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Everything posted by Bluebear

  1. Bluebear

    Hi Trap17!

    Hi and welcome to Xisto bangms! Of course I will leave a reply. I kind of always do. It is very important to take a look at the Xisto READ ME. If you want to get familiarized with the forum, the rules and just get to know more about this place take a peek. Read it and try to understand. If you have any questions regarding Xisto you can always take a look there, or ask one of the many helpful and kind members that are lurking around the boards. It will always be someone here willing to help you. There are many Americans here at the forums, so you are not the first! I am sure you will fit right in, it is a great community. Full of evil, weird, clever, kind, stupid and overall wonderful people. I do not know if you are here for the hosting, so I will not tell you anything about that. But I will inform you about that a key part here is to write good quality posts, and no one-liners. (That is because they are considered as spam. And we do not like spam, do we?) Hm, basketball? Hahah, never seen it. Played it at school but I am positive it did not look very good. Here we play handball or football, what you may call "soccer." I hate that word. ^^ Where are Lakers from? I live in Norway so I have no idea. I hope to see you around. Greetings from Bluebear.
  2. Is she a natural blonde? Her hair looked a bit... yellow. I did not like her. People like her look kind of fake.
  3. Bluebear

    Hello Trap17

    Nice to meet you Khala... and welcome to Xisto. Xisto is a great host, free and very reliable. When you join you get to be part of this amazing community. There will always be kind, friendly and helpful members here willing to help you with anything. Never be afraid to ask. Keeping your credits up really is not a problem. It is quick and many find it fun. The great thing is that you can choose when you want to post. You do not need to come back every day, week or month - it is all up to you. It is a very clever thing to keep a decent amount of credits just in case something prevents you from being able to post for some time. If you want to it would be great if you could come back and tell us a little bit more about yourself. Where do you live, any hobbies, animals, sport etc.. I see you already understand that you need to post in order to get credits? Great. Try to post good quality posts, and no one-liners. They are considered as spam (and no one like spam) so they will probably be deleted. The amount of credits you get for each post depends on the quality and length. A very fair system. Oh, and remember to take a look at the Xisto READ ME. It contains a lot of useful information, rules and such things that will come in handy. It is important to understand how certain things work and of course our cool rules. Enjoy your stay here. Good luck!
  4. Hello and welcome back Imtay22 I have not seen you before, but I am sure someone remembers you. I suppose you know a lot about Xisto, but take a peek in the Xisto READ ME, just in case something has changed from the last time you were here. Glad to meet you. I hope your website turns out good. Good luck! From Bluebear, Norway.
  5. Bluebear


