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Everything posted by Bluebear

  1. When my older sister was born she was not able to breathe for a short time. Something clicked in her brain, so not everything is like it "should be." She has learning problems, and have a hard time doing many things I and others find very simple. Not being like everyone else is not easy, and I remember it very good. She is about 5 years older than me, and I remember that she came home from school often crying because others mocked her and she had no one to hang out with.There were this one time my mom and my sister was outside, and the other girls from the neighbourhood came walking by. My sister kindly asked if she could be with them, but they just gently choked their heads and walked by. It was not easy for me seeing my older sister unhappy, and that others did not like her. She is special, and she annoys me some times. But she is my sister and I love her.Though it has been hell living in the same house as her. Others would maybe say that we are treating her bad, but it is horrible going through the same screaming, yelling and complaining night after night. It was and it still is. She says mean things about my mom and family, and it seems like she thinks that she is the only person in this universe with problems. She thinks the world is spinning around her, that she is the focus point. Growing up with her was horrible, so I am glad she has to live somewhere else two nights a week. At the same time I feel sorry for her, because she is not like others and she would like to be like them. My brother and the rest of my family are quite thin but she is not. Others that have the same problems also seem to have some extra kilos on their body. It must hurt to look at others and go like; "Hey, I should be like them. I am weird and no one wants to be my friend." She has friends, but they all have jobs and are busy. Her job is not that hard, and she does not understand that they simply have not got time to spend time with her every single day. Also I feel sorry for her that she has almost no education.It is not just hard for those that are born "a bit wrong", or "not like they should be." It is hard for the families, friends and surroundings. My sister bascily ruined a lot of my childhood - but I know she could not help it. Being a little girl with an older sister that always begs for attention is exhausting. But deep inside I guess I love my sister - even though she pisses me off all the time.
  2. I am working on my Norwegian exam, and one of the things we have to talk about is an author and one of his books. I have chosen Dan Brown, and "Angels and Demons." And here is the problem; It has been a long time since I red it, and when I read summaries online they never reveal the end. So it would be really nice if someone had a link or could give me a short summary of the book and what happens. I remember a lot of it, but the end is unclear... I have only got about 2-3 minutes to give a summary.It would be great if someone could help me.
  3. Well Marijuana is legal in Netherlands, but to grow it is illegal. I red a article about that people in Netherlands do not use more drugs than people do in other countries. Many people export it even though it is illegal to do so, and a lot of the drugs ends up all over the world. (Mostly in Europe, though)I think Marijuana should be legal for medical reasons. If people are sick or having a problem with something, and Marijuana would help, then why not?
  4. Wow, what a topic...Well I have always been afraid of dying, so I would rather like to stay alive... but I guess I can not.I do not think there are too many people out there that would like a painful death, nether would I. I would like to die in my sleep, or die quick. No pain, please. Maybe I would like to have all my family around me, but what do I know? I just do not want to feel it, just fall to sleep...
  5. ...well the way I see it Xisto is a free host. You do not need to pay real money for it, instead you need to "work" for credits. But let us be honest; it is easy to keep a website up and running. Xisto do not oversell, and that is great. I do not care if Xisto corporation earns money, why should they not? Who would someone keep a hosting site up and running if they did not have any benefits from it and if they did not earn money? And then there is this other thing, the community. When joining Xisto you get to be a part of a really nice community. I barely work on my page, but still I come here as often as I can to post and chat with all the persons I have met here. It is fair that we have to post. I do not need to pay anything for my hosting account, so I am happy. For me it does not matter if I have to post a little in the forums from time to time; it is worth it.
  6. There are also some other things smoking cause.Like...- Your surroundings. Friends, children, animals and family has to deal with the smoke. They breath the same air, and it can damage their are too.- Your house/apartment. It smells. Basicly smells, if you do not do anything about it. The air quality can be horrible.- Your wallet. It is expensive! Have you no idea of how much money you would save?It is not a good idea to start. I have never understood why somebody does it? Blame it on group pressure is not a good enough reason if you ask me. You can do whatever you want but you just need to be confident about your choice and think. There are some very good reasons why we are blessed with our brains.
