow because two processors fried. I should have torn them apart they were useless anyways but my dad took them to work for some reason or another.
  14. I have been hosted here at Xisto since about April on and off. What I mean by on and off is that I got rid of my hosting a few times because I could not think of any ideas so the actual time I have posted at the forums might be 1-2 months less than it seems by when I joined. I have had no problems while I was here so you don't have to worry about having any.
  15. Would you be able to play music on your station? I would think you could not because of copyrights but if I am wrong feel free to tell me.
  16. I would say that all of the Pokemon games for the Gameboy were a disaster. They were very boring. They also had a really dumb storyline. The graphics were horrible (even for the Gameboy). They were without a doubt the worse games ever made.
  17. The way I got this computer was a combination of things. For my birthday my dad gave me computer parts (he didn't want to pay for labor) and I built it so its a birthday present/I built it.
  18. I just finished learning about this in science. I never knew that starts lived the highly complex lives that they do. I think that astronomy is a very interesting subject.
  19. I personally think that the Creative Commons was a really good idea. It gives you freedoms you do not get with a copyright but it sets down some ground rules so that you can not just take some one's content and do whatever you want with it.
  20. If you want to terminate your account without doing anything you could always just wait for your credits to reach -30 then your hosting account is automatically terminated. I would not recommend because I believe that if you ever wanted your account back you would have to bring your credits up from -30 to the amount of the package you want. I would use the meathods described above but this is another option.
  21. Now when I ask my parents if they will get me a domain they should have almost no reason to say no. I had no idea that it was possible to get a domain for that cheap. Apparently they do not cost that much to host.
  22. Wow talk about obsession! I am obsessed with a lot of things to the point where people think that I am kind of insane but I would never name my child after something just because I like it.
  23. I have used both over my many years of computing. I have seen no difference but I use my computer mainly for surfing the web and playing games so I would have no idea what the difference could be. I think I payed an extra $100 for no reason.
  24. I almost know compeletely what you are talking about because my friend has this problem all the time. My friend's step dad is always getting mad at him, always wants to get his own way about everything, and is a complete *BLEEP* from what my friend says. I feel sorry all of you who have to deal with this. It seems bad and I have not even dealed with it my self.
  25. Something similar happened to me just the other day. At school people do not bother me for the most part. I go through most of my day without any one bothering me. Right before my 5th hour class I start to feel bad but not bad enough to where I would be sent home. Then for the rest of the day people start to get on my nerves and I get sicker as the day goes on. I even tell them I am feeling bad but they do not listen. Why couldn't they have annoyed me before I was feeling bad.
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