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Everything posted by Bluebear

  1. I am looking for a free, decent video editing software. It does not need a lot of features. But I would like it to have the "slicing options", so I can split/cut films. I would also like it to have a simple intro option, just making simple intros with text. And the last thing, this is really important so listen up: It must not require my computer to have sound. I messed something up, so the sound is not working. This is causing my Windows Movie Maker not to work - since it requires some stuff. I know that I should fix this, but I will be getting a new laptop in a few months. So this is only temporary.
  2. So next year I am attending "videreg?ende." I do not know what you call it, I guess the school system is a bit different. But this is my 10th school year, so next year will be my 11th. About two months ago, we had to make a choice what we wanted to do next year, and where we wanted to go. I decided to go with "Allmenn." The first year is very similar to all my previous school years, so it is about the same. They have the "normal classes", like English, mathematics, gymnastics, history, science and such. In the second and third year you get to choose what classes you want. I do not know why, but I have always looked at this as the best choice you can get. But I am starting to realise that I am wrong. I have always wanted to get an education, where you can get a well-paid job. It is so frustrating, because I think this was wrong of me. I do not want to do this.What I really want to do is something called "Media & communication." You can become a photographer, journalist and things like that. Creative jobs, and that is what I like. I love taking pictures, my computer, photoshop and computer-stuff in general. Something I would love to do is making designs, games and web pages. So as you might have realised, my choice is wrong for me. And I realise that, but I guess it is a bit to late.And that is horrible! I do not want to sit the rest of my life on a freaking office where I am bored, I want to do what I love. I know that I can apply on it in two years, but I feel like I am wasting my time... And I do not know what to do. I used to be so excited to start at "videreg?ende", but now I do not know. I feel like I have done something stupid. Because this is really not what I want to do.So I need some help, some advices or just a shoulder to cry on. I do not know what to do. I have "Media & communication" as my second choice, so if I do not get my first choice, then maybe my next one. But here you need quite good grades in order to attend such a school, and I am positive that I will be accepted to my first school - the one I really do not want. We get the answers in July.I just do not want to waste my time, my life. There is so much I could do instead of this...Please, help me.
  3. I guess I am a bit like you. Though I have not gotten this confirmed by my doctor, all the signs count that way. Being hungry all the time is horrible, only horrible...
  4. There are animal cruelty in most countries - some are worse than others. But this topic is regarding animal cruelty in China, and that is why I think you all should focus on that part. But never mind me...
  5. This does not only happen in China, but all around the world. And I think it is horrible. You can tell me that I am just hypnotized of those beautiful little animals, and that it is the reason that I hate animal cruelty. But I do not think cows are cute, pretty, beautiful or loveable animals - but still I get terrified whenever I see a video or picture of suffering cows. If it was a disgusting bug, or something else I was scared of then maybe I would feel different. I would not kill it, but I would probably get someone else to do that part for me. (I can be really scared sometimes, of bugs.)Even though some animals is a threat to others, I still think it would be better if someone managed to put the animal to sleep in a good way, or at least a quick and non-suffering way. As long as the animals do not suffer, I am fine with it. This topic kind of reminds me of when I sat on the plane from Lisbon to Salvador, and saw a movie called "Bees." (I think it was that.) The whole thing was based on that a woman saved a bee from getting smashed, saying "You do not know what he is capable of feeling." And that is true, so true. How can we know that they can not notice that they are going to die? How can we know that they do not feel sadness because of this? How do we know that they are not scared? Sure scientists say that humans are smarter than all other animals, but that is not an argument. I do not mind killing animals. If it is a reason for it, and the animal does not suffer; then go ahead. I do not think this planet was created for us NOT to eat meat, what should we live of then? It is nature - and we can not stop nature. But... well, being more nice to animals would not hurt, right? I think one of the largest reasons why so many are cruel to animals, is that it is probably the easiest and cheapest way. Because it all comes down to money, right? But I feel like it is even more horrible when people, humans get tortured. But that is a different subject - even though we all came from the monkeys.^^ The problem for animals is that they can not tell us exactly how the feel.People can not say that animal cruelty does not happen all around the world, because it does. It can be your neighbour that are having fun killing random cats, or it can happen on a farm... Even though it does not happen in the same scale all around the world, it is happening. And I will not say that we should not kill animals, but do it in the right way. The animals do not need to suffer.
  6. Hello Edd! Welcome to the Xisto.com, nice to meet you. If you choose to use this hosting, I hope you will be satisfied. The important thing about Xisto, is that they have credits, and it is important to maintain your credits. But do not worry, this does not mean you need to post every day. Post whenever you want, just make sure you do not get to few credits. The hosting here is very reliable, and offers some great packages. Remember not to post many one-liners, because they are considered as spam. It is not the number of posts you make, but the quality that earns you credit for your hosting. I wish you good luck, and I hope to see you around the forum.
  7. Ah, okey. Thank you for the help everyone, really useful.
  8. Hello. I have been wondering for this a while now, just never dared to ask. I use CuteNews at my site, and my question is that it I use tha backup function at my cpanel, will all my CuteNews posts, news and everything also be "backed up"? So if the server crashes or something I can use the backup to restore all my files? Thank you!
  9. I have no idea. But I think a typical office job would be a good fit for me. I am not good with people, and I do not really like them. especially those I do not know... I am just not a social person - I think. I really wanted to become something clever when I was younger, but now I am thinking of something more creative. Do not know what, but I like creating stuff, working with photoshop, taking images and those things. It would be great if I could continue with that my whole life, but if not it would make a great hobby.
  10. Actually, I do not feel like I dream in any colour! Not black, not white, just nothing. I would rather say I dream with my mind - thinking of how things look, what people say and what colour they are. But I never feel like I can actually see the colours, or the surroundings. Well maybe, but not very often. I am not surprised that others replying to this topic feel different about this. It is really weird... if I have a dream that happens at the same place two nights in a row, I might colour things different. For example my neighbours car would not be red, it would be blue or black. My cousin had not coloured her hair green, but pink. Haha, it is really weird sometimes.But there are times when I dream "normally", where I can "see the surroundings."
  11. Hello John, and welcome to Xisto! Though the others have told you the basics about Xisto, I just want to remind you that it is important for yourself that you read the READ ME. I think that it will give you a better understanding of Xisto. I hope you will enjoy your stay, and I am looking forward to seeing you around the boards. From Bluebear.
  12. Yup, I guess so.