  7. I thought a bit about your problem, and the main essence of it all is that if you want to feel like a member of the group involve yourself. I have a very silent yet kind friend, that never says anything. It can be really annoying, and sometimes I do not want to hang out with her at school because of the fact that she does not involve herself. Sometimes it feels like she just wants someone to spend time with at school, so others will not think at here as an "outsider." I got really annoyed of this before, and as the spambear I am, I always talk a lot around her. (Mostly about things that have no meaning at all.) I am just trying to fill the gap, but it does not seem to work. And what do I do? I run away, I just do not want to hang around someone like that. It is like she just do not want to be an outsider. So this is what I think your problem is all about; confidence. You need the confidence to get out there, share your meanings and get new friends. It is possible that your friends are tired and bored of you; you need to go for it! It is not necessarily the world that needs to change, it could be you. I do not have one or two best friends, but I have a lot of friends. When I am able to just hang out with them, without doing or saying anything then I know that I am comfortable around them. You say that you get along with your friends just fine, but are you sure about that? Have you ever considered trying to make some new friends? Change is sometimes very good, and I think that would be good for you. When your friends are running away you have two options; get involved or make some new friends. So get out there, and good luck!
  8. Hey Robbi. Welcome to the forums at Xisto.com! Always nice to meet new members, how are you? Speed has already told you some important things, but I would just like to mention a thing that many new members do not understand; the amount of credits you get depends on the length and quality of your post, not on the number of posts. If you have any questions, just send me a PM. (Private message) Looking forward to seeing you around the forum. Good luck, and best wishes.
  9. Welcome to Xisto Eric. All the useful things have already been said. I just wanted to say hello and welcome you to the forums. If you have any questions just ask, or take a look in the Xisto README. I guess I will see you around the forums. Best wishes and good luck. From Bluebear, Norway.
  10. Really nice to meet you k4m1k4z3. Everyone else has already told you the important things, so I just wanted to say hello and welcome you to Xisto. If you have any questions at all, just ask. In many cases you will find the answer in the Xisto README. Looking forward to seeing you around the forums. I wish you good luck and best wishes. From Bluebear, Norway.
  11. Welcome to Xisto Alexandru aka Reyes. Remember to read the Xisto README. There you will find the rules and other useful things that will help you out here. If you have any questions, just ask. One-liners are considered as spam, and will therefore be deleted. Try to write good quality posts, because the amount of credits you get depends on the quality of your posts. Quite fare... Anyway nice to meet you. I am looking forward to seeing you around the boards. Good luck!
  12. Many people says dogs are stupid. I do not think they are, but stupid things goes quite well with me. I think cats are arrogant, always gets hit by cars... and, well I feel like you just do not get the same connection with a cat. I love dogs, though I have not got one myself. My sister do, and I love that little creature. But what is great with dogs?Dogs are quite easy to train and learn new things. Like for example id you are too lazy to get of your but to get the paper every single morning, train the dog! If you always keep forgetting where you put your keys, then train the dog! Dogs are great, and many often turn into a family member. Kids love them, and most of them love kids. Come on, it is much more fun to have an animal that you can play with, take on trips and such things. But then again, maybe dogs are stupid... maybe that is the only reason why they are easy to train. And cats are so clever, that they simply do not bother about those weird humans wishes.I would still prefer dogs, but big dogs. Not one of those that can easy fit in your handbag.
  13. I absolutely hate popups! They make me so mad, I just do not get the point? Of course they force us into actually looking at those horrible ads, but do people really care about them? Well, what I am meaning is; do the popups makes us want to take a look at the product, site, game or whatever they are trying to make us to? Whenever I see one of those, I just click out of the site. I just do not think sites that voluntary uses the popups, are very serious. Lots of ads ruins a site! If everyone were like me sites with popups would not get any visitors. ^^So get rid of them, please!
  14. Of course it is possible, but it is very hard to success. Earning money is not easy, just so that is said. A lot of it is a scam, it is fake and sometimes you should not bother. I know that many of those that actually earn money big time, are owners of big websites and they get money through advertising. In order to earn a lot of money like that, you need to have a lot of visitors... But is it possible for a regular internet user to earn money online? I am sorry, but my answer is no. It takes time and effort if you want to earn money, especially a lot of money... so go get a job.
