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Everything posted by Bluebear

  1. Really nice to meet you TheKoolAidGuy, and welcome to Xisto. I think all the information you need has been said, so there is no reason to repeat it. I am looking forward to seeing you around the boards. Good luck, and... see you. From Bluebear, Norway.
  2. Hello Yoji! Is it just me or is it a lot of people from the Netherlands here? Haha, welcome. Nice to meet you. It is important to be familiar with the forum, rules and such things so remember to take a look at the Xisto READ ME. It will help you out. If you have any questions take a look there, or ask members. Just as midnightvamp said above they will be happy to help you. Even though Xisto is a hosting site I do not know if you are here for the hosting so I will not tell you about that. You can read about all such things in the READ ME, so... yeah, read it. I am looking forward to seeing you around. Guess I will talk to you later.
  3. When I order I always add a free kit too. I love it. You get 3 foundations, 1 concealer and 1 rouge. They are are 1gram. At the site they say that they are good for 2-4 applications, but I do not use that much so the last a while. I have ordered them 3 times, and only one of all the little jars I got are empty. Yes, I had to pay for shipping. I do not care about it because it is not that much. It is very good. I do not think the shipping costs a lot. Of course it depends on where you are living and things like that. EDM's headquarters are located in Texas, so if you live in the US it is probably cheaper for you. If you did not need to pay anything at all for it, I suppose everyone would order it and they would stop that feature. Well good luck then! If you have any further questions about EDM just ask.
  4. Awww, congrats! I am going to become aunt to a little boy in just a few weeks. Such things are so fun.
  5. I was blond when I was born. When I was 3-4 it changed into dark brown. My hair is not that brown any more, a bit lighter. Anwyay. I know a lot of blonds. A lot of them. And even though hair colour has nothing what-so-ever to do with intelligence, sometimes it does not seems like that. One of the girls I know act blond. And no, she is quite good at school. Kind, helpful and funny. But she has her stupid moments - but the difference is that she has a lot of them. But she acts that way. It is very annoying when a beautiful girl like her wants to act in such a way. She acts kind of sluttish. "Ooops, I totally forgot that I did not have anything underneath my jacket. Sorry guys." Sort of like that. Fun? No. Not when you know what a great girl she really is. As electriic ink said above: Everyone falls into some category and you just have to live with it... I also fall into some sort of category. If I do not like it, then I can do something about it. You are what you want to be, and not what everybody else puts you in. These categories sucks, but they will probably always exist. It is like when I am waiting for my bus on a bus stop, I can look at these other "gangs" that are also waiting and just by looking at them and noticing how they act, I can put them in a category. (In my mind.) But I gotta say this: It seems like blonds are stupider. Of all the blond girls I know I can think of one that is really clever and that do not fit into the "airhead category." Live with it. I live with the fact that some people tend to put me in categories that I really hate. People will always be categorized.
  6. We can not miss something that do not exist. If we never got to enjoy the pleasure of having it we can not know what it feels like when you are not able to do that. For example I have heard about blind people that do not miss or wish they were able to see - because they have never done that. BUT if they lost there vision in some accident and can remember how it felt like, many/most of them would like to have that back.I would not care if we for some reason lost all those things tomorrow. The only problem would be that my brother and his buddies would have nothing to do.So...- If we had it and lost it, we would probably miss it.- If we have never had it, we would not miss it. (That is of course obvious.)
