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Everything posted by Bluebear

  1. Hello hoockhand, and welcome to Xisto. Because you are new here, I will give you an advice. Read our READ ME. (Just click the link) Here you get credits when you write posts. The amount of credits that you get is decided by the size and content of the post. So no reason spamming with short stuff. I hope that you will be satisfied with Xisto. See you around the forum.
  2. Bluebear


    Hello WIS. Welcome to Xisto, nice to meet you. Ah, I wanted to do the exact same thing as you, but I get stuck on so many other things. I hope your site turns out better than mine, hehe. I hope you will be letting us all here have a peak on your work or something like that, it is always so fun to see what others made. Anyway I hope to see you around, and good luck! From Bluebear
  3. Hello MrSandMan, and welcome to the forums at Xisto.com! I am always happy when I see new people around, it is so great that more and more people are discovering Xisto. So it is really nice to meet you. If you choose Xisto, I hope you will be satisfied with it. It is not only the webhosting that is great at Xisto - it is also a wonderful community where you can chat, discuss and make new friends. It is always important to read the rules/read me, the reasons should be obvious. If you have any further questions there are always nice and helpful people here, that will help you. Good luck, I wish you all the best. From Bluebear.
  4. Oh, no I would stop to fly with planes if they were made of glass. I would be scared, and horrified. Seeing how far above the ground you are? That would be nothing for me. Although it is a interesting idea, or dream, I do not think it would become a big sucsess. It would be awesome for some - but I think more people would be scared of flying. I get scared only thinking about it, haha.It is like if I am on a mall, and then on the top floor they have glass floor installed on some areas. I do barely dare to walk there, I do not know why but I get scared. I guess I am a bit afraid of highst... Credits for the idea/dream though!
  5. Great one, really creative.^^ You or someone else should make a "Advantages of being female" topic too, that would have been a blast. ^^
  6. Already 26 posts, hah? Remember that it is important to write good, quality posts. The longer the posts you make, the more credits to you get. It seems like you have fitted right in here, and that is great! Good luck with everything, I wish you the best. Just to be sure, here is the link to the READ ME. It is quite important to read it. From Bluebear
  7. Bluebear


    Hi Jordan, and welcome to Xisto. Have you red the rules yet? Click here: READ ME. It would be good idea, so you find out more about how Xisto works. Also, if you have any questions about it you will probably find most of the answers there. (If you do not, just ask around.) I hope you will be satisfied and happy about the hosting, and... well, all that. Good luck, I hope to see you around the forum! Notice from jlhaslip: Please add your 'sign-off' to a Signature available in your Profile.If you need assistance, please PM me. Thanks.
  8. Welcome to Xisto, Dave! Nice to meet you. Although this welcome is a bit late, I hope you will listen to my advice. Oh crap, Mich was already here. ^^ I hope that you will enjoy our hosting if you choose it, and will feel included in our little weird community. If you have any questions regarding Xisto, you will find answers in the "read me." If you need help with anything else, I am sure that you will find help around the forum. Good luck then.
  9. Happy easter to all. For me it is more like a tradition than a religious thing. It was not until I attended school that I someone told me what easter was all about. But I have never cared about it anyway so.
  10. Bluebear