    Hello and welcome to Xisto b_11. If you want to it would be great if you told us a bit more about yourself. It is always fun to meet and getting to know new members. Are you here for the hosting, or just having fun? What are your interests? Any hobbies? Animals? Anything at all? I do not know if you are here for the hosting, but you need to read the Xisto READ ME. It is important to get familiarized with the forum, know the rules and how things work. I promise you that it will come in handy some day. Most of the members here are great; helpful, kind and clever. They will always be willing to help you with whatever you want, never be afraid to ask. No question is to stupid, silly or weird. If you are here for the hosting, then I will definitely recommend it. It is great and reliable. I could tell you more about it, but you know... you did not tell us what you are here for. Haha, looking forward to seeing you around. From Bluebear, Europe, Norway. ^^
  6. I will not fail, but still I feel a bit like you too... I have worked hard at school my whole life, and this year is the final year. (Not actually final, but this is the last basic year. We need to use our grades to get into a school of our choice.) Only one week left now, and all tests are done. I am happy with my average, 5,2. (6 is the best, and 1 is the worst.) I got an 6 on my oral exam, but I do not know what I got on the other exam. I think it went really bad, I got math and that is not something I am very good at. I would be happy with a 4, or even a 3. The only thing that stinks is that my average will go very much down; because the grades we get at our exams count just as much as another grade.But, I try to be optimistic. Is there anything with tour situation that you can be happy about? I am positive that I will get into my school, and all my other grades are wonderful. I think people always focus on the bad things. Take another look: Is there anything at all that is not that bad, or actually good? Does it matter for your future?I do not know what to say, I know it stinks. It is not fun especially when you have worked a lot to get where you are. We are all people - not some wonderful super computers.
  7. Velkommen til deg datanizze, min kj?re nabo! Finally someone that actually can understand what I am saying! For some time I actually thought I was one of the few (or only) from Scandinavia. Is it going well over there? I suppose you understand how glad I am to meet you, so I will tell you a little bit about what you are here for: the hosting. First of all; it is great. Not just the hosting but also the community. Whatever you need there will always be someone here willing to help you. No question is to stupid or to weird. The hosting is very reliable. In order to get that great hosting you need to contribute to our forum by posting good quality post. It is very easy so do not worry. You need 10 credits for the basic package, and 30 for the bigger one. It is always a good thing to keep an extra stack of credits in case something prevents you from posting the forum. You can choose when you want to post; you do not need to post everyday, week or month. It is all up to you. Remember that one-liners are considered as spam and will be deleted by one of our funny moderators. I also hope you will enjoy your stay, and I actually think you will. I do not want to see any "funny" jokes about how stupid Norwegians are... (We have weird jokes about you guys too.) but if you want to have some fun we could always make some up about people in Denmark. Haha. I guess that is it. Good luck!
  8. Greetings from Norway, castyna! Poland, hah? We have a lot of Polish people working around here, they have some really funny names! Haha, but it is nice to meet you. I think that I also wrote something about my bad English in my introduction... the good thing is that it has gotten slightly better. The first person replying to this topic already had fun quoting me. It seems like lots of stuff already has been said, so I see no reason why I should repeat it. The only thing left to say is that if you have any questions at all, do not be afraid to ask. I am really looking forward to seeing you around the boards. Good luck.
  9. Welcome to Xisto Vardigon. Have you peeked a little bit in the Xisto README, yet? It will give you a good introduction to different things at Xisto, things that are important to know if you want to get the most out of your stay. You will also find the wonderful rules that certainly will come in handy. Alle new should read it, so remember to! Xisto is a wonderful host, with great members that will be able to help you in case you need help with the literature website you are planning, or pretty much everything else. It is a great community, that I am positive you will like. Most of the members are kind, helpful and some a bit evil. (But do not care to much about those, they will just get even more evil. ) In order to get your hosting you need credits. You get credits by posting good, quality posts and contributing to the forum. You can post and visit the forum whenever you want - you do not need to come back every day, week or month. Just make sure that you have enough credits to keep your hosting. (Yes, you do need to contribute even after you have gotten the hosting.) The amount of credits you get depends on the length and quality of your post, so the number of post you make do not matter at all. That is very fair, right? Every day you will loose one credit, but do not worry. It does not take time to post, and many members find it fun. Remember that one-liners are considered as spam and will therefore be deleted by a moderator. Mhmm, anything more? I feel like I have forgotten something but... well well, enjoy your stay. If you have any questions there are plenty of members here willing to help you. Looking forward to seeing you around the forums, and seeing that website of yours taking shape. Good luck!
  10. I have been here for some months and I have always wanted to get my page up and going. I have tried to learn HTML, but it was too hard. Getting my web design coded is the only thing that keeps me from actually being able to create the rest of my website. I know that many people find it fun to create a website, and yes; I do to. But coding it is something out of my reach.Therefore I am asking you for help. I am really hoping that there is some kind souls out there willing to use their time on a little lost bear. If anyone with the right skills are willing to help me, I will send you the design. It is not done regarding the colours and things like that, but all I need help with is all the different shapes, how they are placed and such... then I will replace the images with new ones when I am done with the final look of my design. (And that takes some time, for me.)To all those evil moderators out there: if the topic is posted in the wrong forum, do not be afraid of moving it to the right one. I will be coming back soon and check if anyone has responded.
  11. So they are saying that the weather will be horrible and completely crazy, but it does not happen? Well I would rather like them to say that is bad, then saying that it is no big deal. What if they said there would be some drops of rain, when it was a huge and dangerous storm?It is hard to predict such things, and what they say is not facts; but predictions. It is to help you, and in many cases they get it wrong. It is not much they can do about it, just wait for some crazy new way of predicting the weather comes up. There will always be some places they are better to predict it, and... well, not much to do with that either. Here we are used to rain. There are more rain than sun; so when a sunny day comes up we are happy. We know we can not trust what the pretty weather women at the television says, but we can use it as a guideline for what will happen. If your "weather people" always make the problems bigger than they are, you should know that and be aware of it.
  12. Bluebear


