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Everything posted by Bluebear

  1. I agree with the second and third note, but not the first one. I tend to like songs that I actually understand, so I can not see anything wrong with the song not being sung in Russian. But people should get better English pronouncing. During some songs I wondered what language it was. But I know that many people want others to sing in their own language, but in many cases I like it to be in English, and that is just because I can understand it. But yes, I also wonder what was Russian with that song. I think the songs should at least be written by people from the country performing the song.
  2. Sorry, did I forget to tell you that I do not care what place we got? I am happy with fifth, but that was not my focus point with this topic. Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Denmark and Finland also voted on each other. In many cases not because of the songs, but because they just always do. "You vote for me, and I will vote for you."
  3. Welcome Chris! I find your name "XtremeDeadmanFan" a bit scary, so I will just call you Chris. Follow Mich's advices, and you will have no problems at all. I can assure you that you will have a great and wonderful time here. Remember to be polite and kind! If you have any questions there are tons of helpful members lurking around the boards at any time. Looking forward to seeing you around. Good luck!
  4. Bluebear


    Hi Dred, and welcome to Xisto! Mich has already informed you a bit about Xisto, so there is not much left for me to say. But remember if you have any questions there are plenty of kind and helpful members here that are willing to help you. So do not be afraid to ask. Best wishes and good luck!
  5. Feels kind of weird to welcome a member who registered before me. Welcome to Xisto, even though you have been here for some time. You sound like a reasonable person that will fit right in here. Xisto does not just look really nice, it is very nice. Good luck with everything! I am really looking forward to seeing you around the boards. :DBest wishes from Bluebear, Norway.
  6. Just venting out my thoughts and finding out what others think about this. I guess that many of you are not from Europe or neither watched the show, but feel free to answer anyway. This is not going to be about the songs and performers, but about the system itself. Which I think kind of stinks. I can not say that I am a huge fan of this contest, but it fills out at least one Saturday a year for me. I have probably watched it every year since I was little, and I always used to look at it as something fun. The exciting part is always the voting. I never vote myself, but seeing what other countries vote is kind of fun. Top 10 of 25 participants:1. Russia2. Ukraine 3. Greece4. Armenia5. Norway6. Serbia7. Turkey8. Azerbaijan9. Israel10. Bosnia and HerzegovinaIt did not hit me right away while watching the final results, but when I thought more about which countries gave most points to Russia, I noticed that most of them were neighbours, and many of them used to be a part of the Soviet Union. I find that kind of weird, and even unfair. Many of those countries that used to be a part of the Soviet Union, is full of Russians. Jam packed with Russians. Is not that like they can vote for them self?Confused? Let me give you some facts and rules regarding European Song Contest. A very basic thing is that you can not vote for yourself. Why? It is obvious; most people would do so, even though their song was horrible. I can not blame them, if I could I would probably do the same thing myself. All the countries that did not make it to the final could also vote.I just do not understand why they can not figure out a better system for the voting!You might think that I am unhappy with the result for my country or something like that, but that is not the case. The truth is that all countries gave a lot of votes to friends and neighbours. I do not know if this is just being nice or that they actually like the songs; but it is the system I discuss. It is horrible! Why can not they have several juries, like they did before? Or perhaps a combination between juries and "normal" voting? A competition like this can never, ever be fair. But they should make an effort to make it as fare as possible.And then I must mention this; Eastern-Europe is completely different from Western-Europe. Why can not they split the two of them in half, because I do not think these to parts fits together at all. Music in Western-Europe can for example be completely different from Eastern-Europe. While watching the show, I was very surprised about many of the songs. I also hope that you understand what I mean when I say "Eastern-Europe" and "Western-Europe." Something else that I think has developed into something horrific is the songs! Instead on focusing on what really matters, many do huge stage-shows. For me it looks more like an act, play, show or even like a game then what it actually is: a concert. All countries are able to create good songs, but when they need to create a song specific to this competition many do not success. Trust me, this is not the best of Europe. I was pissed of after the final. Not mainly because of the results, but because of the system. It is very unfair. In my eyes Western-Europe and Eastern-Europe do not fit together, and competing in such a competition with that horrible voting system just makes things even worse. They should fix it, or split the two parts up in two competitions. Professional juries would be something they should consider. This is the start of the end of the Eurovision Song Contest. Something should change. If nothing does I would be happy if my country chose not to participate in this... thing. This is just awful.
