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Everything posted by Bluebear

  1. My brother never wanted me to start with martial arts, even though I wanted to for a while. My family has a history in martial arts, with this I mean Taekwondo. My cousin was almost accepted for the Olympics, and his brother was quite good to. My uncle used to do Taekwondo too. My brother trained for several years, and I have picked up some things when I watched the trainings... but I never started, a bit to late now I guess.Anyway, my brother has black belt. My cousin also. Both of them have some extra stuff too, but I have no idea what it is called. I believe my third cousin has red belt.
  2. An also great way is to use one of those scrubs/peelings. Those who contains sugar, or salt. It can be bad for your skin if you do it to often, especially if you have very dry and sensitive skin. It does not have to be a good or expensive one, just make sure that you do not get any allergic reactions. I once tried a really cheap face mask, and my face got all swollen and red... never going to do that again.All you do with the peeling mask is to massage it onto clean skin, and keep it there for a while... as long as you bother. This works great for me, smooth skin... ahhh, wonderful.
  3. Nobody knows, and no one can really say for sure before they are dead. But then it is a bit too late... What you think happens after death, depends on your beliefs. You can say what you think.As I have said a million times before, I do not really believe in anything. Religion is not important for me, or for almost everyone else here. Most people do not care, they just live their life by the second. I have slitted thoughts about this topic.1. There is nothing more.You get this life, and that is it. When you are dead, you are dead. There is no further life, and there is no "heaven."2. There is something more...I do not know what it is, but something like a heaven is my closets though. Not a "Heaven full of angels singing and God welcomes you"-heaven, but a place where you meet those you met, knew and loved in your life. This is something many would prefer, but for me it would be quite boring living forever. It is like an unstoppable Sims game. Forever is a very long time, and that is not something I would prefer. Life is all you have got. If it is a heaven or not, it is important to live day by day, second by second. Because if there is nothing more, and you did not use your life good enough... well, to bad for you.
  4. I think I do that almost every night. It is like making up a story, like I sometimes do during my day. Like a daydream, just that it is at night. If I have a crush on somebody, that maybe I will dream about them. It is often that, not so often I dream about other things... And when I do, I do not feel like I created those dreams myself.^^I think it is fun. I like dreaming about things that are interesting for me, than dreaming about some stupid cat outside or something like that....
  5. A cool bag or something with a cool picture, maybe of the two of you. Personal gifts are always great to get and give. I am quite lazy, so I always ends up with giving money. But it is better to give money, than a gift you know that the person will not fancy.
  6. Hi Wang, and welcome. Nice to meet you. I suppose you are here for the hosting? The important thing in the free hosting plan, is to write good quality post. The amount of credits you get is based on the quality of your post. This makes people write better posts, instead of spamming down this wonderful forum. Maybe you would like to come back later and write some more about you? Hobbies, interest etc.... I am looking forward to seeing you around the forum.
  7. Congratulations to... Saint_Michael x6, Velma, jhaslip x2, bk2070, bthaxor, alex x2, Mich x2, CoolCat50, master bacarra, Mermaid711 and Lyon2. Well done everyone.
  8. Many girls adores those gorgeous celebrities with beautiful, clean skin. Write an article about that most of those pictures are photoshopped, and that they do not have that skin. Showing proves of it would be a good idea, too... )Then can actually look quite good as them with a few tricks on photoshop...)
  9. I actually remember my dream, and it was in colour! Wow, a long time since I have remembered a dream... I guess I could tell you about it.So, it was the first day on a new school. It was the first day at a new school for everyone else too, so that was okey really. I have no idea how I got to the school, but I was walking around on the streets on towards my school. There was a "KIWI" shop there, I went in but I did not by anything. When I got out again someone was walking behind me. I thought he looked like somebody I knew, so I asked him what school he was attending. He answered a school, I said okey and kept on walking. When I got to the "school street" there was at least three schools located in the same street. There was also some sort of tennis course, just that they were playing it like badminton. Suddenly I was playing against someone, and I managed to get the ball. I thought the rules were like volleyball, so I asked if it was a "serve."(I do not know what you call it.) There came a big "Piiiip" sound, and a red light came on. They told me that I had to stand on two of the white circles in the course, and then shoot the ball over. The circles started glowing as I stepped on them.And the rest of the dream has faded away from me now...