    Welcome to Xisto BloodWolf21 All new members should read the Xisto README. I promise you that it will be very useful. Know the rules, follow them and you will be just fine. The hosting is great, and I am glad that you are willing to try it. You get the hosting by contributing to the forum by posting good quality posts. By posting you earn credits. You need credits to get your hosting, and to keep it when you have gotten it. Therefore it is a smart thing to always keep your credits at a decent level. (A good idea if something prevents you from posting.) The amount of credits you get depends on the length and quality. One-liners are considered as spam, and will therefore be deleted by one of our great moderators. But why should you post one-liners? You can visit the forum and post in it whenever you want. You do not need to come back every day or week - just remember to keep a nice stack of credits. It will help you. You will fit right in here. We have many (evil and nice) Americans lurking around. If you have any questions regarding anything do not be afraid to ask. It will always be someone that are willing to help you. I wish you good luck.
  13. Bluebear


    Nice to meet you ~.MadLock.~, and welcome to Xisto! I suppose you already red the Xisto README? Xisto offers free hosting for members that contribute to our forum - so that is an important part of this circus. You contribute by posting good quality posts. When you post you get credits, but the amount of credits you get is different from time to time. It all depends on the length and quality. Understand why this is important? Great! You need to continue keeping your credits at a decent level even after you have gotten the hosting. But it is easy and it can be very fun. The great thing is that you can choose when you want to post; you do not need to post every day or week. Whenever you want! Remember that one-liners are considered as spam. If you need any help to build your site, I am positive that someone here would like to help you. There are plenty of kind and helping members here - never be afraid to ask for help. They can help you with pretty much everything. I love graphics! I love such websites, so I really truly hope that you get your site up and going. Looking forward to seeing you around. Good luck!
  14. Mhmm, "1. Mature members"? I do not find myself (and several other evil people, mowahah...) very mature. But I am glad you are enjoying it here. We all try our best to make this a nice and good place to hang out.It is genius, fun and free. I am really looking forward to seeing your site when it comes up! Remember to send me link.
  15. Ooooo, talking about emo's? Let me tell you a little bit about these people.Emo has turned into becoming more like a style, not a "religion like thingy" where they fancy cutting their wrists and playing with scissors. When people see a kid with the typical "emo style" at the mall, many actually think they do such things as cutting them self. And yes, some do. But the truth is that most of them does not do things like that. I do not know about any with the emo-style that does such things, but I do know about several "normal kids" that do. So there is many different opinions about what emo is. I usually divide them into "emo-style" and just "emo."I do not think a special genre can make people to freak out the most, but that is my opinion. Especially not because it is about emo's; emo = emotional. Therefore I do not feel like it has anything at all to do with music - even though I have noticed that many of them listen to the same types of music. (Rock. Hard rock, soft rock and so on...) The genre that freaks me out the most must be Rap and HipHop. I also do not fancy R&B - at least not any more. I just want to jump out of a window, or destroy the television with my own two hands.
  16. Bluebear

