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Everything posted by Bluebear

  1. At first I thought this forum was huge, I did not know where to start. But after some time here I sometimes find it hard to actually find forums with topic I am able to reply to, so I would not say the forum is to large. Some more organizing would not hurt, neither would more forums.
  2. Safety seat belts are important. Of course there are some cases where people survived a crash or something due to the fact that they did not were them, but in most cases it is opposite. I have never been in a car accident, but I would actually fancy if they started having air bagst on the outside of the car too... haha, would help me as a cyclist.Something I wonder more about is why seat belts are not mandatory (Right word?) in buses. In many buses here in Norway there are none, and I think it is quite weird when it is just as dangerous not wearing seat belts as in a normal car. How strange.
  3. If I am not wrong, Miley is born in 1992. She is 15, just like me. (A quick search at wikipedia shows that she is a week older than me.) But I agree with you. I would really like to take a look at her talent, if there is any. I have heard three - four songs that are fine. Her acting talent is not great at all, there is definitely room for improvement. Even though she and her friends are having fun taking pictures of them self where they pose and act like they are very hot, and she sometimes get into and do some quite weird stuff, she is a cute girl. Her voice is okey, better than mine. But I do not think she is very talented.
  4. Editing my post...I have no idea, and I suppose it is not Andy. ^^ Bears are not known for their cleverness, and neither am I. Not Anthony either? Wow, I stink at this.Hopefully someone really smart will come and show me that I am stupider that I thought. Good luck all.
  5. I like RJ most. It is simple, not to posh and easy to remember.^^ If I were you I would go for that one, but hey it is your choice.
  6. Bluebear

    Hello Ther

    Welcome to Xisto dj281! As galexcd informed you about, there are some evil and freaky members luring around the forum, trying to find out what you are doing, when you are doing it and what you plan of doing next... how freaky. Actually; no. Most members here are kind, helpful and polite and will be willing to help you with everything, or almost everything. If you are wondering about anything at all you can ask me or anyone else, or might consider to take a look in the Xisto README. I know it may sound a bit scary when it is in big letters and everything, but it really is not! What is more scary is what those evil moderators will do to you if you choose not to read it... Haha, so I suggest you do. When you say football I hope you are talking about football the European style, what most Americans would call the horrific name "soccer." Haha, well it is nice to meet you. Another thing I want to mention before some evil creatures kidnap me, is that one-liners are considered as spam and will probably be deleted. In order to make a good amount of credits it is important to write good quality posts. The amount of credits you get depends on that, not on the number of posts you make. So I guess that is it. Good luck, looking forward to seeing you around the forums.
  7. How can a person be that dumb? Did he think his wife would not notice it, or would not be bothered by it? Oh my god! That is all Bluebear has to say about that. If you absolutely want to ruin your own life and others by cheating, do it so people do not find out about it in such a horrible way.
  8. Bergen is Norway's second largest city, and it is located in the western parts of Norway.
  9. Oooh... so many things. I would be kind of surprised if this person actually existed, but I will give it a shot. Of course it is different from person to person what they look for in a guy, but I would say that there are always some things that is quite similar.Every girl wants someone who cares about you, respects you and like you for who you are. I would love a good sense of humour and a person who is fun to be around. He must have the ability to be serious and sensitive. Being an easy person to talk to would also be a nice thing. Kindness is always a keyword here.You always want someone who fits with you, so having a personality that I like or fits good with mine can sometimes be necessary. I also find trustworthiness, honesty and loyalty to be important. Being good looking would definitely not hurt... But sometimes it is just enough if he likes you and you likes him. Things do not always need to be complicated.
  10. Oj, I did not understand a single thing of that BMI. Inches? Sorry, I will stick to the metric system... It considered me as underweight. :S I would actually like to be a bit... not so thin, so if anyone got some kilos to spare just give me a pling.^^
  11. Haha, I have already sent you a private message with lots of useful info so I see no reason why I should repeat myself. :lol:Nice to meet you! You will find many kind and helpful members here, and I am sure that some of them will be able to help you with whatever you need.Good luck, and best wishes.
  12. In Norway mother's day is always the second Sunday in February, and father's day is the second Sunday in November. I do not think these days honour mums and dads at all, in fact my dad actually learned me that these two days were made up by shops that wanted to earn money. It is definitely not a tradition in my family to celebrate these days in any way, even though I sometimes make a card or something to my mum or dad. But anyway: congratulations to all that celebrates this day.
