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Everything posted by saitunes

  1. I will admit I get alot of spam on my gmail accounts, but I never see it, I check my emails and only occaisionally get spam, normally when they come from 'real-looking' accounts. I have been getting ones visit 'help4freedom dotcom'anyone else?
  2. I have odd beliefs, I hold the belief that we will all go to heaven, so long as we don't be too bad. as someone put it to me 'Alot of religions think this is rehearsal for something' I think this is it, and heaven is the 'after party'. I believe that if you do good things good things will happen to you, that what goes around comes around, and that ultimately things even out. If you weighed up all the bad days against the good days they would pretty much cancel each other out. Is there a heaven? Yes, or something similar. I believe there is the next plain of existence is more peaceful. You don't have to prove yourself, you already have. I believe god is like that kindergarten/early school teacher who rewards the ones who came first, but also gives out those 'competitor' ribbons. Having said that Heaven could be like a club, and those who did extraordinary things (like Ghandi, Mother Theresa) are in the VIP section.I also hold a belief that we are half a person, not a complete person and that we won't 'graduate' to heaven unless we've found our niche, and our other half. Kind of like you can't show the puzzle off (by framing or mounting) until you've got all the pieces together. Life is a wondrous thing, to be pondered but also enjoyed. Three things make life fulfilling to me, finding love, your dream job (but you enjoy it so it's not really a job), and having fun. I try to do all three, I've found my dream 'job', have a bit of fun, and think I have found my true love.Life right now is great.
  3. I use Gmail for email, Adium (MSN client for mac) for instant messaging... and if I had friends on it I would be using skype too.I use Eudora for checking emails and such.
  4. That is messed up. And the first thing that he was told was because of his wizardry... What a load, i mean does every substitute teacher stick to lesson plans? No. Half really don't care and as long as the students are quiet thats all they care about and they read their magazines. That's just going too far
  5. Gmail all the way, ill give you the reasons why a gmail account is better (IMHO) than windows live mail/hotmail/whatever those crazy lads at microsoft are calling it now.Gmail has free pop retrieval (no need to upgrade and PAY for this) Free spam detection, not to mention all the things you can get, orkut, blogspot, google docs, the list goes on. Not to menion the fact lots of people use it as an FTP server (as in upload to gmail and access it from another computer)Google basically has the monopoly on the internet. When something's name becomes a verb you know its big "google it" i think that for personal use (other than porn) Myspace, facebook, google and wikipedia are probably the most well known and most visited sites.
  6. Here is the question, Which is better Apple logic or digidesign protools? That is the question. ***Just to clarify, as bluechip noted I didn't explain what they both do**** Logic and Protools are pro-level recording software, if you thought that Audacity was good, you aint seen nothing yet. Logic Screenshot 1600x1200 http://archive.tweakheadz.com/images/Logic-studio.jpg Protools screenshot 1024 x 768 (an old one, but its still protools) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Both enable you to multitrack record, put effects on each (such as compression, reverb, delay etc), its pro level recording software, both are big companies, Apple make computers, digidesign make digital audio hardware (audio interfaces for computers, digital mixing consoles) So they're both pretty big companies. ***Hopefully that clarified that for you bluechip and anyone else who was confused*** Logic Pros: Cheap Doesn't require any additional hardware to use (a decent audio interface is reccomended) No Dongle Bucketloads of free plug-ins and effects (none of which require activation or registration) such awesome EXS (sampler) instruments Can handle midi better than protools Anything pro tools can do, it can do. Protools Pros: Everyone uses it (industry standard) LE comes with some audio interfaces (which ironically it needs to run) Both Win & Mac compatible can use control surfaces Logic Cons metering freezes when going into a menu (add plugins etc) Logic 8 (full install) Requires 50+ gig for all samples and libraries but can be installed on an external HD Pro tools cons Needs digidesign hardware to run (cannot mix on the go) plugins require activation, and when running a volume license is a pain to manage The Metering is pre-fader. more steps to set up a 'reverb bus' Not as simple and easy to use as logic If anyone has anything they'd like to add, They're more than welcome to. Especially cons for logic, i cant think of any more