  10. Welcome regae, from Bluebear, Norway. Really nice to meet you. Remember to read the READ ME. It contains important information about Xisto, like for example the rules. It might come in handy. Looking forward to seeing your good, quality posts around the forum. One-liners will be deleted, because they are considered spam. So, are you here for the hosting? Or what? Anyway I wish you good luck.
  11. Welcome StrawberryShortcake! I can assure you that there are lots of computer interested people here at Xisto, that are willing to help you if you have any questions or need help. Because you are a new member, I would recommend you that you read all the useful things that are located in the READ ME. So I do not know if you are here for the hosting, but I think it would be a great way to develop better computer knowledge. The hosting here is great, and I would recommend it. It is very reliable - and by posting at the forums you get new friends all around the world. Writing good, quality post is quite important. One liners are considered as spam, and will therefore become deleted. The better posts you write, the more credits you get. You can choose when you want to write the posts yourself, but if you are hosted I would recommend that you keep it over 10 credits. That was all I had to say, and I welcome you to our community. Nice to meet you, and I hope to see you around the forums. From Bluebear, Norway.
  12. Hi. I will just call you Kraiser, if that is okey? Welcome! The first thing I think you - and every new member should do, is to read the READ ME. It contains a lot of useful information, that I am sure will come in handy. Remember that one-liners are considered as spam. Mostly they get deleted by a moderator or something like that. It is important to write good, quality posts. The better posts you write, the more credits you get. And that is awesome and fair, right? If you choose Xisto, I hope you will be satisfied with it. (I know that you will.) Even though it can be a bit boring sometimes writing posts, it is worth it. The good thing is that you can choose when you want to write posts, but I would recommend that you keep it over 10 credits. And you get new friends by posting here - it is a great community. Anyway; Good luck!
  13. Hello Akito, and welcome to Xisto! Something that is always useful to read when you are a new member, is the READ ME file. It contains lots of information about Xisto, the rules and more. I really hope that you are going to go for Xisto. It is a great and very reliable host, and the best part is that it is free! You also get new friends at the forum. But since you said that we will not see you post that much, maybe you will go for paid hosting? Ah, I have no idea. But I would really recommend Xisto. One-liners are considered as spam, and will therefore be deleted. It is important to write good, quality posts. The better posts you write, the more credits you get. If you are having trouble finding out what you are going to write in a topic, you should think about if you should write it at all. But the moderators are not THAT mean... not always. Anyway, I wish you good luck! Hugs from Bluebear.
  14. I think that if a person wants to make a website, it has to be about something he/she is interested in, and care about. You need to like what you are doing, and you need to be satisfied with what your site is about. Like SM said; Maybe a blog would be a good idea? And maybe something more... One gigantic blog, and pictures maybe? I do not know what you fancy, but there must be something, right?
  15. Happy Xisto-birthday! Got any nice gifts? Maybe a Michael knocking on your door or something? Anyway, happy birthday.^^ I hope that you will stay at least another year.
  16. When Giselle looks at you like you are a muffin, you are in trouble, big time. Anyway, welcome to Xisto! Always nice to meet new members. I guess Fiji is quite far away from me, I actually have no idea where it is. If there is anything you are wondering about, you should be able to find some decent answers in the READ ME. If not you could always ask someone. Good luck, I hope to see you around! From Bluebear-->Europe-->Norway.
  17. Maybe you are right, but still it is so annoying. It is something I wish I could re-do, and I feel so daffed right know... Maybe I should follow your advice; doing what I like at my free time.I guess having it as a hobby would be okey, but still not as good. But thank you, anyway.