  7. Well in my opinion almost all skin needs moisturising. (?) I clean my skin every morning and every night, and after that I put a moisturiser. I have that fits my skin type, so the easiest thing is probably to get someone that knows a lot about this to help you. I use a cream from Vichy Normaderm, but it is kind of pricey (at least here. Around 45$). Some love it, some hate it. I am thinking of finding a new one because it does not give enough moisture, but it does not clog my pores so that is good. I am looking for one that gives a lot moisture but still does not clog my pores, and that is kind of hard. The problem is that most moisturisers contains ingredients that can cause bad skin. And we do not want that, right? I have hear jojoba- and olive oil are moisturisers but it would never work on my skin. You have different brands than we have here so I have never heard of "Sk-II". As said; go to some saloon and ask someone that actually have the knowledge to help you. We have all got different skin and different needs. But take a look at THIS SITE and see if you find something you like and that will work for you. If you read the comments you get information from people who have used it. It is a great site. The great thing with EDM is that if I notice (after I have applied my make-up) that my nose is extra dry I just dab on a bit of moisturising cream from Natusan. (But it is very fat and not good for my skin at all.) Then I wait for a couple of minutes and take a bit more powder on the top. It works great. So yes; I do moisturise before applying make-up. And that is something everybody should do.
  8. Welcome to Xisto Johnafrankllin. It is nice to meet you. Follow the tips of people that have posted above me, and I am sure you will be fine. You need credits to get the wonderful hosting, and you get those by posting. Posting good quality posts that contribute to the forum is important because the amount of credits you get depends on that. It is a very fair system. Remember to not post any one-liners, because they are considered as spam. If you have any questions there are plenty of helpful members lurking around the boards. Good luck from Bluebear, Norway.
  9. It is really nice to meet you escallop! At first I gotta say that you are very lucky. I made a quick search at Google for "Maldives", (Yes, I do know what it is I just could not remember where it was...) and it looks so nice. I suppose it is kind of sunny there too, right? Sun is great. Let us get back to business. Remember to read the Xisto READ ME. It is important to get familiarized with the forum and just knowing how things work, the rules etc. Most of the people that come here knows that they need credits to get the hosting. What not everyone seems like know is that they need to post good quality post in order to get it. You will need 10 credits for the basic, and 30 for the bigger one. It is very easy, so do not worry. The amount of credits you get depends on the length and quality of your posts, so try to not post any one-liners. I tend to always forget something I probably should mention, but there are plenty of helpful members here that will help you in case you have a question. The hosting here is great so you are at the right place. Best wishes and good luck.
  10. Hi optiplex. Welcome to Xisto! You are on the right place. The hosting here is great, and so is the community. I am sure you will get to know a lot of interesting, weird, kind and clever people here. It is a real mix of people from different parts of the world. Most of us are very helpful, so if you have any questions never be afraid to ask. I noticed that you already have posted quite a lot in the forums, so I suppose you have red the Xisto READ ME? I sure hope is! It is important to get familiarized, and of course learn our rules. In order to get the hosting you need credits. I suppose you already know that you get them through posting. Posting good quality posts that contribute to our forum is a good thing, because the amount of credits you get depends on the length and quality. (And a few other things, like which forum it is in... + ) You do need to post even after you have gotten the hosting. But it is actually quite easy! It does not take a long time, and you do get great hosting. Wonderful! I guess that was it Good luck! From Bluebear, Norway.
  11. Why do you guys eat at Burger King and McDonalds? I eat there like once a year, and probably just an ice cream. ;)I suppose (many) people that work at such places have been to courses where they learn how to a behave and how to react and handle in different situations. At my local store they have been to a "smiling class." It is hilarious and freaky at the same time. Anyway; People that work there should/probably have learned things like this. If she was not allowed to give you a big Sundae for the price for a small one, then I do not think that she would have done it. Who would risk their job just to satisfy a customer? Giving customers upgrades if the staff screw things up is not unusual, and I do not look at that as an apology!Sure she might have been a bit stressed. But it really does not take a lot to say "I am sorry", or send a little smile your way. Fixing the problem is the minimum they can do but apologize is even better. Customer care is not only about giving the customers what they need, but it is about making the customers feeling welcomed and comfortable. I hate stores where those evil store women never smile, talk a few words or anything at all. I would not care if they had given me an upgrade, if they did not sincerely apologize I would never go back. I do not agree with bishoujo or Saint_Michael. It is just bad customer service. Not horrible, but it can easily be better. The main task people that work in shops, bars, caf?s etc; Sell things and make the customers happy and comfortable. I mean is it too much to ask that they say sorry, or smile or at least not look so dam bored/mad/sad/annoyed?