  7. I agree with alex, Go into one of the stores that has macs on display, to play with. Just have a look around Try iWork, some of the iLife apps, Even ask one of the sales people to show you some of the cool stuff they can do. macs are awesome, and wonderfully easy to use. Don't knock it till you've tried it properly how many people do you know thats lost a laptop or had one severly damaged because someone tripped over a powercable? Macbooks have a magsafe power adapter, which means it will come out if someone trips over the adapter, The Macbook Pro's have a backlit keyboard that sense the ambient light, and with the macbooks you can use two keyboards, you can turn caps lock on one and it won't be turned on on the other, in effect you're running two different keyboards. E.G Now on my USB keyboard I hit the caps lock THE LIGHT IS NOW ON ON THIS KEYBOARD I LOOK AT THE BUILT IN ONE AND THE LIGHT IS OFF. now i am typing with the built in keyboard. The main thing this is good for is (I dont know if all manufacturers of PCs do it, but toshiba does) you can run with an external keyboard, turn numberlock on and use the numpad on the USB/External keyboard, then when you unplug it and take the laptop and just use the built in keyboard you forget its on number lock and instead of typing 'this is a wonderful day. have you seen my dog' it becomes 'what a w6nderf43 day. have y64 seen my dog' and another feature that to do with this I just discovered is that the numlock on the built in keyboard disables all keys (except possibly enter, backspace etc) other than the ones in num lock. There are dozens of little features like that, ones that the average user doesn't notice (I've had my macbook a year and only just picked up on that) but little things that don't make use annoying. e.g you can enable two finger scrolling on the touchpad/trackpad as opposed to the 'scrolling part' where if you touch that part it will scroll. Expose which can show you all windows, or all windows for that program (which is useful because the alt-tab equivalent switches between apps, not windows. Very cool when you've got 10 apps open with like 3 windows each, and you want to go to one of the last windows (Alt-Tabing through 27 odd windows) as opposed to CMD+Tabing throug 9 and then f9 and you can see all the windows for the app and click on which one you want. Don't macs until you've tried them. the pros far outway the cons, unless you're a geek-gamer and thats all you want, a machine you can play counterstrike on... besides you can play wow on macs...
  8. I'm a cat person. I dunno, they just seem smarter (not to say they are, or that dogs are dumber) but they seem smarter... and cynical. I dunno, just the way cats sometimes look at you as if to say, 'if you don't feed me ill poo behind your television'they're still cool
  9. I am a mac user and I think macs are the greatest... for me. I like how its so sleek, easy to use and hassle free. I have teh belief that because apple make the hardware, operating system and alot of the software (excluding freeware and shareware) they know their stuff (hence no BSOD) because they don't make both hardware and software.(Of course when I say hardware i mean design of course because I'm sure apple don't make each piece themself)But It's down to what you like, You might be a windows user and love every bit of it. That's fine. I prefer macs because they look better, way better (IMHO) than vista. Macs handle the 'visual styles and effects' quite well (unless you're doing something crazy which is understandable).For The every day user, i think a mac is a good idea. as long as your internet provider has software/drivers for mac for their hardware it will be fine. easy to use, programs are often cheaper (e.g office is like $350AU and iwork is $99AU, Vista ulitmate is like 1000, leopard is like 159 or so.) all the cool apps that come with it, iPhoto, Garageband, iWeb, iTunes, iDVD and they kick windows stuff in the butt. plus they make most of the pro end stuff. And I haven't had to call them with a software problem and have them blame the manufacture and have manufacturer say thats software and not their fault.plus lately my pc has been giving me trouble when I say pc i mean loading linux seems to stop all the problems...Only problem is it costs a bit to get them upgraded, you can't do anything other than the ram yourself.Macs rule, PCs aren't as cool, and linux is good
  10. I wear Glasses, My optometrist said when i was about 12 or so, that I was going X sided, I need glasses to see distance. I can't remember how it goes. When I say to see distance I mean i can see up close I can go without my glasses most days, unless I'm reading off a board or such. I can see, just not well enough to drive, driving and when I need to read of boards are the only times i need my glasses. And they've just progressively gotten worse. Glasses are cool, They make me look more attractive... apparently. Then again is my girlfriend biased?
  11. the Gphone... sounds interesting, is it just ideas/rumours or is it going to happen?
  12. saitunes

    I Hate Greenday!

    Why do you hate them so much. You didn't give any reason other than they can't sing and they wear mascara, Drag queens wear mascara and you don't hate them. Then again neither can bob dylan by some standards.Be more specific. I hate Green Day's American Idiot Album. Why because it has no dynamic range.What is dynamic range? The difference in volume between the loudest and the softest part. If you get up American Idiot in audacity. Just look at the waveform (The visual representation of the music's "volume") It is on, then it stays there, drops once or twice, and then finishes. It's just there.It's really not their fault completely. It's the old "I want my song to seem louder than yours" you can't exceed X in any medium (CD, Radio etc.) but you make it as loud as possible.I'm sick of people hating bands for no reason and then whinging about it. Bands are people who work their butts off trying to be original artists are out there trying to be inventive, come up with something new. Don't say hate. Say not like, or dislike. To me hate is if your loved one was drowning in a car and you hate someone, if that person you hate is the only person that will save them you would rather watch them die. But that's just me. Be fare to musos. Someone telling them that they hate them (for no particular reason) can stop them from becoming the next bob dylan or metalica. try to deliver constructive criticism.however you are entitled to you opinion.