    Dan xG

    Nice to meet you Dan. ...and welcome to Xisto. I hope you will enjoy it all. I do not know if you are here for the hosting, but.... if you do ever try it out, I think you will become satisfied. If you want you could tell us a bit more about yourself, so we... well know about more about you! Hehe. Anyway; best wishes.Hugs from Bluebear
  11. Welcome to Xisto.com shiroisenryou! I hope you have red the rules, right? Yes, I thought so. I think the hosting at Xisto is wonderful. (Although I do not really use my site a lot... ) You do not only get free hosting, you are also entering an online community with lots of interesting and helpful people. It seems like you want to earn money with/at your page. We have a forum (category?) where you can find help and answers if you need help to get started. I wish you good luck.
  12. They should stop calling them self "a free host" if the users need to pay for such things listed on first page. I always gets pissed if I register to a host, and then I have to pay for things... I believe that has happened with 110mb too. How annoying.
  13. Yeah, but culture is not everything. So many things are wrong in China, and some things are good. There are good and bad things in all countries, but... well, I do not really know what to say. I have never lived in China, but still I know a lot about the country. The people are amazing, yes. But the government... well I have not even got words to explain that part. I am terrified about some things that happen in China, and that people do not care much about. If any of that happened here or in many other countries then people would be terrified. Some things I do not like. - Some places there are horrible air. You can barely breath. - I do not like that child policy... Only one child? Ugh... But then again; many people are amazing. And the food? Wow, I love it. People are very kind and helpful. But the government... end of story. I guess I need to rate my own country too... I live in Norway. It lives about 4.6 million people in Norway, so it is a quite small country. Norway has been voted one of the best countries in the world to live in, and it is very wealthy. Most people have what they need and more. I believe to remember that Norway has been named the worlds best country to live in by the UN, several times. (2000-2001-2002-2003-2004-2005-2006. I do not know what happened in 2007, 2008 or previous years.) Norway is an oil nation, and export a lot of oil. Norway has/is... Low unemployment. Wealthy. (Norwegians earn 40 times more than the lowest rated country.) High education No death penalty. The longest time someone can stay in prison is 21 years. And Norway is a beautiful country. Cold, but beautiful. Fjords, waterfalls, mountains. And some bad things: - Many things are outdated. Libraries, schools. Good education, but the schools are old... simply old. - Norway is a expensive country. High taxes, and things just cost a lot of money. Cars, boats, houses, food, clothes. - It can take a lot of time before you can go to the hospital. Not if it is anything urgent, but... well, it takes some time. - The roads. Argh! The roads, specially on the countryside where I live are very old. It fits one car, if you know what I mean. But there are not more room for roads. Those mountains are all in the way... The roads are much better in the cities. I forgot the rate-thingy. I would give it 7-9/10. It is a good country to live in.
  14. Well since I am not going to tell you what is my real name, I will just make my own meaning of my username.^^Bluebear. Two word; Blue (colour) and Bear (an animal.)Or my meaning; "Blueberry addicted person".
  15. Maybe some of those "rubbish song lyrics" are written because the singers/songwriters do not know what else to write. ...or because of the fact that they are not very good in English. I have got an example for you.The Norwegian band a-ha wrote a song in 1985 they named "Take On Me". Later they told there fans that "the song sometimes got misunderstood." They later wrote a song named "Touch Me", which was the meaning of "Take On Me." So they tried to fix the whole thing. Later some other dudes named A1 use the "Take On Me" song, maybe, just maybe some of you know it from there... but it is a long time ago, so I do not know. ^^"Take on me, take me onI'll be goneIn a day or two"It is not really "rubbish lyrics", but it shows that sometimes people do not thing about what the meaning of the song actually is. ^^
  16. Welcome to our forum adenrake. Nice to see that you already know that people here are very friendly, and that the hosting is reliable. It means that the words are finally spreading around. Hehe. Well, I do not really know what to tell you, but because no one yet has told you this: Remember to read the Xisto README. It is important that you learn even more about Xisto. If you have got some questions about the hosting or something else, you will probably find the answers there. Anyway I wish you good luck with your hosting. Hope to see you around.
  17. Bluebear