  7. In elementary school we learned a lot about Christianity. We were supposed to learn about various religions, but the truth is that the school focused a lot on Christianity. So it is not that I do not know a lot about it, but I just... I do not know. It is hard to explain. I was kind of raised at a school were they told us that God is good, that he created this universe and that he loves you... sometimes I believed in it. Always when I came home and asked my dad about God, he would say "it is just *BLEEP*, I can not believe they actually teach you that crap." So I kind of heard one thing at home, and one thing at school... when you are eight years old that can be kind of confusing. At some point I think I considered myself as a Christian. I went to this "sunday-school" were we sang and worshipped God. I actually think of it as a nice time in my life. It was fun. Haha, yes I can be kind of selfish at times. When I am having troubles in my life I often pray, it creates hope for me. And I understand why God will not answer me... But I do not always pray about things regarding myself. When my parents got divorced, (I was around 11 years old or so.) I prayed that God would please make my mum stop crying, and that she would be happy and smile again. As you guys say he has no reason to help me. My mum WAS actually quite Christian. I guess that kind of change over the years too. I have tried to accept him, but I just can not do it. I feel like I do not fit in, so I have decided that it is not something for me. After all the different stuff that has happened in my life, I have a hard time believing that someone can help me, or make me feel better or something like that, if I accept him into my heart. I hope that you all understand it. I grew up with people saying different things to me all the time. I am quite sure that if my dad had not always been that negative about religion, that I would be religious. I would actually fancy that.
  8. Mhm, I did not know the U.S is the top country?It is like when I was even younger, (yes it is possible) and when me and my mum for example watched a "scary" film on TV and I was holding a pillow in front of my face because I was frightened. I actually remember her saying something like this. "It is not real. Not everything is true."And that is so true, just like somebody already said in this topic. When not even the weatherman can tell us the correct weather that will be tomorrow, (haha, bad example.) who can? The birds? Yeah, probably that.I have never been to the U.S, so I guess I can not base my beliefs about that huge country on what I have heard. But I must say it is a bit like that here too. Every country has their problems, and some are bigger than others. Some struggle with poverty, some with violence and others complain about the lack of caring homes for old people. Compared to each other there will always be countries with problems more massive than other, but everyone has something they struggle with.Here some of the main problems regards older people. Those who built this country, and do not get help. People for example sometimes need to wait a really long time to get a surgery at a hospital. (Of course not if it is an emergency.)Some people will always focus on the good things, while others tries to create problems that do not really exist.Focus on the problems, instead of constantly making new ones.
  9. I do not know what I think about God. I have never met him. If someone actually answered my prayers, maybe I would believe in some God. Probably to the Christian God, because that is kind of the main God here. About 85% of Norwegians are members of the state church. Though the truth is that it is more people here that are not religious. People get automatically members of the church when born, but of course they can decide if they want to be members later. My brother is not a member of this church, because he did not do his confirmation in a church. I did, and so did many others of my friends. Most of them did. But there are very few of them who actually are religious... it just do not matter here. The last thing got quite of topic, but it gives a better viewing on religion around here. It is not a part of our normal day, not a part of most people life. So why I am not Christian? Nobody answers my prayers, and I just do not fit in in such communities. There is of course religious people at my school... and they are really nice. Too nice. I am not a bully, but I do not fit in with them. I like doing a bit crazy things sometimes. If I swear then they will just stare at me. I could simply never be such a person.Somebody who loves you will do anything for you, help you and be there for you. If God loved me, would he not help me? Sometimes I am waving with a white flag above my head, but he must be blind because I have not received any help. If he is the maker of this universe, he should be able to help everyone. People always tell me that I need to "accept God and give him the best place in my heart." To do that, I need proves. I am one of those who want to know why, how and get answers. How can I believe that God exists, that he loves me, that he is the maker of this universe and give room for him in my heart, when I have never felt that he is here? That he is helping, and will always be there for me? Kind of hard, right? But hey, if I actually met God maybe I would think he exist.