  13. I have sync'd it in system preferences and i can send vcards via bluetooth :lol:I think it's working. I've hit the bluetooth button on address book*fingers crossed*Thanks
  14. I think AI would only be as good as its makers. I doubt we have the ability (at least yet) to be able to create a computer program that mimics intelligence. I think its possible to make one that can identify all possible 'moves' and then pick one based on any parameter it wants.Artificial intelligence would be a good idea. Imagine if you could go onto your computer and ask it to check your emails, dictate and such. Yes it is possible now, but not with a great amount of ease. I have enough trouble trying to play chess via voice commands... As long as AI is put into use in the correct places, I think it will be ok.
  15. I'm a mac user and love adium, but i would say for a pc miranda im (mirandaim.org) or pidgin. Both of which are downloadable as portable apps.
  16. I would say to see results do some cardio, boxing, swimming or just running. get that heartrate up for over ten mins. that sets into motion a whole metabolic change.^in cardio activity = ^in musclemass = ^in metabolism which means you burn fat more efficiently.go for a half hour jog, or brisk walk. don't take the elevator, take the stairs. And ease up on the soft drink
  17. Hey out there!Does anyone know where i can get either an isync plugin or a program (for mac os tiger) that will let me sync contacts with a samsung d520 via bluetooth? Preferably free or shareware. Im 17 and don't have a credit card
  18. I've got a nokia 5140i. It's that 'sports' phone or the 'construction' one... The one that i can chuck it against concrete walls and its ok. I <3 it.I've had a nokia 5110 (the old brick that everyone i know has had), an ericsson of some sort, a nokia 2100, a sagem my x-7, a samsung d500, and now my nokia 5140i or whatever it is.only thing is i can't find software to transfer stuff to the nokia... not for mac anyway.
  19. I prefer mac to linux, I prefer linux to windows. It's a chain for me. I don't think Linux fails asa desktop OS. I will admit, yes there are stacks of distros. and on the not of recompiling programs, do you update when it's brand spanking new, straight out or wait a while. Take Mac OS for a while, alot of users have waited to upgrade to the new leopard operating system because of compatibility. Pro tools which is the industry standard for audio recording has not been updated for leopard, don't update too soon and there shouldn't be too many compatibility issues. And a point one of my lecturers keeps making, Why update it if it works how you want it to?
  20. As for the 'cons' of mac "pretty much no games" and harder to find programs for it. There are games for it, Alot of EA games are being release on mac platform, sims, sims2 sim city, WOW is on mac. Its not pretty much no games, their games aren't sold as widespread as pc games, which i do admit is a pain. Harder to find programs, not true in my experience. there are a number of sites you can go to http://www.pure-mac.com/, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, and google search. a quick google search and I have found most of the software I've ever looked for. Cracks are harder to get however. but remember, cracks are bad! plumber's cracks are worse
  21. I prefer edubuntu for because its a fully loaded distro, with all the stuff i need (with the exception of audacity) But if I was talking about live CDs I would say puppy linux, because it's light, easy to use and i like it.
  22. I am a mac user, however the desktop (once i download the DVD iso) will be running edubuntu, a variation of ubuntu. For a while I dual-booted it. I liked it. My lil brother didn't. Then again he likes to play his games, nothing special, just sim city and sims and a few other ones. Basically I'm tired of having to fix it. It keeps coming up with an error 'Cannot mount boot volume' at start up. The thing that annoys me, I can mount it in linux, about 4 different distros. Basically I have given up on windows on that computer. Edubuntu all the way, comes with openoffice, firefox, pidgin messenger as well as a stack of education related software. V.goodMy old laptop has not given me trouble however, not like this desktop. My old laptop has given me other problems not covered by warranty, The lid broke a few months after i got it, because it was WAY too tight and snapped one of the bits its mounted on. Sorry, I'm rambling.
  23. I have never really used orkut, however bebo has also jumped in the copy facebook boat (I say recently but it happened ages ago) it only used to have widgets, now it's got apps. as for the orkut apps being better than facebook I (think I) can offer some light onto why. Are you familiar with igoogle? its a personalised google home you can set up complete with gmail apps, games, weather. kinda like widgets for google desktop, oh wait, its basically the same thing... ^_^Yeah google is great, if they ever bring out an operating system, I would use it. It would probably rock too.
  24. Impressing a girl, there's normally three points that you get told, Be yourself, don't look scruffy and learn a good joke or two. Listen, and try to remember things they say. Nothing makes a girl angrier than when you don't remember something important they said.
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