    Hi Everyone

    Hello Sefera, and welcome to Xisto.com! Nice to meet you. It would be a good idea to use the links over Mich's signatures to learn more about Xisto.com. The rules, and how different things works. Like our hosting. I am sure that you will find answers there, if you are wondering about something. I am also quite interested in Photoshop, and I work a lot with it. I do not know everything about it, but if there is something you are wondering about, just ask me and maybe, just maybe I can help you. Good luck with improving your Photoshop skills, and the "learning more" part. You will find lots of interesting and helpful people here. Best wishes! Oh, and I noticed that the signature you have made is saved in .jpg. I save all of my files in png., or the png-24. thingy. Sometimes I save in gif. also. I think that saving files in .jpg is not a good thing, if you save in png. or .gif your images will not become that "blurry", or in bad quality.
  18. Hello SandysDad, and welcome to our forum! I am glad to see you. I wish that you will enjoy the hosting, and be happy that you choose Xisto.com. You will be surprised how many nice people you can find here. Happy 9-months day to your baby girl. =) It must be so wonderful. Good luck with your hosting, I hope that you will enjoy it. From Bluebear
  19. Hello Graham and Chris, and welcome to Xisto.com. Remember to read the READ ME file. If you are wondering about something, then that is a good place to see. But it is smart to read it anyway, so you learn our rules and how this forum works. (Credits, hosting etc...) I wish you both good luck with your hosting. I hope that you will be satisfied, I am. It is really great, and I hope you will enjoy it and be grateful for it. Good luck with everything! Hugs from Blubear, Norway.
  20. Well I do actually need my search.php file, a lot. I see no reason why anyone would want to hack my page. I guess that I have to think about deleting it, but... nooo, not the search.php file! Argh...
  21. Hi there, and welcome to the forums JemLockhart, from Bluebear, Norway As said before; remember to read the READ ME. I can assure you that you will get a better understanding of how this forum works, and then you will not occur any problems with mean (evil) moderators. oO I wish you good luck with your everything. Have a nice day. I hope to see you around the forum, and that you will contribute with your own personal meanings to make this forum a better place. =) But hard to do that, because it is already quite wonderful. *giggles* From Bluebear
  22. Bluebear

    So Much Crap!