  18. 1. Parents or other grown-ups that keeps saying the same stuff again and again, to remind us of something. (Mostly often things we should not do, like for example sitting in a strangers car.) - I know, we are kids. But not stupid, and we hate when people do that!2. When someone yells out bad or horrible things about me or others, to make them self look better. - I hate people who tries to embarrass others. I just do not get the point! Why should anyone being mean to others?3. People who just do not get things! You have to explain things a million times, but they just keep on asking questions! - Like my sister. I have told her every single day in about 3 years not to talk to me in the morning, because I am tired and I hate when people talk to me then. Actually I would like my sister not to talk to me at all. Because she is just annoying.
  19. Are you asking if we can rate your site, or Chantelle Paige? I am bit confused, if I may say so...To be honest, I have no idea who Chantelle Paige is, but I noticed that she is quite beautiful. But because I am assuming that you want us to rate your site, due to the topic title: "Rate Chantellepaige.org (:" I think I should do that.^^I remember that I have seen your page before, and it has gotten much better! Way to go! The layout looks really cool, though I think some colours did not fit to good together. Keep up the good work.Ah, just noticed that you "stole" the layout from another site. Well still, it has gotten better. I am looking forward to taking a look at your site after the new content is added. Good luck!
  20. I have had lots of different songs I really fancy, but there has always been some I really love, and can not get out of my head. It reminds me of my brother, because he listened a lot to them in the past. I also bought him an Evanescence CD for Christmas once.There are two songs of Evanescence that I adore:"Going Under"and..."My Immortal."I also really like the rock version of "My Immortal."
  21. I love spending time in Bergen, especially when there is a football match. (You may call it soccer...) And I like being here, at summer times. Just relaxing in my boat in the middle of the fjord, is wonderful.But then I also love Brazil. I spent an holiday there, and it was amazing. Salvador was such a wonderful village, you really get to know the people that lives there. It is actually quite fun to see how people around the world lives. I think Salvador was a very beautiful place, with wonderful beaches. (At least compared with the rocky beaches at home.)
  22. EngrJayze: No, I have not fixed my sound. All I need in the software is that I can cut videos, and make simple intros. That is all I need, nothing complicated.
  23. Avidemux "No audio decoder found for this file." ...than was not a surprise, but it opened up the file anyway. I have not looked closer at the program, but it seemed like it worked well. I have no idea how to do that and that, but if I go for this one I guess I will figure it out. Thank you, but I am still open for more suggestions. (I will take a look at Sony Vegas too.)
  24. Well I do not want to waste my time doing something I do not want to do. I am 15 now, born in 1992, so I will be turning 16 this year. So I can change after one year, but then I will feel like I have wasted a whole year doing nothing. If I continue doing the same, I will be attending second year. If I choose to try to get into M&C, I will be attending first year. So... I will be wasting a year. I am just wondering if I should continue with the school I do not like, or if I should change after a year... Arg, I have no idea.
  25. I believe in a sort of "6th sense." I believe that some people have been given a gift, which gives them the ability to either notice things from the past that us "normal people" would not notice. It is like some happenings leaves a mark, on objects, people, a place, forest, car or something else that was in area when a happening happened - and that some people can be able to get this information. So they can notice, or read information from the past. Something else I feel is connected to what I feel is the 6th sense, is the ability to see or hear ghost/dead people/spirits. I have a friend that claims she can hear ghost. There have been times when she have heard lots of sound downstairs, and when she went down to see what happened, everything was like it should be. And she told me that she thought the whole thing was weird, because it really sounded like a shelf they have downstairs fell down. Things like this happens sometimes when she is home alone, and she is really scared sometimes. There was a time when we visited an internment, on a school trip. People had been tortured and kept as prisoners during the war. She did not dare to go inside, she was shaking and could barely breath. It freaked her out. She could not speak. One minute she was cold, the next hot. Then cold again. Things like this has happened several times.You may think that she could be acting or just faking. Maybe she is ill? I do not think so... it is something different when you see it all in front of your eyes, and I do not believe that this could be anything else than what I call the "6th sense." And I think she has got it. I guess some of you have different thoughts about what the 6th sense is, or if it is really true. Well now I have shared my thoughts and experiences with you.
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