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Everything posted by Bluebear

  1. Why can't I pick more than one? We own a PS1, Xbox and a Xbox360. I do not really use them, I have not even touched them for a while. My brother let my neighbour borrow my favourite game, and he never gave it back... Annoying.
  2. My mother used to smoke, but she managed to quit. My father smokes, but he tries to get me and my siblings to never start doing it. I do not know if they have, but that is their problem. All I know is that I get a free drivers licence and some more things if I never start. I am not that kind of person, so I would not ever start with it anyway. But it seems like all my other friends forgot all the things we learned at school; that it is bad and unhealthy. But still they started with it! People have asked me before if I wanted one, but I have always said no. Why should I? It is bad and it costs a lot of money. Of course it is pressure. I have chosen not do do it, so I will not. Believe it or not it is easier for me. Many of my friends always says how cool I am that keep myself away from those things, but yet they still do it?I think it is good that the government bans smokers from some places. We have it here too. It is good for all of us that do not smoke... sure it must be horrible and annoying for smokers, but smoke is something that does not only hurt yourself but also your environment. It is also good for those who works at bars, caf?s or any other place that they do not get affected by the smoke... especially if they do not want to. I really do freak out in smoke, it has never been good for me something my doctor stated very much when I was younger.People that grow up now have all the knowledge of how bad smoking is for you and your environment - so I do not understand why! Pressure is not a good enough excuse, why should anyone do something that is bad for you just because "everyone" else does it?People that grew up many years ago did not have the knowledge. If they knew I am sure a lot fewer people would begin to smoke.
  3. A spoon of raspberry jam works great, and so does standing on one leg and holding your breath. (I do not think the one leg thing does matter, but it is kind of funny.) Hiccups are annoying, especially if I am in front of people that I do not know or something like that. I often get hiccups when I am laughing, so it turns into a combination. Weird.
  4. I loved one of the pictures of your dog. Such a lovely dog. Some of the images seems to be a bit unclear, and some angles are not that flattering and good. I also liked another picture, but it is hard to tell what it was. The picture of the cat would be cool if it was a bit clearer. Try some different angles, and I am sure that you will improve.
  5. Hi brandrocker. Welcome to Xisto! You seem like a "I do not post any one-liners"-kind of person, so I will not drown you with to many words. I liked your intro. Please get familiarized with the forum. Other than that I wish you good luck and welcome back. Looking forward to seeing you around. From Bluebear, Norway.
  6. I did not find it very special. Never thought much about it. I was lucky to get an invite from some dude at some random forum, when I was looking for good things like Gmail. I do not use it any more. I probably have like 1000 emails I have not red, so there is no point trying to email me using my Gmail address. (You do not know my address anyway.)
  7. Mich came before me (and gave you a lot of information) jobel602, so all I can and will do is to welcome you to Xisto. Hoping to see you around, and good luck!
  8. I am actually very evil, thank you very much!

  9. Most people I know have a pirated version of Adobe Photoshop, so I am surprised about that one. It is a very much downloaded program - and that is not weird because it is great. A full version of Adobe Photoshop CS3 costs $1435 (Adobe Store Norway), and that is pretty much.
  10. Most people that die in the traffic here are 18-25. Here you can get your driver licence when you are 18, and you can start to learn it when you are 16. I think getting your licence when you are 16 is way to early. Age does not necessarily have much to do when an accident happens, experience does. Still I think 16 is to early. It should be harder to get a licence, it should take more time and people should just get more experience before they can travel freely. Putting a restriction for young drivers is just crap, that is not a good solution. It would be hard to make sure it is done correctly, and... yes, it would just be hard. It should be easier for younger people to loose their licence when they do something wrong or drive inappropriate, and perhaps some kind of award when they drive nice?
  11. We pay 10$ a gallon so... well yes. I do not get why Americans are complaining. Have they always been used to gas prices being that low? Sure it is bad for families trying to get everything to work but, well it is just hard to understand. People used to complain a lot here. Now many have realised that it does not help, so they do not complain that much anymore. It need to be a lot higher before people stopped driving, or drove a lot less. (http://www.upi.com/Top_News/2008/07/10/Gas_approaches_10_a_gallon_in_Oslo/UPI-73501215665829/) Pleas read: In order to make pollution go down an "easy" sollution is to make people drive less so they use less fuel. The way they do this is of course to rise the prices. (Even though that is probably not the only reason for the ricing gas prices.) This affects those who do not have a very good economy. They can not cope with this, and the fact it that something like this will always be bad for someone. It is nothing what-so-ever you can do about that. The poorer people of our communties will always be the ones that strugles when things like this happens. Reply to cangor's post: I can not see that the US are doing much about pollution? What are they doing? Sorry if I am wrong, but no one are really doing a lot to prevent it. in the whole world really. (So not only the US.) That China is a more pollution country then the US (Is this true?) is no reason why you should not care. That is kind of like what kids do when they fight, and parents need to punish them somehow. "He hit me first! Why should I get punished." Because you punshed back. Like Micey (SM) says there are also other reasons why the gas prices are ricing. Even though many oil companies finds new oil probably every single day, it will not last forever. And that is the problem; to cope without a thing we have been using and needing for a really long time.