    Never seen a one-year old here though. oO

  13. Oooo, did not know you are a girl. oO ^^


  14. No no no, do not let it go. If the funeral service messed up, then you need to take action so they learn. Even though he was old, and had a cold that is not an excuse for what he did. I can only imagine what it would be like, being in a loved ones funeral and being a bit mad and sad because it was not like it was supposed to be. You want to honour your mom, and want the funeral to be like you wanted it to. I think he should not administrate funerals if he can not do it properly. My dad always want things like he said and asked for. For example he ordered a door, and when he got the wrong one he said to them that he would not pay the bill until he got the right one, and that they had to come and get the door them self. If you order a medium rare steak on a restaurant, and you get one well done, would you eat it or complain? Like razoredge said; It all depends on the type of person you are. I think you should complain. Why would you pay for something you are not satisfied with? Good luck.
  15. I know how fast lung cancer is. My neighbour had it. Unfortunately he is dead now... it happened really fast, one day he was there and the next he was not. I am sorry for your loss. The only thing you can comfort you with is that she does not suffer any more. May she rest in peace.
  16. I have started to change my opinion about global warming. For a while ago I thought that humans were the only reason for global warming, that we all caused it. Now I think it could be a combination. Yes, this has all happened before - but this fast? I agree with savge17 that we need alternative methods for transportation use. I do not think people will actually start to do anything about that before we run out of oil or something. What makes me a bit mad is that the opportunity's are there, but each country do not do enough to get that technology out to the people, make them use it. Saying that people need to "drive less, take the bus, use less energy" is not working quite well! We have a... uh, I do not know what it is called... heating pump? Well a fan that blows out warm air and is supposed to heat up our house. It does not work good so we need to use our fireplace all the time... unless it would be freezing here. I am just really tired of the way many things are organized here... they could reduce a lot of things were organized better. Because that is all it is about, organizing the whole thing. And that is a hell of a job, not something I would do.We can help reduce global warming, but it is hard for one person to get started with it. The easiest thing is just not to care.
  17. Bluebear