  10. I have never heard of "colour gard", but I guess it is a good thing. So congratulations and good luck.
  11. I am not one of those that fancy running around in shops. I actually hate being alone somewhere, with people I do not know. I am not one of those that you are talking about. "The customer is always right", is not always right. If you want to be a good customer, get to know the rules and/or policy of the company/shop you are buying something from. If you are for example buying a computer always remember to read and understand those things written in a small font/text. I always hate when people are complaining about things the company tried to tell you about, but you did not listen to or did not read.I have heard some horror stories too. The closest thing I came to something like this, was on a holiday. When ordering a medium rare stake you expect to get a medium rare stake. That is fair enough, right? The good thing was that they said sorry and realised the fact that they had messed it up. Something I hate is when you walk into a shop, the woman/man working there is really rude. Sometimes it feels like their only mission is to make me feel even more uncomfortable.Another thing is the "I THINK YOUR JUST RACIST!!!" You know what I hate about that? People always seem to use it as this excuse. On elementary school we were all these little white kids running around, and one day a black girl attended our school. The headmaster talked so much to us about being kind, helpful and respectful to others. And that the skin colour do not matter. And it do not. But the girl that came, was simply horrible. Sometimes it felt like she mocked us for being white. And she always used it to get out of situations. She was really mean with a girl who was 4 years younger than she was, but she never got in any trouble. We did; while standing up to her and telling her that what she did was wrong. She started crying, and we got yelled at from all our teachers... Oh yes, life is fair. Quite of topic.People just always seem to... well, find another reason why people disagree with you. Find some reason why they do not agree with you, and do what you want to and such things.Remember: The customer is (not) always right.
  12. 4-5 hours every night. I have to get up really early in the morning, because it takes a long time to get ready for school. The school bus also takes ages... When I come home I do my homework, and sit on the computer to around 24/12... call it what you want.
  13. Mhm, I pretty much like everything besides HipHop. Opera can actually be quite nice. :DI listen to various artist, and I often change out all my songs.Things currently on my Mp3:The VeronicasRascal FlatsMuseSurferosaEvanescenceDj Splash, Dj Sammy, Dj Pulse... and on and on and on...CassieLinkin PartLilyjestThough I think it is time to get some new songs, considering the fact that I know all the lyrics of all the songs now... heh.
  14. And I barely know what HTML and CSS means. That is a proof of how good I am in programming, haha. You know it is really hard for bears to actually learn something. So I will blame it on that. Oooh, a new group! Well congratulations, and good luck. You all need it.
  15. Welcome to Trap17 :)

  16. My first thought reading this topic was; What the hell is gravy? ^^It seems like lots of people fancy ketchup quite a lot. Here in my family people eat ketchup with/at biscuits, fish, pizza and pretty much everything else. Sour cream is also used a lot, especially by my brother. Well it taste wonderful, so why not? But some of my friends have really weird habits, I think. I guess they think the same thing about me. Mayonnaise on pizza?! I have never tried it, so I can not say that it taste weird. But yes it sounds disgusting.People all like different things, so that is it. Maybe your friend do not understand that part.
  17. Bluebear


    Aaahh, he does not want to make friends with the rest of us. *Evil stare* Well you are a new member, so therefore I will welcome you. Nice to meet you. All new members should read the Xisto README. Why? you ask. Because it is important, mostly for you, to know all the necessary things about Xisto, the rules and more. I do not know if you are here for the hosting, but it is always important to write good, quality posts. You want people to understand you and get your opinions out in a correct way. First of all; turn of that horrible Caps Lock. It is hard to read, and people will not take you as seriously. If you want to make friends it is important to be kind, helpful and respectful. If you do this I am sure you will fit quite nice in here at our lovely community. Good luck and best wishes. See you around. From Bluebear, Norway.
  18. Right, so where do he find the rules? And what is the "etc, etc, etc."? Bluebear the saving bear has arrived! ^^ Hi, and welcome to Xisto! Nice to meet you. As Kansuke briefly mentioned you need to read the rules. Even though you have been here fore five days, it would be a good thing. The Xisto README contains almost everything you need in order to function well. Read it, understand it and follow it. So are you here for the hosting? It is great, I really recommend it. In order to get the hosting, and keep your site up and running when you have gotten it you need credits. You get them by posting good, quality posts. The amount of credits you get do not depend on the number of posts you make. Remember that one-liners are considered as spam, and will therefore be deleted by one of our cool moderators. If you have any questions just take a deep look in some of our forums, the README, ask me or someone else. There are plenty of kind and helpful people here willing to help you. Looking forward to seeing you around. Best wishes.