  13. Something I would like people to think more about when comparing gasoline prices, is how much money a normal person earns in the different countries. Comparing prices directly can be misleading, due to the fact that people just do not earn the same amount of money. Those little (or big) numbers on a persons pay check can be quite different even though they have the exact same job, just that they do not live in the same country. You must also thing about taxes and things like that. It just make things even more expensive. The amount of money people use on food can be very different from country to country. In many cases that is not because some eat more than others, but simply because the food costs more money. Let me give you an example; Gasoline prices from 2006, found here. I also used a currency calculator. This one. This is just to show you how different prices can be... I am showing it in litres because I have no idea how gallons works. The price of one litre of gasoline in 2006... Norway: 2,06$ Canada: 0,97$ Australia: 1,16$ Qatar: 0,28$ See what I mean?
  14. Hi and welcome to Xisto soccer2go. So you are interested in hosting? Well the first thing you need to do is to earn credits. You do that by posting good quality posts. The amount of credits you get depends on the length and quality of your post, not on the number of posts you make. If you want the basic package you need 10 credits, and for the better one 30. It is a good idea not to write a lot of one-liners, because they are considered as spam and will most likely be deleted. Have you red the Xisto README yet? It is important to know the rules and other useful information. If you have any questions that is the place to look. You can also ask one of the many helpful members. Soccer (I prefer to call it football, but that is okey...) is great. I have played since I was a little girl, and I have always enjoyed it. Looking forward to seeing your site hopefully taking shape, and to see you around the forums. Good luck, and best wishes. From Blubear, Norway.
  15. Hey Abdurahman! Welcome to Xisto.com. I would strongly recommend that you read the Xisto README. It really contains lots of important and useful information, rules and answers. If you are wondering about anything you can take a look there, or ask one of the many helpful members. You are right, the community is great. I do not know how many times I have said it; but it is like a free bonus you get when you join the forum. People do not just post here in order to keep there hosting, in fact many people here do not have hosting at all. It is just for fun! As long as you are nice and respectful I am sure that you will fit right in. An important part of the hosting is of course the credits; you need them to get your hosting, and to keep your site up and running. I would recommend keeping a decent amount of credits, just in case you can not post in the forum for some time. (For example a holiday and such.) So how do you get the credits? You post. Remember to write good quality posts, because the amount of credits you get depends on the length and quality of your post. The number of posts you make does not matter. That is quite fare, right? One-liners are considered as spam, and they will therefore be deleted. But why should you post one-liners, when you can make good, quality posts? That is it! Good luck with your hosting, and I am looking forward to seeing you and maybe get to know you a little bit better. Best wishes, from Bluebear, Norway.
  16. Haha, let us not forget about Kiki Kannbal, Zui Suicide, Susi Sabotage and more... I can not say I really fancy the scene style, especially not those of them with coontails (?)... Some of them look like zebras or lions. Really big head and small body. But it can be kind of cool that they dare not to be like everyone else, but saying that that have there own style is completely wrong. Everyone is affected somehow by others. So how about your name? I have noticed that many have the same first letter in "both" of the names. (Kiki Kannibal) *Opening dictionary* Gabbler, gadget, gadzooks, gagger, galactic, gallivant, gambler, gangling, garnet, gassy, gee-gee, genuine, ghostly, girlish, gippy... and so on. Just take a look yourself.
  17. The gas prices in Norway is about the same all over the country; 13 - 14 Norwegian krones. And it is still rising. If the tank of my dads car is almost empty, it often costs 700 krones to fill it up. Sometimes more. The lowest you can pay for a litre is around 11 krones. Something that kind of sucks is that there is not much difference between the gasoline and diesel prices. So it was not a very good investment for all of those that bought a diesel car. Not at all...I have seen lots of tourist complaining about the high prices, and that is kind of funny. Haha, at least I think so. Actually it is hilarious. People here used to complain a lot about it too, but actually they do not do much of that any more. I must say that it is kind of annoying when we have to use that much money on petrol - or diesel. Not too much we can do about it, though....but we can try to reduce our gasoline consumption? Right?
  18. I find mineral concealers much better and I guess it is better for your skin as well. Mineral foundations are also great - some of them melt right into your skin and it looks very natural. I would recommend it.
  19. I would not say I am addicted, but I drink enough of it... 3-4 liters a week, and that is pretty much I think. But I am not addicted, it is just a habit. Coca cola is not my favourite, this other thing I tasted in Brazil was like a thousand times better... Guarana or something like that.