  15. Bluebear


    Oh God, have I tried such sites - and I never get anything back from it. I used to visit all the sites I could every day, but still it took over a month before I got one, lousy dollar. But the thing is that I needed 10 dollars to actually get it, and I stopped at 7... so after all that work, and all that time I used; I never got a penny. It takes too much time, and you get too little back from it. So it is not a good way to earn money, as alex said above... I was stupid (I am still quite stupid, haha.) but I have stopped doing that crap. If you really want to earn some extra cash, there are thousands of other ways you can earn money.
  16. Bluebear

    Hi ^^/

    Nice to meet you Sachi, and welcome to Xisto. Remember to read the Xisto Readme. There you will find lots of useful information, rules and more. I recommend that you read it, so you get a better understanding on how things works around here. The amount of credits you get depends on the quality of your post, not on the number of post you make. Remember that one-liners are considered as spam, and will therefore be deleted by a moderator. So if you have any questions, just ask. Looking forward to seeing you around the boards.
  17. My favourite dog breed is definitely rottweiler. My sister has a beautiful one, (though she is kind of crazy and eats the floor, shoes +...) it is like my family's dog. My dad also had one before he met my mom. I like big dogs, dogs that are active and would enjoy a trip in the woods, or a long walk at the mountains.
  18. Welcome to Xisto, Kevin. You seem like a clever guy, but I would still recommend you to read the Xisto Readme. Even though you have probably red such things a million times before, there could always be something useful there... It is always good to know the rules, and maybe you have some questions? Read it, and I am sure you will find some answers. Remember that one liners are considered as spam, and therefore will be deleted by a moderator. The amount of credits you get depends on the quality of your post, not on the number of post you make. That is fare, right? Wow, you have a lot going on! I can not even keep my one site open, so you must be good. Soccer is great, I used to play it to. (But if you came here and called it soccer, people would probably strangle you...) Haha, well that is it. I wish you good luck, best wishes.
  19. Haha, in my head I said that in a kind of a ironic way. It looks like you have written some post in the forums, way to go Peter!
  20. Hi peterspliid! Wow, three answers to this topic, yet no one has told him to read the READ ME? What a shame! Well it is something I would recommend. It is always nice to know more about the rules and how a site works, so it would be a good thing for you to do. If you have any questions I am sure that some kind members will help you. Since your 16 years old, you are probably born in 91 or 92. Yes I know, I am really clever.^^ Well I think it is nice to get some new younger members at Xisto, kind of like a fresh touch. Welcome! Good luck, looking forward to seeing you around the boards. From Bluebear, Norway.
  21. Welcome, welcome Traumatized... The information needed has already been given. My laziness can only wish you welcome, and good luck. If you have any questions you can find answers in the READ ME, ask someone through a topic, private message or the Shoutbox. I am looking forward to seeing you around. From Bluebear, Norway.
  22. Welcome alexpriest! Arh, I love London. Been there several times, and you are very lucky that you get to live there. I am officially jealous. Though I am three days late wishing you welcome, it is nice to meet you. You have already been given some information about Xisto, but if you have any question all you need to do is ask someone. I think they will help you. (If they know the answer...) You can ask someone through a topic, sending a private message or asking a quick question in the Shoutbox. Again; Yeahyy, London. Welcome and good luck with whatever you are up to. From Bluebear, Norway.
  23. Hello, derryck. Welcome to Xisto! Michy and Speedy have already informed you about the usual things, but I want to tell that if you have a question about anything, there are lots of helpful members that will be pleased to help you. If you have a really quick question then it will sometimes be enough to just post in the Shoutbox. The Shoutbox is also great to chatting, and meeting friends and new people. Good luck then, looking forward to seeing you around.
  24. Always great to see new members, welcome to our forum raghukishore. You seem like a good fellow, and since you have already been told about rules and such things, I have nothing more to say besides wishing you good luck. I am looking forward to seeing you around the forum. From Bluebear, Norway.
  25. Hello, welcome and nice to meet you roooss. Xisto has great hosting, but that is not the whole package. You say that you want to be a part of our community, and I think you will. Just be yourself and have fun! Because you are a new member, I would recommend you to read the Xisto README. It contains most of the stuff you should know about Xisto. Well, I am looking forward to seeing you around the forum. Good luck.
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