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Everything posted by wariorpk

  1. Wow your flash drive is a lot better than the kind I have. A week after I got it it just stopped working (I got a refund). I might go with this it sounds like its the best you can get.
  2. Wow thats really cheap I have no idea what you are complaining about. Where I live (The United States) you pay alot for college and I am not talking about a few hundred dollars I am talking about a few thousand at least. Be thankful you have it as good as you do.
  3. I also have way too much homework on occasion. My problem is in math most of the time. My math teacher has us correct homework for a good one fourth of the class period. Then he attempts to teach us the lesson but seems to get off track and ramble on and on about stuff that has nothing to do with math. When he does this I have a ton of math homework because he gives us a big assignment that we should have had half the class period to work on.
  4. I am also really annoyed by this. When ever my cousin comes over we play video games. I lose just once and he rubs it in my face even if I rarely played the game or have never played it before. Then I never hear the end of it until he leaves. I wish that people could just stop making a big deal about winning because it is not a big deal in my opinion.
  5. I mainly use my computer for communication purposes. Sometimes I have to use my computer to type reports. Other than that I play computer games every once and a while.
  6. I know what you are saying. They need to improve A.I. not only in Modal of Honor but in a lot of video games that I have played. I think that the A.I.'s are not smart enough in video games because they constantly miss and shoot at me when I am way too far away for it to have any effect. This needs to be improved on by game developers. Some developers have improved A.I. but not enough.
  7. What you are saying makes perfect sence to me. Why would you buy a commercial program when you can get open source software that does the same thing for free? I think eventually a lot people will open their eyes and try to get as much open source software as possible instead of the most commercial software as possible.
  8. I really like the new design of Vista. Those screenshots that you posted really show how much better its design is compared to XP's design. I especially like the new folders. I can't wait until this hits the stores I will be the first in line to buy it.
  9. I think that this tool was good back in its day. Now its kind of pointless because you could just send Yahoo e-mails to yourself with the file you want attached to the message and its basically the same thing it might just take longer to upload alot of files but you get more space. If they added more space it could be useful again but not until they do that.
  10. In my opinion spelling and grammer should be a top priority in certain cases but in others it can pretty much be ignored. When you are posting on a professional forum that is about serving the community (like this forum) you should try your best to use proper language. When you are at a forum that is just a place to hang out and gives no information you should not pay as much attention to proper language but don't make people decode your message. In e-mails you should use proper spelling and grammer because when you send it there is no turning back. When it comes to instant messaging type how you want as long as you get your message across its not like it is saved or anything.
  11. I think that Playstation will win the console wars. In fact, it already has where I live. Most of my friends who only own one video game system own a Playstation 2. The ones who own an Xbox also own a Playstation 2. Everyone I know hates Nintendo and we all agree we will never buy another one of their systems again.
  12. I just tried this out and it works very well. My browser has not crashed and I am happily not waiting for Firefox to load the page after it has been downloaded.
  13. I was going to try to make you some graphics for your site but your graphics are better than mine by at least 10 fold. Keep up the good work.
  14. I really, really love using my cheat codes for video games. They can make the game easy enough so you can actually beat it sometime in that year. What I like to do in a game like Grand Theft Auto is to cheat when I beat it the first time. Then the second time I might try it without cheats. Cheats make video games funner too.
  15. Well these ad blocking extentions do not in any way block banner ads, which are the main type of advertisement. They only block pop up ads. I think that pop up ads are annoying enough to the point where no website really needs them. In my opinion Firefox is saving the internet by preventing all that nastly stuff on the internet such are viruses and things that compromise your security.
  16. Olympus is not taking that long if it comes out in 2006 since the people who work on it do this in their spare time. I think that the current version of PHPbb is good so this is going to be really great.
  17. I own both of these games and they are both great. I think that all the factions all have their strengths and weaknesses so I think they are all good. My favorite general would have to be the China Nuclear General. If you play as that general you are pretty much impossible to stop.
  18. I know what you are saying completely. Every time I have reinstalled Windows I have had this problem. It almost makes me want to forget about the security of my computer. Thank you for sharing this information.
  19. I think that Intel processors are the best way to go. I have a gaming computer and it has an Intel processor and it has worked very well for me. I had a computer with an AMD processor once and I did not like anything about that processor's performance. If you want the best performance that you can possibly get our of your computer by all means go with Intel.
  20. I personally think that Winzip is the best program you can get. I no longer use Winzip because my free trail has expired. If you do not mind paying the money to buy it I would highly recommend it. If you do not have money like me you should get something else (I just use the unzip utility that comes with Windows because I am cheap and it works pretty good if you only handle .zip files).
  21. I was wondering what XHTML is because I have seen alot of sites that claim to be XHTML validated rather than HTML validated. How does this compare to HTML? Why is it better? How hard is it to master? How similar is it to HTML? Thank you for answering my questions! Notice from BuffaloHELP: You should know by now that What Is...? section is not to post question. Moving. Warning issued.
  22. I do not think that this is at all necessary because it is bigger than my computer's hard drive. What is the point of having a connection that will not even be used to its full potential except by large corporations. Also, I live out in the sticks so most people do not even know what a DSL line is so I do not think I will see this in my life time unless I move.
  23. The United States military is probably not as bad as you make it out to be. There are extreme cases of everything such as being singled out at airport security. It happens there is not really anything you can do about it except move on with your life and hope the cercumstance does not repeat its self. I do agree that you had a pretty awful experience though.
  24. I personally do not like Nintendo one bit. They try to make money off of game systems that do not have better graphics or new games or anything. Take the Gameboy Advanced SP all it is is a different design but it is still the same video game system. I heard they are trying to sell it a third time. The Nintendo Revolution is not looking too hot either. They also are not really making that good of games. I used to love Nintendo but now they are the worst video game company in existence. They made good games and didn't try to resell old technology.
  25. PHP is easy? I always had the impression that it is very hard to master. I was never going to learn it thinking that I would never be able to use it. Thank you for enlightening me.
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