    I think you should visit a dentist. In many whitening products there are stuff that can damage your teeth. I do not think doing this yourself would be a good idea, even though many people do it.
  18. I have got the same problem as you, enchanted. Giselle's tips is the only thing that I would recommend. But if you do not care to much about how your eye shadow look after some hours, just use your finger to "smudge it." Not very nice, but at least you will not get that horrible line from the eye shadow. ^^
  19. Wow, that actually sound a bit like me... actually a lot! Except this part: "You often don't get hints." And yes, I am not really emotional. Some of my friends and their friends again are very... emotional. Like many girls are. They always want to talk about that, and talk about that and how you are feeling and bla bla bla... I am very stunned over how much this sounds like me.
  20. For me, religion is something personal and should not be organized by people telling you what to do and such things. And I do not fancy religions where people hurt others, in any way! It pisses me off when immigrants especially from the Middle-east come to live here, in a search for a better life, and then they expect us to respect them, without us getting respect back. Of course many of them does fit in quite good with their new culture, but it feels like they wants us to start living their way. Ah, a bit of topic that one. To be honest I do not really care about my own religion, because I do not feel like I have one. (I do not know why, but some people seem to get shocked by that.) But no, I do hate organized religions. When people have one they should be smart enough to figure out what is right and wrong, instead of listening to people that comes up with new things the whole time. Many religions have existed in many hundred years - why should people suddenly "make" new things about that and that? Arh, I just do not get it.Well my bottom line is; Corruption should not have anything to do with a religion, and people should not take advantage of others by telling them this and that about their religion and stuff like that.
  21. I do not have anything against a nice piece of graffiti... For me it all depends on that part. But I hate when they "spray it all over the place", in places they are not allowed to! God, some of them are just ruining the city! But here we have got some places, public places, where they are allowed to go wild as much as they want to. If it should be legal or not, I have to say not. If it was legal, people would start to spray that stuff everywhere! rvalkass wrote it in a good way; "There is also the problem of taste. You may like the look of graffiti and graffiti-style art, but I reckon you could find plenty of people who don't." ...and that is one of the reasons I think it is a good thing to give them some walls, some places where they can perform this art. Because it is art. And some art is nicer than other...
  22. I had never seen Naruto until I this easter visited one of my younger cousins (the only younger female cousin) in... another country. I do not think it was that bad, actually. Quite funny, I thought though. And that was the English version... *giggles* I would stand watching it everyday, but it was not really that bad? Never going to watch it again unless I have no other choice...
  23. Just remember something more to that I forgot to write in my previous post...I am not afraid of beeing dead. But I am afraid of dying (spelled right? Oh, who cares...), the dying thing in itself. I am afraid of feeling pain, anger and all those things. Therefore I wish that when I get old - I will just fall asleep at night feeling nothing what so ever. Having a heart attack is not something I want, because... I guess I am a bit afraid of knowing in that very last moment of my life that "This is it. I am leaving now. I am dyeing. " (Was that one correct?) Uck... I really want to live.
  24. Bluebear

    Hi :)

    Hello, Jenny! Welcome to Xisto, it is really nice to meet you. I really hope that you are going to become satisfied with... well, everything here. You love photographs. And I love looking at them. But, well... Yeah, that was all I had to say. Welcome, and remember to read the rules. Good luck, i hope to see you around the forum.
  25. Yes, kind of. I remember when I was younger. When I was about five years I had troubles sleeping because I was afraid of death. I used to run crying up to my parents that always sat in the living room, and just cry and cry. I thought about my fathers mother, which I never got to meet - and I felt sorry for her, because she had died. Not only because of the fact that she was actually dead, but that she never got to see her sons grow up, get kids and kind of lost her life. I am afraid of the unknown.Some times I still get a bit scared of it. It often happens if I am thinking about if my life actually have any value, any meaning. And I just... I do not know, I just tend to become sad. I can make up a day dream, and for example pretend that my brother dies. Then I will start to cry. Always when there is something that has anything to do with death, I cry. Because it is sad, and I am afraid of it.
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