  12. Hi and welcome to Xisto ashrafulsheikh. Thank you for coming back and leaving a note about yourself. Not many people actually do that. As said take a look at the Xisto READ ME. As a new member it will probably help you, so I recommend it. If you have any questions you will find a lot of answers there, if not you can ask someone on the boards. (Most) people here are very helpful and friendly. Getting a domain is actually not that tough. If you write good, quality posts it is easier to get approved... if you do so you will also get more credits. The better post, the more credits you get. I suppose you know the basic of those things by now. If not you can read around. Posting can be a bit boring sometimes, but most of the time it is fun. It is a great community. I am actually not sure what that tiny "list" link is. It does no harm, but someone here must be able to tell us (dummies) what it is? Anyway; I wish you good luck getting the hosting. At the same time I am hoping to see you around. From Bluebear
  13. Come on, it is like when celebrities tour the world on their privat jet and then talks to us about how important it is to save the enviroment. They buy a lot of things they really do not need and things like that. They all want everyone else to change yet still do the things they have always done. There must be an easier way for all these people to talk and discuss with eachother. Many companies has started to do video conferences, but I suppose they would never try that. I agree with a lot of the things that have been said above. They have weird priorities, they use their money wrong and they only make things worse. If they had actually done something about it then it would be better, but they just talk and talk and get nothing done. Even if they find a solution of a problem they never seem to do anything about that either.Some people are just talk and no action. It is annoying, and I can not believe how they can do that! And what I think is even more silly is when they are trying to find a solution to a problem, and then they will not let the country that actually need the help to say something about it. Okey, maybe you did not understand it but I just do not get it. We live in a weird world.
  14. So you are trying to say that televisions that get the regular channel and only uses an antenna will not work anymore? Old news for me. Soon they will be all done changing over to these... boxes. Transmitters. Just an extra box you plug in your television. Haha, do not know how to explain it. It is not that big of a deal is it? It does not cost that much, it is simple. I mean: What is the problem?
  15. I am bored quite a lot. I always end up sitting at my computer or watching TV. If it is nice weather I spend my time outside, but that is not very often so I end up being very bored. I like to sew or create things, so that is pretty much what do I do.
  16. Fast food is what it is: bad. I have never really liked it. If it was up to me I would never go to McDonald's, but still I go there about twice a year. Have any of you watched a film named "Supersize me"? Maybe that will convince you (even) more.Maybe this man's "new diet" contained less calories then the older one. Like someone said further above the dressing on a salad contains a lot of calories. I think that they new food he started eating caused him to loose weight because he did not eat as much as before, or that it did not make him full. Because going on a McDonald's diet does not sound good. Sure, if you ate a lot more food before than maybe. But for the regular guy it would not work.If this is some advertising from McDonald's then they have just sinked on a new level. Pathetic.
  17. Well I am probably getting one as soon as I am old enough. My brother used to have one, but when he got old enough to drive a car he sold it. Well I got to say that boys on scooters looks kind of weird, so get a genuine moped. (Scooter and moped is practically the same, yet some differences.)I do not need one, but it is a lot easier for me to get around. My parents do not need to worry that much about picking me up here and there, so yes it is very practical. Since we can drive a moped when we are 16, and drive a car when we turn 18 it is a good thing. (Of course you need a licence to both of them.) You also kind of get used to being in the traffic, and they say it is very good practice for the future. I live on the countryside, and a lot of young people have one of them. People here like to "fix" them so they run a lot faster, so... ehh. It is yes from me.
  18. I do not know much about Canadialand, but happy birthday!
  19. I used Head & Shoulders when I had problems with dandruff, and it did work and get rid of it all. Though my hair was not soft at all when I only used the shampoo, I had to use the conditioner in order to make it nice and soft. Now I just randomly pick a shampoo of my shelf. I have some from Redken, Wella and several other brands I can not remember. Though I have to disagree with you when you say it is expensive? It is very cheap! Cheap but good.
  20. I am fine with it. I often read the books first, so even though I have my own view it kind of gets combined with the film. What I hate is when they change things in the films, or they jump over things. Like in the Harry Potter films, it is so many things that they do not care to mention! I know that it would just take up time, but I really do not think that viewers would mind the film being 30 minutes longer. I know I would not.But I think that people that decide to turn books into films, should care more about the book. Even though it is "based on the book" they could focus a bit more on it and maybe actually learn the meaning of it. They kill so many visions about how the characters are and such things. But if people do not want to ruin their visions and memories - do not watch the film. It is as simple as that.
  21. Well some people would say I need a blog, and I want one. I am working on it right now. (It will probably take a while because I am very slow and lazy.) It would be about things I am interested in. Typical teen girl things, but I will not blot my privacy and my full life for others - I am not that brave. (Plus I see no reason why I should do so.)Currently the shoutbox works kind of good.
  22. I was not really thinking about clicking ads, I have tried it but there were very few ads. I have PayPal and I have a credit card, so for me that is not a problem. I hate kids, or well I am not very good with them so I will not try that. Are there no ad-programs out there for us/me? That was annoying...
  23. So I have noticed that many recommends Google Adsense when people wants to earn money by placing ads on their website(s). The only problem is that you need to be 18 in order to use Adsense. (Maybe you can get your parents to sign up.) But still I am wondering if there are any good options out there for people under 18? Maybe there are not any good out there, what do I know. Therefore I am asking you.Thanks.
  24. I also need a new password. Please reset my password too. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Sent new password.
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