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Everything posted by saitunes

  1. Thanks... As for your Opinion on apples operating system I respect that, and mine just happens to differ. Just out of curiosity, have you ever used a mac for a long period of time?
  2. I'm running OS X 10.4.11 on my macbook with 2GB of ram 1.83GHz dual core etc.I was wondering is there a free app or a way to change the colour of the menubar at the top (with the apple and the file, edit menus and the "system tray") I just want to change it from silver to a darker silver (more grey than silver)I've heard about shapeshifter but that isn't free is it? and what sort of demo license is it?Thanks
  3. I like Quintessential media player (QMP) which is in beta. It is essentially QCD with a media library and obviously more improvements and bugfixes, based on old winamp code, I like it. from quinnware.com and it is compatible with all winamp dsps, and alot of other plugins.
  4. There are different types of cloning. see http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ for more info. I think cloning is incredible, and the people in charge do not fully understand it enough to make informed decisions about cloning and stem cell research. Cloning can save lives as could stem cells, and hardly any of the western world will permit the research to find out. To my understanding Stem Cell research and cloning can lead to curing for degenerative diseases, cloning could some day lead to the end of organ donor. If you're in a horrible car accident and your kidney is badly damaged one could be cloned from your dna and then transplanted. I believe that the government should not make decisions and pass laws on things they do not fully understand. I am for cloning because it can and (if it is permitted to) lead to discoveries and cures to many terminal illnesses. And as always it would be at the patient's discretion weather to use it or not. That's my opinion anyway
  5. The thing that confuses me is that Linux boots fine... Does it use a different way to ID hardware?
  6. I have a laptop and a Desktop. On the desktop computer XP was installed. after about a month or two I keep getting a message along with a Blue Screen Of Death saying "Unmountable boot volume" and it won't boot windows Therefore I do a clean install of windows. This error has gotten more frequent, and I've given up on windows for the time being on that machine.Because it keeps happening is it a hardware problem?It happened after I installed a 2nd Hard Drive.Thanks
  7. Live-Dimension. Thanks for your concern, That's how I'm running it at the moment. I am thinking of installing it on actual hardware. But I think I will wait until it is at the beta stage. Which might be a while. but until then I'm content running it in Q or Parallels Desktop
  8. I remember this. Thanks. I haven't been checking this as much as i'd like to. In fact I might install this on the computer...I can't wait until version 0.4... it should be good
  9. The last movie I watched was Man of the year, It's a Robin Williams one, where he plays a politcal comedian (like John Stewart & Stephen Colbert) and runs for president. Due to a new computer based voting system with a glitch he wins. A woman finds out about the glitch (works for the company that made the computer voting systems) and tells her CEO about the glitch (after running a mock election) and discovers the glitch. I thought it was a good movie. I liked the way the 'What if a clown was king' sort of thing to it.
  10. Ask him. or get someone else to ask him. I was like that, and I liked the girl I'm with now, and a few others. She liked me, I picked up on a few signals but dismissed them as wishful thinking. I was wrong. You'll never truly know unless you ask him. Just something subtle. something like,"I don't seem to have so much fun with anyone else... Do you think we could work as a couple" Or something...Or better yet have someone ask him after a good day with you "Are you two... together?" and get them to gauge his reaction.
  11. It's all down to your preference as far as GUI goes. I prefer something basic but nice (E.G XP with a nice desktop image and maybe a skin or something) I have heard to run games vista sort of 'unloads' alot of itself from the memory to make room for the games (provided you have enough)
  12. I've only used vista a few times, and its not bad. it's just in my opinion, too many pretty bells and whistles i prefer the look and feel of XP (over vista) but not to say that I wouldn't grow into vista if I had to. I prefer Mac OS X, I've got tiger, haven't got leopard, I have used it and there's not a whole lot of difference other than a new cool looking interface. and a few really good new features. I haven't upgraded yet because some of my software i use is not leopard compatible.But to me XP vs. Vista: Vista's got too many fancy bells and whistles, and there's not too much difference underneath. P.S OS X tiger and OS X leopard: Leopard is kinda like a new service pack for OS X (to explain to windows users) it's not a whole new operating system.
  13. I use smultron, Nvu or taco html editor (source code editing)I like smultron, its got a source code with a really good preview window.
  14. I've got my own designed web page. Here's a link to a simmilar and more general http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (less for what I specifically go on) I have more me-specific stuff, like a link to my college's homepage, and online submission thing. I designed it in smultron (Mac only) and just found a template i liked and used that.
  15. When you say boys are as hard to figure out as pez dispensers, do you mean they're hard, or easy to figure out. Because I would say some of us are, some of us aren't.The awesome guys, the good guys, the ones that won't use you are mostly the hard to figure out ones. Girls are was harder to figure out tho. e.g. the girl that says no to being asked out and is cut when you're going out with someone else...