  19. Yes, today's society is in a rush. But I would not say Christmas time is less stressful. Running around buying food, gifts, candy, Christmas tree and such is very stressful. The only time when me and my family actually is relaxed is when my mother have decided that now everything is perfect, the food is done and the television is off. So around 4-5 hours are relaxing and not stressful.Rebecca is talking about the fights around the Christmas table, and that is something that I am not familiar with. It has never happened here, or at least not any big ones. Some discussions maybe, but nothing more.I did not really understand the essence of this topic.
  20. My dad bought a Playstation 1 several years ago in China or something like that. Me, my brother and sister got the Xbox for Christmas one year. Now my brother has bought the Xbox 360. I do not really play it, but I fancy to see him play games and stuff on it.The most recent game he has is the new GTA. (I can not remember the name.) I watched him play it for a small amount of time last night, it was quite cool and neat.
  21. Well energy drinks works pretty good if you are sleepy. Hi Jem, and welcome to Xisto. Nice to meet you. The first thing I always recommend new users to, is to read the wonderful and very helpful thingy that contains a lot of information, the Xisto rules and other neat stuff; also known as the Xisto README. You have come to the right place. The hosting is awesome, and loved by so many. Some might find it stressful to "always" make posts in the forum in order to keep your site up and running, but it is actually quite easy. The great thing is that you do not need to post everyday, you can post whenever you want. But remember to keep your credits at a decent level, (I would say over 10.) in case something unforeseen happens. You get credits by posting good, quality posts and one of our many forums. The amount of credits you receive no NOT depends on how many posts you make. Is not that sweet? One-liners are considered as spam, and will therefore probably be deleted. But do not worry, posting is easy and quick. If you have any more questions you can take a look in that Xisto README as I suggested, ask me or one of the many other helpful members here. Good luck, and best wishes. I guess I will see you around.
  22. Welcome to Xisto, Tag. Have you red the Xisto README yet? I would say you should, so you do not end up doing something you are not aloud to. It contains lots of useful information, answers and a lot of things you would like to know more about. Xisto offer some pretty sweet things. First of all it is the free hosting. Strongly recommended by many members, if you are looking for a nice host you should give it a go. We are also a quite nice community here; always available to help you with all your problems. So what do you need to do in order to get that sweet hosting? You need to get credits, and you get them through posting good quality posts. The amount of credits you get do not depend on the number of posts you make, but on the quality and length of your posts. Remember that one-liners are considered as spam, and will therefore probably be deleted by one off our kind moderators. So that was my quick help to you as a new member. Really looking forward to seeing you around the forum. From Bluebear, Norway.
  23. I have played Sims 2 on one of my friends computer, and I also own it on Xbox. It is horrible on Xbox; not like Sims 2 the computer version at all! I hope that they actually make the games a bit more similar, because I was pissed off when I realised that the game I had bought was not good or fun at all.But I am looking forward to it. Even though I tend to easy get tired of never ending stories...
  24. I find the name "Bluebear" quite interesting... even though that adorable little kitten is a boy or girl, it fits! And then the name kind of sounds a bit gorgeous... haha. No, I am serious: Name the kitten after me, me, me! Another good thing about it is that if you mistake the sex of the kitty, (you think it is a girl, but it is really a boy or opposite.) it is great. What a cute animal. I noticed that others over here suggested names in Spanish and Japanese, so here we go;Norwegian. (Not going to help you with the pronouncing, haha.)Blue - Bl?Bear - Bj?rnCat - KattKitten - PusekattAnd another one of my wonderful ideas;Kitten In My Backyard = Kimb.No, but seriously just choose a name that you like and you think that little adorable kitty would fancy.
  25. I have a black Zen Stone 1 GB, and I am satisfied with it. I am not one of those who want to know all details about a song, so it is perfect for me. Quite cheap, but I actually paid 300NOK for it. Currently 1 USD = 5,08 NOK, so that equals 59,06$. More than rayzoredge paid for his with 2 GB...Well anyway I like it. Simple and easy. Sometimes simple is the best way to go.
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