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Everything posted by TheDisturbedOne

  1. I was going to say that! When I first heard this I thought they were psycho to leave this guy on the ground. There weren't even that many good deals. I hope they charge every person who stepped on him with assault. Even if I wanted that $200 XBOX 360 that I was waiting in line for two days for, I would still help the poor dude up. He gave his life for what---$7 an hour...
  2. One day for one full period everybody went to this site and did as much as they could. I got about 10,000 grains. A few meals for those who can't afford one.
  3. Though I am not sure, I think this was for when you could buy a domain with hosting credits.
  4. Thanks for the help. I set it up today. I can get up to 200 email addresses but request more. https://www.google.com/a/yourdomain.com/ServiceLogin?service=mail&passive=true&rm=false&continue=http://mail.google.com/a/yourdomain.com/&ltmpl=googlemail&emr=1 Is how to get to the mail once you set it all up.
  5. Actually I don't. I still have a "part time" job and go to school. I just do it when I have the time.
  6. I am a member, but it won't let me invite for some reason. I would just say check everyday, that's what I did.It also won't work with my ancient tracker.
  7. Or I need $XXX so that I can send you $XX,XXX,XXX amount of riches from me, the queen of XXXX
  8. I think the past few years the only thing that was wrong was (as you said) the bullpen. If the Mets were losing in the 7th, they never had a chance at a comeback because of the bullpen.Now if they had the good old bullpen of 2000 they would be doing a lot better....
  9. Half of them don't even know how to spell or use correct grammar Now can anybody tell me what the heck that means???
  10. Well usually I get whatever is on ESPN and the Braves games. TBS always has the Braves games.The problem is where I am, there are special Yankees and Mets channels, and not everybody has $100 a month to pay for them, so we can only see what's on ESPN and the national channels.Hey! I learned how to play poker by watching it on TV :)But I like MLB a lot better!
  11. So how would I get it to work with my current setup?Or is it already setup?
  12. I feel a bit bad for her, but she should have known it was coming. I personally like: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ For looking at stories of how this guy strings along these people If you have common sense, unless you have physical proof it is true, it is too good to be true.
  13. How do I set this up?Also how many email addresses do I get with this? Would it be better for me to just buy the " Email Hosting" package?
  14. midnightvamp,I will look into that!That's a great idea.I'm not looking for a Get Paid to site, I am looking for something like AdSense, but you don't get money, you get "stuff".
  15. Having nothing to do with webhosting, there was Free Taco day in October, and now we have free Dr. Pepper days.
  16. I would like to see more doubleheders, but as MLB is, it has the longest season out of all the sports.Maybe add more games...but that would make the season even longer....
  17. I think if you want to use invision, buy it. You will be able to use more themes and MODs. Your forum needs a good theme as the old default theme doesn't look good. Along with you needing more forums on there, I think it looks good.
  18. I think my dad still has one of these. I remember playing games on it, nd it was so fast back then (it was like 55mhz or something like that).I figured they weren't selling the OS anymore, so they retired it, but I guess they didn't until now.
  19. Forumotion is one of the few good forum hosts. If you are thinking of changing your mind later on, look at Simple Machines Forum. The software is very easy to use, and there are hundreds of themes and MODs, which install with one click.
  20. Thanks. I now have a domain, and once the site is a bit older (Google doesn't like new sites), it will help boost me up. I haven't checked since the new domain, but I don't think I'm high in Yahoo yet.Right now I'm just working on getting the posts up, so there will be a lot more to index.
  21. Look for other ones, like .net or .us. They work well too. And you could just wait. Some sites die, and then you can buy up the domain.
  22. Same here. For Grab, it only lets you save it as a tiff, so I upload it to imageshack, which converts it to a png, and from there I can usually convert it to anything else.
  23. I should look into that FireFTP add on then.I haven't tried it in a few days.the reason why I want to be able to do this is so that I can zip all my files and download them rather than do a backup.
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