  12. Today it was sun. Yippy! (Too bad I am sick, so I can not enjoy it...) It has been rain for some weeks now. I am sure it will be back tomorrow. The weather constantly changes, it is very annoying. We almost need to bring our thick winter coat when going for a swim.
  13. I use mineral foundation. The ones that are good can cover anything, and with that I mean anything. There are thousands of brands out there, but I have my favourite. Some are better than others for your skin and for coverage. It is very different from brand to brand how good it is. In my opinion mineral foundation is the best. Of course it depends on the brand, but some of them are so clean that you can sleep with them. I have tried one from Loreal (?) at it disappointed me. It was not 100% minerals, and even the lightest colour was not light enough for me. (I am a pale little monster.) If you have bad skin you probably need a concealer. But there are great concealers made of minerals out there! Minerals can be used to everything; rouge, eye-shadow, finishing powder, bronzer, foundation, lipstick, eye-liner and even nail polish. keego: I do not know which commercial you are talking about, and I have probably not seen it anyway. I never think things I see on TV are good at all. Like that foundation from Loreal? Horrible. (The same with mascaras I have tried that was "wonderful" and "amazing." They stink.) I have found my favourites by asking others online, searched, reading reviews and such. I order most of my make-up online. My favourite is Everyday Minerals. (EDM) I was very sceptic in the beginning; I thought it would not cover that good and that I would look horrible. I ordered a free sample kit, and it was amazing! The best thing my skin have tried ever. It looks natural, they have colours that fits me, it is 100% minerals and it is cheap. They have different formulas for different skin types. You will find something that fits you, I promise. It melts into my skin and it does not feel like I am wearing make-up, but still it cover everything. Take a look at the SITE yourself. If you have any other questions about it I would be more then happy to help you!
  14. I have seen change. I live in a part of the country that is known for rain. I am used to it, but things have changed. When I was little we used to have tons of snow here when it was winter, and now we do not. All we have gotten in the past few years is rain, and when we get snow it goes away after a day or two. It is summer right now, but it rains. (Wonderful, I know...) Wind, storms and colder weather. When I think about "global warming" I do not think about colder weather. The weather is a lot colder at summer times, and warmer when it is winter. I love winter, snow and skiing so I hate that the weather is changing. My views around this changes from time to time, but I see no reason why we should not care about the community. It does not hurt anyone to be a bit careful, right? If the earth is supposed to act like this we have nothing to worry about, but if it is we are facing problems. Better to take care of them and be on the right side then depend on that it is supposed to be like this and that it will fix itself. Summer is boring. It rains. No sun, just rain. Nothing to do.
  15. Bluebear

    Hello! :d

    Hi kitto. Welcome to Xisto! Xisto offers good, free and reliable hosting to members that contribute on the boards. It is not very hard, it is all about keeping the credits on a decent level and posting good quality post. We hate one-liners, so if you (or anyone else) post one of those it will likely be deleted by one of our great moderators. The members here are in general helpful and kind, it is a great community where you will feel welcomed very quickly. Enough said about that... So: In order to get hosting you need to post, like I said above. You can choose when you want to post, as long as you keep your credits on a decent level. (You do not need to come back here every day, week, month...) So just remember that. Having a good stack of credits is very useful in case something prevents you from posting. You need to continue contributing even after you have gotten the hosting. But do not worry, it is very easy. And quite fun. It is important to be familiarized with the forum, so remember to take a look at the Xisto READ ME like sonesay said above. Looking forward to seeing you around. From Bluebear.