  16. Hi, I've tried to make a webpage in HTML using the frameset tag. Here is the code of the webpage <HTML> <title> Sai's Makeshift Wiki</title> <Body> <Frameset rows="30%,70%"> <Frame src="LOCALHOST/~Sai/wiki/top.html" name="Menu"> <Frame src="LOCALHOST/~Sai/wiki/links.html" name="Frame2"> </Frameset> </Body> </HTML> And it's not displaying in Firefox. (I mean is shows a blank page) It will show up in safari (I'm a mac user), all pages individually work on firefox, just not the above page. Any ideas as to why? Thanks
  17. Does anyone know if there is something out there that will 'find beats' for music (MP3, AAC etc) and write the values to the tags?I was thinking something iTunes plugin, or possibly another app.I run OS X tiger, on a macbook (intel processor)I could go and use my metronome, but when i've got a music library of 2200+ it would be very time consuming
  18. Is anyone able to tell me how to hyperlink in a HTML web page to a folder in OS X tiger and have it open in finder (not the web browser)? Or how to link to a local file on os x (outside of the web server's folder), I am not sure how to put it, is it just as simple as a href="/Users/saitunes/documents/doc1.doc" I am running the built in web server and all the folders I want to access would be located in the web server's directory E.G LOCALHOST/~user/folder or /Users/User/Sites/folder I don't know how to get directories opening on finder, nor do i know how to link on OS X to a local file. The other option is to link to an Alias file of the folder I want to link to. I am making my own (not so great) wiki, so this linking is to edit it in my HTML editor. I have tried Wikis but I have not had one work properly E.G not saving/pulling up the saved information on next load, or not being able to save. I would like to build my own wiki but am not sure how. This to me is the easiest way I know how to do. Any suggestions on how to do this, or a guide to building your own wiki. I have tried one (I think its called) PHPWiki, and another one I can't remember what its called. Thanks
  19. I would say Mork & Mindy at the moment, I really like it. Just the kind of family friendly humour, i do like scrubs and family guy too.Anyone remember Mork & Mindy? People of my generation really don't know but I discovered it on cable and have a season or two on DVD
  20. I've had a Gameboy pocket, gameboy colour, Playstation (one), Playstation two.The first game I had I think was on Gameboy pocket, and was Super Mario World, The most recent one I bought was on PS2, and was The Matrix - The path of the one. I bought for $20 AUD.I (am only thinking about because I haven't got the money) am thinking about getting a PS3, for the sole reason of getting Metal Gear Solid 4. I am an avid lover of the MGS series.I also emulate Gameboy, Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, the MSX computer (To play the first metal gear games) the NES (to play the two knock off metal gear games). I only have a few games on each. I love old school games, I want to get a properly working classic mac (emulated or real) and run classic games on it.(Sorry for rambling)
  21. I was watching the Bill Bailey Part Troll DVD, and was wondering what that thing is on the left that he has on the (our) left that he waves and it works as a kind of synthesizer. I Really don't know what it is, and would like to. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about here is a youtube link http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It's the thing on the left that he waves his hand near and it 'squeaks'. I first thought there was strings or something in the loop at the front he was playing, but that seemed to be wrong, as it makes noise as he just waves his hand over the device. Any Ideas? (P.S I put it under technology because it was more of a technological thing to me, wanting to know what that piece of hardware is. I wouldn't really call it an instrument. If admin thinks it should go into the music/entertainment forum I would gladly delete this topic and re-post it in there.)
  22. I like Rob Dog, It has a nice ring to it, 'what's up robdog?' instead of 'whats up rob dawg?'I like it, but its your choice.
  23. Sounds like a bit of overkill to me. I mean seriously who needs that much power? (then again I'm not a gamer, just a simple audio guy and 250GB HD and 2GB ram is plenty for me.Then again I'm a mac user
  24. If you really want to know how stupid people are, just work in customer service. I answer the phones for a major pizza chain Hut, and the amount of people who don't understand plain simple english. E.G I ask, "Pick up or delivery?" and I get orders given to me then. Sometimes I wonder if I slip into mongolian or some language that I don't know because people don't understand,Another one, I tell them the price, and people ask 'I've got a voucher do I tell you that?' or I ask if they've got a voucher they tell me they haven't got a voucher, then later they say wait I've got a voucher, and accuse me of not asking.Sure that's more ignorance than stupidity but... Lets hope it doesn't become an idiocracy world.
  25. I think the truth lies somewhere in between. A comic once compared Genesis with the big bang, 'God said let there be light, could it be a metaphor for the big bang?'I think that a being made all that we see, and is responsible for all that has been created. I mean think about how well everything works (non-man made) How perfectly ecosystems find their balance, how stable everything is. I don't think it just happened, I think someone or something planned it all. It's just worked out too perfectly.
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