    ...because they are insane and do not now how to control them self. I am really sorry for you! It must be horrible for you, but we all have our ups an downs. About five months ago, my neighbour took suicide and another one died of cancer. We are a really small community, so it shows really good. I do not now what to say that can help with this... It will just suck. And then it will suck less. But it is really horrible what you are saying, and yes it sucks. I do not know why people are like that, but there are always reasons. And that about the grandmother that was beaten do death by someone she met in church?! Oh my God! How horrible. The thing about that your school is on lock down... I would think that was good actually, but that is probably just because I am lazy.I do not know what to say to you. Take one day at the time.
  23. I love playing cards with my friends and family, it is much more fun that watching a movie or something like that. I am not good with poker and stuff like that, even though I have seen my brother play it. I like more simpler things. We often play the same games, but it changes after who we are playing it with. If we are playing with children under 10, then we might play "Gris". ("Pig" in English.) It is a really simple, but still quite fun sometimes. I suppose perhaps some of you have played it before, or something like it. But I will tell about it anyway. Gris In this game it will be quite boring with three people, and two just will not work. So four to ten people would be good. All of the players gets five cards each. It is often more cards left, it depends on how many people that are attending. Place the rest of the cards at the table, in the middle. The purpose of this game is to get four of the same. Four hearts, four spades, four clubs or four diamonds. How do they get four of the same? At the same time; the players look at theircards, and choose one of them they do not want/do not need. Everyone place it on the table, and after counting to three pas it with the clock. They look at it again, and choose another card (or the same) which they do not want. It goes around like that until someone gets four of the same. When they do that, they place their thumb (do not know if that is correct...) on the table edge, so everyone can see it. The other players needs to do the same, and the last one who does that gets an G. (First letter in "Gris") This all comes down to not to become a "Gris." When someone gets all four letters, then he/she is out of the game - and the others can continue. When only three, or two people are remaining I see not reason to continue. All the people left are the winners! Extra: If you have four of a sort, and someone else has it too, then you can lot "loose" that round. So can not get a letter when you have four of a sort. Understand? I hope so. Remember this: After a person has gotten for of a sort, then he/she gets five new cards. Everyone else keeps their cards. Another game I really like playing with my friends, is Cames. I know, it does sound a lot like the word "games." I will tell you about that one as well. In this game there are teams. At least three teams, that means six people. Two persons in each team. You can change that, but it is easier that way. It is fun to be a lot of people, and a lot of teams in this game. You need a big table, and cards, a sheet of paper and a pen. If you are many people it would be smart to have double-up of cards. (...or you will not have enough cards.) The purpose of this game is to get most points. You can get points by... 1 point: Saying "cames" when your partner has four cards. (Four 10's, four queens, four kings... etc.) 2 points: Saying "double cames". That is when both of you has four cards. 2 points: Saying "against cames". ("mot cames" in norwegian.) That is if you find out, guess or somehow understand that another team has got four cards. You need to specific say which ones of the persons that have got it. If you think both - then say both. But you do not get more points. If you are somehow guessing wrong, and the person does not have cames then your team looses 2 points. Bummer. When you say cames against a person, he can try to prove it wrong by showing two different cards. (For example one queen and one king.) The first thing to do is to make teams, and then each team has to make a "sign", so he/she can show that sign when they are playing if he/she has the four cards. Examples of signs: Asking what time it is, coughing, holding your cards in a different way, smiling, laughing, looking at your nails, looking out of the window. Anything of your imagination! You need to keep the sign secret. If someone else finds out your sign, you can change it. It is important to notice that the sign can not be for example touching the others feet underneath the table or something. ^^ It must be something the other one can see. So everyone gets four cards, and all the cards that are left are placed at the table. Not at the middle, but at one of the sides or something like that. Then someone takes five cards out of the card bunt, and places them on the table, so everyone can see ALL OF THE CARDS, and so they are in reach of everyone. You need to place the cards "up", or you know... so you can see what card it is. Now someone counts to three. "1, 2, 3, grab!" and then people need to grab the cards they want, and replace it with one of their own cards. It is important to me quick, it could be others that wants the same card! And this is very important: you need to take one of your own cards and place it on the table, before you choose on of the cards you want. When the others grab and add cards you might see one you want. Then grab it! Just keep on doing that until no one wants anyone of the cards that are left. Then it is "trash", make sure everyone agrees before the cards are "trashed." Place the trashed cards in their own bunt. Make sure everyone has four cards; not three or five, but four! When someone has four of the same, they can try to show the sign to their partner, try to make their partner notice that you have four. When he/she notices, he/she says so everyone can hear it: "cames!" Then you write down 1 point at the paper... I think I got it all now. It is important to read the "You can get points by..."-thingy I wrote longer up in this reply. It says something about double-cames and against cames. You can always do your own version of this card game - as you always can.
  24. Well because I am a teenager, I thought it would be a good thing to say something about my opinions in this topic. I will not say I am one of those rebels, but because I have an older sister in my house witch steals all the attention I should know a bit about this.Okey, first of all parents need to understand that they often do something wrong too. That is why I kind of like rule number 1. In many cases the parents are the reason why so many children is not well-behaved. If they were raised in a good way, then there is less problems in those "teenage years."Reply to rule number 2: Space is good, very good! We are on our way to become adults, and the last thing we want is a annoying mom or dad who stalk us every time of the day. How would they feel if we did the same to them? And stop asking so many questions, please. I understand that they just want to take care of us, wants the best for us and all that but.... just stop it, okey? Space is good, very good. I like that rule too.Reply to rule number 3: I would not like that rule, because I hate when my parents always gets my friends involved in such things. Leave them out of it. I suppose some other teenagers feel different about this case, but that is how I feel... and most of my friends. Friends and parents should not mix too much.Rule number 4: I have never gotten any privileges taken away from me, but that must have something to do with the fact that I do not do things like that. (Or they just never finds out about it... hihi.) Do not cut money, we need our money. Instead you can cut other things like... well I do not know. But again; space is good. Give us space, and cut the talking please.Number 5: Ehm, yeah. When a child or teenager says something like that it is often because their family does not care enough about them, they are having problems with friends or boyfriend/girlfriend. Love is good, but again; do not stalk, please. My friends have said a lot of things like that just to piss of their parents. I guess my mom is quite glad I am not like that.Maybe a teenagers views helped a bit. Again; I am not really one of the rebels.Tips: We do not like strictness. Be kind, and give us space. Rules are good, but not too many or rules that does not have any meaning.
  25. I think abortion is okey if the couple did not want the child, can not support it and raise it in a good way, or if the woman were raped. Is it better that a baby gets born and get born into a horrible life? Into a home that is cruel, can not support you or just have not got the time and effort to love the baby - like every baby should be? A baby should be wanted, it should be a love child. I am not saying that the parents should plan the baby, but they really need to have a good reason if they choose to remove the baby - have an abortion. I just think it is much worse if a child gets born into a family that does not love him/her. That is horrible.
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