  16. * So what do/did you like about school?Currently I am finishing 10th grade, and now I realise what a great class I went in. My classmates are all awesome, even though I do not fancy all of them at the same level. I liked when we went on trips on the mountain, went bathing and cycling. I also loved when we had group projects, well at least working with it. The part when we had to show it for the class were not that bad when we were a group. But still a bit terrifying. I would do anything to go there another year! It is always when I am done with things I realise how great it was. * What makes/made you stay in school and keep going/finish?People have always had expectations for me. When I did great at school after worked hard people did not really bother that much, because I was always good. Annoying, yes. The few times I was tired or bored and did not do my homework people would stare at my asking why. I was bored, okey? You get tired of always trying to live up to expectations of family, friends, classmates and teachers. The thing that kept me going was when I got to see my grades. I like it when I do good, and I tend to get really disappointed when I am not that good. * How can schools make it more enjoyable?Well my school could at least give us food. It has always been a (horrible) tradition here that we need to bring our own lunch. That lunch often contains bread. Bread, and water. Wonderful, right? It would improve many students, because many does not even bother to eat. No breakfast and no lunch. Your brain need food, and we should get food. That disgusting bread is not very tempting. * What is your most memorable experience in class, good or bad?I do not know! There are so many... Most of the ones I really remember are from several trips we went on. Spending time with your classmates is great. I love it. But the thing I remember very good right now is the musical. Our school focus a lot at acting, playing and singing so we set up a musical. (Like every year) It was great. A wonderful time, with wonderful people. I really learned a lot.
  17. That is a lot of i's diiiii... but you are still welcomed to Xisto. Yes, the "hosting thingy" is awesome. Even though Xisto have had a few problems lately, we still consider it as a good and very reliable host. Good and free. Enough said about that... So you do know what to do? Then I will not bother to repeat it. But take a good look at the Xisto READ ME anyway. Knowing the rules and how things work is important. Get yourself familiarized with the forum and you will probably not hit in to that many problems. If you are wondering about anything, just ask one of our members. They are all (kind of) friendly and helpful, and always willing to help you. Yes, this is a nice place to talk! I love to chat along, so I tend to talk a lot sometimes. (In my head the shoutbox is my little blog.) If you want respect be respectful. You get treated after the way you treat others. It is a truly wonderful community. Remember that one-liners are considered as spam and will therefore probably be deleted. Posting good quality post is important for the community, and for your credits. (I suppose you know that part.) I do not think that I have forgotten anything, so I will just wish you good luck. Hoping to see you around.
  18. I got really nervous! At first I thought I had forgotten my password, so I clicked the "I've forgotten my password"-thingy. Neither of the options listed on the email I got worked, it said that they could not find my member ID. How fun. I desperately tried to find some staff member's email so someone could help me, but no. The one I found did not work. I could not post in the guest forum. Horrible.I really hope everything works out! I have not got anything of matter on my site, so I do not really care too much about that right now. Just happy that the forums seems okey. I do not now if anyone managed to post a topic about this problem? If they someone did I missed it. Never really pay attention to such things.^^
  19. Haha, this was funny. We do have "girl boxers" here. I believe the company calls them "Mini shorts", but we refer to them as boxers. And no - they are not like boy boxers. But very, very comfy! Reasons why girls should not wear boxers: - Ugly - Does nothing what-so-ever for your shape. - Ugly - And even more ugly Reasons why they should: - Very, very comfy Take a look at THIS site. It is the brand that was (is) very popular. I believe I got four of them for Christmas. They used to cost around 60$, but they are cheaper now. I must say that many boys here hate them now. Very funny actually.