    Rami's Realm

    Welcome to Xisto rami! You want to create a website, hah? Let me tell you some basic things about the hosting... In order to get your hosting you need to contribute to the forum by writing good quality posts. By posting you get credits. It is different how many credits you get from time to time, it depends on the length and quality of your post. After you have gotten that wonderful hosting you still need to keep a decent stack of credits to keep it. It is always a smart thing to have "emergency-credits" - in case something might happen and that you will not be able to post in the forum. I suppose you understand why it is so important to post good posts? Great! Remember not to write any one-liners, because they are considered as spam and will therefore probably be deleted. You can post whenever you want; you do not need to come to the forum every day. It is all up to you. Many new members have questions, do you? Remember to read and understand the Xisto README. It is a good thing to know how this huge circus works. If you have more questions there are plenty of kind and helpful members out there. Of course we will help you to "spice your site up." Hopefully you will become a part of this great and nice community, and enjoy the hosting. I am really looking forward to seeing you around the forum, and hopefully see how your site turns out. It is nice to meet you!
  17. Maybe your teacher just need to get a nice pair of glasses or/and adjust his watch. I think teachers should try their best to follow the school policy. If they do not, why should we? When 26 students disagree with the teacher, it often works out good. (At least here.) We all do mistakes, and so do they. Were there any others there that might help you in this case? Somebody that can back up your story? Try to get your teacher to understand, and maybe he will... be nicer, and let you back in his class.But I also hate such things. At my school some teachers are very weird; sometimes they follow their own watch, and sometimes the one that hangs at our classroom wall. How weird is that? They do like they want to. But we stand up against them. We can not be thrown out of any class, so the teacher can not do anything about it, but yet I understands you. If it is him or you, is hard to tell. As said; where there anyone else there that can back up your story? Of something like this happened in my class, people would yell out their opinion.
  18. I hate Rap. It is horrible. I can never find the melody, and I can not say I have found a decent song. When I kind of get embarrassed when a song like that is played on the radio, it is kind of bad. And as several others has said before me; They all sound the same, and all of the song is about the same things. Do they not think of anything other beyond money and women? Sometimes I actually hear songs that are not (that) bad. These are songs made by people who is not known, and is not over played at MTV. Some of them are great, even though I will never, ever put a song like that on my Mp3 player.
  19. Crap. I thought I got rid of you. At least now we know where you got your evil braincells from. Though I am not happy with the answer... I thought you were some evil alien from Jupiter or something. But hey, we take what we can get.Well I can say that the forum in my eyes has been a bit silent. I guess that is over now. I was hoping I had said "Auf Wiedersehen" to you for the last time. (You are German, you should know that. )Nice to see you again, Micey!
  20. Hi harishbhushan, and welcome to Xisto! Would you like to come back and tell us a little bit more about yourself? That would be great! For me it is quite obious that you are looking for free web hosting, so let me tell you some about that... The key thing is credits. You need them to get your free hosting, but you also need them to keep your site up and running even after you have gotten the credits. How do I get those credits? You contribute to our forum by writing good, quality posts. Remember that it is the quality and length of your post that decide how many credits you get. One-liners are considered as spam, and will therefore be deleted by one of our cool moderators. All you members should read this, the Xisto README. You will find a lot of useful things that are important to know about. If you have any questions, it is always good to take a look there. If you still can not find the preferred answer you can ask one of our many helpful members. Xisto is great. Reliable, wonderful and free. Even though it can be a bit exhausting posting in the forums for credits, it is worth it. The great thing is that you do not need to post every day; you can post whenever you want! It is always good to keep a stash of credits in case something causes that you can not post in the forums. It is a very fair system. I guess that was it. I wish you good luck and a good day. From Bluebear, Norway.
  21. Mhmm, this is not working for me. At first I thought that this would not work due to the fact that I had no idea where the customize button was located, but guess what; I found it! :DSo now my folder have a blank image, but the "Alt+0160" is still there. Anyone who can help me with this lovely problem?
  22. Of course this is very different from brand to brand, as people already has mentioned. This is actually something I would like, because I do not eat hotdogs. But I love those hotdog rolls, so the two extra must be for me.
  23. I have always wanted to learn how to play piano or keyboard, but obviously I never managed it. I play(ed) the flute, so that part is okey for me. I do not even know which notes are where, so I used a pen to write them all on. But thank you. Even though it is not much, I actually learned something today.
  24. Bluebear

    Dhruv Here

    8 days since your post, and yet no replies? What a shame! Welcome to Xisto dhruv, nice to meet you. Even though you have been a member for here for over a week, and made a couple of posts, it is still a good thing to read the Xisto README. That is if you have not already looked at it. It contains a lot of helpful and useful stuff, at always seems to help new members quite a lot. I am very pleased that you are going to give Xisto a chance. It offers wonderful free hosting, that many are pleased with. In order to get the hosting and keep your site up and going when you have the hosting, you need credits. How? You post. Good, quality posts. It is not the number of post you make that decides the amount of credits you receive. Remember not to write to many one-liners. They are considered as spam, and will probably be deleted by one of our great moderators. If you have any questions at all, there are plenty of kind and helpful members here willing to help you. Do not be afraid to ask. Two of your hobbies fits the forum, but there are not to many girls here. Haha, you can wonder why. There are many others like you here; people that are not yet considered as adults. Like me! I am really looking forward to seeing you around. Good luck!
  25. Bluebear

    Hi All

    Well thank you Framp, hoping that you will be a part of it too. And welcome to Xisto! It is a good thing for all new members to get familiar with the rules and other very useful stuff. If you have any questions, it is a good idea to take a look there. If you can not find the answer there, just ask one of the many helpful and kind members. They are all very willing to help you. This is the right place for free web hosting. It is good and quite reliable. You get the hosting account by writing good, quality posts and contributing to our forum. When that is done you still need to keep your credits at a decent level if you want to keep your hosting account. The good thing is that you can post whenever you want, so you do not need to come back every day or something like that. It would be a good thing to keep a stack of credits in case of emergencies or if you will not be able to post at the forum for some time. As said you get credits by posting good quality posts, therefore I find it very obvious that one-liners are considered as spam. Try to remember that. Hopefully I will see you around the forum, smiling and being happy with our great hosting. Good luck!
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