  20. I have probably already replied to this topic, but who cares. My dad and mom are divorced. I live with my mom, and I do not get to see my dad a lot. He live in the closest city, but he works far away; leaves every monday and comes back on fridays. So I can only be with him in weekends, which kind of sucks. At weekends I want to be at home, be with my friends, watch films and such. I can visit my dad if I want too - nobody is forcing me. Yet I visit him about two weekends a month. He has said that his children is everything for him, and all he want is to see us happy. He also said that there is no woman in his future life that will come between us, nobody will ever matter as much as we do for him. I thought my parents hated each other, but then there is this last thing he also said; She is the best mom in the world. And yes, he was talking about my mom. I do not know if that made any sence, but anyway; There are times like that you understand how much your parents love you, and all they want is to make you happy. If parents do not love a child, they should not have it. It is unfair to the child, children (like me) needs to grow up in a safe environment with people who loves you. Fights should happen, because everyone has different opinions and they need to be able to fight for what they think is right. I get pissed off at my parents sometimes, mostly at my mom. I see her the most so I kind of take out my anger at her. She does not deserve it. One thing she is really angry at me about, is that I always locks the door into the office. I spend much of my time there, and "my" computer is located in that tiny office. I need my privacy! Parents do not need to know every single little thing you are doing, every second of the day. (Or night.) My dad can be kind of strict sometimes. One thing I really do not like about that is that he does not allow me and my siblings to discuss our disagreements... so when we get back home where my mom lives, we always ends up fighting. He always says something like this; "Be silent. I will not bother listening to you fighting." So all of our anger is transferred to our mom, or mostly when we are home. I can not stand when he is doing that. I can neither stand that my mom always gets angry because I locks the door. Give us privacy, and let us discuss. (You may call it fight, but that is what happens if we are not allowed to discuss.) Let us not forget that I love my parents, even though it may sometimes look like I hate them.
  21. Welcome to Xisto Josh, nice to meet you. Oh yeah, you are going to fit in just fine... Seeking a better host? You have came to the right place! The hosting is awesome, as others has said before me. An important thing here is to write good, quality posts. The amount of credits you get depends on that, not on the number of post you make. One-liners are considered as spam, and will probably be deleted. If you have any questions just ask me, one of the many other helpful members or take a look in the Xisto README. Good luck. Looking forward to seeing you around.
  22. Awww, congrats with your new name Alex! Oooh, and maybe you need to update your avatar? I am sure some people will still call you Alex, Alex. And yes; you are so clever.
  23. I must be honest here; this is not unusual. It happens a lot. There are many such people out there, and it is not very much you can do about it. It has happened to me, my friends and others I have heard about. Sure it is a bit weird and disgusting, but I do not really care about it. It does not affect me. Often it is just people that are bored and wants a good laugh. Some of theme are on the hunt for some under age boys or girls, but what the heck. You should never show yourself at web cams if you do not know the person.People in this century should know very much about internet security. I have for example one email address where I talk with my friends - and probably a million for all those other things. It starts getting bad when someone schedules a meeting with someone they do not know...
  24. Welcome to Xisto Ivan. I would strongly recommend Xisto hosting. Many are happy with it, and so am I. Sometimes it can be a bit boring posting in the forums, but it is all worth it. Xisto is a great community where you will get new friends. Remember that one liners are considered as spam, therefore they will probably be deleted. Making good quality posts is important, because that is what matters here. The amount of credits you get depends on the length and quality of your posts. Fair right? If you have got any further questions take a look in the Xisto README. If you can not find an answer, there are many kind and helpful members at the forum. You could also send me a PM. (Private message) It is always nice to meet new members, and I am looking forward to hopefully see you around the boards. Good luck, from Bluebear.
  25. Hi Jan aka Kumaq. Welcome to Xisto. Let me give you some quick info about this "circus." One liners are considered as spam, so they will probably be deleted by one of our moderators. But why should you write one liners? The number of posts you make does not matter. Short posts do not matter much for your credits, because the amount of credits you get depends on the length and quality of your post. Therefore it is important to write good quality posts. You get credits and at the same time you contribute to our forum. Are you here for the hosting, Jan? I suppose you are. I think the hosting is great, one of the best free hosts. Sometimes you will get tired of posting to get credits, but it is all worth it. Great hosting and you get to be a part of this wonderful community. You need credits to keep your site up and running, and it is a clever thing to keep a decent amount of credits. (In case something happens and you will not be able to post for a while.) I would recommend that you keep the credits at a minimum of 10. Since you are a new member it would be good for you to read the Xisto README. Learning and understanding the rules is important. If you have any questions you will find some good answers there, if not just send me or someone else a PM. (Private message.) Good luck and best wishes with everything, Jan!
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