  20. Well I hate making new friends too. You say you are not antisocial, I am actually a bit antisocial. Making new friends is something I hate. I have never ever moved so I have lived here my whole life and had the same friends for a long time. There is actually none of my friends (that are girls) that has lived here there whole life. They are all people who moved here sometime.I am starting at a new school after the summer. None of my friends are attending the same school, so that is very weird. I have always had someone by my side. But on the other side it is a very good feeling to start all over. You can change something you might did wrong, and you get new opportunities. But walking alone in the corridors is... horrible. Never really happened to me but it is something I am definitely not looking forward to. I will not be moving. My address will still be here, but I will not be spending as much time here... I will probably end up dragging a huge bag back and forth at least twice a week. How fun, right? If it was up to me I would moved closer to the city, but my mother hates the thought of it. Humans have habits. They do the same things, sit in the same seat at the bus, talk to the same people. I suppose many are afraid of something new, I know I am. The unknown is always frightening. I have always been one of those that has always been there. I have seen a lot of people come and go, and I have dealt with quite a lot of new people. If I walk by their house I always try to get a peek... They are new! Some new things are exciting. Moving must be boring and exhausting for you. When I was little I wanted to stay where I live now forever, but I do not. Right now I already miss my old class, so I would not mind if we for some reason had to go another year at the same school with the same classmates.What can I say? Good luck. New things can be scary - but also exciting.
  21. What? I really do not get this. For me it has always been the music itself that is important. I do not mind removing packaging, stickers and such from them; the music is what matters. It is always fun to be able to just pop a CD into the CD-player. It is different from just pushing the "play" button on your computer or your mp3. Sometimes I take a look on my CD's, and it brings back memories. "Wow, did not my brother burn this for me?" "Haha, I remember that song, we always used to dance to it!" It can be annoying. I do not really go to the store and buy CD's anymore, but my relatives tend to go the easy way and buy me a gift certificate to my birthday or to Christmas. They could place the stickers in a better way, not in the middle of the whole thing. I have never ordered CD's online. And about the "Why people do not buy CD's anymore", I would say it takes time. It is easier to buy a song or album on iTunes (or something similar) then going to the record store and buy it. I assume the packaging is to protect the CD's. Because we do not want them to get broken or smashed in the mail? In the end I do not care. The music matters, not the covers. If you hate the CD covers being full of glue and stickers than buy some blank covers and simply change them. It is not harder that that you see.
  22. Naruto? As in that imaginary manga figure who I have no idea who is? Haha, my cousin would love this. "sou #1 fan de naruto + avatar + bleach!!!!!!!!!"I have never understood why people like such things. I watched one or two episodes of something like this when I was visiting my cousin. Never again. But I would love to be able to draw such things though!
  23. Am I allowed to be sad when someone constantly says that those who do not believe in Christ will spend their eternity in hell? You could always try to say things like that, because it really scares me out... But at the same time I get annoyed of people that always tries to convince me that "God is the way to go." I am actually surprised about how many religious people there are here. Very few here I live care about such things.I have actually been to some "Christian clubs" (when all my other friends were somewhere else. ) and prayer seems to work... Sorry, but I have seen it with my own eyes. I have heard people talking about it. Somehow it is a really great atmosphere in the room when they are praying and singing.
  24. I think people overestimate iPhone. It is not launched here in Norway yet, but some people buy from other countries and unlock them themselves. I have seen other discussions like this about the same thing before. I do not like to have things "everyone else" has got, and I have only seen one other random person with the same phone as I do. Maybe it does not matter to you but when it launches many people are going to by it and suddenly there is nothing special about it anymore.I think the coolest thing is the touch screen. My mobile phone is touch screen, so I am used to it. People say the iPhone has a better "grip", meaning that it is easier to use it. It took a few days before I got used to mine but no I am having trouble when I am writing a message or something with my friends phones. Haha, hard!But if you like it, why not? It is an investment, and in a few years I am sure that it will not be worth that much. I suppose a normal phone lasts around 4 years. (Depending on how good you treat that little thingy.)What do you look for in a phone, what do you need? Think hard about if it is something for you, read reviews online, search forums etc. Try to find out what other users thing about that "super cellphone."
  25. I think I have done something like this before. On the date itself I did not recognize many besides Billy Idol (Yet I wonder who this is.) and Ben Stiller.The only known person born the same date and year is some actor named Dylan Smith.
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